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1、Sales Success Course成功销售课程class 1Sales Success Course Day 11Guidelines指南PhonesToiletsBreaksLunchParticipation电话洗手间小憩午餐参与Sales Success Course Day 124 Class Schedule日程安排Class 1 Fitness industry introduction Preparing to meet prospective members Getting to know your next member (ship sale). Class 2 Mem

2、bership toursWorking with PTsClass 3 Overcoming concerns Post sale presentationsClass 4 Telephone InquiriesProspectingPutting it all togetherSales Success Course Day 13第一课健身行业介绍 准备好与潜在会员见面 去了解你的下一个会员 (会籍销售)第二课会籍销售演练与私人教练一起工作第三课 克服困难 公布销售表演第四课 电话调查勘探把它们结合在一起Our Goal我们的目标Help you on the way to being a

3、 Superstar Sales Person.Sales Success Course Day 14在你成为超级销售明星的旅程上帮助你。Introduce Yourself介绍你自己60 seconds to Your nameYour previous experiencesInteresting fact about themselvesWhat they want to get out of sales success course.Sales Success Course Day 1560秒钟你的名字你以前的经验能让别人记住你的特征他们想从销售成功课程里面学到些什么。4 + 2 Pr

4、ogram4+2 程序Sales Success Course Day 164 Fitness Components 健身组成部分Cardiovascular 心血管Nutrition 营养Flexibility 柔韧性Resistance training 阻力练习2 Service Components 服务组成部分Professional Advice 专业的意见Motivating Atmosphere 激发气氛Why is the Fitness industry the best place to work!为什么健身业是最好的工作地方Session Goals :Understa

5、nd the industry better.How can we help people live better. The key role sales plays in all clubs.Sales Success Course Day 17培训目标:进一步更好的了解行业我们如何能帮助人们生活的更好.销售人员是所有会所的关键人物.Chinese Health Statistics中国健康统计20% overweight10% obeseCities 30% overweight12.3% obese1.2% of Chinese males becoming overweight /ob

6、ese each year (fastest in world apart from Mexico).25% of Beijing males over 35 have high blood pressure.We are catching up quickly to developed nations GDP & obesity rates.2019 data.Sales Success Course Day 1820% 超重10% 肥胖城市 30% 超重12.3% 肥胖每年会有1.2% 的中国男性超重/肥胖(除了墨西哥是世界上增长最快的国家)超过1/4的北京成年男人有高血压我们可以非常快速

7、的达到发展国家的GDP和肥胖人群指数.2019 年资料So what can we do所以我们能做些什么Sell them a membership.What do they get by having a membership?We are selling Life!Write down benefits of exercise in handbook.Sales Success Course Day 19销售会籍给他们.他们通过购买会籍得到了什么?我们在出售生命!Benefits of exercise运动的好处Health benefits, less risk of Heart di

8、sease, cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis and general poor health.Lessens the effects of aging Reduces chances of osteoporosis, Alzheimers, dementia, serious falls and quality of life.For Women Less pregnancy issues, lesser menopause issues, faster breast cancer recov

9、ery, better bladder control and sexual function.Mens health Less risk of colon & prostate cancer, less likely to be overweight and have diabetes & infertility.Youth healthLess hay fever, reduces risk of hypertension, breast cancer and heart disease later in life.Mental health effects Reduces stress

10、and releases endorphins. Overall gives more positive feeling on life.TOO MANY TO LIST.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 110有益健康, 减低危险性心脏病、癌症、糖尿病、高血压、关节炎、肥胖症、骨质疏松症和总体健康状况不佳。.减少老年带来的影响降低骨质疏松症,阿尔茨海默氏症、痴呆,跌倒和对生活质量影响的几率。对女性 减少怀孕出现的其他症状, 减少更年期问题, 帮助乳腺癌更快的恢复, better bladder control and sex

11、ual function.对男性 降低结肠癌和前列腺癌, 超重,糖尿病,不育的风险。对青少年降低发烧的几率, 避免高血压, 乳癌 和心脏病 将来发生的可能性.心理健康 减轻压力释放内啡肽. 积极的面对生活.数不胜数数不胜数. .Exercise = Drugs锻炼=良药亚太区五大健身动机:减压减脂塑形交朋友有氧课程炫耀Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 111The experience经验Who is first person they talk with at a fitness club (apart from recep

12、tionist).Membership consultant.Your buying experiences谁会是他们第一个沟通的对象?(除了接待员).会籍顾问.你在购买的经验.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 112The experience经验Two groups to examine how sales people can positively and negatively affect sales.3 minutes finish worksheet in handbook.12 minutes to create

