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1、Module 2 Fantasy LiteratureIntroduction菲利普菲利普普尔曼普尔曼,英国当代著名作家。他的,英国当代著名作家。他的雾中雾中红宝石红宝石、北方阴影北方阴影、井中之虎井中之虎为少女莎为少女莎莉莉洛克赫的冒险三部曲,充满维多利亚时代的惊洛克赫的冒险三部曲,充满维多利亚时代的惊悚趣味,广受好评。悚趣味,广受好评。19961996发表发表黑质三部曲黑质三部曲第一第一部部黄金罗盘黄金罗盘,次年发表第二部,次年发表第二部魔法神刀魔法神刀,20002000年发表第三部年发表第三部琥珀望远镜琥珀望远镜。黑质三部曲黑质三部曲出版后,畅销不衰出版后,畅销不衰, , 风靡欧美风靡欧

2、美, , 皆认为其深度与皆认为其深度与文学性足堪名列文学史。该三部曲迄今已被翻译成文学性足堪名列文学史。该三部曲迄今已被翻译成二十几种文字,全球发行量已近一千万套,并为作二十几种文字,全球发行量已近一千万套,并为作者获得了诸多重要的奖项;普尔曼更因为这套书被者获得了诸多重要的奖项;普尔曼更因为这套书被评论界认为是评论界认为是“继继魔戒魔戒作者作者JRRJRR托尔金托尔金之后最优秀的盎格鲁之后最优秀的盎格鲁撒克逊奇幻小说家撒克逊奇幻小说家”。 黑暗物质黑暗物质的故事发生在一个和我们的地的故事发生在一个和我们的地球很相似的世界里,讲的是一对名叫莉拉和球很相似的世界里,讲的是一对名叫莉拉和威尔的少年

3、的旅行和冒险经历,不仅围绕孩威尔的少年的旅行和冒险经历,不仅围绕孩子,还涉及清白、原罪以及融合了魔幻、科子,还涉及清白、原罪以及融合了魔幻、科学等元素。学等元素。 1. Northern Lights 北方之光北方之光 The Golden Compass 黄金罗盘黄金罗盘 (USA) 2. The Subtle Knife 魔幻神刀魔幻神刀3. The Amber Spyglass 琥珀望远镜琥珀望远镜His Dark Materials (In USA)His Dark Materials Trilogy His Dark MaterialsPart One, Northern Light

4、s Part Two, The Subtle Knife Part Three, The Amber Spyglass In The Golden Compass, young Lyra Belacqua journeys to the far North to save her best friend and other kidnapped children from terrible experiments by evil scientists.In The Subtle Knife, Lyra journeys to the shimmering, haunted other world

5、 called Cittgazze, where she meets Will Parry. Together they travel from world to world and discover an object of extraordinary power, and uncover the truth of their own destiny.In The Amber Spyglass,Lyra and Will are in unspeakable danger. With the help from Iorek Byrnison, the armored bear and two

6、 tiny Gallivespian spies, they must journey to a dank and gray-lit world where no living soul has ever gone. The Amber Spyglass brings Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials to an astonishing conclusion.I. Read the text and fill in the blanks.Parts ParagraphsMain ideas1Para. 1Will saw a cat.2Para. 2 _Wh

7、at the cat did and how _.3 _ Para. 12 _.4Para. 13 Para. 15 _.Para. 7the cat vanishedPara. 8 What Will found and how he entered another world What Will saw and how he felt after entering another worldII. Read the text again carefully and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (

8、F).1. The cat that vanished was called Moxie.2. It was Will who had cut the patch out of the air.3. The patch, which was completely invisible from most angels, was almost square and less than a metre wide.4. Will walked into the new world with his shopping bag.5. The new world was so frightening tha

9、t Will went back to his own world.1.Will cant think clearly because _.A.He was very frightened in the dark at nightB.He was excited when he saw a cat. C.He was worn out. Into the text:2. Why did the cat behave strangely? A. Because the cat put out a paw to pat something invisible in the air in front

10、 of her. B. Because the cat came up to Will when he held out his hand. C. Because the cat approached the patch of grass and then left back.3. Which of the following is TRUE about the patch according to the text? A. Will had cut the patch out of air. B. The patch was almost square in shape and less t

11、han a meter across. C. From the most positions, the patch was completely visible. 4. According to the text, we can know that Moxie was _. A. the cat that vanished B. a friend of Will C. a tabby Will once fed D. a homeless cat5. The phrase “be laden with” in the text means “_”. A. be burdened with B.

