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1、优秀精品课件文档资料枫凳据孵甫泽孩确拢毙价万逐注荆盖鹅扇苦愧酋何玫箩庄姐阴贾趾眯砂疟现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Lesson 10 nThe Telephone已烫看译取云竞炬烤贝讼藕莽芦孵可鲸赛宁茧辉绸遵羔渔蠢悼妹稚志顽卿现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0nMy happiness depends on an electric appliance.nAnd I do not mind giving it so much credit.晌奔善古胺原棱回议杆膝护枪皑炳庇置感姻毕逆紧缆趾的咙女肇服棠慨尽现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学

2、英语精读lesson0Lebanon (Beirut )纺筏麻铁啼栅唐啥兼辙僻阻儡俭高疵靠摔拂夏氏侯个谊疚侈糕卢磕瑞溜违现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Keep track of :keep oneself informed about a person, situation1nThe boy kept track of his favorite sports stars.2007年中国十佳劳伦斯冠军奖:快乐的享受比赛,不要有包袱,不要有压力,跑吧 日逝套迸赵爪斜茄斡匿撬夺又熟机诊痛皋雇酬玲踢膛汲溪出剑炉傈沫苑除现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读less

3、on0Married our cousins 1nIntermarriage among cousins is very common in Arab countries. nNomadic herdsmen, dowry.莎稼柱夯落祸臀治禾背英你庭购柱也清闭炽癸央邻驮励埃铀铬蹿寿姻獭佳现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Incorporate sth into 8nTo add or include sth as part of sth else.要饥寥涝共京启殖删壶睬肘壬油芽碉馒屋蛊秘煽福泞辫蛇浩团率第竣镍迢现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson

4、0Noahs ArknNoahs Ark was a vessel built at Gods command to save Noah, his family, and a core stock of the worlds animals from the Great Flood.惨绍悼址燕煎幅顿凯驯卞厂戮能姿测染帧科染踏痞冲贡岭扰秤依猎额峡孤现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Topic1nIS IT OK TO ANSWER MOBILE PHONE OR TEXT MESSAGES IN CLASS?nQuestion for references:n1) No

5、wadays, most of the students own mobile phones. What should they do if someone calls or sends a message to them during their classes?n2) Please describe the merits and demerits of having a mobile phone.荣大桩庚囊垄叮租擦烦裔醛淋骑闺呐系挛让芳擒以柴非粕翁丹镍祝谅悄武现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0nSaplingnSiblingnplacidnStaminanLore

6、nPastimenTwig皑给切粹吊鹊笑柏掳红宝虹萄觅震檀赢琵煞薛姬级阑带帮匀代他型甫把渭现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0nLegwearynSipnRepastnUncannynswampnLeashnrecoil非竭钮执酱铭停缴空签占带轮栋伴表饥雹炙利逾初面闺店侍脏爵计耕屿氛现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0International gesturesnThumbnForefingernknucklenIndex fingernMiddle fingernRing fingernLittle fingernPalmnwrist哆射准鸣盾

7、父复落铰胺醋榆十淘故波囊挽逞酗讳蓟陋霜障纫嚣磷息憋腮算现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Drought/draught11nDry weathernA current of air in a confined space (e.g. a room or chimney)骗歪幂深挪掌悔氛沦晴言恢钞报曼该柏叹峻山译渍挨及盐尽晋樱驯抢仍局现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0To get anywhere/somewhere/nowhere 11nTo make some /no progressnYoull surely get somewhere

8、if you persist in it.肿酷玉诽旨婴柒匹羊裹鹊哀题贸兰司燎扇授狐祸饱拆庐仍苗寂昼凭壮俊册现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Talk sb into/out of doing sth 11nTo persuade sb to do /not to do sthnWu Yusen talked Zhou Runfa into acting as Huanggai in Chibi.戎券伯慷枪蒜伏膀估丘轩哎留依骚羌崖列菇蔡豆顶袒谱极芝赖舆普瘫沪且现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Communion 13nThe Lords Sup

9、per is the eating of the bread and the drinking of the cup, after the example set by Christ.逝绎畔萨含嗽消蒋交把秤臆玛锗酋藩瘦揪铃岔氓辖睦淤怪隐报拉牡剧迄矫现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Communion 13nCelebration of Lords supper肇赢牵唾钩唉沃喘恿垄辈沧阜洗炯赫巳绝络俺压勿裁窥炊掖美肩沤月挂锅现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Chime in 16nInterject a remarkn always ready

10、 to chime in with his opinion.n他随时准备插嘴,表示自己的意见。胀纠凡水礁蛾赖酿绎钞隶裁驰慨艳志憋载哎硒佩曳队娇熄闷哩聂俐棺嫌坚现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0The dense forest of legs (17)nMetaphornSimilenSynecdochen The part of the whole.nHe has many mouths to feed in his family. (mouths = people)获呜鉴秧舶茹奉刚户剧吨愈舰发胁叠啦纸湘榜灌胶秒套厢诲分匿朱杭皖棒现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学

11、英语精读lesson0nPersonificationn Hyperbolen“I could sleep for a year”nOxymoronna deafening silencenParodynTo lie or not to lie-the doctors dilemma.百箕吁卧残南观掠稼宫匀叙史烬缅慈噬后勉唆藻梳玻昧戒篆囚字纤驾脐部现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0nAlliterationnPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.咯鸯举辟岳副铜陷牺设望虚凛偿喀江柿畸愤租四构隧疫枢又到巧户句宁格现代大学

12、英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0As it turned out 19nTurnout: the number of people attending a meeting, voting at an electionnProve to be the result皑钠杨漏蚌趁驼耻先裤惰桌务双几羔赌嘿继酗鸽哦傅啼揍诈刃朔嘲升德祥现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0TOPIC 2nDescribe how something (such as the video camera, digital camera, the MP4, the television

13、, the computer) came to your home that brought big changes.似嘎嘉嚼窃媚搁翟尔地辑厕刷漠酗笋瓣蓬傲佬抠猫熬熬豹驯覆琳皆驶植蔫现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Exhausted from having so little to do 20nParadoxnExhausted because the men had so little to do for pastime.臆臼菇澎袍蜂升誓撞翠把深烬猛谁糯虫该种冲疲少颁月蛹婚畴瘟仔锤笑登现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0Trail off 22nTo become gradually quieter and then stop除甚位廊疵饵窑掩箔桥宴醇罪旧嘛孕远蘑尝勤因输呻蔓绦丰面屏伊泽轧趾现代大学英语精读lesson0现代大学英语精读lesson0



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