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1、高三英语总复习语法系列训练高三英语总复习语法系列训练倒装结构倒装结构南莫中学高三英语备课组南莫中学高三英语备课组 倒装语序分为倒装语序分为“全部倒装全部倒装”和和“部分倒部分倒装装”。在全部倒装的句子中,整个谓语都放。在全部倒装的句子中,整个谓语都放在主语的前面;在部分倒装的句子中,只是在主语的前面;在部分倒装的句子中,只是谓语中的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或系谓语中的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或系动词动词bebe等)放在主语前面,其余部分仍放在等)放在主语前面,其余部分仍放在主语后面。下面将常见的倒装情况分述如下:主语后面。下面将常见的倒装情况分述如下: 一一、由由there, there,

2、 here here 或或now now 等等引引起起,谓谓语语为为comecome(或或gogo)的的句句子子,例如:例如: There comes the bus!There comes the bus! There goes the bell! There goes the bell! Here comes Mary! Here comes Mary! Now comes your turn. Now comes your turn.注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,例如:注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,例如:注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,例如:注:如果主语为人称代词,

3、仍用自然语序,例如: There he comes!There he comes! Here she comes! Here she comes!二、由二、由then then 引起,谓语为引起,谓语为comecome(或或 followfollow)的句子,例如:的句子,例如: Then came a new difficulty.Then came a new difficulty. Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War. Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.

4、Then came wind, hail and frost. Then came wind, hail and frost.三、由三、由here(或或there)引导,谓语为引导,谓语为be的句子,如:的句子,如: Here is Chinas largest tropical forest. Here are some picture-books.注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,如:注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,如:注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,如:注:如果主语为人称代词,仍用自然语序,如: Here you are. / Here we are. / Here it

5、 is. / There he is.四四、由由so引引起起的的,表表示示前前面面所所说说的的情情况况也也适适用用于于另另一一个个人人(或或物物)的句子,如:的句子,如: “We must start for the work-site now.” “So must we.” Society has changed and so have the people in it. He plays the violin quite well. So does my sister. He has been to Beijing, so have I.注注注注:如如如如果果果果一一一一个个个个句句句句子

6、子子子只只只只是是是是重重重重复复复复前前前前面面面面一一一一句句句句话话话话的的的的意意意意思思思思,尽尽尽尽管管管管soso用用用用开开开开头头头头,语语语语序也不要倒装,如:序也不要倒装,如:序也不要倒装,如:序也不要倒装,如: - It was cold yesterday. So it was! - Tomorrow will be Monday. So it will. 五五、由由neither或或nor引引起起的的,表表示示前前面面所所说说的的情情况况也也适适用用于于另另一一个个人(或物)的句子,如:人(或物)的句子,如: - I wont do such a thing. Ne

7、ither / Nor will I. If you wont go, neither shall I. - I havent done my homework. Neither / Nor have I. I didnt read the notice on the bulletin board, nor did he.六六、在在if引引导导的的非非真真实实条条件件句句中中,如如有有助助动动词词had, should或或were时,可以省略时,可以省略if,进行倒装,如:进行倒装,如: Had I come five minutes earlier, I would have met the

8、 famous scientist. (If I had come five minutes ) Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something. Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here. Were I ten years younger, I would be able to climb to the top of the hill. Should you change your mind, let us know. (If I were you (If I were

9、you 不倒装不倒装不倒装不倒装) ) 七七、在在描描写写情情景景时时,有有时时为为了了生生动动,可可以以把把out, in, up, down, away等副词放在主语前,同时主谓倒装,如:等副词放在主语前,同时主谓倒装,如: Up went the arrow into the air. Up flew the red balloon. Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.注:如果主语是一个人称代词,谓语仍放在后面,如:注:如果主语是一个人称代词,谓语仍放在后面,如:注:如果主语是一个人称代词,谓语仍放在

10、后面,如:注:如果主语是一个人称代词,谓语仍放在后面,如: Away they went. / Down it flew. / Up it went.八八、当当as引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句时时,可可以以把把表表语语提提到到前前面面来来,采采用用“形形容词(或副词、名词)容词(或副词、名词)+ as +主语主语+谓语谓语”这种形式,如:这种形式,如: Old as my father is, he keeps up with his English study. Child as he is, he knows something of electricity. Tired as he

11、was, he continued to work. Young as she was, she was already director of a factory. 九九、当当always, often, well, many a time等等词词放放在在句句首首时时,后后面面常常用倒装语序,如:用倒装语序,如: Always did the soldier go to help the villagers. Often did we warn them not to do so. Well do I remember the day I saw a wild tiger. Many a t

