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1、 牛津版牛津版九年级九年级(9A) Unit 42021/6/719A Unit4 复习复习 2021/6/72021/6/72 21.Im far too busy to go shopping.2. 我实在太忙了,没时间去买东西。我实在太忙了,没时间去买东西。 far用作副词,意为“很”“非常”,常修饰形容词、副词、比较级或最高级,强调程度,表示“很多”。如:Hes fallen far behind in his work. 他的工作远远没有做完。 Their room is far larger than yours. 他们的房间比你们的大很多。 This room is far to

2、o warm. 这个房间太热 He is a man of far sight. 他是一个目光远大的人。Im far too busy to go shopping. 我真的是太忙了,没时间去购物。2021/6/72021/6/73 3so far意为“到目前止”,可以放在句首,也可放在句尾。如:So far the weather has been good, but it might change. 直到现在为止,天气都很好,但也许有变。2021/6/72021/6/74 4between强调在两者之间,而强调在两者之间,而among一般指三一般指三者或三以上。者或三以上。如:如:Ther

3、e is a picture hanging between the two windows. 两扇窗户中间挂着一幅画。两扇窗户中间挂着一幅画。The animals usually hide among the trees in the daytime. 野兽白天通常藏在树野兽白天通常藏在树林里。林里。I couldnt find him among the crowd. 我在人群里找不到他。当表示三者以上的事物每我在人群里找不到他。当表示三者以上的事物每两两之间时,仍用两两之间时,仍用between。如:。如:There is a canal between the three citie

4、s. 这三个城市之间有条运河。这三个城市之间有条运河。Agreements have been made between different countries.不同的国家之间已达成了协议。不同的国家之间已达成了协议。2021/6/72021/6/75 53. Every one of them has their own favourite TV programme. 他们每个人都有自己最喜欢的电视节目。everyone通常情况下写成一个单词,但在后面接一个表示范围的of短语时,应写成两个单词。如:原句中every one of them。当anyone后面接of时,也写成两个单词,即any

5、 one of。如:Every one of the students in the class has passed the exam. All the students in the class have passed the exam. 这个班上的所有的学生都通过了这次考试。2021/6/72021/6/76 6 12. instead; instead of. instead 通常位于句末,instead of 后接 名词或动名词。 Ill take his class instead. 我将代他上课。 Ill take the class instead of him.13.rise

6、, vi.升起。通常指一些自然现象和价格等的上涨。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳在东方升起来。The river rose a lot because of the flood. 由于洪水,河水涨了许多。 2021/6/72021/6/77 7each放在主语后,作主语(一定是放在主语后,作主语(一定是复数)的同位语时,谓语用复数。复数)的同位语时,谓语用复数。如:如:We each have an orange in the hand. 我们每人手里有一我们每人手里有一只桔子。只桔子。They each have different opinions about

7、 it. 他们对那件他们对那件事各有不同的意事各有不同的意 2021/6/72021/6/78 8a number of意为意为“若干若干”“许多许多”,后接可,后接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语用复数。数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语用复数。如:如:A number of boys have been absent some time during the term. 这学期有许多男学生有时候缺课。这学期有许多男学生有时候缺课。A small number of women are now holding key jobs. 现在有少许妇女身居要职。现在有少许妇女身居要职。A numbe

8、r of students in our school like listening to music. 我校许多学生喜欢听音乐。我校许多学生喜欢听音乐。2021/6/72021/6/79 9the number of表示表示“的数量的数量”,后接可,后接可数名词的复数形式,但其整个短语作主语时,数名词的复数形式,但其整个短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:谓语动词用单数形式。如:The number of the students in our school is 2.300.我们学校的学生数是我们学校的学生数是2,300。The number of the factories in my

9、 hometown has reached 100. 我家乡的工厂数量已经达到了我家乡的工厂数量已经达到了100家。家。The number of the people in that city is growing fast. 这些年小汽车的数量在增加。这些年小汽车的数量在增加。2021/6/72021/6/71010 形容词live,alive,living和lively的使用情况live用作形容词或副词,意为“现场播出的”“实况转播的”“实地”。如:The show is going out live. 这场演出正在实况转播。The football match is covered l

10、ive on TV. 电视上正在现场直播那场足球赛。Some television and radio programs are live. 有些电视和广播节目是实况播送的。2021/6/72021/6/71111live作形容词用,读作laiv,意为“活的”“活着的”,通常用来修饰一个表示动物的名词,但一般不用来修饰表示人的名词。Live是这样用时,通常只用作前置定语,不作表语。如:The cat was playing with a live mouse. 那只猫正在玩耍一只活老鼠。Have you ever seen a live whale? 你曾经见过活的鲸鱼吗?That is a

11、live fish. 那是一条活鱼。Have you ever touched a read live snake? 你有没有摸过活蛇?2021/6/72021/6/71212alive为表语形容词,意为“活着的”“在世的”,既可以修饰人也可以修饰物。Alive作定语时,要放在被修饰名词之后,alive也可用作表语和宾语补足语。如:She kept the little cat alive by feeding it warm milk. 她给那只小猫喂热牛奶,使它可以活下去。The fish were caught alive. 这些鱼被活捉。2021/6/72021/6/71313livi

