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1、PerformanceAppraisalBriefing员工年终绩效评估简介暑维抗霖屹治疟林邮扶微酿厢奉强梢绞扫蜜奏花秦怨偿绣讳统皋谨结糙籽员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介WhatIsPerformanceManagement?什么是绩效管理uProvides an on-going dialogue on performance between an employee and their supervisor / manager 提供员工与他们的主管或经理之间的一次关于年度工作表现的沟通uIntegrates education, learning and development wit

2、h performance 将工作表现与教育培训发展结合起来uIdentifies learning and development gaps for staff 识别员工知识架构和职业发展的空白点uEnsures that employee efforts are focused on achieving corporate objectives 确保员工的工作成效与企业的目标一致秩但怕彻峦舍丽匝券膀兵席过妥唤舌偿尚袋奶盛汗蒲谷纂橱痊模升矣认桩员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介ComponentsofPerformanceAppraisal工作绩效评估的组成部分The Performanc

3、e Appraisal includes 3 key components: 3个组成部分个组成部分To set objectives: 设定评估目标设定评估目标lJob performance feedback lEducation, learning & development Result lCareer Development PlanlTo set Key Performance Indicators for the following year with timelineTo give Performance Feedback: 工作表现反馈工作表现反馈lOngoinglProgr

4、ess reviews (as needed)lFormal Meeting (annually)To complete Year End Assessment: 完成评估报告完成评估报告lKey Performance Area Rating 主要工作业绩评分lBehavior Competency Rating 行为资质评分 漾让蝗寇稍福视清屠鞘稿阐炮迎袋爷鲍邻泽抵了沪晕京喇泻栽斋榆羞鸥呸员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介132415%60%20%5%Recognize and reward for good performance 工作表现出色,予以确认及奖赏Motivate to i

5、mprove performance鼓励改进工作表现Effective performance, room for improvement有效的工作表现,但仍可改进OverallPerformanceManagementRatingsGroup/Distributionchart绩效管理评分等级及分布图表帅滓贷旭发族立播龟望纷刮犊突餐背暂攫渺兹靳初疟黍崎黎胖芦蜒侩褂袖员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介OverallPerformanceManagementRatingsScale绩效管理评分等级Group等级Definition定义Description描述1 (15%)Overall pe

6、rformance, including both results and behaviors, represents the highest level of contribution. 整体工作表现(包括主要工作业绩及行为资质) 达到最高贡献Exceeds all expectations 超越所有期望This rating is difficult to achieve year over year 此分数是很难每年都能达到Highest opportunity for career progression and development 最高机会获得晋升及发展Eligible for

7、significant rewards合资格获得显著的奖赏2 (60%)Overall performance, including both results and behaviors, represents a high level of contribution.整体工作表现(包括包括主要工作业绩及行为资质) 达到高水平贡献Meets all expectations and may exceed some达至所有期望及部分超越期望Opportunity for career progression and development有机会获得晋升及发展机会Eligible for comp

8、etitive rewards合资格获得具竞争力的奖赏阻央傻剖匣煞美政神袒焙事豆包莱鸽得早襟嘎更址斩任桥的蜒输迪膳肛辟员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介Group等级Definition定义Description描述 3 (20%)Overall performance, including both results and behaviors, needs to improve to increase overall contribution.整体工作表现(包括主要工作业绩及行为资质) 须改进以提升整体贡献Meets most expectations达至大部分的期望Opportunity

9、 for career progression and development targeted at improving performance有机会获得以晋升及发展为目标的提升工作表现的培训Eligible for rewards合资格获得奖赏4 (5%)Overall performance, including both results and behaviors, does not meet the expected level of contribution.整体工作表现(包括主要工作业绩及行为资质) 不能达到期望的贡献水平Does not meet expectations不能达

10、到期望Performance needs to improve工作表现需改进Identify and document actions to timeline achieve or improve找出及记录须改善的行动Development opportunities targeted at improving performance in current assignment发展目标为改善现在工作表现欠佳的缺点Not eligible for rewards不合资格获得奖赏PerformanceManagementRatingsScale绩效管理评分等级愁喘敛书陕厂既励梢竣差舟顺蕊诡钝章东滴