12、 be full of C. be covered with D. be responsible for_ with exhaustion, Will stood trying to _ his head, when he saw a cat. Will _ his shopping bag and _ his hand, and the cat _ rub her heads against his knuckles. _ and padding across the road, the cat stopped and began to behave _. It _ a paw to pat

13、 something _ to Will in the air. Then, it leapt back, back arched and fur _, tail held out stiffly. After another few seconds of sniffing, touching, whisker-twitching, _ overcame _. The cat stepped forward and vanished.Stupefiedclearput downheld outcame up toTurning awaycuriouslyreached outinvisible

14、on endcuriositywarinessPost-readingFollowing the cat, Will crossed the road, keeping his eye on the spot where the cat had been _. It wasnt easy as there was nothing to _. But after _ to look closely, he saw a patch which was roughly square _ and less than a metre _. It was nearly invisible if you w

15、ere _ it but Will knew without the slightest _ that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. It was something so _ alien that it _ him to _ through the hole into another world.investigatingfix oncasting aboutin shapeacrosslevel withdoubt thatprofoundlyenticedscrambleWill found hims

16、elf standing in the centre of a broad _ at the side of which was a line of cafs and small shops _ a sky _ stars. The hot night was _ the scent of flowers and the salt smell of the sea. Seeing this, Will turned away _. With a dawning _, the feeling that he was dreaming but awake _, he stood up and lo

17、oked around for the cat, his guide.This story is extracted from Philip Pullmans The _ knife, which is the second book in His Dark Materials trilogy.boulevardbeneaththick withladen withwith a shudderlight-headednessat the same timeSubtle1. She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of

18、 her, something quite invisible to Will. 【考点考点】 invisible 形容词,意为形容词,意为“看不看不见的;无形的见的;无形的”。【考例考例】 You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are _. A. unavoidable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable【点拨点拨】 选选B。句意。句意: 在晴朗的夜晚你在晴朗的夜晚你能看到星星能看到星星, 但白天它们就看不见了。但白天它们就看不见了。invisible

19、看不见的看不见的, 符合题意。符合题意。unavoidable不可避免的不可避免的; inaccessible难难达到的达到的; unavailable不可用的不可用的, 均不符合均不符合题意。题意。2. But Will knew without the slightest doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. 【考点考点】 doubt意为意为“怀疑怀疑”, 可作动可作动词词, 在肯定句中在肯定句中, doubt后接宾语从句后接宾语从句时时, 常用常用whether / if引导引

20、导, 在否定句或在否定句或疑问句中疑问句中, doubt后接宾语从句常用后接宾语从句常用that引导。引导。doubt还可作名词还可作名词, 常可用于常可用于There is no doubt that . 表示表示“毫无疑毫无疑问问”。【考例考例】 _ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains【点拨点拨】 选选D。there remains a certain doubt表示表示“

21、仍有一定怀疑仍有一定怀疑”。3. But Will knew without any doubt that doubt n. 怀疑怀疑 e.g.毫无疑问会给那些在各自领域成功毫无疑问会给那些在各自领域成功的人们奖赏。的人们奖赏。 (There is) no doubt _ the prizes will be given to the people successful in their own fields. thate.g.我对他是否来这个派对有一些怀疑。我对他是否来这个派对有一些怀疑。I have some doubt _ he willcome to the party.doubt v

22、t. 怀疑怀疑我怀疑他的诚实。我怀疑他的诚实。e.g. I doubt his honesty. e.g. I doubt whether/if he is honest. e.g. I dont doubt that he is honest. whether/if4. but he didnt hesitate. hesitate v. hesitate at/about/over sth. hesitate to do sth.e.g.在给我答复之前他犹豫不决。在给我答复之前他犹豫不决。He hesitated before giving me a reply.e.g.对于是否递交申请表

23、他仍然在犹豫。对于是否递交申请表他仍然在犹豫。He is still hesitating about handing in his application form.e.g.如果你需要我的帮助就不要犹豫和如果你需要我的帮助就不要犹豫和 我联系。我联系。Dont hesitate to contact me if youneed my help.hesitation n. 犹豫犹豫, 迟疑迟疑hesitant adj. 犹豫不决的犹豫不决的5. When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the places w

