Module 4《Carnival》课件3(29张PPT)(外研版必修5)

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1、Module 4Carnival 漫画欣赏 画面描述 The saleslady on the left is examining the banknote carefully while the customer on the right is checking the goods on sale.Both of them are wondering whether they are cheated by the other. 寓意理解 One of the common social problems is that people dont trust each other.They ho

2、ld a doubtful attitude toward everything,which is a big barrier to a harmonious society. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?重 点 单 词1pretend vt.& vi.假装;装扮;谎称The boy pretended to be doing his homework when his mother came in.他妈妈进来时那个男孩假装正在做家庭作业。He pretended(that)he didnt mind,but I knew that he did.他假装不在乎,但我知道他很

3、介意。剑桥高阶He pretended he had finished the task ahead of time.他谎称已经提前完成了任务。【思维整合】pretend topretend (that).假装即景活用She pretended_me when I passed by.Anot to see Bnot seeing Cto not see Dnot see解析:pretend后要求接带to的动词不定式,故排除B、C、D三项,故正确答案为A。答案:A2mark n分数,记号,标志,得分,痕迹;v.标明,标志;打分数,批改What do those marks in the mid

4、dle of the road mean?路中央的那些标识是什么意思?剑桥高阶You cant afford to get another low mark in English.你的英语不能再得低分了。We entered through a door marked“Private”我们穿过一扇写着“闲人免进”的门 【思维拓展】(1)mark sth.with sth.用作记号mark sth.on sth.在上作记号mark papers(给试卷)打分数be marked with留下记号(2)get a high/low mark得高/低分top marks最高分full marks满分

5、(3)marked adj.明显的,显著的即景活用It was in the schoolyard that I picked up a notebook_with name and class yesterday.Ato mark Bmarking Cmarked Dbeing marked解析:句意:“我昨天是在校园里捡到一个标有姓名和班级的笔记本。”本题是一个强调句型,考查过去分词作定语,修饰notebook,notebook是mark的承受者。答案:C3trade n贸易,商业,交易;vi.交易,买卖,经商,对换,购物;vt.用进行交换If you dont like your boo

6、k,Ill trade with you.如果你不喜欢你的书,我和你对换。The company has been trading in oil for many years.该公司做石油生意已经有许多年了。剑桥高阶Now more countries want to develop their trade with China.现在更多的国家想同中国发展贸易。【思维拓展】trade with与做交易;做买卖;与互相对换trade in做生意,经营trade sth.for sth.以换取trade away卖掉trade off轮流,交替;交替使用;卖掉,换掉trade on/upon口利用

7、trade out出卖trade up将折价换取更贵重的同类东西;劝(顾客)买更贵的东西即景活用I wouldnt _my job_anything.Achange;into Btrade;for Ctrade;with Dlose;with解析:句意:“我不会以我的工作换取任何东西。”考查词组辨析:A.把变成什么;B.以换取;C.与做交易,互换;D.不合搭配。答案:B4import v进口,输入;n.进口产品,输入品,输入We import a large number of cars from Japan.我们从日本进口大量的汽车。剑桥高阶British programmemakers a

8、re again importing styles from the United States.英国节目制作人又在引进美国的风格。China must produce more food to reduce its reliance on imports.中国必须生产更多的粮食以减轻对进口的依赖。【词汇链接】importer n进口国,进口商export vt.出口,输出import.from.从进口即景活用This kind of apples is more expensive because they are _ abroad.Aimported to Bexported to Cim

9、ported from Dexported from解析:句意:“这种苹果更贵,因为它们是由国外进口的。”“import sth.from.”“从进口”。答案:C经 典 短 语1dress up盛装,使盛装,打扮We dressed up for the wedding.我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.他装扮成牛仔去参加聚会。剑桥高阶【用法拓展】be dressed in穿着dress oneself in穿着【相关链接】dress/have on/put on/wear/in/with(1)dress可指穿衣服的动作,

