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1、Effects of Financial Crisis on College Students 1. 金融危机给各行各业都造成了一定影响金融危机给各行各业都造成了一定影响 2. 金融危机对大学生造成何种影响金融危机对大学生造成何种影响 3. 作为大学生,应怎样应对这种影响作为大学生,应怎样应对这种影响 Effects of Financial Crisis on College Students第一段第一段 描述现象描述现象: 金融危机给各行都造成一定影响金融危机给各行都造成一定影响: Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global

2、 economy has sunk into a severe recession . Its hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles高回高回报投资泡沫报投资泡沫 burst, and huge sums of loans can

3、never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life. 第二段:金融危机对大学生造成何种影响第二段:金融危机对大学生造成何种影响:College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New g

4、raduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously

5、looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang. 第三段:作为大学生,应怎样应对这种影响第三段:作为大学生,应怎样应对这种影响: In response to these threats, we students must

6、 act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, its crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies. Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security. Furthermore, apply for scholarship

7、s and grants, as these are still available and we dont have to pay them back. As for the safety issues, trust our instinct theres no free lunch in this world. Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap. Stay alert and protect ourselves. Should College Students Have a Credi

8、t Card?目前,许多在校大学生拥有一张甚至几张目前,许多在校大学生拥有一张甚至几张信用卡信用卡大学生使用信用卡的范围大学生使用信用卡的范围你认为大学生是否要持有信用卡你认为大学生是否要持有信用卡 At present, credit cards, the once exclusive possessions of the rich, have become quite popular on campus. Some college students hold more than one credit card issued by banks. They use credit cards t

9、o buy a variety of goods, say, clothes, books, daily necessities , mobile phones, electronic products and other expensive goods. In my opinion, credit cards are not necessities for college students. With credit cards, some students tend to purchase good on impulse. They can get temporary satisfactio

10、n this way; however, hot-headed purchase will leave a heavy financial burden on them. Worse still, if they can not repay debts on time, their dishonest behavior will be recorded. In a world of credit, such a record is definitely unfavorable to students. (不赞成)不赞成)In my opinion, credit cards are neces

11、sities for college students. Above all, the convenience brought by the credit cards plays a very important role. It is a simple and secure way to shop since they dont need to take a large amount of money with them. Comparatively, using credit cards are safer than using cash. Moreover, it can help st

12、udents build a solid credit history and help them through a couple of emergencies. I am sure just like adults of all ages, college students can use a credit card responsibly. (赞成)(赞成)最近常有食品安全问题出现最近常有食品安全问题出现食品安全问题危害大食品安全问题危害大如何解决该问题?如何解决该问题? Food ContaminationWhile 2008 witnessed the great joy of Ol

13、ympic Games, for thousands of babies and their parents, their 2008 was a nightmare. Due to the tainted milk, many babies were suffering from kidney stone and some infants even died. This case, however, is only the latest food safety problem.As people can not live without food and drink, food contami

14、nation will result in not only direct health problem, but also other indirect consequences. Firstly, when a product is discovered to be contaminated, people will have lingering fears in a large scale. Secondly, take Sanlu scandal for instance, when the scandal was publicized, the company only reaped

15、 its bankruptcy. In a sense, food safety problem is harmful to the national economy and can affect social stability. In order to counter food safety problems, corporate leaders should not be blind in pursuit of short-term profit through adulteration 掺假掺假and other unlawful means. Meanwhile, the gover

16、nment should also perfect its supervision procedures.校园里谈恋爱已经变得很普通校园里谈恋爱已经变得很普通校园里谈恋爱会引起许多问题校园里谈恋爱会引起许多问题作为一名大学生,你怎么看作为一名大学生,你怎么看Having a Boyfriend or girlfriend on CampusIn recent years, having a boyfriend or girlfriend has become a fashion on campus, especially at colleges and universities. This f

17、ashion is thought of by most loverstruck students as a good way of developing their personality and a precious part of campus life.While it is true that being together and in love is wonderful for young people, there are still many difficult issues to cope with. Firstly, since having a special frien

18、d is a large responsibility, it takes up a lot of time to look after the needs and interests for another person, most of which could be used for studying or playing sport. Financial situation is another factor to consider. Some activities are cheaper to do together, but most are not. For example, go

19、ing to the movies or to a restaurant and buying each other more expensive gifts than necessary often cost a great deal.As a college student, I dont think it wrong or shameful to have a boyfriend or girlfriend on campus, and meanwhile, I have no idea of encountering this deed. After all, study is the

