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1、6In My Mind内容参考 READING FOR LEARNING 2 READING FOR DONING 3 GUIDED WRITING4 AUDIO/VIDEO LAB5 WARM-UP1 WARP-UP6内容参考WARM-UPTask1What are the important moments in your life? Read the following timeline and mark them on it. Some examples have already been given.内容参考WARM-UPTask2Describe your moments in T

2、ask 1 to your partner withcomplete sentences.PossibleanswersMy 16th birthday party was the best. I got a motorbike!I dont really remember my first day at school.I was excited but nervous to leave school for college.内容参考Usingexamples(恰当使用实例恰当使用实例)有些科学类文章读起来会略显枯燥乏味, 晦涩难懂。若适当使用实例, 尤其是贴近读者日常生活的实例, 可以使原本

3、枯燥、专业性强、难理解的文章更具可读性, 更有趣, 也更易理解, 从而起到很好的科普效果。READINGFORLEARNING内容参考Task1Match the ideas to the examples. Then read the text andcheck your answers.READINGFORLEARNING 1 But even in adulthood, links are made between smells and memories. 2 Doing things for the first time leaves a strong memory. 3 Songs

4、that stay in your head are known as “earworms”.a Remember your first day of school or a new job?b You heard a song on your way to campus, and you found it hard to get rid of it for the rest of the day.c You might make a connection between a perfume and a friend or lover, or the smell of a certain fo

5、od may take you back to the first time you ate it.内容参考Sense and Memory译译文文Have you ever had these experiences? You are walking around campus and suddenly a familiar smell reminds you of your grandmother and you feel homesick. As you get older, you feel like the day goes really quickly. A song you he

6、ar when getting ready for lectures then stays in your head all day.你有过这些经历吗?你正在校园里散步,突然一种熟悉的味道使你想起你的祖母,你开始想家了。随着年龄的增长,你感到日子过得飞快。你准备听讲座时听到一首歌,然后它就整天在你耳边回响。事实上事实上,我们的感官和记忆之间的关系之密切远超过我们的想象。,我们的感官和记忆之间的关系之密切远超过我们的想象。Actually, our senses and memories are more connected than we think.感官与记忆感官与记忆内容参考Sense a

7、nd Memory译译文文Smell Researchers have discovered that typically, a strong connection between smells, emotions and life experiences is formed before age 5. This is particularly true for smells that we dont smell every day. But even in adulthood, links are made between smells and memories. You might mak

8、e a connection between a perfume and a friend or lover, or the smell of a certain food may take you back to the first time you ate it.味道味道研究者发现,味道、情感和生活经历之间的密切联系一般在5岁前就形成了。这对于那些我们不常闻到的味道来说尤其如此。但即使进入成年,味道与记忆之间仍能建立联系。你也许会把一种香水的味道与一个朋友或恋人联系起来,又或者某种食物的味道也许会让你想起第一次品尝它的场景。内容参考Sense and Memory译译文文Time The

9、reason time seems to go more quickly as we get older is that we repeat the same routines and experience the same events over and over. Doing things for the first time usually leaves a strong memory. Remember your first day of school or a new job? But as we repeat those events, strong memories arent

10、created, and time goes quickly.时间时间随着年龄的增长,时间似乎过得越来越快,这是因为我们日复一日地做着同样的事情,过着同样的生活。第一次做某件事情通常会给我们留下深刻的记忆。还记得你第一天上学或第一天上班吗?但一旦我们重复这些事情,便不会再产生深刻的记忆,时间也就过得快了。内容参考Sense and Memory译译文文SoundYou heard a song on your way to campus, and you found it hard to get rid of it for the rest of the day. Songs that sta

11、y in your head all day are known as “earworms”. It was found in one study that nearly 92% of people have such an experience once a week or more. Earworms are started by many different kinds of things, such as going back to the same place where you first heard a song. People also often listen to sad

12、music when they are in a sad mood, and stressful situations often remind them of that song.音乐音乐上学路上你听到一首歌,然后便发现接下来的一整天这首歌都挥之不去。一直萦绕耳边的音乐被称为“耳朵虫”。一项研究表明,近92%的人一周会有一次或多次这种经历。“耳朵虫”可由许多事情引起,例如回到第一次听到某首歌的地方。人们心情不好时常常会听忧伤的歌,而压力大的情况常常会令你想起那首歌。内容参考Sense and Memory译译文文 From the moment we are inside our mothe