11、财堂屯临楞斥袜涪鸥椅炼骑澎员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介OverallPerformanceRating绩效评分内容Key Result Area工作成果70%Competencies工作能力30%Objective Assessment + Competency Assessment + Compliments Warning= Overall Rating工作成果分数工作成果分数+工作能力分数工作能力分数+赞赏表扬分数赞赏表扬分数-处罚分数处罚分数=总体绩效分值总体绩效分值杆碟杭邪慢烩澄珐硝卧惩厉婿狠鳖氧养积盟岭幼傅宛赌悸吝滁体背盗悲弟员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介uMaxim

12、um 5 最多5项 uRating scores of 4 or 5 require an explanation & cite example 评估者评价某项为4分或5分时,请相应作出解释且举例说明。第一部分KeyResultAreas主要工作业绩评定70%Rating 分值分值Definition 定义定义5Outstanding 表現超卓表現超卓4Exceed Some 超额完成部分任务超额完成部分任务3Meet Expectations符合期望符合期望2Meet Some完成部分目標完成部分目標1Poor Performance表現劣等表現劣等灯爷赋壤蔓市撼伏腕结堪旭冈栈吉捂林部注东酮

13、斧嫉嘛隘劝惺糊渠者估傲员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介uAltogether 10 Items 共有10个类别 uEvery employee is required to have a rating score of 1 or 2 on at least one competency. This is because we all have areas that require development. 评估者在评价每一位的员工的各个单项时,至少要有1项评分为1或2分,这是因为要突出每个人都需要改善的某些方面,让被评估者认识自己需要改进的某些方面。uRating scores of 4

14、or 5 require an explanation and cite example 评估者评价某项为4分或5分时,请相应作出解释且举例说明。uUse the competency guidelines to decide on the preliminary rating you give your employee. All managers need to use the rating scale in a consistent manner and during the rating consistency meeting you will be asked to explain

15、how you decided on the rating. 在为员工进行评估时请参照行为资质的指南,每一位评估者需要运用一致的尺度来进行评估并且要在评估面谈的时候向员工说明原因。第二部分BehaviorCompetencies行为资质评定各册凋揍谭栈浙毗倡话秘铡绩妄承仪瞅耘蛾汰扼林狞斌蛮钱拆亿爪茎础傻员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介RatingsforBehaviorCompetency行為資质评分标准Rating等级等级Definition定义定义Extra Definition详细定义详细定义5Outstanding 表現超卓表現超卓Demonstrates the highest

16、level of contribution, influence and leadership. Overall productivity and quality of work clearly exceeds the normal standard for that role. Always supports the strategic direction of the company and always demonstrates the Canton Tower Leadership / Behavioral Competencies.显示出最高水平的贡献度、影响力和领导力。总体工作量和

17、工作质量明显超出该职位的一般标准。一直支持公司的战略方向并不断表现出广州塔领导才能/行为。4Exceed Some 超额完成部分任务超额完成部分任务Demonstrates a high level of contribution, influence and leadership. Overall productivity and quality of work is above the normal standard for that role. Consistently supports the strategic direction of the company and consist

18、ently demonstrates the Canton Tower Leadership / Behavioral Competencies.显示出较高水平的贡献度、影响力和领导力。总体工作量和工作质量超出该职位的一般标准。不断支持公司的战略方向并不断表现出广州塔领导才能/行为。3Meet Expectations符合期望符合期望Demonstrates a level of contribution, influence and leadership that is consistent with the expectations of the role. Overall product

19、ivity and quality of work meets the normal standard for that role. Supports the strategic direction of the company and consistently demonstrates Canton Tower Leadership / Behavioral Competencies.显示出符合该职位期望值的水平的贡献度、影响力和领导力。总体工作量和工作质量达到该职位的一般标准。支持公司的战略方向并不断表现出广州塔领导才能/行为。2Meet Some完成部分目標完成部分目標Does not

20、demonstrate a consistent level of productivity and quality of work that is normally required of the position. May or may not have demonstrated the Canton Tower Leadership / Behavioral Competencies.未能持續显示出对通常所要求该职位的工作量和工作质量的不稳定的理解。可能或可能不表现出广州塔领导才能/行为。1Poor Performance表現劣等表現劣等Does not demonstrate the

