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1、1上课可用Food Customs 饮饮 食食 风风 俗俗1.一般喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。一般喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。2.对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式。3.对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉,食用是不仅附上时令的对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉,食用是不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥末酱。蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥末酱。4.佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类。佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类。5.香料上则喜好豆蔻、肉桂等新鲜香料。香料上则喜好豆蔻、肉桂等新鲜香料。6.英国人喜欢狩猎,一

2、年一次狩猎期中,就许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野英国人喜欢狩猎,一年一次狩猎期中,就许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野味大餐,烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子酒或浆果及酒。味大餐,烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子酒或浆果及酒。.1. Generally preferred cooking methods are: braised, grilled, fried and fried.2. On the meat, seafood, game cooking methods are unique.3. On the beef side there are special preferences, such as barbec

3、ue beef, food is not only accompanied by seasonal vegetables, roasted potatoes, but also the steak with a little mustard.4. Seasoning is the use of butter and wine preferences.5. Spices is like cardamom, cinnamon and other fresh spices.6. English people like to hunt, hunting once a year period, on m

4、any of the hotels or restaurants will launch game meal, cooking game, the berries are used and some gin or wine.2上课可用The UK has become a nation of foodies, The UK has become a nation of foodies, with increasingly sophisticated tastes with increasingly sophisticated tastes and an appetite for world c

5、uisines. and an appetite for world cuisines. Witness all the TV food programmers Witness all the TV food programmers and cookery books, the celebrity and cookery books, the celebrity status of many chefs, the popularity status of many chefs, the popularity of farmers markets and regional food of far

6、mers markets and regional food fairs, the trend in food related fairs, the trend in food related travel and the money we spend on doing travel and the money we spend on doing up kitchens.up kitchens. 3上课可用 Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropr

7、iate use of utensils. 4上课可用5上课可用6上课可用7上课可用CWhich of the following is considered bad table manner? A. Eat with your mouth closed.B. Remember to thank your host for the invitation.C. Eat with your mouth open.8上课可用AKnife, fork and spoons are all part of what? A. a cutlery set.B. a plate set.C. a train

8、set.9上课可用CWhat should you avoid to talk about during dinner conversation with other guests? A. BooksB. The weather.C. Politics.10上课可用BNear the end of the programme, what did Jonathan do during the interview? A. He had a wardrobe malfunction.B. His mobile phone rang during the interview.C. His false

9、teeth fell out.11上课可用早餐求快早餐求快英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等啡等The ready meal boom The UK eats the most ready meals in Europe. Pizza, pasta, oven chips all quickly re-heated and no messing. Supermarkets and convenience stores display a dazzling range

10、 - the more exotic the better. 12上课可用13上课可用英国人喝早餐茶的习惯英国人喝早餐茶的习惯事实上是英国长久以来事实上是英国长久以来的传统。只是的传统。只是“英国早英国早餐茶餐茶”这一说法却不是这一说法却不是从英国而来的,而是从从英国而来的,而是从殖民地时期从美国而来。殖民地时期从美国而来。英国早餐茶是由集中红茶英国早餐茶是由集中红茶以一定比例拼配而成,是以一定比例拼配而成,是一种口味醇厚,香味浓郁一种口味醇厚,香味浓郁的饮品。适合搭配牛奶和的饮品。适合搭配牛奶和糖。与多姿多彩的英式早糖。与多姿多彩的英式早餐相得益彰。是英国最常餐相得益彰。是英国最常见的一种茶

11、。见的一种茶。14上课可用午餐从简在学校和工作中的成年人许在学校和工作中的成年人许多儿童有一个多儿童有一个“打包午餐打包午餐”。这通常包括一个三明治,一这通常包括一个三明治,一包薯片,水果和饮料片。包薯片,水果和饮料片。“打包午餐打包午餐”装在一个塑料容装在一个塑料容器。器。 最新调查表明,英国现代的最新调查表明,英国现代的上班族们花在午餐上的时间上班族们花在午餐上的时间只有只有3分半钟,因为大家都分半钟,因为大家都挤出大量休息时间办理私事。挤出大量休息时间办理私事。15上课可用16上课可用一般认为,英国下午茶的传一般认为,英国下午茶的传统是维多利亚女王时代统是维多利亚女王时代1840年期间由


13、治(当然也包括薄薄的黄瓜三明治),由奶油和果酱瓜三明治),由奶油和果酱涂抹的烤饼。蛋糕和面粉糕涂抹的烤饼。蛋糕和面粉糕饼也在下午茶上供应。饼也在下午茶上供应。 18上课可用正统英式维多利亚下午茶的生活文正统英式维多利亚下午茶的生活文化内涵化内涵 英国在维多利亚女皇时代英国在维多利亚女皇时代(公元公元18371901)是大是大英帝国最强盛的时代,文化艺术蓬勃发展;人们英帝国最强盛的时代,文化艺术蓬勃发展;人们醉心于追求艺术文化的内涵及精致生活品味。醉心于追求艺术文化的内涵及精致生活品味。维多莉亚下午茶是一门综合的艺术维多莉亚下午茶是一门综合的艺术,简朴却不寒酸简朴却不寒酸,华丽却不庸俗华丽却不庸


15、成“三三层层架架”的的形形式式:第第一一层层放放置置各各种种口口味味的的三三明明治治( t te ea a s sa an nd dw wi ic ch h ),第第二二层层是是英英国国的的传传统统点点心心司司康康饼饼( s sc co on ne e ),第第三三层层则则是是小小蛋蛋糕糕和和水水果果塔塔( cakes and pastries )。这这个个三三层层架架点点心心应应先先从从下下往往上上吃吃。 20上课可用21上课可用晚晚 餐餐 正正 式式22上课可用23上课可用国菜 Fish and chips 鱼和炸土豆条Fish and chips (sometimes written f

16、ish n chips) is a popular take-away food that originated in the United Kingdom in 1858 or 1863. It consists of deep-fried fish (traditionally cod, haddock or flounder) in batter or breadcrumbs with deep-fried chipped (slab-cut) potatoes. 24上课可用What do you know about British food? Theres more to it t

17、han fish and chips and a cooked breakfast. English food may be different from what you expect.25上课可用Famous Dishes熏烤咸肉,炸蘑菇,炸熏烤咸肉,炸蘑菇,炸虾饼,肉末蛋卷,新鲜虾饼,肉末蛋卷,新鲜的生三文鱼的生三文鱼26上课可用Famous Dishes康尼马拉龙虾和肥嫩的康尼马拉龙虾和肥嫩的班特里海湾扇贝班特里海湾扇贝27上课可用Wine English wine industry is very strong. More and more of the many vineyards

18、 are producing wine and red wine. English pubs everywhere, has several flavors, each with 10,000 large and small pubs, which have many hundreds of years of history, this old pub is usually haunted legends, it is interesting that not only did not care about the owner, but also his house ghost Li Chua

19、n-story as the general put on a table in each. Something fishy about the pub business better and sell more expensive. 28上课可用29上课可用Summary Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant

20、 communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips. Because of the climate and the German

21、ic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country. Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea.30上课可用制作来自制作来自:08341114 孟凯 08341119 童亚婷 08341124 姚钰萍 08341211 黄萱 07341314 彭晶31上课可用



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