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1、R Re ea ad di in ng g & & W Wr ri it ti in ng g书面表达检测的能力书面表达检测的能力 审题能力:审题能力:明确写作目的、要传递什么信明确写作目的、要传递什么信 息、要说明什么问题、思想性等;息、要说明什么问题、思想性等; 组织能力:组织能力:处理信息的能力、组织文章的逻处理信息的能力、组织文章的逻 辑性;辑性; 修改能力:修改能力:发现问题、纠正错误、提高文章发现问题、纠正错误、提高文章 档次;档次; 发挥能力:发挥能力:表达简洁、地道、流畅、语言形表达简洁、地道、流畅、语言形 式多样、词汇丰富、有自己的见式多样、词汇丰富、有自己的见 解等解等.第






7、要求学生按图、提纲或回答问题的顺序进行写作。3、自由写作、自由写作。放手让学生表达自己的思想。要求学生掌握根据不同的写作目的,阅读作文的对象,选择确切的表达方式等语用规则。互动读写互动读写1、扩展句子、扩展句子。2、分头阅读,合作完稿、分头阅读,合作完稿。让学生在阅读过程收集材料,是解决学生无话可说的一条有效途径。老师先给学生出一题目,让学生分头查阅资料,然后在写作课上进行小组讨论,整理材料,最后合作完成文章。老师可摘录学生习作中的精彩部分让学生传阅。在此基础上,可要求学生阅读一篇短文后,以小组为单位,合作写出一篇一百多字的摘要,以锻炼学生的阅读、概括和表达能力。 3话题写作。话题写作。以教材



10、经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔练笔,在记日记时,要有意识,在记日记时,要有意识地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等。可按书上题目地用一些好的词组、句型、关联词和复合句等。可按书上题目或所给情景练笔,写好后或所给情景练笔,写好后对照对照书上书上范文范文,找出差距,然后再练,找出差距,然后再练习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有习,这对提高英语作文也很有帮助,在游泳中学会游泳,只有多练习才能练好。多练习才能练好。任务型阅读任务型阅读 填表格,提问填表格,提问 任务型写作任务型写作 阅读阅读 提纲,重点词提纲,重点词 写作写作写作任务写作任务 阅读,找材料阅读,找材料 写作写

11、作头脑风暴头脑风暴 阅读体验阅读体验 学习写作学习写作阅读阅读 头脑风暴头脑风暴 开放写作开放写作读写结合的五种尝试教学模式 任务型任务型阅读阅读 填表格,答问填表格,答问 任务型任务型写作写作Dave is a student. He likes clothes that are cool. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant stand the music that mak

12、es him want to sleep. He likes reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter. Daves favorite Name ReasonBandBooksMoviesDaves favorite Name ReasonBand Guns and Roses l

13、oud, energeticBooks Harry Potter interesting, excitingMovies Titanic romanticDave is a student. He has many interests. He likes to listen to the music. His favorite band is Guns and Roses because he likes music that is loud and energetic. He cant stand the music that makes him want to sleep. He like

14、s reading books and watching movies. Titanic is his favorite movie. He thinks it is very romantic. He likes books that are interesting and exciting, so he likes reading Harry Potter. 阅读阅读提纲,重点词提纲,重点词 写作写作How I learned to learn English Last year my English class was difficult for me . First of all ,

15、it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class . To begin with , she spoke too quickly , and I couldnt understand every word . Later on , I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word . Also I was afraid to speak in class , because I thought my class

16、mate might laugh at me . I couldnt always make complete sentences , either . Then I started to English language TV. It helped me a lot. I think doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner . Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar .

17、 So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped . Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed . How I learned to learn Englis

18、hBeginning (1) Last year (tense)Body (12) Problems Solutions Listening (3) First of all Later on To begin with Speaking (5) Also Then (supporting) either I think (gains) Grammar (4) Another thing So Then (supporting)3. Ending (2) Now (supporting)168OutlineSequencing: first of all, to begin with, fir

19、st, second, third ,next, then, later on, at last, the following day, Exemplifying: thus, for example, such as,Focusing: generally speaking, in my opinion, as for me, I think, I agreeSummarizing: to sum up, in short, in a word, in briefAdditive: besides, also, whats more, moreover, furthermore, on th

20、e other hand, Adversative: but, yet, though, however, on the contrary, Causal: so, therefore, because, for this reason, in that case, Key words Today Im so happy to stand here to introduce my ways of learning English. Maybe you cant believe that I got 70 points in an English test last year. So I was

21、 very worried about my English. To begin with, I couldnt understand people when they talked to me in English, because they always spoke very fast. Later on I began to talk to my oral English teacher. She was very happy when I talked to her. Its a good way to improve my speaking skill. I also found m