20、 principal task on campus.据报道,我国南方多省市遭受洪灾据报道,我国南方多省市遭受洪灾号召在校大学生捐款捐物号召在校大学生捐款捐物联系方式联系方式A Poster Calling for DonationIt is reported that much of southern China has suffered from severe floods recently. Snapping the power line, paralyzing the public transportation and destroying houses and farmland, th

21、e flood and the landslide have caused great loss and inconvenience to the people. When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides. It is high time we carried forward the fine tradition to help our fellowmen out of the catastrophe 大灾难大灾难. As qualified college students, we have the duty to give a han

22、d in emergency and send love to warm their hearts.All donations will be transferred in a timely manner to the disaster area. Anyone whod like to donate goods and money is expected to contact the office of the Students Union at 32312345. Looking forward to your attention and participation! The studen

23、ts Union实战作文二:对比选择型实战作文二:对比选择型Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic Internet or Newspapers. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1)现在许多人认为从网络获取消息更好)现在许多人认为从网络获取消息更好 2)另一些人认为报纸是获取消息的更好来源)另一些人认为报纸是获取消息的更好来源3)你的看法)你的看法提出观点

24、:提出观点: The advent of Internet has brought about magnificent influence to the world both socially and politically. The role of newspaper is being seriously challenged by the booming IT industry or world wide web. For some time there is no complete agreement among people as to whether Internet or news

25、papers is the better source of daily news. Some people hold that Internet has become the main source of daily news, while others maintain that newspaper should be regarded as the better source.对比论证对比论证: Those who advocate the former choice may say that Internet can vividly bring dramatic events of s

26、ingular importance before our eyes. They firmly believe mobile video can make people have a strong impression of what they have read. However, others think otherwise. They argue, on the one hand, newspapers have incomparable advantages in terms of convenience. On the other hand, the news on newspape

27、rs has stronger authority than the news on Internet. 总结观点(倾向网络):总结观点(倾向网络): Personally, I prefer the former choice. First of all, newspaper can never match internet in its speed. In a world of efficiency, newspaper can be defeated for this reason solely. Besides, with internet, information can be tr

28、ansmitted 3 dimensional, which consists of sound, live show and even interaction. Whereas in the paper, only words and photographs could be presented in news stories. Therefore, the former has been made more vivid and descriptive. Last but not least, computerizing the process of information dissemin

29、ation provides us with a more objective and state-of-the art point of view. Through internet, we can obtain every detail we might want to know, which was sometimes unrevealed by newspapers for this or that reason. Obviously, the more accurate the facts are, the more easily an objective opinion can b

30、e formed. In conclusion, though newspaper is still regarded as indispensable for our daily routines, it cannot match internet in many aspects. Internet has become the main source of daily news, 总结观点(倾向报纸):总结观点(倾向报纸):Personally, I prefer the latter choice. For one thing, most of the time, you do not

31、have a computer around and even if you do carry one, you may not have access to the internet. Moreover, a lot of people find a notebook computer cumbersome although the size of which has become smaller nowadays. In fact, you can carry a tradition printed newspaper and read it anywhere such as on the

32、 bus, on the plane and on a cruise ship. You can virtually carry this piece of paper to everywhere and most importantly, the weight of the printed newspaper is much lighter than a notebook and certainly, a desk top computer. For another, to read news on newspaper is in accordance with peoples readin

33、g habit. Taking the above-mentioned factors into consideration, we may reasonably conclude that newspapers are the better source of peoples daily news.humanity focus and science focus 1. 目前高中教育文理分科目前高中教育文理分科 2. 一些人认为该取消文理分科一些人认为该取消文理分科 3. 一些人持反对意见一些人持反对意见第一段:对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介第一段:对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍绍:目前高中

34、教育文理不分目前高中教育文理不分 At present, there are two focuses - humanity focus and science focus - available in our high-school education. But voices come to reform this system. So whether to cancel the division of science and liberal arts in senior middle school has become an issue of controversy nowadays. 第二

35、段:陈述两种不同的观点。第二段:陈述两种不同的观点。 Some scholars hold that we are supposed to combine humanity and science. They maintain that the division of science and arts limits the overall development of the students. Students should get a more rounded education because the lack of humanistic quality in science stude

36、nts as well as the lack of scientific quality in arts students undoubtedly will impact on the nations creation and competitiveness capacity (or: the students with varieties of ability can adapt to the high pace of the developing society more smoothly. However, it seems that the majority of parents a

