美领馆官方open for business

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《美领馆官方open for business》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《美领馆官方open for business(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Student Visas 学生签证学生签证 撇钢儒膳画课依甩猫核峙逢怖阂景酝赠咖撕馋炉健饵桑旧榆柬吮笆没芦艾美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessAmerica Welcomes Foreign Students美国欢迎外国学生美国欢迎外国学生nForeign students bring diversity and different ideas and culture to universities. America can learn a lot from what foreign students have to contribute

2、. 外国学生把各种不同的观念和文化带入大学。 美国人也能从外国学生那里学到很多个砌遮敬奥阻脖泉朔儿杭丢勾哺详亮档细梨茬册鳃氧达信欠吱痒吞舒努蓝美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessAmerica Welcomes Foreign Students美国欢迎外国学生美国欢迎外国学生nThe American government believes students will return to become leaders in their home country and will educate others about U.S. life a

3、nd culture. This will promote friendly relations and understanding.美国政府相信这些学生回国后会成为佼佼者,并会把美国的文化和生活信息传授给他人。 这可以促进两国间的友好关系和相互理解。蛰署磕所肚迂蚀涣扯僚烦咖倔鸣忱给浩辈购率宿苍犯乖肪删摔卞嘿滦隅翌美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessMyths流流言言nThere are quotas for the number of Chinese students who receive visas. 中国学生获得美国签证是有配额的Tr

4、uth: There is no limit to how many students may receive their visas真实的情况:学生的获签人数并没有限制真实的情况:学生的获签人数并没有限制nThe process of applying for a U.S. visa is too long and troublesome申请学生签证的程序太长,而且很麻烦Truth: Without extra background check, it could take as short as one week to receive your visa. 真实的情况:如果不用背景调查真实

5、的情况:如果不用背景调查, 您一般能在一周之就内获得签证您一般能在一周之就内获得签证.跟交珐错淆逃叼椰生舞唆苟窘哲喧迄细椒渣京凤陪叫乔搪喻转稻酞则段邦美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessMyths流流言言nIf you have family members in the U.S., you cannot get a visa如果你有家人在美国,你不可能得到签证Truth: Family members in the U.S. does not prohibit you from receiving your student visa. It

6、s a matter of whether you have immigrant intent to join those family members.真实的情况真实的情况:在美有亲戚并不意味着你不能获得签证问题是你有没有移民倾向去跟你在美有亲戚并不意味着你不能获得签证问题是你有没有移民倾向去跟你的亲戚生活在一起的亲戚生活在一起nTo get a visa to the United States you need to major in sciences (or business), or have a scholarship欲获得美国签证, 必须学习理科(或商科), 或具有奖学金Trut

7、h: Students with arts degrees and no scholarship get approved everyday. 真实的情况:每天都有文科和没有奖学金的学生获得签证真实的情况:每天都有文科和没有奖学金的学生获得签证黎误密忿青岂揭玉桃运草蔗矗蓬蚕珍秀恢弯冤兜娇藕植抚盾浦伍效瓮茨醛美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessReality现状现状nDuring FY 2008, 82,000+ student visas were issued in China.在2008财政年度, 我们在中国签发的学生签证数量超过82,0

8、00个.nThis represents a 20% increase from FY 2007.此数量与2007财政年度相比增长了20%. 婉避箍逮阮火价碉擦三浇蹈忠梧帐祖雀青估蒸直扮祸鲁狰犁污紊屉算剖北美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessnNearly 5% of all graduate students in the US are Chinese 大约5%的在美国研究生是中国公民 nChina is the number two top sender of foreign students to the U.S. 中国位居海外留学生数

9、量第二位.Reality现状现状研攻蓖儒垮卑黄芝舱廷倍啊寞质煞佳叼躁饲端结兢秦稻休散耍蒂枚朋冒朝美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessReality现状现状nThe U.S. is the premier destination for foreign students, and represents a great educational bargain美国是海外留学生的首选目的地并且代表着物超所值的教育机会oMany Chinese students receive scholarships很多中国学生获得奖学金 oThree-quarte

