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1、L/O/G/OUnit Fourteen Unit Fourteen Dealing with Special Problems Dealing with Special Problems 应对难题应对难题 Unit Objectives Unit Objectives (单元目标)(单元目标)(单元目标)(单元目标) After learning this unit, you shouldunderstand how to deal with problems & emergencies;master the basic words and expressions about illness

2、 & disasters;get some knowledge about travellers check;find ways to improve your writing skills about Claim Letters;be familiar with first aid techniques. Background Knowledge Background Knowledge 背景知识背景知识背景知识背景知识 During the journey, a variety of special problems & emergencies may occur sometimes. T

3、herefore, its necessary for a travel agency to have plans to deal with such crises. Types of Problems & Emergencies Types of Problems & Emergencies 问题问题与突与突与突与突发发事件事件事件事件类类型型型型 1.food poisoning(食物中毒)2.typhoon & Hurricane (台风 & 飓风)3.Tsunami(海啸)4.elevator incident(电梯故障)5.physical assult(人身伤害)6.terrori

4、st attack(恐怖袭击)7.equipment breakdown (设备故障)8.Earthquake(地震)9.Fire(火灾)10.losing the way(迷路)11.steet fights(打架斗殴)12.Explosion(爆炸)13.getting sick(生病)14.losing properties(遗失财物)15.traffic accident(交通事故)16.Flood(洪水)17.gas leakage(燃气泄露)18.power failure(停电)19.Kidnapping(绑架)20.Hijacking(劫持)Practice Materials

5、 Practice Materials 实训材料实训材料实训材料实训材料 Listening Dialogue 1a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F).1. _F_ The tourist is an American.2. _F_ The tourist wants to enter a train station.3. _T_ The station is closed because of an explosion.4. _

6、F_ All the stations are closed except Euston Station5. _T_ The tourist wants to take a plane to China.Dialogue 1Dialogue 1b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions.1. How long has the tourist been lining for? Thirty minutes. 2. Why the stations are closed? Because an explosion leads to th

7、e closing of the station. 3. When will the plane to China take off? It will take off at 6:00 p.m. 4. Where did the explosion happen? That was on a double-decker bus, just about 100 yards away from the passengers.5. How does the tourist go to the airport? By taxi. Dialogue 1Dialogue 1c. Listen to the

8、 dialogue again and supply the missing words.1. A tourist is standing in a line to enter the station, but something unusual happened.2. Attention, please! Something emergent has happened. 3. All the passengers should be evacuated at once.4. I think you can go to the Russell Square to take a bus.5. W

9、ould you give me a lift? 参考译文参考译文参考译文参考译文(一名旅客正在排队进入地铁站,这时不同寻常的事情发生了。)旅客:这个队怎么不往前移呢?我都排了30分钟了。乘客A: 恐怕我上班要迟到了。警察:大家请注意,发生紧急的事了。爆炸导致地铁关闭了,所有乘客马上撤离。旅客:哎呀!我怎么去飞机场啊?警察:这个地铁站关闭了。你去别的地铁站试试,比如,休斯顿地铁站?旅客: (到休斯顿地铁站,也关闭了。) 先生,请问,你能告诉我怎么样去飞机场吗? 我要回中国去,飞机晚上6点起飞。路人B:所有地铁站都关闭了。我想,你可以去罗素广场坐汽车。路人C:发生爆炸啦,爆炸就在附近!快跑啊,跑

10、得越快越好!(一片混乱。许多街道被堵了,行人到处乱跑。)旅客:对不起,先生,这个出租车是去机场的吗?出租车司机:是的。你也去机场吗?旅客:是呀。让我搭你的车,好吗?出租车司机:请进来吧。快点!乘客A:天啊!这真是一场可怕的恶梦。爆炸的是一辆双层巴士,离我们大约100码。旅客:我不敢相信我已经逃离了现场。出租车司机:飞机场到了,我们再见吧。旅客:谢谢各位。再见! Dialogue 2Dialogue 2a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false

11、(F).1. Why does the tourist go to the police station? Because he lost his handbag. 2. Can he remember where he lost it? No. 3. What is the color of his handbag? _Black._4. What were the tourist and his friend doing when they sat at the table? _Drinking tea._5. Whats inside the handbag? _200 dollars,

12、 some makeup and his passport. Dialogue 2Dialogue 2b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1. But one hour ago, I was in the shopping mall with my friend.2. But the most unlucky thing is, my passport is in the bag.3. Now please fill in this lost form.4. Write down your name, address an

13、d telephone number.5. Well try to look for it through the internet. 参考译文参考译文参考译文参考译文A: 早上好,警官。P: 早上好,有什么事我可以帮你吗?A: 我丢了手提包。P: 你记得在哪儿丢的吗?A: 我想不起来了。不过一小时以前我和朋友在购物广场, 我们曾经坐在桌子旁喝茶。P: 你的手提包什么颜色?A: 黑色的,但拉链是金色的。P: 手提包上有你的名字吗?A: 没有。P: 里面有什么?A: 有200美元和一些化妆品,但最倒霉的就是,我的护照在里面。现在我没有护照了,我该怎么办?P: 别担心,我们会尽量帮助你。现在请你填