13、 a play on selling a mobile phone.分两组进行考核销售人员如何正面与反面销售销售4人一组创作一个卖手机的小品。Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 113What makes the difference?什么制造差别EquipmentFacilitiesPeopleExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 114设备装修人(员工会员)Break Time休息时间Time for a breakExcel Performance Train

14、ingSales Success Course Day 115Getting ready to tour and introducing equipment准备好去介绍设施Session goals Learn about being professionalKnow the key statistics of professional successful sales personGet introduced to 3 pieces of resistance equipmentHow to give a positive “first up” impression to prospecti

15、ve members.Sales Success Course Day 116训练目标 学习做到专业水准了解成功的销售人员的关键技巧去介绍2台健身的设备如何给潜在的会员一个积极的第一印象有准备有准备 = = 成功成功.Who would you buy from?你会从谁那里购买?Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 117Who would you buy from你会从谁那里购买Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 118Meet and greet见面与问候Pr

16、epare reception teamLook at prospectIntroduce yourselfListen to ProspectBe prepared良好的第一印象制服整洁、铭牌正确、工作板夹内工具齐全(签单笔;报价单;BR单;名片)、鞋子腰带饰物合体、手心无汗、发型精神、指甲眼角鼻毛干净、口气清新、身体无异味、体态矫健、精神饱满、笑容亲切、谨记客人信息(姓名、特征、需求)Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 119Your attitude你的态度Be happy smileForget your problem

17、sClear your mindBe motivatingNo phonesSimple things have big effects开心的微笑忘记你的麻烦清醒你的头脑激情的关掉电话简单的事情有很大的影响Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 120Sales by numbers数字决定销售Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 121客人自己出现-80%创造-20%市场 (自己进来-电话询问)50个客人致电。20%成交-预约(10)10预约3个赴约 (30%) 35

18、%参观加入(1人)会籍系统重点:建立标准化的操作流程与数字化管理体系重点:建立标准化的操作流程与数字化管理体系Step1. 第一印象Step2. 访客健体记录Step3. 体成分分析测试仪(私人教练与客人的第一次接触)Step4. 参观健身俱乐部Step5. 会籍简介Step6. 解决担忧Step7. 高层介入TOStep8. 成交支付合同Step9. 高层介入升级Step10. 私人教练首次销售(私人教练与客人的第二次接触)Step11. 免费私教课程 (私人教练与客人的第三次接触)Step12. 10个转介绍名单Break TimeTime for a breakExcel Perform

19、ance TrainingSales Success Course Day 125Effective Communication有效率的沟通Session goals :Understand the prospects perspective and what are they buying.Go through the different types of questions, understand when to use them to get the desired result.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 126

20、训练目标 :了解潜在的会员他们想要的是什么。通过不同的问题,了解他们想得到的结果。学习如何倾听。What are people buying?人们买了什么Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 127水水Prospects perspective潜在客户的想法1st time to a fitness clubMeet Sales person (YOU)You will ask them to buyHow to make them comfortable第一次去健身俱乐部遇见销售人员(你), 你要让他们去买如何让他们感觉舒服如何

21、建立亲密关系Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 128Different Question Types不同类型的问题Open EndedClosed EndedAlternate choice开放式问题封闭式问题选择性问题Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 129Open Ended开放式问题You start with “what, how or why”Aim to get prospect talking and not to give a yes or n

22、o answer. Get general info.Use to get more specific informationE.g. “what are your goals?”用“什么,怎样、为什么”开始。瞄准与潜在客人沟通不要给是或不是的回答。得到正确的信息。用他得到更多的明确信息例如“你的训练目标是什么?”Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 130Closed Ended封闭式问题Want to get a yes, no or one word answer Use it to confirm what prospec

23、t said to you or to control the conversation.E.g. “So you want to lose 10kgs?”想得到是或不是的回答用潜在会员给你的确认回答来控制对话例如:这么说来你想减掉20斤对么?Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 131Alternate choice选择性问题Do you want to buy PT? Do you want to buy 10 or 20 sessions of PT? Which is better? Why?Excel Performan

24、ce TrainingSales Success Course Day 132你想购买私人教练么? 你想购买10结还是20结私人教练的课程? 哪个更好? 为什么?给人们选择A或者选择B, 不是买或不买的选择。Drilling down深入钻研Real answer is?Repeat back for more info.Find out motivation of prospect.Oil is never found lying on ground, you must drill down to get real money.Excel Performance TrainingSales