12、ng是形容词,意思是“活着的”,可用作表语,也可用作定语,作定语时,大多置于名词之前,有时也可置于名词之后;另外living可用作名词,常构成短语。如:the living意为“活着的人”;make a living或earn ones living意为“谋生”。如:Are there any living things on one of those stars? 那些星球中,有没有一个上面有生物的?Every living person has a name. 每一个活着的人都有一个名字。No man living could do better. 当代人没有一个能做得比这更好。2021/

13、6/72021/6/71414lively是形容词,意思是“生动的”“活泼的”“充满生机的”,可用作表语或定语,修饰人或物。如:He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的方法使他教的课生动又有趣。The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games. 运动场上进行各种球类比赛,呈现出一派生机勃勃的景象。The boy has a lively mind. 那男孩头脑灵活。2021/6/72021/6/71515present用作形

14、容词,放在名词前,意为“现在的”“现存的”。如:Dont bother him. Hes busy at the present moment (=at present). 别烦他,他现在正忙着。What is your present address? 你现在的地址是什么地方?2021/6/72021/6/71616present用作形容词,放在名词前,意为“现在的”“现存的”。如:Dont bother him. Hes busy at the present moment (=at present). 别烦他,他现在正忙着。What is your present address? 你现

15、在的地址是什么地方?2021/6/72021/6/71717present用作形容词,在句中用作表语或后置定语,意为“出席的、在场的”。如:How many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人参加了会议?All are present and all is going on well. 全体人员都到了,一切进展顺利。Present at the meeting were our teachers, headmaster and some students. 出席会议的有我们的老师,校长和一些学生。All the people present agr

16、eed to the plan. 在场的所有人都同意该计划 2021/6/72021/6/71818present和gift的区别 present和gift都可作“礼物”解,一般来说可以通用,但gift带有一定感情色彩,有时有“捐赠”的意思。如:Im buying it for a present/gifts on her 15th birthday.珍妮在她15岁生日时收到许多礼物。Im buying it for a present/gifts, so please wrap it up nicely. 我买东西是送人的,请包得好一些。This was given me as a birt

17、hday gift/present.2021/6/72021/6/71919attendattend作动词,意为作动词,意为“ “出席出席”“ ”“参加参加” ”某个集会、盛会某个集会、盛会或仪式,也可以表示或仪式,也可以表示“ “上上” ”某个学校。如:某个学校。如:Who attended the meeting?Who attended the meeting?谁出席了会议?谁出席了会议?He attended at a meeting yesterday. He attended at a meeting yesterday. 他昨日他昨日参加了会议。参加了会议。They attend

18、ed the church. They attended the church. 他们去教堂了。他们去教堂了。Our teacher suggested that he attend a Our teacher suggested that he attend a technical school. technical school. 我们的老师建议他去上技校。我们的老师建议他去上技校。2021/6/72021/6/72020join用作动词,也可表示“参加”的意思,但主要指参加某个组织,成为其中的一个成员。如:His sister joined the League last year. 他

19、的妹妹去年参加了共青团。Please join us in the party. 请一起参加我们的聚会吧。take part in指参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明参加活动并发挥作用,该短语不能用于被动语态。如:Well take part in social activities during the summer vacation. 我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。Are you going to take part in the discussion? 你将参加讨论吗?2021/6/72021/6/72121 Its all about football, including a numbe

20、r of Its all about football, including a number of interviews with local football players.interviews with local football players. 它全是有关足球方面的,包括许多对国内足球它全是有关足球方面的,包括许多对国内足球它全是有关足球方面的,包括许多对国内足球它全是有关足球方面的,包括许多对国内足球运动员的采访。运动员的采访。运动员的采访。运动员的采访。includingincluding在句中作介词,意为在句中作介词,意为“ “包括包括” ”,表示谈及,表示谈及整体中的一部

21、分。再如:整体中的一部分。再如:Twenty students of our class, including two Twenty students of our class, including two American students, went on a trip.American students, went on a trip. 我班二十个学生,包括二位美国学生,去旅行了。我班二十个学生,包括二位美国学生,去旅行了。Many people, including my mother, want to Many people, including my mother, want to

22、 buy this kind of cloth.buy this kind of cloth. 很多人,包括我母亲,都想买这种布料。很多人,包括我母亲,都想买这种布料。Fifteen persons were present, including the Fifteen persons were present, including the chairman.chairman.2021/6/72021/6/72222include用作及物动词,表示“包括”“包括”。如:The plan includes most of your suggestions. 这项计划里包括了你们大部分的建议。Th

23、e price includes postage charges. 价格包括邮资在内。2021/6/72021/6/72323 horror的用法的用法horror用作名词,表示用作名词,表示“恐怖恐怖”“极端厌恶极端厌恶”。如:。如:It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror. 那(表情)不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,那(表情)不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,也不是厌恶。也不是厌恶。She ran away in horror from the snake. 她她很恐怖地跑了,躲开那条蛇。很恐怖地跑了,躲开那条蛇。They were filled with horror when they heard the bad news. 他们听到这个坏消息,十分惊恐。他们听到这个坏消息,十分惊恐。In this section youll find horror and science fiction. 你可以在这一部分找恐怖和科幻小说。你可以在这一部分找恐怖和科幻小说。2021/6/72021/6/72424部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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