14、这张失物登记表。写下你的姓名、地址和电话号码。我们会努力通过网络来寻找。如果有什么消息,我们会尽快通知你。A: 但没有护照是不行的。P: 至于你的护照,你必须马上向中国驻美国大使馆报告。A: 唉,真倒霉。 Reading Reading Travellers Cheques TravellersTravellers ChequesChequesa. Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F):1. _ F _ Travellers cheques cannot be lost or stolen.2. _F_

15、You must always order travellers cheques.3. _F_ You pay twice for travellers cheques.4. _T_ You must sign each cheque twice.5. _T_ You must keep a record of your cheques. TravellersTravellers ChequesChequesb. Translate the expressions into Chinese or English.1.travellers cheques 旅行支票旅行支票commercial t

16、raveller 旅行推旅行推销员travelling expenses 旅旅费travelsoiled 风尘仆仆的仆仆的2. protect against loss 防止防止损失失protect against attack 防止防止袭击protect from the cold 防防护良好不受良好不受冻的的protect from danger 防御危防御危险3. an insurance commission 保保险佣金佣金an encashment commission 兑现佣金佣金on commission 抽佣金抽佣金out of commission 保留的,保留的,损坏的坏的

17、4. make a note of做好做好记录sound a note warning 提出警告提出警告strike the right note 说话恰当,恰当,说话得体得体note sth. down 记下,下,记录 c. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary.1. He told me that I could pay by cheque instead of in ca

18、sh. 2. How much do you _charge_ for mending a pair of shoes?3. In view of the delay, the customers obtained a _refund_ of a deposit.4. The US coin of the lowest denomination is the cent.5. He loves collecting stamps and he always buys new stamps on the day of issue.6. The judge ordered that the pris

19、oner should be remanded.7. Do you think it advisable to have kept waiting for him here?8. The tour guide received a group of visitors who have come from abroad warmly.9. The old lady found that her purse was stolen as soon as she arrived at the airport.10. Youd better note that these tickets are ava

20、ilable for one month only. TravellersTravellers ChequesChequesd. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets.1. 你能将这张支票兑换现金给我吗?(cash) Can you cash this cheque for me?2. 如果空中交通被严格控制的话,飞行就会相对安全一些。(in case) In case air traffic is closely controlled, flying

21、 is relatively safe.3. 把你的收入提前花掉不是明智之举。(in advance)Its unwise to spend your income in advance.4. 这幢房屋的设计是为了方便,而不是为了排场。(convenience) The house was planned for convenience, not for display.5. 汤姆的妈妈叫他把这些书和那些玩具分开放。(separate from) Toms mother asked him to keep these books separate from those toys. Travel

22、lersTravellers ChequesCheques Passage 2 Passage 2 An Accident An Accident An AccidentAn Accidenta. Answer the following questions according to the Passage.1. Who is Jack?_ He is the manager of a 120-seat restaurant in a resort area in Hongkong. 2. What does he see when he opens the door one night?_H

23、e sees that the wife of one of his customers is sitting on the steps holding her ankle. 3. What does the husband do the next day? The husband drops off the hospital bill to Jack and threatens a lawsuit. 4. What wasnt safe about the employees door? The light beside this door isnt very bright. 5. What

24、 should Jack have done to make sure customers did not use the employees door? He should have put a sign or reminder on the door. An AccidentAn Accidentb. Translate the expressions into Chinese or English.1. resort area 旅游景点旅游景点 health resorts 疗养地疗养地 summer resorts 避暑胜地避暑胜地 resort to 凭借,求助凭借,求助2. the

25、 side door 侧门侧门 side by side 并肩地,互相支持地并肩地,互相支持地 put on side 自负,摆架子自负,摆架子 on/from all sides 在(从)各方面在(从)各方面3. emergency room 急诊室急诊室 an emergency exit 紧急出口紧急出口 an emergency fund 应急基金应急基金 in emergency 在紧急情况时在紧急情况时4. pull up the car 停下车停下车 pull sb. up 阻止,申诉阻止,申诉 pull up with 追上追上 pull-up 路边饮食店路边饮食店 c. Ch

26、oose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary.1. His mother was killed in a road accident when he was still a young boy.2. The policeman told the old man that the bus would drop him off at the station.3. The accountant

27、checks all these figures before she leaves the company every day.4. The young soldier failed after all , in spite of all that had been done.5. There were large crowds of people in the streets on Christmas Eve.6. After a long lawsuit of 5 years, the murderer was sentenced to death in the end.7. His p