10、用作不及物动词时表示穿好衣服;用作及物动词时后接人,不接衣服,表示给某人穿衣服。My grandmother is too old to dress herself.我奶奶年纪太大了而不能自己穿衣服。dress也可指穿着的状态,主动式一般表示重复或习惯;被动形式be dressed in指某人在某种场合穿什么样的衣服。He dressed well.他穿得很好。(2)have on意思是“穿着,戴着”,指穿的状态,后接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西。但不用于被动语态。He has on a blue coat and grey trousers today.他今天穿一件蓝色上衣和一条灰色裤子。

11、 (3)put on意思是“穿,戴”,指穿的动作,后接穿戴的东西,反义词为take off。He put on his glasses to read the letter.他戴上眼镜看起信来。(4)wear意思是“穿着,戴着”,指穿的状态,后接穿戴的东西。可用于进行时态。Many girls wear skirts in summer.许多女孩在夏天穿裙子。(5)in表示穿着,后接衣服,也可接颜色,除作定语外,可与be连用作谓语。The girl in red is a good student.穿红衣服的女孩是个好学生。(6)with只能作定语,而且只能与眼镜、手套之类名词搭配使用,不能接

12、衣服。The girl with glasses is our monitor.那个戴眼镜的女孩是我们的班长。即景活用_in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor.ADressed BTo dress CDressing DHaving dressed解析:dress用作及物动词,意思是给某人穿衣服,其后跟人作宾语。而bedressed in后接表示衣服的名词,表状态,意为“穿着”。此处dressed in.相当于when he is dressed in.。答案:A2make fun of取笑某人,拿(某人)开玩笑Do

13、nt make fun of people who stammer.不要取笑口吃的人。The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and woreglasses.别的孩子总是取笑他,因为他胖而且还藏着眼镜。剑桥高阶【用法拓展】play a joke on sb.取笑某人for fun闹着玩地即景活用Stop_others,or you will never make a friend.Ato make fun of Bmaking fun of Chaving fun with Dplaying fun

14、 of解析:本句句意为“不要再取笑他人,否则你永远也交不上朋友。”stop doing“停止做”,stop to do sth.“停下来去做”,取笑也可用play jokes on,have fun with sb.和某人玩得愉快。答案:B3.take over继承,接收,接管(工作等),占据She took over as manager two weeks ago.她两周前接任经理一职。剑桥高阶When Mr Green retired,his son took over the business from him.格林先生退休后,他儿子从他那里接管了生意。They were involv

15、ed in a takeover last year.去年他们参与了一家公司的收购。剑桥高阶【用法拓展】take to喜欢上,亲近,养成习惯take around带某人四处看take.for把当作;误认为take note of注意/take notes作笔记/take the place of代替某人(物)/take ones place坐某人的座位,代替某人的职务即景活用After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset out Btook

16、 over Ctook up Dset up解析:考查动词短语辨析。set out表“出门,出发;着手”,为不及物动词短语;take over表“接收,接管”;set up表“建立,创建”;take up表“从事;占据空间”。句意为:Jane在医学院学习5年后,开始在农村当医生。take up在此表从事某个职业。答案:C重 要 句 型The arrival of Europeans in America,and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant there wa

17、s an immediate need for people to work on them.欧洲人到了美洲,开辟了栽种棉花、水果和蔬菜的大农场和大种植园,这意味着急需干活的人手。There was a (great)need for do sth.需要某人干某事There is/was no need.是一常见句型,意为“没必要”,常常用在therebe结构中,后面可跟that从句或不定式。Is there any need to explain further?Is there any need for further explanation? 有必要更进一步说明吗?There

18、 is no need for you to wait.你不必等了。There is a great need for a new book on the subject.非常需要有一本这方面的新书。【知识链接】能用在there be结构中的名词除了need外,常见的还有:doubt,difference,possibility,chance,point,sense等。There is/was a(great)/no need(for sb.)to do sth.(不)需要某人干某事There is/was a (great)/no need for sth./sb.(不)需要某物(人)The

19、re is/was no possibility to do sth.没有可能干某事There is/was no time to do sth.没有时间干某事There is/was no doubt to do sth.毫无疑问干某事There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有用即景活用Theres no possibility_he can return alive.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Das解析:句意:“他生还的可能性几乎没有。”考查以that引导的同位语从句,修饰possibility。答案:A高 考 经 典 解 读【例1】 The wa

