高考复习 简单句,并列句和复合句

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《高考复习 简单句,并列句和复合句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考复习 简单句,并列句和复合句(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、句子分类句子分类简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句考点考点1 简单句句只有一个主只有一个主语(或并列主或并列主语)和一个和一个谓语(或并列或并列谓语)。如:。如:1. He often reads English in the morning.2. Tom and Mike are American boys.3. She likes drawing and often draws pictures for the wall newspapers.(此句画(此句画线部分部分为并列并列谓语,只有一个主,只有一个主语,仍,仍为简单句。)句。) 改错:改错:It not only costs li

2、ttle money but also comfortable. is解析:第一个谓语是实义动词,解析:第一个谓语是实义动词,第二个是系表结构,应带第二个是系表结构,应带be,因此要在因此要在also前加前加is。考点考点2 并列句并列句改改错:1.He likes English, his English is very good. 2.His wife was ill, he had to stay at home. 当一个句子中含有两个简单句时,就当一个句子中含有两个简单句时,就要考虑两个简单句的连接问题了。直要考虑两个简单句的连接问题了。直接用逗号连接两个简单句是错误的。接用逗号连接两

3、个简单句是错误的。用并列连词或分号连接起来的句子是并列句。用并列连词或分号连接起来的句子是并列句。这时我们可以用这时我们可以用and, but, or等并列连词来连接这等并列连词来连接这两个句子;也可以用分号(两个句子;也可以用分号(;)来连接。)来连接。此时,这两个简单句(此时也可称作分句)之间此时,这两个简单句(此时也可称作分句)之间是并列关系,不能说一个分句作了另一个分句的是并列关系,不能说一个分句作了另一个分句的什么成分。什么成分。上两句可以改上两句可以改为: He likes English;his English is very good. (用用分号分号连接接)He likes

4、English, so/and his English is very good.His wife was ill; he had to stay at home. (用分用分号号连接接)His wife was ill, so/and he had to stay at home. 考点考点3 复合句复合句A. 用从属连词连接的句子是复合句。用从属连词连接的句子是复合句。还先两个错句:还先两个错句:He likes English, his English is very good. His wife was ill, he had to stay at home. 我们还可以用从属连词来连

5、接。这两句话可改我们还可以用从属连词来连接。这两句话可改为:为:Because he likes English, his English is very good.When he likes English, his English is very good.Because his wife was ill, he had to stay at home.When his wife was ill, he had to stay at home. Because he likes English, his English is very good.When he likes English,

6、 his English is very good.Because his wife was ill, he had to stay at home.When his wife was ill, he had to stay at home. because引导的是原因状语从句引导的是原因状语从句 when 引导的是时间状语从句引导的是时间状语从句像上面这样,用从属连词连接两个简单像上面这样,用从属连词连接两个简单句之后,一个句子是主要的(主句),句之后,一个句子是主要的(主句),另外一个句子(从句)是说明主要句子另外一个句子(从句)是说明主要句子发生的时间、原因、条件等,这样构成发生的时间、

7、原因、条件等,这样构成的句子称为的句子称为复合句复合句。The boy over there is my brother. (只有一个(只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。)主谓结构,是简单句。)The boy who is wearing a hat is my brother.(当(当over there变为变为 who is wearing a hat时,时,句子就含有两个主谓结构,一个是句子就含有两个主谓结构,一个是The boy is my brother,是主句;,是主句;who is wearing a hat是是the boy的定语,称为定语从句。)的定语,称为定语从句。)C.一个句子

8、如果含有从句,如名个句子如果含有从句,如名词性从句(主性从句(主语从句、从句、宾语从句、表从句、表语从句和同位从句和同位语从句)、从句)、定定语从句和状从句和状语从句等,从句等,这个句子就是复合句。个句子就是复合句。I was doing my homework at six. (只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。)(只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。)I was doing my homework when he came in.(I was doing my homework是一个主谓结构,是一个主谓结构,he came in也是一个主谓结构。后面一个主谓也是一个主谓结构。后面一个主谓结构作前一个的时