37、nd students go against this idea. They maintain that different people have different advantage as well as limited time and energy. They are supposed to concentrate on those subjects that easily lead them to success.第三段:表明自己的观点或态度第三段:表明自己的观点或态度 (赞成分科)(赞成分科) I am in favor of the division. The main rea

38、son is that we students have already had enough burdens placed on us. Young people, after all, cannot become jacks-of-all-trades. Besides, if we are able to specialize in the subjects that we are interested in with a substantial number of hours, we can learn more. And it apparently bespeaks that hav

39、ing a good understanding of a particular subject is more practical and vital. 第三段:表明自己的观点或态度第三段:表明自己的观点或态度 (赞成取消)(赞成取消) It is true that science-oriented disciplines are the motivating power of inventions and creations. Without them human society could never enjoyed plane, electricity, net, mobile-ph

40、one and other advanced devices. However, humanity-focused knowledge is also essential. With it ,we can have a thorough understanding the background of history, geography and the whole society. Such subject also is able to broaden our horizon and promote our expression which is conducive to spread of

41、 science. So, on the part of me, we are expected to acquire as much knowledge as possible including science and humanity to lay broader basis for further study. Major-choosing can be wait till college.Key to Model Test OnePart II 1-7 C D C A B C A 8. saying something stupid 9. physical fitness 10. p

42、ersonal success and recognitionPart III 11-18 B D C D A C D B 19-22 C D C D 23-25 B B C 26-28 C D B 29-31 C B B 32-35 D C D C 36. fuels 37. killer 38. realize 39. deadly 40. decreases 41. linking 42. damage 43. amountsPart IV. 47-51 C O J I N 52-56 D G K B A 57-61 B C D A C 62-66 B C D C CPart V 67-

43、71 B A B A C 72-76 B A C D B 77-81 A C B D C 82- 86 B A B D B 87. Once leaving your motherland88. reduce the death rate of cancer patients.89. at the cost / expense of environment90. is typical in Chinese rational culture91. justify your rude and foolish behaviorsKey to Model Test TwoPart II 1-7 A D

44、 D C A B D 8. sell off thousands of artworks 9. the object for sale 10. would not have considered deaccessioningPart III 11-18 C A D A D C C B 19-22 B C D A 23-25 C B C 26-28 D B D 29-31 D C B 32-35 C B C A 36. adulthood 37. developing 38. publications 39. serious 40. collection 41. emotional 42. ea

45、se 43. effects.Part IV. 47-51 F D K H E 52-56 J I B C A 57-61 D C D C B 62-66 D C D B CPart V 67-71 B A C D C 72-76 B A C D B 77-81 A B A D A 82- 86 C B D C D 87. please dont hesitate to contact your doctor.88. provide the latest domestic news89. Regardless of wealth and status90. we should never gi

46、ve up our belief in happiness91. if only we had not made mistakesKey to Model Test ThreePart II 1-7 C A D D C A D 8. a sense of power along with thrill 9. unpredictable rewards 10. spectacular, but always unpredictablePart III 11-18 D A C A D D C B 19-22 D A B C 23-25 A C B 26-29 A D C B 30-32 B D C

47、 33-35 D D C 36. device 37. desires 38. slightly 39. attended 40. rewards 41. gender 42. acceptable 43. unfortunate Part IV. 47-56 K A C L E M G N I J 57-61 B C D C A 62-66 D A C C BPart V 67-71 D A C C D 72-76 B A C B D 77-81 A C A B D 82- 86 A C B B D 87. took it for granted that he could win88. s

48、hould have concentrated more time and energy on my study89. a song that everyone is familiar with90. prove the suspect was guilty of robbery91. on behalf of the victims of the earthquakeKey to Model Test FourPart II 1-7 A B D C C A B 8. be available for more confidences 9. to talk to his parents 10.

49、 different than the role as a motherPart III 11-18 B C B D D B B D 19-22 B C C B 23-25 D C C 26-28 B C D 29-31 B C B 32-35 C D D C 36. estimating 37. surprisingly 38. frozen 39. tiny 40. dust 41. depends 42. designs 43. flatPart IV. 47-56 O D J L M I E G C A 57-61 B A B D C 62-66 B C A D CPart V 67-71 A B D B C 72-76 A B D A D 77-81 C B C A D 82- 86 C D C A B 87. lacked confidence in herself / self-confidence88. is completely out of control89. As long as you are patient with him90. was promoted to be91. should have taken effective precautions



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