八年级英语下册 Unit6How long have you been collecting shellssectionA精品课件人教新目标

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1、Unit 6How long have you been collecting shells?Section AHow long have you been doing?Ive been doingfor + 时间段时间段since + 时间点时间点Language Goal: Talk about 单词和词组单词和词组collect, skate, since, raise, several, stamp, kite, anyone, store, coin, capital, European, Russian, Australian, thousand, foreigner, quite

2、, certain, miss, run out of, by the way, be interested in, more than, the Olympic Games, far away动画词汇单元重点 句句 子子How long have you been .?Ive been . since .When did you start .?I started . 语语 法法现在完成进行时的用法现在完成进行时的用法 交流用法交流用法When did you start skating?I started skating at 9 Oclock.So how long have you b

3、een skating?Ive been skating for four hours.I am a young teacher. I am still teaching English now.I started teaching English in 2004. I have been teaching EnglishHow long have you been teaching English?for 2 years.since2004.2 years ago.自从,自自从,自以来以来Introduce*He started teaching math when he was 20 ye

4、ars old. He is 50 years old now and he is still teaching math.How long has he been teaching math?He has been teachingmathfor 30 years.since 30 years ago.he was 20 years old.When did you study English? In which year?Are you studying English now?How long have you been studying English?I have been stud

5、ying English for _ years.since _ ._ years ago.I started collecting shells in 2000.How long have you been collecting shells?I have been collecting shells for 6 years.I have been collecting shells since 2000.I have been collecting shells since 6 years ago.half an hourHow long has he been playing compu

6、ter games?He has been _computer gamesfor _.since _.playinghalf an hourhalf an hour agoWhat is he doing now?1 hourHow long has he been doing Chinese Kong Fu?He has been doing Chinese Kong Fu for 1 hour.He has been doing Chinese Kong Fu since 1 hour ago.They have _(滑冰)滑冰) for/since_(两个小时)(两个小时). skate

7、They are skating now.How long have they skating?Skating Marathon1B LISTEN AND FINISH THE FORM. How long?AlisonSamVictorCeliaIve been skating for five hours.I skated for four hours.Ive been skating for five hours.I skated for two hours.Who is skating now?Woman: Alison, how long have you been skating?

8、Alison: Ive been skating for five hours.Woman: Wow! Sam, how long did you skate?TapescriptSam: I skated for four hours. I started at nine oclock in the morning and stopped at one oclock in the afternoon. Im very tired!Woman: When did you start skating, Victor?Victor: At nine oclock.Woman: So youve b

9、een skating forVictor: Ive been skating for five hours.Woman: How long did you skate, Celia?Celia: Umm, lets see I skated for two hours. how often; how soon; how long【Explanation】 how often表示表示“每隔多每隔多久一次久一次”,询问频率。可用于一般现在时、,询问频率。可用于一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的句子中。可用一般过去时和现在完成时的句子中。可用于对于对often,always,usually,so

10、metimes, never,hardly,once a week等频率副词提等频率副词提问。如:问。如: How often do you go to the cinema? 你每隔多久去一次电影院?你每隔多久去一次电影院? Twice a month. 一个月两次。一个月两次。how soon表示表示“多久以后多久以后”,一般用在将,一般用在将来时态或表示将来的句子中。如:来时态或表示将来的句子中。如:How soon will they come back? 他们多久以后回来?他们多久以后回来?In two days. 两天以后。两天以后。how long表示表示“多长时间多长时间”,常

11、用于一般过去时、,常用于一般过去时、现在完成时、将来时和过去完成时的句子中。谓语现在完成时、将来时和过去完成时的句子中。谓语动词须是延续性动词,常与动词须是延续性动词,常与for或或since引导的一段引导的一段时间连用。如:时间连用。如:How long did you stay in Sydney last year? 去年你在悉尼呆了多久?去年你在悉尼呆了多久?I stayed there for two months. 我在那儿呆了两个月。我在那儿呆了两个月。1c Pairwork (Ask and answer questions about the people in the pi

12、cture.)A: How long has Alison been skating? B: Shes been skating for five hours. A: How long did Sam skate? B: He skated for four hours. 1. How long did you skate today? 2. How long have you been skating today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 5. When did you get y

13、our first pair of skates? 6. How long have you been skating? 2a Listen and check ( ) the questions you hear.Reporter: Alison, congratulations on winning the skating marathon!Alison: Thank you.Reporter: So, how long did you skate today?Alison: For six hours!TapescriptReporter: Was this your first ska

14、ting marathon?Alison: No, I skated in a marathon last year.Reporter: Youre an excellent skater, Alison. Do you skate every day?Alison: Yes, I do.Reporter: How long have you been skating?Alison: Since I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmotherWhen did you