25、Success Course Day 133真正的答案是什么?复述更多的资料。找出客户的真正动机。石油是不会摆在地上的,必须深入挖掘才能得到真正的金钱。Active Listening积极的聆听What is it?Process Ask questionListen to answerRepeat it back for clarification/more infoRepeat back again to show understandingPractiseExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 134这是什么?过程提问倾听回答

26、重复阐明观点/更多的信息再次重复证明你的理解练习It is not what you say, but how you say it并非说话内容, 而是说话方式How important is how you say it? (voice quality)How important is your body language? (physiology)How important is what you say? (words)说话方式的重要性(声音/语气)肢体语言的重要性(生理)说话内容的重要性(措辞)Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course

27、 Day 135Actual Results 实际效果实际效果Words (7%)Common experienceSimilar contentKey wordsVoice qualities (38%)TempoTimbreVolumeTonepacePhysiology (55%)PositionPostureGesturesProximityFacial expression措词(70%)常见的经历相似的内容关键词声音质量(38%)节奏音质音量语调速度生理(55%)立场姿势手势亲近程度面部表情How to use it怎样使用怎样使用? ?Matching and mirroringS

28、imilar people similar actionsFeel they like you, but do not know why.协调和模仿。相同的人相同的举动。不知道为什么感觉他很像你。Break TimeTime for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 138Getting to know your next member去了解你的下一个会员Session goals :Learn how to use the prospective member fitness profile to close

29、more sales.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 139训练目标 :了解如何使用潜在会员的健身档案,以完成更多销售。了解有效的咨询技巧。ProfileExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 140Profile概况Why is prospect here?What do they want to achieve?Understanding them.Foundation of the sale.为什么潜在会员会在这里?他们想获得什么?去了解他们。为销售做好基础

30、。Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 141Your clubs PMFP你会所的PMFPMost clubs have a PMFP.All are different.Our PMFP easy to use.For you to use in job.Logical & Methodical.= better results = more sales多数会所会有PMFP。都各有不同。我们的PMFP非常容易使用。为你在工作中使用。逻辑&井然有序。更好的结果,更多的销售。Excel Performance TrainingSa

31、les Success Course Day 142PMFP contents目录Personal informationGeneral informationFitness backgroundPersonal training profileExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 143个人信息基本信息健身背景个人训练简介Personal Details个人资料Name (English) _ 姓名 (中文) _Company公司名称 _Work No单位电话_Home No住宅电话_Email 电邮_Mobile手机 _Add

32、ress 地址_Marital Status_Age _Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 144General information总体信息Is this your first visit to XYZ Fitness? 您是第一次光临您是第一次光临XYZ健身吗健身吗? Yes 是 No 否 Do you work or live nearby? 你是在附近工作或居住吗?你是在附近工作或居住吗? Work工作 Home 家 Neither 都不是What time would you use the club? Mornin

33、g 上午 Afternoon下午 Evening 晚上Will you be joining with anyone else? Yes 是 No 否 How did you hear about XYZ Fitness您是如何知道您是如何知道XYZ健身的健身的? Friend 朋友 Television 电视 Internet 互联网 Email 电邮 Company 公司 Free Pass 免费卡 Newspaper /Magazine报纸/杂志 _ Other 其它 : _Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 145Fit

34、ness background健身背景Have you been a member of a club before?以前是否买过其他会所的会籍?以前是否买过其他会所的会籍? Yes是 Club 名称_When 时间_Cost 费用_Why did you leave?为什么离开? _What did you like most/least? 你最喜欢什么?最不喜欢什么?_ No What has prevented you from joining? 什么妨碍你的加入?_Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 146Fitness

35、 background健身背景Are you currently exercising?你现在还在锻炼么? Yes Please describe 请描述_How often each week and for how long?一周你去几次?一次多长时间? _ NoWhat has prevented you from joining? 什么阻碍你的加入?_Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 147Notes笔记Take notes.Other information.Write it down and never forge

36、t.Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 148做笔记。其他的信息。记下来,不要忘记。Break TimeTime for a breakExcel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 149Practise time练习时间Fill out first 2 sections of profile.3-5 minutes for prospect to fill out.Chose a partner and go through next two sections :As p

37、rospectAs MCRecap questions挑出两部分填写3-5 分钟请潜在会员填写选择一个搭档进行下两个环节:扮演客人扮演销售重点问题Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 150What did we learn?我们学会了什么?Why is profile important?How to use it to best effect?How does it increase sales?为什么资料表很重要?收集信息、引导并放大需求、建立共通点、为教练做体测做铺垫、便于后期跟踪Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 151See you tomorrow明天见Excel Performance TrainingSales Success Course Day 152



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