20、y the guests_in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service. (2009北京,27) Atreated Bwere treated Cwould treat Dwould be treated【解题方法指导】 本题考查动词的时态和语态。由句意可知treat的动作与 influenced的动作具有同时性,故用一般过去时。客人是“受到对待”, 故用被动语态。 答案:B教材原文对照But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. (P33)【例2】 S

21、hall we have our picnic tomorrow? _it doesnt rain.(2009山东,32) AUntil BWhile COnce DIf 【解题方法指导】 本题考查if引导条件状语从句。句意:“明天我 们去野餐吗?”“只要不下雨(就去)。” 答案:D教材原文对照If the key to Rio is music and movement,then in Venice it is the mystery of the mask. (P33)阅读理解题型攻略(四)节假日活动 教材中多次出现过有关节假日活动的文章,而且在高考中也常有体现,并且以介绍国外节假日居多,

22、主要是为了扩大学生的知识面,让他们更多地了解并熟悉西方国家,所以考生需密切注意西方的一些重要节日,如圣诞节、复活节、母亲节等。解题时如果对所读文章的内容比较熟悉,则更易深入理解。当然,有时命题者会选用一些大家不熟悉的节假日来作为文章内容。近年来,随着与国际化接轨对中国节日的介绍也成为考查热点。 【典例1】 The Sahara Festival is a celebration of the very recent past.The three day event is not fixed to the same date each year,but generally takes place

23、 in November or December.It is well attended by tourists,but even better attended by locals. During the opening ceremonies,after the official greetings from the government leaders,people who attend the festival begin to march smartly before the viewing stands,and white camels transport their riders

24、across the sands. Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship.One following another,groups of musicians and dancers from all over the Sahara take their turn to show off their wonderful traditional culture.Groups of men in blue and yellow play horns and

25、 beat drums as they dance in different designs.On their knees in the sand,a group of women in long dark dresses dance with their hair:their long,dark,shiny hair is thrown back and forth in the wind to the rhythm of their dance. The local and visiting Italian dogs are anxious to run after hares.The c

26、rowd is on its feet for the camel races.Camels and riders run far into the distance,and then return to the finish line in front of the cheering people. Towards the evening,there comes the grand finale of the opening day,an extremely exciting horse race.All the riders run very fast on horseback.Some

27、riders hang off the side of their saddles.Some even ride upside downtheir legs and feet straight up in the airall at full speed.Others rush down the course together,men arm in arm,on different horses.On and on they went.So fast and so wonderful! 学海浪花1.It is well attended by tourists,but even better

28、attended by locals. 很多游客都会参与进来,但当地人参与的热情会更高些。2.opening ceremony开幕式。 3.Horsemen from different nations display their beautiful clothes and their fine horsemanship. 来自不同国家的骑手展示着他们漂亮的衣服和精湛的骑术。 horns吹号角。horn是用牛或羊的角做成的,即号角。 the rhythm of their dance随着她们舞蹈的节奏。6.saddle马鞍。 学海导航:本篇文章向我们展示了近些年才开始的“

29、撒哈拉节”的盛况,游客和当地人都热情参与,各种活动丰富多彩,令人向往。1.The Sahara Festival is a festival which_. A.has a very long history in North Africa held in the same place on the same day attended mainly by the people in the Sahara celebrated mostly by travelers from different countries 解析:考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中but eve

30、n better attended by locals 可以确定正确答案为C。 答案:C 2.Before the races begin,_take part in the activities during the opening ceremonies. A.musicians,dancers,horses and hares B.camel riders,musicians,dogs and hares C.horsemen,dancers,camels and dogs D.musicians,officials,camels and horses 解析:考查细节理解。根据文章内容可知

31、dogs和hares并没有参加表演 活动,所以选项A、B、C应排除。 答案:D 3.The underlined word“finale”in the fourth paragraph most probably means the_of the opening day. A.first part Bmiddle C.last part Dwhole 解析:考查词义猜测。从本句的时间状语(接近傍晚)及后面的内容可以 推测出,the opening day的活动即将结束。 答案:C 4.This passage mainly tells readers_. A.what happens on t