13、rs, we create memories of the sounds around usthe sounds of our mothers voice, the music she listened toall of these start to create a world we recognise and remember. Our memories arent just made up of events, people and places. The whole mind and body create our memories. From the happiest moments

14、 to the saddest moments of our lives, we will often connect them with the things we see, we smell and we hear.从我们还在母亲肚子里开始,我们就对周围的声音形成记忆母亲说话的声音,她听的音乐所有这些开始构建起一个我们认知和记忆的世界。我们的记忆不仅仅是由事件、人物和地点构成的。整个身心一同来创建记忆。从人生中最快乐的时刻到最难过的时刻,我们常常会把记忆同我们所见、所闻和所听的事物联系起来。内容参考New Words Phrases and Expressions familiar #ho

15、mesick typically connection emotionparticularly#adulthood link #perfume certain repeatroutineremind sb of get ready for over and overget rid of be made up of#earworm study mood stressfulrecognise 内容参考familiare.g. BethuneisafamiliarfigureintheChina. 在中国,白求恩是个家喻户晓的人物。adj. 熟悉的;熟知的Back to Vocabulary内容参考

16、homesicke.g. Shesfeelingalittlehomesick. 她有点想家。adj. 想家的;思乡的Back to Vocabulary内容参考typicallye.g. Motherstypicallyworryabouttheirchildren. 母亲总爱挂念自己的子女。adv. 通常;一般;典型地Back to Vocabulary内容参考connectione.g. Scientistshaveestablishedaconnectionbetweencholesterollevelsandheartdisease. 科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联。n.

17、联系;关系Back to Vocabulary内容参考emotione.g. Howdoyoumanageyouremotion? 你是怎样调整情绪的呢?n. 情感;情绪Back to Vocabulary内容参考particularlye.g. Iparticularlylikewoodenfurniture. 我特别喜欢木制家具。adv. 尤其;特别Back to Vocabulary内容参考adulthoode.g. Isthereaclearcut-offpointbetweenchildhoodandadulthood? 童年与成年之间有明确的分界线吗?n. 成人时期;成年Back

18、to Vocabulary内容参考linke.g. Thestudyfurtherstrengthenstheevidencelinkingsmokingwithearlydeath. 这项研究进一步证实了吸烟与早逝之间的联系。n. & v. 关联;联系Back to Vocabulary内容参考perfumee.g. Spoilyourselfwithanewperfumethissummer. 今年夏天买瓶新香水慰劳一下自己吧。n. 香水;香气Back to Vocabulary内容参考certaine.g. Thereisacertainimpatienceamongsomepeople

19、. 有些人有点不耐烦了。adj. 某些;一些Back to Vocabulary内容参考repeate.g. Illrepeatthatsoyoucancommitittomemory. 我会重复一下,好让你们记住。v. 重复Back to Vocabulary内容参考routinee.g. Hecontinuedtomowthelawnanddootherroutinechores. 他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。n. 日常活动;常规;惯例Back to Vocabulary内容参考earworme.g. Theresearchersfoundearworminfectionslastl

20、ongerwithmusiciansthanwithnon-musicians. 研究表明,比起非音乐家,音乐家所产生的“音乐幻听”现象持续时间更长。n. (不断在脑中重复的)上口曲调Back to Vocabulary内容参考studye.g. Recentstudiesshowthatwomenstillgetpaidalessthanmen. 最近的调查表明,女性的薪水仍比男性的要低很多。n. 研究(项目)Back to Vocabulary内容参考moode.g. Theyareclearlyinagoodmoodtoday. 显然他们今天心情不错。n. 心情Back to Vocab

21、ulary内容参考stressfule.g. Parentingcanbeastressfulbusiness. 为人父母会是一件压力很大的事。adj. 有压力的Back to Vocabulary内容参考recognise e.g. Blindpeoplerecognisethingsbyfeelingthem. 盲人靠触觉辩认东西。v. 认识;认出Back to Vocabulary内容参考remind sb ofe.g. Thanksforyourgiftitwillalwaysremindmeofyou. 谢谢你们的礼物它将使我经常想到你们。Back to Vocabulary使某人想