21、required level of contribution for the role. Normally, Canton Tower Leadership / Behavioral Competencies will not have been demonstrated.未能显示出对该职位通常所要求该职位的贡献水平。通常情况下,不能表现出广州塔领导才能/行为。恳法挟鸭慨佰德穆斌怒凿靖凹咯肋鞍苟伏消簿郴亡讯螺啤锥滦贿儿惭午渔员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释Behavioral Competency 行為資质行為資质Crit

22、eria and Rating Scale 标准和评级量表标准和评级量表 1.Caring & Respect 关关爱爱及尊重及尊重Is aware of peoples feelings, needs and concerns. Understands others feelings and perspectives. Takes an interest in peoples concerns and respects others points of view. 能意识到他人的感觉、需求和担心。理解他人的感觉和看法。对他人的担心有所关注并尊重他人的观点。1. Does not take a

23、n interest in or have concern for other peoples feelings/perspectives. 对他人的感觉/看法不感兴趣或不关注。2. Sometimes takes an interest or has a concern for others. 有时对他人感兴趣或给予关注。3. Has an awareness and understanding of peoples feelings, needs and concerns, sufficient to meet the expectations of the role. 意识到并理解他人的

24、感觉、需求和担心,足以达到职位期望值。4. Makes a point of soliciting and including input from colleagues; and openly recognizes their input. 立足于采纳和接受同事的建议;并开明地认可他们的建议。5. Encourages and involves colleagues/team members in activities that affect them; solicits and uses their input, or if not used, explains why. 鼓励并使同事/团

25、队队员参与影响他们的活动;采纳并使用他们的建议,或若不使用,解释原因。碉亏兑签械避咨狸戌徘疏虽找酗诱屏馈巍言茫瘤粮逻虽呕恕柑材掂踪嚏贩员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 2.Cooperative 合作合作Works and interacts well with others to accomplish team goals. Promotes cohesiveness and cooperation within the team. Takes actions that demonstrate willingness to improve team effectiveness. 与他人和

26、善相处,共同推動團队目標实现,推崇合作与互信,以提升團队的效应为行动的統一信念。1. Does not work well as a team member. 不能很好地作为团队一员工作。2. Tries to work and interact with others. 试图与他人一起工作和配合。3. Works and interacts with others to achieve team goals. 与他人工作并配合以实现团队目标。4. Works and interacts well with others to achieve team goals. 与他人很好地工作并配合以实

27、现团队目标。5. Works and interacts well with others to achieve team goals and takes actions to increase team effectiveness. 与他人很好地工作并配合以实现团队目标且采取行动提高团队效率。 BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释殊裹似趾盒足际汉血悔艺爹掌野起坚檀顷零碑饺外镁测冷羡伦惊苹被抨躺员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 3.Integrity 诚信诚信 Always acts ethically and is above reproach. Buil

28、ds trust through reliability and authenticity. Actions are consistent with what one says, i.e. “walk the talk”. Welcomes openness and honesty, respects confidentiality. Admits own mistakes and confronts unethical actions in others. Takes tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular. 一直保持旺盛的工作

29、态度,通過实践行动建立起互信。言行一致:例如主动走访,欢迎开放与坦诚,严守秘密,允許自己同样允許他人犯错,灵活但坚持原则哪怕他们是有失常规的。1. Does not act ethically in behavior or approach. 在行为或方法上的作法不符合道德。2. Is inconsistent in behavior and approach, making decisions with bias. Is not always ethical in behavior approach. 在行为和方法上不一致,作决定带有偏见。從不以符合道德的方式行事。3. Acts ethic

30、ally in a fair and consistent fashion, sufficient to meet the expectations of the role. 行为在道德上良好并一致,足以达到职位期望值。4. Acts ethically in a fair and consistent fashion and builds trust in others. 行为在道德上良好并一致且能使他人建立信任感。5. Demonstrates a consistent commitment to JEs values, principles and business conduct ev

31、en in adverse situations. Is a role model to others. 表现出一贯对JE的价值观、原则和业务行为具有认同感,尽管处于不利场合。是他人的职位模范。BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释方鲍淹循帛凰焉纶桨惋扁府严府疏怯私谋基样愚平击滑讶漳濒啃臭宦横陆员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 4.In Search of Excellence追求卓越追求卓越A desire to produce superior results and compete against a standard of excellence. Th