22、y vocabulary very poor, so I decided to memorize the English words every day to expand my vocabulary. Its amazing hour much this helped! I could always come up with good sentences when I did writing exercises. But another thing I found very difficult was the English grammar, because Ive made a lot m

23、istakes in grammar. Then I began to read grammar books and wrote my own original sentence using the grammar I was learning. I also summarized the sentence structures after leaning a unit. I felt I improved a lot! I got 90 in the recent test. Ill keep trying to come top in English. Thank you.理由型议论文理由

24、型议论文1. Topic Thesis: My attitude2. Thesis (more specific) Reason 1 Supporting detail Reason 2 Supporting detail Reason 3 Supporting detail3. Conclusion Outline随着人们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家汽车。请从下面表格中所给两个题目中选择其中一个题目,写一篇议论文,简述你的观点。字数100字左右。Thecar-ausefultoolConvenient,comfortable,quick,getaroundfreely,saveti

25、meStopusingcars!Expensive,hardtofindaparkingplace,needrepairing,slowinrushhour,causepollutionandaccidentsAsthestandardoflivingisgettinghigher,moreandmorepeoplearebuyingcars._比较型议论文比较型议论文1. The subjects to be compared Thesis: your preference for B over A2. Concede As advantages But As disadvantage 1

26、2 3 Illustrate Bs advantage 1 2 33. Conclusion Outline记叙文记叙文说明文说明文议论文议论文书信,演讲,发言,留言,招聘书信,演讲,发言,留言,招聘Outline 写作任务写作任务 阅读,找材料阅读,找材料 写作写作请填写下列表格,写一篇关于穿校服的文章,并简述你的观点。请填写下列表格,写一篇关于穿校服的文章,并简述你的观点。Reasons for wearing school uniforms Reasons for most students dislike wearing them What should be done 作文提纲和所需

27、词组vAlthough . This shows , it is clear then , there are both advantages and disadvantages to doing sth; vThere are many good reasons for wearing a school uniform Firstly , Secondly , In addition , .vHowever , like the idea of doing sth., One reason why . Whats more , tooto . Warm enough vOn the whol

28、e , there are advantages and disadvantages to doing sth. In my opinion,.Themobilephoneismoreandmorepopular,manyteenagershavetheirownphones.NowmymobilephoneisPhilips535.Ithinkhavingamobilephoneisveryfashionable.Andsincemobilephonesaregettingcheaper,mostpeoplecanbuyone.Yourmobilephoneislikeastatussymb

29、ol-itsaysifyouarecoolornot.Whatphoneyouhavesaysalotaboutyoutosomepeoplethesedays.Ifyourmobilephoneisold-fashioned,behindthetimes,andoutdated,youwillbeashamedforyouroldphone.Butmobilephoneswillharmpeoplesphysicalhealth.Inaword,Iamgladtobelikemyfriendswhoallhavemobilephone.Mymobilephonehelpsmealot. 头脑

30、风暴头脑风暴 阅读体验阅读体验 学习写作学习写作When I was a little girl, I used to be outgoing and lovely. Also, I used to be very happy, Do you think so?When I was in the kindergarten, I was taller than before, but I was still shy.I used to like to listen to pop music. I used to like to play some games that were very exc

31、iting. And I really wanted to be a pathfinder at that time.When I was in the primary school, I used to have long hair,I used to be a little childish and I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a lot of people. Also I used to be afraid of the dark and high places.Now I have short hair and I am mo

32、re outgoing than before. And I dont want to be a pathfinder anymore, and I want to be a translator or a computer programmer.Also I am afraid of being alone, because I dont like being lonely.Everyone expects a bright future, and so do I. Although I know its not easy, I believe myself.Also I must set

33、some aims, right? 阅读阅读 头脑风暴头脑风暴 开放写作开放写作Hello,everybody,mynameisKanny.See,Imacat,butnotacommoncat.Now,letmetellyousomethingaboutmychildhood.IusedtobealovelykittenIusedtobeverysmallIusedtohavebrownsofthairIusedtohavelittlerednoseEveryoneusedtolikemecauseIusedtobecleverandlittleMydadwasntagoodfatherBe

34、causeheusedtodrinkalotIdontlikeadrunkfatherSoIlefthimforeverButIusedtobeluckyBecauseIhaveagoodbrotherWeusedtoruninthefieldunderthelightWeusedtoplayliketwolittleknightsWeusedtohavehappytimeallHowever,henowbecomesaroundball.Sohesunhappy.Butwemustsay,”theyallhaspassed.”Imstillahappycat! 周记 摘抄 资源渠道多方面 增加阅读量 手抄报 每天一个词汇或句子的积累. e.g. It is never too old to learn. I enjoy making mistakes 深入挖掘 3a内容 3a仿写 口头作文



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