22、起内容参考get ready fore.g. Ittookheralongtimetogetreadyforschool. 她花了很长时间才做好去上学的准备。Back to Vocabulary为作准备内容参考over and overe.g. Heplaysthesamesongsoverandover.他一遍又一遍地放着同样的歌曲。反复地;再三地Back to Vocabulary内容参考get rid ofe.g. Howtogetridofthesethingsisabigproblem. 如何清除这些东西是个大问题。摆脱;甩掉Back to Vocabulary内容参考be made

23、 up ofe.g. Theworkforceismainlymadeupofwomen.职工中主要是女性。由组成Back to Vocabulary内容参考You are walking around campus and suddenly a familiar smell reminds you of your grandmother and you feel homesick.你正在校园里散步,突然一种熟悉的味道使你想起你的祖母,你开始想家了。1remind sb of: tell someone again about an event from the past or about a

24、 fact that they used to know 使某人想起;就提醒(某人)e.g. Thanks for your giftit will always remind me of you. 谢谢你的礼物我看到它就会经常想起你。 Ive forgotten his namewill you remind me of it? 我忘记了他的名字请提醒我一下好吗? 内容参考A song you hear when getting ready for lectures then stays in your head all day.你准备听讲座时听到一首歌,然后它就整天在你耳边回响。2get

25、ready for: prepare for what is going to happen为作准备e.g. It took her a long time to get ready for church. 她花了很长时间为去教堂作准备。内容参考Researchers have discovered that typically, a strong connection between smells, emotions and life experiences is formed before age 5.研究者发现,味道、情感和生活经历之间的密切联系一般在5岁前就形成了。3此句中typica

26、lly, a strong connection. before age 5 为宾语从句,从句的主语中心词是connection而不是experiences,因此谓语动词用单数is。内容参考This is particularly true for smells that we dont smell every day.这对于那些我们不常闻到的味道来说尤是如此。4此句中的that we dont smell every day为定语从句。关于定语从句的关系代词和关系副词的选择,有以下几点需要注意:1)介词如果位于作为其宾语的关系代词之前时,只能用whom/which,不能 用who或that。

27、 e.g. The book in which there are many interesting stories was written by Andersen. 那本书的作者是安徒生,里面有很多有趣的故事。2) 下列情况下只能用that,不能用which。 先行词为不定代词,如all, anything, everything, nothing, something, none, the one等。 e.g. We are willing to do anything that is good to the people. 只要是对人们有益,我们什么事情都愿意做。 先行词是序数词或被序数

28、词修饰时。 e.g. The first book that I read in university was an English novel. 我大学期间读的第一本书是本英文小说。 先行词是形容词最高级或被最高级修饰时。 e.g. This is the best movie that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影了。 如果有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时(先行词既有人又有物),定 语从句的关系代词用which 和who都不合适,只能用that。 e.g. We know nothing about the doctors and the hospit

29、als that you are talking about. 对你说的医生和医院我们一无所知。 先行词被the only, the very, the last, the same, any, few, little, no, all, one of, just 等修饰时。 e.g. This is the only book that can be lent to you. 只能借给你这本书。 当主句是以which 开头的特殊问句时,关系代词只用that。 e.g. Which is the dictionary that he used yesterday? 昨天他用的是哪本字典?3)

30、下列情况下只能用which,不能用that。 关系代词放在介词之后。 e.g. This is the factory in which we once worked. 这是我们曾经工作过的工厂。 在非限制性定语从句中。 e.g. He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy. 他赢得了那场比赛,这使他的父母非常高兴。 that或those作主语时。 e.g. This is that which he bought yesterday. 这就是他昨天买的那个东西。内容参考The reason time s

31、eems to go more quickly as we get older is that we repeat the same routines and experience the same events over and over.随着年龄的增长,时间似乎过得越来越快,这是因为我们日复一日地做着同样的事情,过着同样的生活。5此句中: time seems to go more quickly as we get older是定语从句,修饰the reason。 is that后面的we repeat the same routines and experience the same

32、events over and over 是表语从句。 e.g. The reason I am late is that I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是我错过了巴士。内容参考Our memories arent just made up of events, people and places.我们的记忆不仅仅是由事件、人物和地点构成的。6make sth up: form, compose or constitute something 形成构成或组成某物 e.g. Animal bodies are made up of cells. 动物的身体是由细胞组成的。 pu