15、get your first pair of skates? 你什么时候拥有你的第一双溜冰鞋?你什么时候拥有你的第一双溜冰鞋?pair 意为意为“一对;一双;一副一对;一双;一副”,其中的两,其中的两个个体不能分离。使用个个体不能分离。使用pair 一词时应注意以一词时应注意以下几点:下几点:(1) pair 和和many, few, several等表示不等表示不 定量的词连用时,谓语动词用复数形式。定量的词连用时,谓语动词用复数形式。 如:如: There are several pairs of gloves on the desk. 桌子上有几副手套。桌子上有几副手套。 (2) (2)

16、 pair 和和this, that, each, every, another, first等连用或等连用或a pair of作主作主 语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: That pair of glasses is mine. 那副眼镜是我的。那副眼镜是我的。 A pair of trousers was lying on the chair and two pairs of shoes were under the bed. 一条裤子搭在椅子上,两双鞋摆在床下。一条裤子搭在椅子上,两双鞋摆在床下。Alison was the first one to star

17、t and has been skating for the whole five hours. 艾利森第一个出发并一直滑了整整五个小时。艾利森第一个出发并一直滑了整整五个小时。句中的动词不定式句中的动词不定式to start 作后置定语修饰作后置定语修饰the first one, 被修饰的名词或代词(有时可省略)被修饰的名词或代词(有时可省略)和动词不定式之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。如:和动词不定式之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。如:In my family mother is always the first one to get up. 在我家妈妈总是第一个起床的人。在我家妈妈总是第一个起床的人。

18、2b Listen again. Draw lines to match the questions with answers in activity 2a. Questions 1. How long did you skate today? 3. Was this your first skating marathon? 4. Do you skate every day? 6. How long have you been skating?b. Yes, I do.c. For six hours.d. Since I wasAnswers a. No, I skated ina mar

19、athon last year.seven years old.Grammar Focus How long have you been skating? 现在完成进行时既有现在完成时态的结构特征,又有现在进行时态的外在形式。构成 主语 + have / has been + 动词的现在 分词 + 其他。时间状语 常与表示一段时间的状语连用, 如“for 时间段”、“since 时间 点或句子”等。用法 1.表示一个动作从过去某个时间开始,一 直持续到说话时还在进行。如: He has been playing the computer games since four oclock in t

20、he afternoon. 从下午四点到现在,他一直在玩电脑游戏。2. 表示一个动作从过去某个时间开始,一直 持续到说话时结束。如: Where have you been just now? Your parents have been looking for you everywhere. 你刚才在哪儿?你父母一直在到处找你。3. 表示在一段时间内反复发生的动作。如: It has been raining every day this week. 这周天天下雨。4. 表达较重的感情色彩,如“关切”、“惊异” “愤怒”等。如: What have you been doing to my

21、new clothes! 你把我的新衣服弄成什么样子了! 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别 表示“某动作从过去开始一直持续到现在”这一概念时,两者可以互换使用,但前者多用于口语。含义上着重表示动作的结果时,多用现在完成时;着重表示动作一直在进行,即动作的持续性时,则多用现在完成进行时。如: They have built a ship. 他们制造了一艘船。 (造船的动作已经完成) They have been building the ship for three years. 他们制造这艘船已有三年了。 (造船的动作仍在进行)2c PAIRWORKStudent A is the repor

22、ter. Student B is Alison. Role play the interview.You can use the words “ since/for” and the sentences “How long ?/Ive been”3a. Read the passage and then complete the table.NameHas been skating forAlison5 hoursSam4 hours4 hoursLu NingLi Chen1 hour9 am2 pm5 hoursAlison3b. Its 2 pm now. Write the Stud

23、ents names from above table on the time line.9am9am10am10am11am11am12am12am1pm1pm2pm2pmAlisonSamLu NingLi ChenRead and answer Section A 3a1. Why are students skating?2. How much does each student raise for every hour they skate?3. How long has the skating marathon been going?4. Who was the first to

24、start?5. Who was the last one?To raise money for charity.Ten yuan.For five hours.Alison was the first to start.Li Chen was the last one.用用for和和since填空。填空。1.They have been learning Chinese _ they came to China.2. I havent seen her _ a long time.3. He has been living here _ 2001.4. She has been doing

25、her homework _ two hours.5. Its 5 years _ we left school.6. How long has Mary been a teacher? _ two years ago. sinceforsinceforsinceSinceAsk your classmates something about the sports they play.InterviewA: Ye Lan, what sport do you play? B: Tennis. A: When did you start? B: When I was eleven. A: So

26、how long have you been playing? B: Three and a half years. Report: Ye Lan likes tennis. She started playing tennis when she was 11 years old. She has been playing tennis for three and a half years.Homework Oral work: Listen and imitate P 46 3a.Written work: Write a short passage about your partners hobby.



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