24、here keep his eyes on: have his eyes on, or look aftere.g. 我盯着你呢,所以你要按要求做。我盯着你呢,所以你要按要求做。我不在家地时候我不在家地时候, 玛丽自愿照顾孩子。玛丽自愿照顾孩子。Ive kept my eyes on you now, so you do as youre told.Mary offered to keep an eye on the baby while I went out. 6. The patch was almost square in shape and less than a metre acro

25、ss. square in shape: in the shape of square e.g. 她戴了一枚鸟型的胸针。她戴了一枚鸟型的胸针。 She was wearing a pin bird in shape.=she was wearing a pin in the shape of a bird. 7. . he bent down and looked through. bend down: end your body at your waiste.g. 1) 我弯腰从地上提起箱子。我弯腰从地上提起箱子。I bent down to lift the box off the flo

26、or. look through 翻阅翻阅; looked straight through假装没看到假装没看到2) 我翻阅了所有文件,但仍没找到合同。我翻阅了所有文件,但仍没找到合同。Ive looked through all papers but I still cant find the contract.3) 我昨天在街上看到莉莉了,她却我昨天在街上看到莉莉了,她却假装没看到我。假装没看到我。I saw Lily in the street yesterday and she looked straight through me.I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词

27、的适当形式填空。1.Doris answered without a moments 2. _ (hesitate).2. Im still _ (doubt) whether I should accept this job.3. They were in a state of _ (exhaust) after climbing the mountain. 4. I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his _ (curious).5. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were _

28、(visible) to the naked eye.hesitationdoubtfulexhaustioncuriosity invisibleII. 根据括号内所给的提示完成下列句子根据括号内所给的提示完成下列句子, 每空每空一词。一词。1. These days work _ _ _ _ _ (起着重要作用起着重要作用) a single womans life.2. He _ _ _ _ (放下书放下书) and went to answer the call.3. He _ _ _ _ (伸出手伸出手) and stopped a taxi.4. An older woman _

29、_ _ (走向走向) the policeman and asked the way.plays an important part input down the bookheld out his handcame up to5. The police are _ _ _ (四处寻四处寻找找) the five-year-old child who was missing in the zoo yesterday.6. When someone is speaking, you should _ _ _ _ (注视注视) the person at all times.7. After _ _

30、 _ (一系列一系列) unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test.8. The chairman shook hands with him and then _ _ (走开走开).looking around forkeep your eyes ona series ofturned awayIII. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。1.如果有问题尽管打电话给我。如果有问题尽管打电话给我。 (hesitate)2.2. 毫无疑问她会按时到达这儿的。毫无疑问她会按时到达这儿的。

31、(doubt)3. 如果你像那样做如果你像那样做, 你会让人厌恶的。你会让人厌恶的。 (behave)4. 一分钟前我的钥匙还在这儿,但是现在它们一分钟前我的钥匙还在这儿,但是现在它们已经不见了。已经不见了。 (vanish)Dont hesitate to call me if you have an problem.There is no doubt that she will arrive here on time.If you behave like that, youll get yourself disliked.My keys were here a minute ago but

32、 now theyve vanished.5. 一只昆虫在她胳膊上咬了一口。一只昆虫在她胳膊上咬了一口。 (bite)6. 山顶上矗立着一座高塔。山顶上矗立着一座高塔。 (倒装句倒装句)7. 她站在那儿,眼睛注视着挂在墙上的一幅她站在那儿,眼睛注视着挂在墙上的一幅画。画。 (fix on)8. 他不时地四处看,似乎在找人。他不时地四处看,似乎在找人。 (as if)An insect bit her on the arm.On the top of the hill stands a tall tower.She stood there, with her eyes fixed on a pi

33、cture on the wall.He looked around now and then, as if looking for someone.1.Work in groups of three of four. Tell the story of The Cat That Vanished. Each person in the group takes turns to tell part of the story.Post-reading: SpeakingIf necessary, help the person who istelling the story. Example S

34、tudent A: The cat suddenly vanished into the air,I cant remember what happened next.Student B: A truck passed.Student C: And then, Will crossed the road. Student A: Oh, right. A truck passed and Will stood close to a tree. Then he crossed the road, trying to see the place where the cat had vanished. 2. Work together and try to guess what happens next.



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