33、t something together from several different things将几种东西放在一起 e.g. make up a bundle of old clothes for a jumble sale 把旧衣物捆起准备义卖 prepare (a bed) for use; set up (a temporary bed) 铺(床);支起(临时 床) e.g. We made up the bed in the spare room for our guest. 我们在空着的房间里给客人支了张床。 invent something, especially in ord

34、er to deceive someone 捏造 虚构某 事(尤指为欺骗某人) e.g. make up an excuse 编造借口 I couldnt remember a story to tell the children, so I made one up as I went along. 我想不出有什么故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲。内容参考Task1Match the ideas to the examples. Then read the text andcheck your answers.READINGFORLEARNING 1 But even in adulthood,

35、 links are made between smells and memories. 2 Doing things for the first time leaves a strong memory. 3 Songs that stay in your head are known as “earworms”.a Remember your first day of school or a new job?b You heard a song on your way to campus, and you found it hard to get rid of it for the rest

36、 of the day.c You might make a connection between a perfume and a friend or lover, or the smell of a certain food may take you back to the first time you ate it.cab内容参考ReadingandUnderstandingTask2Read the text and match the two halves to complete the sentences.1 People tend to listen to sad songs ov

37、er and over again2 Stressful situations will remind you of3 Unusual smells will remind you of4 The smell of food will5 Repeated events will make youa your early life experience.b feel time passing quickly.c when they feel negative.d take you back to the first time you experienced it.e the sad music

38、you heard last time when you felt sad.ceadb内容参考ReadingandUnderstandingTask3Read the text and choose the best answer to the questions.1 What might we connect a perfume with? A A friend or lover. B Shopping. C Parents and other adults.2 When do we mostly form our memories related to smells? A Adulthoo

39、d. B Before the age of 5. C The first time we ate a food.3 When do we start to create memories? A At the age of 5. B From the moment we are inside our mothers belly. C When we start to see and smell.4 What creates our memories? A The whole mind and body. B Our words. C Sights and smells only.内容参考Rea

40、dingandUnderstandingTask4Complete the summary sentence for each section of the text.remindusofcertainlifeexperiencestrongmemoriesmanydifferentkindsofthings内容参考ReadingandUnderstandingTask5Write down one example for each situation according to your own experiences. Then tell a partner about your exper

41、iences.1 A smell that reminds you of something The smell of fresh flower reminds me of visiting my grandparents.2 The last time it felt like time went quickly _3 The last song that became an earworm _Last Saturday, time went quickly when I played football with my classmates.The song Let It Go became

42、 an earworm for me the other day.内容参考VocabularyFocusTask1Look at the three spider diagrams and complete them with words from the boxes. Think of any other words you can add to each spider diagram.smelltastesightsounddailyhabitrepeatremembereventshistory内容参考VocabularyFocusTask2Complete the questions

43、with words from the boxes.1 What food reminds you of a happy _ such as a party or a wedding?2 What habit puts you in a good _?3 What things do you associate with a difficult _?4 What changes in your life have you found _?5 Did your parents _ that your move to college was a big step?eventmoodsituatio

44、nstressfulrecognise内容参考VocabularyFocusTask3Find the phrases in the text and complete their explanations. The first one is already done for you.repareealepeatontinueameonsist内容参考GrammarFocus:Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive(一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态)Task1Read the grammar box and

45、find examples of present simple passive and past simple passive in the text to complete the box.GrammarBox(1)Passive voice is usually used when the subject of the verb is unknown or not important.Presentsimplepassive Senses are connected to ones memory. _ _ _Pastsimplepassive The first Stephen King

46、book was rejected many times before it was accepted. _一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态都是由系动词be+动词过去分词构成,两者缺一不可。其中,系动词be体现时态,随时态的变化而变化,而动词过去分词因表示被动状态,不再进行词形变化。(2) When we want to mention the subject of the verb, we use the expression started with by. The first Stephen King book was rejected many times before it was

47、accepted by the publisher Doubleday. _Answers内容参考Task2Complete the sentences with the correct passive forms of the verbs in brackets.1 Smells _(strongly, link) to early memories.2 As events _ (repeat), the memories become weaker.3 Our strongest memories _ (form) by new events.4 The song Memory _ (wr