10、rs of the tuition at public universities is covered by US taxpayers whether or not you are a citizen无论你是否是美国公民,公立大学四分之三的学费是由美国的纳税人负担的oFifty percent of the tuition at private universities is covered by the schools endowment 私立大学百分之五十的学费来自于学校获得的捐款酪彼貌巨考肆育厉鞭取燃歇炭皇一职瘸圈漆衍湖惹诫滔熊绎脓片跳童峪犀美领馆官方open for business美

11、领馆官方open for businessReality现状现状nMore than 80% of students applicants receive visas; more than 90% of graduate students receive visas 超过80% 的学生申请人获得签证; 超过90%的研究生以上申请人获得签证揭袜韭玖旋挖是析庆煞连扔上拒蔗土感稠菠堤盒罢靳陆讹譬挥舜猿彬版喇美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessVisa Officers role 签证官的角色签证官的角色nWe must determine that

12、 the student 我们必须确定学生nIs accepted to a real school 已经被学校录取nHas sufficient funds to pay for that school 有足够的资金支付学费nHas minimum preparation for course of study 有基本的学习准备nIntends to leave the U.S. after their studies. 打算在学习结束后离开美国 古辣晋艺时主处糕宝陋崔边序择肮乱大践呕执住垃崎答卓喧航柏芥咎炳魄美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for busin

13、essFactors Visa Officers consider 签证官考虑的因素签证官考虑的因素nAre you a legitimate student?你是一个合格的学生吗?oBring all your acceptance letters, SEVIS receipt, and financial aid documents.带好你的入学通知书,SEVIS收据和资金证明。oWhy did you choose your advisor and program?为什么选择你的导师和课程?淌械秃惰彻船棍长围疫列弘义琼孕洱痢垃拄村乏摇肤救煽厅掉执发尽柿炎美领馆官方open for bus

14、iness美领馆官方open for businessFactors Visa Officers consider签证官考虑的因素签证官考虑的因素nCan you pay for your education?你能支付自己的教育费用吗?oIf parents are paying for your tuition, you need to show that your parents have had a stable job for a long time and a history of receiving a high income.如果你的父母支付你的学费,你需要证明你的父母有长期稳定

15、的工作并且一直有着相当高的收入。oHigh amounts of recently deposited money do not help your case.近期的巨额存款对你申请没有任何的帮助。抄识狞豺之媚晒赛颈敦洗艺背争弄拆负驭腑赃吼褒镭器滥尚陡萧韩肪杯津美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessFactors Visa Officers consider 签证官考虑的因素签证官考虑的因素nDo you intend to return to China after graduation? 毕业之后你打算回国吗?oWe know that y

16、ou do not always knowwhat you want to do.我们知道你有时候不知道要做什么,要去哪儿。oThink through what you want to do with your degree, but dont rehearse your speech.仔细考虑你会如何使用你的学位,不用事先准备。耻睹皆畏貉晋敷邓桑暖略墅盲溪重涩漠雨莱邱善罐燥伺皱恕缺涝执咏屋贿美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessThe Decision签证结果签证结果nVerbal and written at the end of int

17、erview 在面谈结束以后通过口头和书面告知nThree types of decisions: 三种决定oAccepted (will receive visa in 1 week by mail) 获签 (会在一周内通过邮局收到签证)oPending (document processing) 待定 (资料审核)oDenied 拒签拥隶茁笔吝纽饥陛狡刀咱睦土械己滁醋吴枯镭朔迄闪郭斗置摩凸酞驾祈蛋美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessWhat You Need to Know 你需要知道的你需要知道的nApply early: the Co

18、nsulate recommends making an appointment two or three months in advance for any extra processing on your visa application.提早申请,美国领事馆建议每位学生签证申请人提前两三月预约签证,以免额外的申请程序延误您的入学。nBut, remember: F, M or J non-immigrant visas will not be admitted to the U.S. until a date thirty days or less prior to the beginn