32、is includes taking initiative to improve performance, setting challenging but achievable goals and taking calculated entrepreneurial risks for the organization.一项促使上级的成果与竞争力超水准发挥的驱动力,它包含了主动提升表現,設定具挑战性但卓有成效的目標和为公司预估风险。1.Is unable to deliver results in the expected quality, quantity or timeframe. 无法提交

33、在质量、数量和时间表方面符合期望值的成果。2.Results are erratic and meet expectations in one or two areas of quality, quantity, or timeframe. 提交的成果不稳定且在质量、数量和时间表三方面中有一或兩方面达到期望值。3. Deliverables meet expectations in all three areas of quality, quantity and timeframe, sufficient to complete the requirements of the job. 工作成

34、果在质量、数量和时间表三方面均能达到期望值,并足以满足工作的要求。4. Deliverables exceeded expectations in one or two areas of quality, quantity and timeframe. 工作成果在质量、数量和时间表中一个或两个方面超越期望值。5. Deliverables were extraordinary and surpassed all considerations in terms of quality, quantity and timeframe. 工作成果极其出色且在质量、数量和时间表三个方面均超越期望值。Be

35、havioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释歧我栈角检掌调姻釜几械撵浴雌氏舜犯斡剁吩骋卜正景泵弹镜美国萨辐皖员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 5.Make a Difference创造非凡体验创造非凡体验Being self-starting or self-directed. Takes appropriate action before being asked or required by others. Takes opportunities to influence events to achieve goals. Is proactive and goes b

36、eyond the minimum or basic requirements. 保持由我开始和自我控制,对他人的要求和询问予以恰當地回应。争取機會推動項目的成功。主动地用最少资源达至良好的效果。1. Waits to be told what to do; does not take initiative. 等待被告诉如何去做;无主动性。2. Sometimes takes initiative but does not always choose appropriate actions. 有时采取主动但不能一直选择采取适当的行动。3. When clear goals are specif

37、ied, takes appropriate actions. 当清楚的目标被确定时,采取适当的行动。4. Identifies opportunities to contribute and takes appropriate actions. 确认机会以作出贡献和采取适当的行动。5. Identifies ways to influence events and contribute, and proactively achieves goals. 确认影响事件的方法并作出贡献,且积极地实现目标。BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释存隔毒翁躁都逗银声炯接腰稳

38、淮倒景戏创衔奏柔关膊伏尺环扑伦臃存霸驾员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 6.Communication Skills溝通溝通 Listens actively and expresses ideas effectively in individual or group meetings; uses appropriate language and terminology to the characteristics and needs of the audience. Articulates plan/direction/agenda clearly and make people und

39、erstand what is expected of them.公开聆听和跟其它團队与个人有效交换意見,根据对方的需求与态度相应地調整用语和术语,让对方理解通過使用什么渠道,計劃与步骤能到达预期的效果。1. Is unable to communicate effectively. 无法有效地沟通。2. Does not communicate consistently well in each of the areas: listening, speaking, and writing. 在听、说和写以下各方面均不能持续顺利地沟通。3. Communicates consistently

40、well in listening, speaking and writing. Understands and responds to work directions, sufficient to complete the requirements of the role. 在听、说和写方面均能持续顺利地沟通。理解并能对工作方向作出回应,足以满足职位要求。4. Communicates effectively in a variety of circumstances, including active participation in meetings. Is able to intera

41、ct effectively with both peers and superiors and give presentations. 在各种情况下均能有效地沟通,包括积极参与会议。与同级别和高级别的人员均能进行有效交流并能作陈述报告5. Is able to tailor communications to target audience; listening, speaking, writing and presenting easily to small and large groups. 能对目标听众进行量身定制的谈话;无论对小团队或大团队均能够轻易进行听、说、写和报告。Behavi

42、oralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释例啮递动者诉桓宰箍次汁瓤斡荚竟帅举法撕兴漠霍雾惠揭免溜撕静第节相员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 7.Quality of Work 工作质量工作质量Able to deliver work results, at expected performance level, on or before agreed timeline. Expected performance level can include commitment to quality, customer-orientation, “do it right the fir

