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1、高考英语写作功能词“准备”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词 ( prepare, ready, pre-arrange, unprepare, warm, fit,gear, psych, intend, plan)prepare 使有准备;把准备好;预备prepare 做好准备to prepare for an examination 准备考试I had no time in which to prepare.(我已来不及做准备了。)prepare to do sth. 准备做某事prepare sth. 准备某事物to prepare a meal/ones lessons/

2、drug 预备饭菜/准备功课/配药prepare oneself for(sth. unpleasant)对(坏事)做好思想准备prepare sb./sth. for sth.(to do sth).让某人/某事物准备好去做某事(为做好准备)to prepare a metal surface for soldering by cleaning it with acid 用酸清洗金属表面为进行锡焊做好准备prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事物(多指不愉快的事)有所准备Prepare yourself for a nasty shock!(有件令人十分震惊的事,你要有所准备。

3、)prepare the ground/way for sth.为发展某事物准备条件(铺平道路)Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground/way for space travel. (早期进行的军用火箭试验为宇航事业的发展打下了基础。)ready 使作好准备ready sb./sth. for.使某人/某事物为做好准备The expedition readied itself during the summer. (探险队在夏季中作出发准备。)unprepare 使无准备或感到意外unprepare sb. 使某人无

4、准备/感到意外His purpose is precisely to unprepare the reader. (他的目的就是使读者感到意外。)2.形容词 ( prepared, unprepared, ready, strung, ripe, equipped, preparatory)to be(get) well/poorly prepared for sth.为某事作了充分的准备/准备不充分to be mentally prepared for a few years of austerity 准备过几年苦日子to be preprared to do sth.准备/愿意做某事to

5、fight no war unprepared不打无准备之仗to be unprepared for sth.对缺乏准备to be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事to be/get ready for sth. 准备to make ready for sth.为某事做好准备to be ready and waiting 做好充分准备以执行某任务或进行某活动to be strung up to do sth.已准备好做某事to be equipped for sth.为某事物做好了准备to be ripe for. 关于已准备就绪preparatory investigation

6、s/measures/training for. . 为准备而进行的调查/采取的措施/进行的训练3.名词 ( preparation, readiness, ready, preparedness, preparative, warm-up, set-up, make-up)to make preparations for sth./to do sth.为做好准备to make necessary/rough/mental/material/ample ( adequate )/thoroughgoing preparation(for. ) (为)做好必要的/大体上的/精神上的/物质上的/充

7、分的/彻底的准备to do preparation 做准备to undertake preparation 进行准备to call for/demand/require preparation 需要准备to finish preparation 准备就绪to lack preparation 缺乏准备to complete(finalize)/speed up(intensify) preparations for. 完成/加紧的准备工作to have no(adequate) preparation 没有(充分)准备to be in preparation 正在准备之中in preparat

8、ion for.为作准备/以备without preparation 毫无准备to have everything in readiness for sth.为某事做好一切准备to hold oneself in readiness to do sth. 准备好去做某事the troops readiness for battle 部队的临战状态reserve troops held at the ready准备投入战斗的预备役部队He had his camera at the ready.(他已把照相机准备好,可随时拍照。)the state of preparedness 有准备的状态A

9、 glass of warm milk is the best preparative in the world for unburdened sleep.(喝一杯温牛奶是世界上最好的放松入睡的准备。)to go through ones warm-up做热身运动(准备活动)二、常用的相关短语或表达为准备齐全to get(up) everything in readiness for.做好会议/宴会等的准备工作to get things ready for the meeting/party etc.为准备着 to lay in stores for.经常有准备 to hold in read

10、iness把准备妥当to put arrangements for. in train做好准备去闯荡世界to gird up ones loins and stride out into the world(为)准备妥当/就绪to be in readiness(for.);to be in (good) train(for.);to be in good trim/to get good into trim(for. )为铺平道路to pave/smooth the way for.正准备要做某事to hold oneself ready to do sth.;to be (all) set

11、 for sth./to do sth.做好准备to make ready;to be at the ready对有充分的准备to be well up for.为某事做好充分准备to be fully(adequately; admirably) quickened for sth.;to equip oneself thoroughly for sth.做准备活动 to warm up做准备工作 to do groundwork完成的准备工作to complete the ground work for.为某事做好准备工作to prepare the groundwork for sth.

12、(某事)准备停当/未准备妥当(of sth.) to be in good(proper)/out of trim攻其不备to take sb. unawares准备惩罚/攻击某人to sharpen ones knife for sb.时刻准备着semper paratus (常用于部队箴言)正在准备之中to be in preparation;to be in/into the pipeline;to be on the stocks准备做某事或接替某人to wait in the wings钻某人的空子to catch sb. unprepared即席发言to make an extem

13、pore speech;to speak extempore;to extemporize去准备早饭/午饭/晚饭to see about breakfast/lunch/supper来不及做某事to be not ready to do sth.不经准备需译成本族语的一段外文an unseen需当场翻译的几段英文English unseens为做好准备/安排to make an arrangement for. ;to be equipped for. ;to equip oneself with sth. for. ;to fit oneself for. ;to gear up for.;

14、to get ready for.;to pave the way for;to make preparations for. ;to make provision for. ;to prepare for. ;to provide against/for.;to make ready for sth.;to set the scene for;to signify ones readiness for为积极作准备to gear oneself for./to gear oneself up to.准备/打算去to be bound for准备设盛宴庆祝或欢迎to kill the fatte

15、d calf为对付作准备to make preparations against. ;to prepare against.使某人/自己为某事做好思想准备to psych sb. /oneself up for sth.准备好 to fit out;to get ready为某事可能发生做好准备to provide for sth. ;to make provision for/against sth.作好思想准备,听某人会说些什么to brace oneself to hear what sb. will say作好经受即将来临的磨难的思想准备to brace oneself for ones forth coming ordeal做好再次失败的思想准备



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