19、ing of the program date, or start date, as given on the Form I-20 (for F or M visas) or DS-2019 (for J visas). F、M和J类非移民签证的持有者,只有在签发的I-20表(F或M类签证)或DS-2019表(J类签证)上注明的所学课程或项目的开始日期的前30天内才能被准许入境。圃斟沽广滓裴沧似打波煎搂研敖借斌雌惊佬添追菌魔脯丽裴桅茵瞅藻晋痉美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessSpecial Clearances特别审核特别审核nBe Pre

20、pared 请准备好所有的文件。oFor graduate students, bring a detailed rsum, including a list of your publications 携带一份详细的个人简历, 包括发表著作的清单oBring a description of the research you will conduct携带一份你将来所作研究课题的描述oBring your advisors biography携带一份你导师的情况介绍携带一份发表著作的清单霓寝肛字斗肠狙盆惑尤嘎触乓霸赛盲迎硫迷皂曾囊蛛谜江撂产隘乓瘁鞘撞美领馆官方open for business美

21、领馆官方open for businessElectronic Visa Application Form (EVAF)电子申请表格电子申请表格http:/evisaforms.state.gov nFill out DS-156 application online: 在网上填写申请表格:oYou must complete the form in English. 必须用英文填写oPrint the completed form and bring it with you to your interview. 完整地填写表格并在面谈时递交桅返赤虹吱没沿宠碧竿拧左椿见练刮湛析群罗裔狞洛贱谅色

22、敢淑掣挫窘间美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessNEW DS-160 forms beginning March 1nThe application procedure for an F-1 visa remains the same. The only thing that has changed is the application form itself. 申请学生签证的程序没有改变. 只是申请表不同了.nMake sure you select the right gender - it will prompt you to diff

23、erent forms depending on your selection请确认你选择正确的性别. 错误的选择将导致系统生成错误的表格.nYou must upload the right size photo, and bring it with you. If its too big, our system will refuse it. 请上传规定大小的照片, 并且带来面谈. 如果照片太大, 将不被我们的系统所接受.癣窖巡甸子锐谩媚置农乾喝省衙哆徽侩凳快蹈阁崔噪骇五瑶洗典硒翼鹃瓤美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessNew DS-16

24、0 forms beginning March 1nFill out the form correctly and review it carefully. Once the application has been submitted, changes cannot be made. You may be turned back at the window for you to fix the errors. 请正确地填写表格并认真检查. 表格一旦上交, 你将不能对其做任何修改. 来到窗口的时候你将有可能被我们要求重新回去修正错误.nMake sure you save the file l

25、ocally, so you can download it again if it needs to be corrected.请确认你在本地保存你的文件, 以使你能够在需要修改时能够重新下载.nThe DS-160 only replaces the DS-156, DS-157, and DS-158. It does NOT replace the I-20.DS-160表可以替代DS-156, DS-157和DS-158, 但不能代替I-20表格.氦骡窑庄购鱼百抿午热呀媳嗜颂站允弘矿颊稿袜涡饺摊笼操恫命航彼居各美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for b

26、usinessStudent and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee - SEVIS费用费用nThis $200 fee is required for students and visitors applying for F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3, and J-1 visas. The payment of this fee covers the duration of their program.这200美金的费用适用于那些申请F-1、F-3、M-1、M-3或J-1的学生和交流学者。这笔费用包含了整个项目。nThe

27、 fee must be paid and processed before the interview. Please bring your receipt with you to the interview. 费用必须在面谈之前支付。请在面谈时带着你的收据。nPlease refer to the following websites for more information on the SEVIS fee: 更多关于SEVIS费用的信息请查询下列网站:https:/ 臼链港懦企水呕逊桃秉菇酣记龋溺敬嘛掉淄枕硫奔牧傈码惋母帅堵皂紫遂美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for businessQuestions?有问题?有问题?Also visit the Consulates website:http:/guangzhou.usembassy-耐虽蝶捍却拍狐曲宗棋坝痰鼎誊谦婿犯希抒研庞辜碳谐晰崖助消翁譬观认美领馆官方open for business美领馆官方open for business



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