12、ime did he go swimming in the river.注:上述所说的词不放在句首,不用倒装语序。注:上述所说的词不放在句首,不用倒装语序。注:上述所说的词不放在句首,不用倒装语序。注:上述所说的词不放在句首,不用倒装语序。十十、only所所修修饰饰的的副副词词、介介词词短短语语或或状状语语从从句句放放在在句句首首时时,其其后后面面的主语部分要进行倒装,如:的主语部分要进行倒装,如: Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there. Only then did I realize that I was w

13、rong. Only once did his father discuss his future with him. Only yesterday did I realize what was going on. Only after he came back was I able to see him.注:注:注:注:onlyonly修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如:修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如:修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如:修饰主语,仍用自然语序,如: Only socialism can save China. 十十一一、含含有有否否定定意意义义的的副副词词、连连词词或或短短语语构构成成的的状状

14、语语放放在在句句首首时时,常用倒装语序。常用倒装语序。这这些些词词和和词词组组有有:not, never, hardly, seldom, little, rarely, scarcely, not until, not onlybut also, neithernor, no soonerthan, hardlywhen , scarcelywhen等,例如:等,例如: Never shall I forget the day when I joined the League. Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I h

15、ad wasted. Not only did he read the book, but also remembered what he had read. No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill. Hardly / Scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.注注注注:上上上上面面面面所所所所说说说说的的的的词词词词和和和和词词词词组组组组如如如如果果果果不不不不在在在在句句句句首首首首,句句句句子子子子不不不不必必必必用用用用倒倒倒倒装装装

16、装语语语语序序序序。另另另另外,外,外,外,not onlybut alsonot onlybut also连接两个主语时,不用倒装,如:连接两个主语时,不用倒装,如:连接两个主语时,不用倒装,如:连接两个主语时,不用倒装,如:Not only the students, but also the teacher wishes for a holiday.十十二二、当当so(或或such)that结结构构中中的的so或或such用用于于句句首首时时,要采取倒装语序,如:要采取倒装语序,如: So loudly did he speak that even people in the next

17、room could hear him. So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs. So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. So angry was he that he couldnt speak. So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were b

18、roken. Such was his strength that he could bend iron bars.注:注:注:注:suchsuch和和和和bebe连用作表语时,也常用倒装语序,如:连用作表语时,也常用倒装语序,如:连用作表语时,也常用倒装语序,如:连用作表语时,也常用倒装语序,如: Such was the result. Such were her words. Such was the story he told.十三、在下列结构中也常用倒装语序:十三、在下列结构中也常用倒装语序: On a hill in front of them stood a great cast

19、le. On the bed lay a sick old man. Under the tree was sitting one of the biggest men I have ever seen. Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing cards. Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen.Good-bye!; http:/ 聚星娱乐 bgk162utb 钟思当时不免笑着揶揄她“小白白,没想到你居然也会有发奋图强的这一天啊,居然还是为了一个男生! ”白荌苒赶紧

20、捂紧她的嘴急的直瞪她“你小点声,被你爸妈听到我就完了! ”钟思只得不住的点头表示自己的忠心才得已脱离她的魔爪,她深吸一口气“你这也忒重色轻友了吧,你居然为了一个男生想要灭我的口! ”又悠悠然的调侃地叹一句“子非良友,不可深交也! ”白荌苒居然急了起来“好思思,你快帮帮我吧,我可不想在大学的时候让他被别人抢了先去! ”钟思敛起了佯装的正经冲她笑了笑“知道了、知道了,我能拿你这小女子有什么办法呢! ”再回头想想,上学的时候也不是没有人跟她示好过,但都是被她一本正经的以学业为重的理由给婉拒了。她难免会跟白荌苒诉苦“你说说、我老爹跟老娘都是怎么想的,真是想一出来一出,上学的时候总是期盼着我年年拿第一,

21、要考一流的大学、要做上乘的工作,这些我都做到了以后又开始给我出新的难题,简直都不让人消停了。”白荌苒安慰她“别这样,我集美貌与智慧于一体的思思,就算是去相亲也会是花见花开、人见人爱那一挂的! ”钟思被她逗笑“你也不带这样酸我的牙”未了又做哀叹“还是你好,高中的时候就知道给自己留一条后路,也不至于如我这般晚景凄凉! ”她说的甚是哀怨,以至于白荌苒听到这话不禁笑到涕泪横流。白荌苒抹了一把泪笑的不亦乐乎“我说大才女,你至于这样说自己么? ”钟思幽幽叹道“我向来甚是有自知自明!”她终于在年末之际,被父母硬逼上了相亲的桌上,她临行之前还不忘给白荌苒打上一通凄风苦雨的“从此、我将在相亲的路途中一去不复返了,你且珍重! ”



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