9、间状语,是时间状语从句。因结构作前一个的时间状语,是时间状语从句。因此本句是复合句,此本句是复合句,when是从属连词。)是从属连词。)It is wrong. (只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。)(只有一个主谓结构,是简单句。)What he said is wrong.(what he said,是一个主谓结构。,是一个主谓结构。What he said is wrong. 是另外一个主谓结构,是另外一个主谓结构,What he said作主语,作主语, is wrong系表结构作系表结构作谓语,因此,本句是复合句。)谓语,因此,本句是复合句。)判断下列句子是判断下列句子是简单句、并列句句、并

10、列句还是复合句。是复合句。1.We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon.2.The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom.3.There is a chair in this room, isnt there?4.My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning and come back home at seven in the evening.5.He is in Class One and I am in

11、Class Two.简单句句复合句复合句简单句句简单句句并列句并列句1.It is the time of year for the rice harvest, so every day I work from dawn until dark.2.Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors.3.We grow rice in the south of the States, but in the north where it is colder they grow wheat.并列句并列句简单句句复合句

12、复合句1.He was fond of drawing when he was yet a child.2.Neither has he changed his mind, nor will he do so.3.What he said at the meeting is very important, isnt it?4.The farmer is showing the boy how to plant a tree.5.Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music.复合句复合句并列句并列句复合句复合句简单句句简单句句1.Although the farm

13、is large, my Dad has only two men working for him. 2.Right now it is the summer vacation and Im helping my Dad on the farm.复合句复合句并列句并列句考点考点4 引引导的是什么从句,不的是什么从句,不仅要根据要根据连词,还要根据句子要根据句子结构和句意来判构和句意来判别说出下列复合句中,出下列复合句中,where引引导的是什么从句。的是什么从句。You can find it where you left it.( )Tell me the address where he

14、lives.( )I dont know where he comes from.( )Where he was born is not known yet.( )This place is where they once lived.( ) 状语从句状语从句定语从句定语从句宾语从句宾语从句主语从句主语从句表语从句表语从句考点考点5 一个句子有两个主一个句子有两个主谓结构构时,要考,要考虑它它们之之间的的连接接问题直接用逗号连接的两个简单句是错误的。直接用逗号连接的两个简单句是错误的。一个句子如果出现两个主谓结构,那它就一个句子如果出现两个主谓结构,那它就不是简单句了,要么是并列句,要么是复不

15、是简单句了,要么是并列句,要么是复合句。这时我们就要考虑连接词的问题。合句。这时我们就要考虑连接词的问题。这时,我们有三种方法来改正这个错句:这时,我们有三种方法来改正这个错句:A.改改为并列句:我并列句:我们可以使用可以使用and, so, but等并列等并列连词来把它来把它们连接起来;或者把逗号改接起来;或者把逗号改为分号。分号。B.改改为复合句:加上从属复合句:加上从属连词,把其中的一个分,把其中的一个分句改句改为状状语从句、定从句、定语从句或名从句或名词性从句。性从句。C.改改为简单句:把其中的一个主句:把其中的一个主谓结构的构的谓语破破坏掉,从而使其坏掉,从而使其变成独立主格成独立主

16、格结构。构。I like English, my English is very good. 可以改为:可以改为:并列句:并列句:I like English and my English is very good. I like English, so my English is very good.I like English; my English is very good.复合句:复合句:As/Because I like English, my English is very good.(含有原因状语从句的复合句)(含有原因状语从句的复合句)When I like English,

17、my English is very good(含有时间状语从句的复合句)(含有时间状语从句的复合句)简单句:简单句:I liking English, my English is very good. (把一个分句改为独立主格结构把一个分句改为独立主格结构)考点考点6 两个分句一般只用一个两个分句一般只用一个连词用了用了“因为(因为(because, as, since等)等)”不不用用“所以所以(so)”;用了;用了“虽然虽然(although, though)”不用不用“但是(但是(but)”。改改错:Because I like English, so I am good at it.

18、Although he is not intelligent, but he does well in all his subjects. 注意:有时注意:有时so, but和和and等词可以用等词可以用在第一个分句句首,实际上是和前面在第一个分句句首,实际上是和前面所说的相联系,而不是连接后一个分所说的相联系,而不是连接后一个分句。如:句。如:So if you dont like it, you can give up.因此,如果你不喜因此,如果你不喜欢,你可以放弃。,你可以放弃。And when they get there, General Forrest will take care of them. 而且他而且他们一到那里一到那里, 福雷斯特将福雷斯特将军就会好好就会好好处理他理他们.



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