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1、 信息技术、多媒体与外语教学信息技术、多媒体与外语教学-基本概念及理论基本概念及理论梁茂成中国外语教育研究中心 主要内容主要内容信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体外语教学中的多媒体外语教学中的多媒体为什么?为什么?外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术过去过去外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体According to the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA):Information Technology (IT) is “th

2、e study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware.”信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and

3、securely retrieve information.信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体Information technology (IT), or “infotech”, is now an umbrella term covering many fields, describing any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate computer-based information. Presumably, when speaking of Informa

4、tion Technology as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.Ours is an information age, and an age of IT.信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体Forms of information:More traditional forms of information;Electronic (computer-based) information (media)TextImagesAnimationsAudioVisual信息技术与

5、多媒体信息技术与多媒体Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms.Multimedia can be used as a noun:- a medium with multiple content forms, orMultimedia can be used as an adjective:- describing a medium as having multiple content forms.信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体Multimedia is a term

6、used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animations, video, and interactivity content forms.The Internet (based on WEB 2.0), with its hypertext pages, can handle multimedia exceptio

7、nally well.信息技术与多媒体信息技术与多媒体我们所说的我们所说的“信息技术信息技术”我们所理解的我们所理解的“多媒体多媒体”外语教学中的多媒体外语教学中的多媒体为什么?为什么?心理学基础:研究表明,人们只能够记住20%所看到的东西;对于他们所听到的东西,常常也只能记住40%,而对于那些既能看到、又能听到、同时又能够直接动手做的事情,人们则常常可以记住75%或更多(Lindstrom 1994)。外语教学中的多媒体外语教学中的多媒体为什么?为什么?心理学基础:大量的实验证实,人类从外界获得的信息中,1%是通过味觉,1.5%是通过触觉,3.5%是通过嗅觉,11%是通过听觉,83%是通过视

8、觉(Treicher 1967)。外语教学中的多媒体外语教学中的多媒体为什么?为什么?心理学基础:由此可见,多种感觉器官并用,有利于我们接受信息;视觉和听觉是我们接受信息最主要的感觉器官。外语教学中的多媒体外语教学中的多媒体为什么?为什么?外语教学理论基础:交际教学法(the communicative approach)建构主义(Constructivism);认知风格(cognitive styles);学习动机(motivation)等。Thanks.外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术过去过去The language laboratory in the Behaviorist pe

9、riod (1960s -): the teaching machineThe latest language teaching technology became synonymous with the latest language teaching pedagogy.What mattered most was technology and not pedagogy.Advances in computer hardware and software ignored advances in language pedagogy and SLA theories.外语教学中的信息技术外语教学

10、中的信息技术过去过去Underwood (1984: 33)“This technology will revolutionise the teaching of foreign languages; it will bring pedagogy up to date with technology.”“Finally we have a means for true indivisualised practice: one-to-one, self paced, without need for supervision. Students can practice what they wan

11、t, whenever they want, for as long as they want.”“These devices will do all the things the teacher has neither the time nor the inclination to do; at last we can take drill out of the classroom.”外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术过去过去CALL research in the late 1980s and the 1990s found:Technology on its own is not

12、the panacea for foreign language pedagogy;Efficient foreign language pedagogy is only possible if it is grounded on sound theoretical foreign language pedagogy.外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在The communicative approach, its principles:Communicative competence;Meaningful practice rather than mechanical pract

13、ice;Use of the target language;Implicit grammar;Modeling instead of correcting;Low-anxiety atmosphere;外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在The communicative CALL (Underwood 1984):Activities will focus on acquisition practice (using forms to communicate) rather than learning practice (forms themselves);Grammar wi

14、ll always be implicit (built into the lesson or activity), though explicit grammar explanation will be available on a call-up basis;Activities should require students to take a creative action in the target language (or to produce a response based on comprehension of an utterance) rather than manipu

15、lating prefabricated language;外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在The communicative CALL (Underwood 1984):Activity feedback will not aim at correcting or evaluating each response: “raise expectations for competence in communication”;Activity feedback will avoid telling students incorrect answers just as “wrong”

16、: provide help and give hints;Activities and instructions should be written in the target language;外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在The communicative CALL (Underwood 1984):CALL activities should be flexible, not based on the principle that every stimulus has one and only response;CALL activities should allow

17、 students to explore the subject matter. An environment should be provided where discoveries can be made.CALL activities should create a context in which using the target language feels natural;外语教学中的信息技术外语教学中的信息技术现在现在The communicative CALL (Underwood 1984):CALL software is not an electronic book (C

18、ALL activities will aim at doing things books cannot);CALL software should be fun and attractive (try to avoid drill exercises).计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL is not an issue separate from other forms of language teaching and learning;General guidelines for CALL tasks: technology or pedagogy?参照参照Ban

19、gs & Cantos (2004)计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should put the learner at the center of the process;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL exists for learners, not teachers;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should be adaptive;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should harness technology, not serve it;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则

20、计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should engage and motivate the learner;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should respond to research;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should be focused;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should respond to a pedagogic need;计算机辅助外语学习总体原则计算机辅助外语学习总体原则CALL should help learners learn better.Thanks.



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