43、st time” attitude. 在限定的時間内,工作的效果能达期望:包括原定的质量,以客为本,“第一次就做对”态度。1. Is unable to deliver the required level of work. 无法完成符合所要求的标准的工作。2. Delivers work requirements with inconsistent levels of performance in terms of quality, customer-orientation and timeliness. 完成的工作在质量、以客户为导向和及时性方面的表现水平不稳定。3. Delivers w

44、ork requirements with acceptable levels of performance in quality, customer-orientation, and timeliness. 完成的工作在质量、以客户为导向和及时性方面的表现水平在可接受范围内。4. Delivers high quality work on or before agreed upon timeline, with a clear customer orientation; quantity of work will be higher than expected. 在约定的时间或之前完成有明确

45、的客户导向的高质量的工作;完成的工作量多于期望值。5. Delivers a high quality and high quantity of work before agreed upon timelines, surpassing customer expectations. 在约定的时间之前完成高质量且大量的工作,超出客户期望值。BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释众会愁札棉诛彦汽灌革巍捎挣滔档傣节园内菩刃烽茵凛刹巨窥喳卒伪辞一员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 8.Self Awareness 自我认知自我认知 Accurate self asses

46、sment - knowing ones strengths, capabilities and limitations. Is open to feedback and new perspectives. Engages in continuous learning and self development. Keeps ones emotions in check.准确自我评价-知道自己的能力,潜力和极限,开放地接受反馈与新构想,專注于继续学习与自我发展,保持“每日三省”。 1.Has low self awareness; does not know own strengths & we

47、aknesses. 较低自我意识;不明白自身的优势和劣势。2.Has a moderate awareness of self but is unwilling to receive development feedback or engage in developmental activities. 稍有自我意识但不愿接受关于发展的反馈或采取发展的行动。3.Is aware of strengths and limitations and is receptive to development feedback. 意识到优势和不足并能够接受关于发展的反馈。4.Receives develop

48、mental feedback and takes action to learn and build capability. 接受关于发展的反馈并采取行动学习和增强能力。5.Seeks out developmental feedback and takes action to learn and build capability. 主动寻求关于发展的反馈并采取行动学习和增强能力。 BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释纽枚信淋淬腹旭狮娄淫姨呐帖风遗看述鬼境逊湾裴洼冬赤苔碰璃农硼羔箱员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 9.Self Development 自我

49、发展自我发展Has continuous learning mindset. Knows own strengths and weaknesses. Takes proactive steps to seek learning and development opportunities, and is willing to talk to supervising manager about them. Is able to apply learning at the work place. 保持“不断学习”的态度,知道自己的强項和弱項,先人一步地寻求学习与发展的機會,同時愿意和主管交流,将知识

50、运用到工作中。1.Resists development and/or does not get up to speed rapidly. 较低自我意识;不明白自身的优势和劣势。2.Accepts development but does not consistently apply learning. 稍有自我意识但不愿接受关于发展的反馈或采取发展的行动。3.Reacts positively to learning opportunities. Proactively pursue self development. Applies learning to job. 對學習機會作正面行動,

51、 主動尋找自我發展的機會, 並學以致用於工作上。4.Seeks out learning opportunities; is willing to learn new things and apply them to the role. 接受关于发展的反馈并采取行动学习和增强能力。5.Stays up-to-date; independently and proactively pursues opportunities to learn more. 主动寻求关于发展的反馈并采取行动学习和增强能力。 BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释健弱瑞毯杠脯灶搔笑时丝舒冒

52、汉漱哎疹剧备母秩仰探典撂悲辟薄津朗剖鹊员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介 10.Adapt to Change 适应改变适应改变Adapts to organizational changes and maintains effectiveness with a variety of situations, individuals and groups. Able to change priorities to meet changing demands, and to adjust quickly to new responsibilities and tasks. 能适应集團的改变,在任

53、何情形下保持个人和組織的效率,因势利导,分出轻重缓解。1.Resists change and/or does not maintain effectiveness in response to change. 拒绝改变和/或不能对改变作出有效反应。2.Responds erratically to change, sometimes maintaining effectiveness, sometimes not. 对改变反应不稳定,有时能作出有效反应有时不能。3.Adapts to change and is able to revise priorities as needed. 能适应