28、arents were very glad to hear that he had passed the university entrance examination.8. I wonder how often you hear from your elder sister.9. Mind the steps when you go down into the cellar.10.The farmer thinned out the seedlings, pulled up some of them to allow the others to grow better. An Acciden

29、tAn Accidentd. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets.1. 如果其他手段都失败的话,我们将诉诸武力。(resort to) If other means fail, we shall resort to force.2. 在过去的十年里,战争和疾病已使这个国家的人口减少了。(thin out) War and disease have thinned out the population of the country in the pas

30、t 10 years.3. 他和我约好下午六点钟到这儿去看医生。(promise) He promised me to be here to see a doctor at 6:00 p.m.4. 在这个年轻人威胁说要杀死他的女友后,他被警察逮捕了。(threaten) After the young man threatened to kill his girl friend, he was arrested by the police.5. 结完帐后他匆匆忙忙地驾车赶往机场,把他的手机落到了旅馆。(check out) After checking out, he drove to the

31、 airport hurriedly with his mobile phone left behind at the hotel. An AccidentAn AccidentWriting Writing A Claim LetterA Claim Letter索索索索赔赔信信信信 Task 2 Sample Writing(1)Claim for the lost baggage译文:主题:因空运行李丢失而要求赔偿尊敬的斯图尔特先生: 我于5月2日乘坐贵公司603航班从巴尔的摩飞往圣路易斯。然而,航班起飞前我在贵公司柜台办理托运的手提箱却根本没有抵达圣路易斯,此后6周也毫无音讯,而且对手

32、提箱及其中物品也无人对我进行任何补偿。 很显然我的行李已丢失,于是我向圣路易斯的行李索赔部的雷切尔小姐报告了此事。在离开机场前,我还填写了报告单。现将此单复印件连同此信一起挂号寄给你,随信还附上一份提箱内物品的详细清单及大概价格。 我知道你方只负责承担丢失物品的折旧价格而不是全额的赔偿。由于我索赔的总金额在规定的国内航班对每位乘客行李丢失索赔限额的75之下,因此我看不出在处理本索赔中有进一步耽搁的理由。 您真诚的 亨利李A Claim LetterA Claim Letter索索索索赔赔信信信信(2) Claim for the interference 译文:主题:因住宿受打扰而要求旅馆赔偿

33、尊敬的保罗先生: 在6月3日至5日的周末,我和3个朋友参加了在贵旅馆举行的妇女政治研讨会。我们定了一个房间住了两夜,但其中一个夜晚我们几乎无法入睡。其原因是在3日晚旅馆里举行了一场高中生的舞会。从午夜到凌晨3点,青年学生们在大厅里到处闲逛、喊叫、猛敲房门及竭尽所能的吵闹。我们打电话给服务台,他们承诺解决问题,却不见动静。第二天早晨我们到登记台要求退还当晚房费,但被告知没有可能。由于我们已提前支付两晚费用,因而无法脱身。保罗先生,虽然我们理解这些并不是通常的情形,但如果你希望继续吸引研讨会团体来贵旅馆,就必须做出一些政策改变。如果我们没有收到当晚退款,将肯定不再在贵旅馆举办妇女政治研讨班年会。

34、您真诚的 简史密斯A Claim LetterA Claim Letter索索索索赔赔信信信信Writing Practice1. Filling the following reservation letter by translating the Chinese in the brackets.Dear Mr. Hobing,In early April I sent a check for a $50 deposit for my son, Brad, to attend summer camp. Brad has been looking forward to going to cam

35、p for years.(多年来一直盼着参加夏令营)Two days ago he had an accident with his bicycle.(骑自行车出了事故)He broke his right wrist and sprained his left ankle and, needless to say, is in no shape to attend camp next week.I am enclosing a note from Dr. Ted outlining the extent of Brads injuries. I realize youve had a spa

36、ce reserved for him, but in view of his accident and my prompt notification I would appreciate your refunding my $50 deposit.(请退还50元押金,我们不胜感激。)Cordially yours, Jack HanA Claim LetterA Claim Letter索索索索赔赔信信信信 Suggested answer:Suggested answer:Dear Mr. Pane,My family and I planned and looked forward to

37、 our overnight stay in your hotel before our arrival on July 14. We arrived at 5:00 P.M. and were told our room wasnt ready.We left our luggage with the clerk at the reservations desk and went to dinner. Our room still wasnt ready after dinner. In fact, it wasnt ready till 9:30 P.M. which made the e

38、vening a total loss and was very hard on our two small children who are usually in bed by 8:00 P.M. The people at the desk were quite hurried that evening, and I had the impression the hotel was understaffed. They all remained courteous, but could do nothing for us.Well, you can do something for us, Mr. Pane. You can see that compensation is made to us in the form of a check for $162, the cost of our room for the miserable night. Yours truly, Li Hong L/O/G/OThank You!Thank You!



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