32、he opening day of the Sahara Festival people celebrate during the three day Sahara Festival C.what takes place at the closing ceremonies of the Sahara Festival animals race on the first and the last days of the Sahara Festival 解析:考查主旨大意。文章重点讲述的是the opening ceremonies的盛 况,而不是在the Sahara F

33、estival期间人们所进行的活动。 答案:A 【典例2】 Millions of people crowded onto trains,airplanes and buses across China last week.They were hurrying home,to be with their families for Chinas most important holiday,Chinese New Year.More than one billion people around the world are celebrating the New Year. History Beh

34、ind the Holiday The Chinese New Year is celebrated at the second new moon after the winter solstice(冬至)(The winter solstice is one of the two times of the year when the sun is at its greatest distance from the equator.It is also the shortest day of the year.)According to an ancient legend,Buddha ask

35、ed all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year.12 animals came,and Buddha named a year after each animal.The animals were:the mouse,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,Goat,monkey,rooster,dog and pig. A Good Year to Be a Pig Buddha announced that people born in each animals year would have some o

36、f that animals personality.If you were born in 1959,1971,1983 or 1995,you were born in the year of the Pig.People who were born in these years are believed to be polite,honest,hardworking and loyal.They are also supposed to be lucky,which is why many Chinese like to have babies in a Pig year. They a

37、resaid to get along best with people born under the year of the Rabbit,Goat,Tiger,Dragon,Horse and Dog. Festivals,Lions and Feasts On Chinese New Years Eve,the Chinese celebrate with fireworks,family gatherings,and feasts.One of the most popular ways to celebrate the holiday is the lion dance.The li

38、on is considered a holy(神圣的)animal.During celebrations,dancers dressed as lions(or holding up elaborate paper lions in the air)perform to bring good luck to the people they visit at their homes or businesses.People often wear in red,which symbolizes fire.Legend has it that fire can drive away bad lu

39、ck.The 15day New Year season is celebrated with firecrackers,dragon dances and visits to friends and relatives.The celebrations end with the Lantern Festival,when brightly colored lanterns are hung in parks around China. 学海浪花 1.legend n传说,传奇 2.elaborate adj.精心制作的 3.symbolize v象征,代表学海导航:本文主要介绍中国的一个传统

40、节日春节,同时也介绍了人们在春节期间的一些习俗。 【注】 本句为复合句。when引导一个定语从句,修饰the two times。 本句为复合句。which引导一个非限制性定语从句,其中从句中又有一个由why引导的表语从句。1.The topic of the passage is about_. A.a festival Ba trip C.a gettogether Da dragon dance 解析:主旨大意题。文章介绍了中国的一个传统节日春节。 答案:A 2.The eighth animal of Chinese year is_. A.rabbit Bdog C.goat Dho

41、rse 解析:细节理解题。十二生肖中第八个动物是羊。由第二段中的最 后一句话可知答案。 答案:C 3.Why do many parents want a baby born in a Pig year? A.A pig is a gentle animal. B.The baby would be friendly to others. C.It would bring pride to its parents. D.It is regarded as lucky. 解析:细节理解题。人们认为 ,猪年出生的孩子会很幸运,由第三 段中的“They are also supposed to be

42、 lucky,which is.”得出答案。 答案:D 4.People wear red clothes during the festival in order to_. A.look beautiful B.get rid of bad luck C.appear like a fire D.suit the atmosphere of the festival 解析:细节理解题。春节人们穿红色衣服是为了避邪。由最后一段中 的“People often wear in red,which symbolizes fire.Legend has it that fire can drive away bad luck.”得出答案。 答案:B 5.The Spring Festival ends with_. A.eating dumplings together B.lion dancing C.the Lantern Festival D.fireworks 解析:细节理解题。春节到正月十五元宵节才结束。由最后一段中 的“The celebrations end with the Lantern Festival.”得出答案。 答案:C 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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