54、改变且能按需要修改优先顺序4.Adapts positively to change, and anticipates the need to revise methods and priorities. 能积极适应改变,并能预见到修改方法和优先顺序的需要。5.Anticipates and effectively implements change, minimizing disruption to the business and customers. 能预见到并有效地进行改变,将对业务和客户的影响降到最低。BehavioralCompetencies行為資质-每一细项的解释券藩迈闭牌腹苗

55、北罢汛烛傲狭腊学搜雄荚触乖廖溶块咆蟹立绕烘碉棘抿屯员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介第三部分AdditionalAssessment附加评估Compliment and Warning Records during Appraisal Period评评估期的估期的奖惩记录奖惩记录Compliment Record 奖赏记录奖赏记录 (Maximum add 0.5 point 最高加最高加0.5分)分)Guest Compliment 客人表扬 (add 0.01/No. 每次加0.01分)Company Compliment 公司表扬 (add 0.1/No. 每次加0.1分)Corpor

56、ate Compliment 总公司表扬(add 0.3/No. 每次加0.3分)Warning Record 惩罚记录(惩罚记录(Maximum deduct 1 point 最高扣最高扣1分)分)Verbal Warning 口头警告 (Deduct 0.05/No. 每次扣0.05分)Written Warning 书面警告 (Deduct 0.07/No. 每次扣0.07分) Final Written Warning 最后书面警告 (Deduct 0.09/No. 每次扣0.09分)题榴料阐蓟瓮号郑蓄截赊匀局兰同仓苇葬监悼诽汤呻描一歼女学希皿宠覆员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介第

57、四部分ResultofEducation,LearningandDevelopmentPlan个人教育、学习与发展成果NO. 序号 Education, Learning & Development 教育/学习/发展Completion Date完成日期 Reason理由Results 成果Exceed expectation超越期望 Meet expectation 达到期望Below expectation 未达到期望 1 2 3复态没汰刷勘种现齿撂信臂火蛹饭股寡瓷裁蛔潜紫娃吹壶纤界款丢熊壳秩员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介As part of our Quality Standard

58、s, Our companyis required to assess the need for education, learning and development. (Execution by Department Heads and this can be measured by committing to total training hour for each staff and department,) and keep records of employee participation in training courses.作为我们质量标准的一部分,要分析教育、学习与发展的需

59、求(部门领导落实,并可以通过个人和部门的总培训课时量来测量),并按需求提供培訓,保留参与培訓课程員工的记录。There are two categories of training:有两大種類的培訓:Technical / Functional 技術技術/功能功能 - more specific to a particular function or role 更多的是针对特別的功能与规则Core 核心培训核心培训- more general in nature针对总体需要Such as mission, vision, core values, English/language traini

60、ng and etc. 第五部分2013Plan2013年个人发展計劃消丈侣匿攫榆姥逸瓦备麻澄祷狐呸繁钢完锑熙哩聪溢肋共藻俱帧宜槐秤枫员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介PerformanceReviewMeeting评估面谈会议Step 1Preparation 准备Step 2Introduction & set rules 介绍uGive the employee advance notice to prepare 提前通知员工uSet date, time and venue 确定日期,时间以及地点uBook a private meeting room 选择一间安静的面谈空间(for

61、 supervisory& managerial staff, self evaluation & assessment should be done before the meeting, copy of the self evaluation to appraiser.)uEnsure that it is a shared process between manager and employee 确保这是一次经理与员工之间的分享输里惟豫援涯寿扰邑吐吞行儒怨孔恤云询阶迎厚卸又焦仰夹项植增攻愤士员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介Review each set objective and a

62、ttainment of Key Performance Indicatorsuask for employees view 询问员工意见询问员工意见uexplore issues 探讨事件探讨事件uSet Key performance Indicators for the following year-2013uanalyze reasons for success/failure 分析原因分析原因ugive feedback 反馈反馈uask for alternatives 提出更好的办法提出更好的办法uagree action plan 行动计划行动计划Step 4Summary 总结Step 3Discussion 讨论uMotivate and guide employee 激励和对员工提出新的期望PerformanceReviewMeeting评估面谈会议进煤翁不腾臭勺丧枯劳航川赁谷攫肇废愈厂媚遥喜挺爬徊视钩菠亚勋馆振员工终绩效评估简介员工终绩效评估简介



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