48、ite) for the musical Cats.5 Memory _ (first, study) over 200 years ago.6 The medicine _(develop) to help people sleep better, but now it _ (use) by some people to improve memory.7 The film Memento, which is about a lost memory, _(direct) by Christopher Nolan.are strongly linkedare repeatedare formed

49、was writtenwas first studiedwas developedis usedwas directedGrammarFocus:Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive(一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态)内容参考Task3Circle the correct forms to complete the passage.The Internet has changed our lives and the way our brain (1) works / is worked. In a stud

50、y called the Google Effect, it (2) says / is said that we are less likely to remember information when we know where to find it. According to one professor, we now dont try to remember information, we just (3) think / are thought about where to find it. In the study, participants (4) asked / were as

51、ked to take some tests. For example, they (5) gave / were given simple questions like “Do any countries have only one colour on their flags?” Most people (6) thought / was thought about going online to search for the answer rather than searching for it in their memory. Though many of the Internets e

52、ffects on memory (7) still unexplored / are still unexplored, it seems that now memories (8) stored / are stored on the Internet. It is obvious that human memory is changing because of new communication technologies.GrammarFocus:Present Simple Passive and Past Simple Passive(一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态一般现在时和一般

53、过去时的被动语态)内容参考BeyondtheTextTask1Read the example and see how the game plays.内容参考BeyondtheTextTask2Close the book and repeat the clues in Task 1 in turnswith your partner. How many clues can you remember?内容参考BeyondtheTextTask3Work in small groups. Read each clue carefully and try to guess the answer.

54、Whoever gets the answer with the least number of clues is the winner.apple内容参考BeyondtheTextTask4When you get the answer in Task 3, try to create several new clues for it with your partner.What is it?Clue 1: _ Clue 2: _Clue 3: _It is the most widely eaten fruit in the world.It is used to make cider (

55、苹果酒).William Tell shot this fruit on his sons head.内容参考BeyondtheTextTask5Follow the example in Task 1 and make up your own game. Play it in small groups.AnswersModelanswersWhichsportisit?Clue 1: It is a sport usually played between two or four players.Clue 2: The object of the game is to play the ba

56、ll in such a way that the opponent is not able to hit a return of the ball.Clue 3: It is played usually on grass, clay or hard courts outdoors and occasionally indoors.Clue 4: The most important annual events related to this sport are the four Grand Slam Tournaments.Clue 5: Li Na is one of Chinas be

57、st female players of this sport. She won the Australian Open womens single champion in 2014.So the sport is: Tennis.Whatanimalisit?Clue 1: It is a mammal.Clue 2: It uses sound for communication and object detection. The invention of sonar was inspired by its behaviour.Clue 3: It is killed for food i

58、n some parts of the world. The movie The Cove calls for protection of it.Clue 4: It lives in the sea, and it occasionally leaps above the water surface like an acrobat.Clue 5: It is regarded as the most intelligent animal in the sea.So the animal is: A dolphin.内容参考Task1Think about what you would do

59、to remember things before a test. Write them down and compare them with a partner.READINGFORDOINGPossible answersI practise ask and answer with a partner.I complete practice tests.I refer to my notes taken at class.I highlight details in my books.内容参考READINGFORDOINGTask2Compare your ideas in Task 1

60、with the tips in the text. Are any of them the same?内容参考Dont Forget!译译文文切记!切记!切记!切记!有时候我们似乎会花很多时间尽力去记住一些事情,尤其在上学的时候。我们每个人都有自己学习和记忆的方法,但(这些方法)绝不仅限于勤奋用功,或在课桌旁待多久。以下是一些非常规的提升记忆力的小技巧。技巧一:保持健康技巧一:保持健康身体健康时记忆力也会提高。体育锻炼能增加输送给大脑的氧气,增强保护大脑的化学物质。睡眠也能帮助记忆。睡眠不足会影响你做事的能力,尤其是工作中需要的解决问题和批判思维的能力。 Sometimes it seems

61、 that we spend much of our lives trying to remember things, especially when we are at school or college. We all have our own ways of studying and remembering things, but theyre not just about hard work and hours spent at our desks. Here are some unusual tips to make your memory better.Tip 1: Be Heal

62、thyYour ability to remember improves when you are healthy. Physical exercise increases the oxygen to the brain and strengthens chemicals that protect the brain. Sleep also helps you to remember things. Not getting enough sleep affects your ability to perform, especially if the work requires problem-

63、solving and critical-thinking skills.内容参考Dont Forget!译译文文Tip 2: Laugh with Friends Youve heard that laughter is the bestmedicine, and that is true for the brain andmemory as well as the body. Laughter usesmany parts of the brain. Laughing at jokesor with friends can help people think morebroadly.Tip

64、 3: Dont Get StressedStress is one of the brains worst enemies. If you are stressed, it can affect your ability to concentrate, make decisions and remember things. Meditation can reduce stress and help to improve concentration, creativity and learning.技巧二:与好友开怀大笑技巧二:与好友开怀大笑你一定听说过笑是一剂良药,它对大脑和记忆也有同样功效

65、。笑可以动用大脑的很多部位。讲笑话开怀,与朋友一起欢笑,这些都能帮助人们拓展思维。技巧三:别有压力技巧三:别有压力压力是大脑最可怕的敌人之一。重压会影响人们集中专注、决策和记忆的能力。冥想能够减轻压力,并有助于提高专注力、创造力和学习力。内容参考Dont Forget!译译文文Tip 4: Eat WellYour diet is not only good for your body but also good for your mind. Omega-3 fatty acid, found in oily fish, some nuts and seeds, is great for yo

66、ur brain. While a high fat diet with lots of meat and cheese can have the opposite effect and damage your ability to concentrate. Some studies also show that regularly drinking green tea can improve your memory.So dont forget that a good grade is not all about the hours with your books but also abou

67、t how you live your life in general.技巧四:好好吃饭技巧四:好好吃饭好的饮食不仅有利于身体健康,对大脑也颇有好处。常见于鱼油、一些坚果和种子里的-3脂肪酸对大脑非常好。但含大量肉类和奶酪的高脂肪饮食则恰好相反,它们会破坏你的专注力。一些研究还表明,定期喝绿茶能提高记忆力。所以不要忘记,并不是花费在书本上的时间长就一定能取得好成绩,健康的生活方式也同样重要。内容参考New Words Phrases and Expressions unusual physical oxygen strengthenchemical in generalProper Names

68、 perform critical laughter broadly concentrate #meditation creativity oily #nut #cheese 内容参考unusuale.g. Theyhaveplantedmanyareaswithrareandunusualplants. 他们在很多地方种上了稀有罕见的植物。adj. 不寻常的;不一般的Back to Vocabulary内容参考physicale.g.Thephysicalbenefitsofexercisecanbedividedintothreefactors. 运动对身体的好处可以分为3个方面。 adj

69、. 身体的;体力的Back to Vocabulary内容参考oxygene.g. Thebrainrequiresaconstantsupplyofoxygen. 大脑需要持续供氧。n.氧;氧气Back to Vocabulary内容参考strengthene.g. Yogacanbeusedtostrengthentheimmunesystem. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。v. 增强;加强;巩固Back to Vocabulary内容参考chemicale.g. Thechemicalindustryiseasytohavepollution. 化学工业很容易产生污染。 n. 化学物质Bac

70、k to Vocabulary内容参考performe.g. Anenginehasmanyparts,eachperformingadifferentfunction. 一部发动机有很多部件,各自行使不同的功能。v.表现;做;执行Back to Vocabulary内容参考criticale.g. Mybossishyper-criticalandmean. 我的老板吹毛求疵,刻薄无情。adj. 批判性的Back to Vocabulary内容参考laughtere.g. Whenhemadeaface,theothersburstintolaughter. 他做了个鬼脸,大家一阵大笑。n.

71、 笑声Back to Vocabulary内容参考broadlye.g. Weinvestbroadlytolessentherisk. 我们多方投资,以降低风险。adv.全面地;广泛地Back to Vocabulary内容参考concentratee.g. Iamleavingtoconcentrateonwritingfiction. 我辞职是为了专心写小说。v. 集中注意力;专心于Back to Vocabulary内容参考meditatione.g. Sheisdeepinmeditation. 她陷入沉思中。n.沉思;冥想Back to Vocabulary内容参考creativi

72、tye.g. Heisanartistwithseeminglyunlimitedcreativity. 他是一位仿佛有着无限创造力的艺术家。n. 创造性;创造力Back to Vocabulary内容参考oilye.g. Thiscreamcleanseristotallybeneficialforoilyskin. 这款洁面霜对油性皮肤有好处。adj.含油的;油的Back to Vocabulary内容参考nute.g. Thenutshellisverystrong,Icantcrackit. 坚果壳很硬, 我弄不开它。n.坚果;干果Back to Vocabulary内容参考chees

73、ee.g. Cheesecanbesprinkledoneggorvegetabledishes. 奶酪可以撒在鸡蛋或蔬菜做的菜肴上。 n.奶酪;干酪Back to Vocabulary内容参考in generale.g. Residentsinthisareaarepoorandundereducatedingeneral. 这个地区的居民们普遍贫穷,受教育程度低。 通常;一般而言Back to Vocabulary内容参考Omega-3 fatty acid-3脂肪酸Back to Vocabulary内容参考spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:1) spend time/money

74、 (in) doing sth: 花费时间/金钱做某事 e.g. They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。2) spend time/money on sth: 在上花费时间/金钱 e.g. I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。3) spend money for sth: 花钱买 e.g. His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书了。1Sometimes it seems that we spend mu

75、ch of our lives trying to remember things, especially when we are at school or college有时候我们似乎会花很多时间尽力去记住一些事情,尤其在上学的时候。内容参考此句中not getting enough sleep为动名词短语作主语名词短语作主语。动名词及短语在句中可作主语、宾语和表语:2Not getting enough sleep /affects /your ability to perform, especially if the work requires problem-solving and c

76、ritical-thinking skills.睡眠不足会影响你做事的能力,尤其是工作中需要的解决问题和批判思维的能力。e.g. Heating the water changes it into vapour. 把水加热可以使其变为蒸汽。 Oxygen does not burn, but does support burning. 氧气不能自燃,但能助燃。 One way to fit the pieces of a broken iron bar together is heating the iron until it softens and pounding it with a ha

77、mmer. 把断裂的铁棍连接起来的一个方法就是把铁加热至软化,然后用铁锤去锻 打。(作主语)(作宾语)(作表语)内容参考as well as的意思和not only. but also.相似 。e.g. Shes got a goat, as well as five cats and three dogs. 她有五只猫和三条狗,还有一头山羊。 她不但写儿童读物,而且从事电视工作。3Youve heard that laughter is the best medicine, and that is true for the brain and memory as well as the bo

78、dy.你一定听说过笑是一剂良药,它对大脑和记忆也有同样功效。She works in television as well as writing childrens books.Aswell也,句末AAswellasB不仅B而且AMayaswelldosth不妨内容参考在上句中,found in oily fish, some nuts and seeds 是过去分词短语作定语修饰主语。过去分词作定语时,表示完成和被动的意义,其在句中的位置可参考以下注意事项:1)单个的过去分词作定语,绝大部分情况下放在所修饰的名词前。但有时 为了强调,也可放在所修饰名词的后面。 e.g. boiled wat

79、er 开水 I want to change the material used.我想更换使用的材料。2) 如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/no + thing/body/one所构成的不定 代词或指示代词those时,单个的过去分词也要放在被修饰词之后。 e.g. Is there anybody injured? 有人受伤吗? Most of those questioned refused to answer. 被问及的那些人多数都拒绝回答。3) 过去分词短语作定语时放在所修饰的名词后,作用相当于定语从句。 e.g. He is reading a novel writt

80、en (= which was written) by Lu Xun. 他正在读一本鲁迅写的小说。4Omega-3 fatty acid, found in oily fish, some nuts and seeds, is great for your brain.常见于鱼油、一些坚果和种子里的-3脂肪酸对大脑非常好。内容参考while 作并列连词用,意思为“而;然而”,表示对比。e.g. Some people waste food while others cannot get enough.有些人浪费粮食,而有些人却吃不饱。5While a high fat diet with lo

81、ts of meat and cheese can have the opposite effect and damage your ability to concentrate.但含大量肉类和奶酪的高脂肪饮食则恰好相反,它们会破坏你的专注力。内容参考Task3Read the text and match each advice to a tip.READINGFORDOING 1 Dont have a cheeseburger for dinner. Have fish like herrings or salmon. 2 Go for a run every day. 3 Relax

82、and stay calm. 4 Tell funny stories with friends.a Be healthy.b Laugh with friends.c Dont get stressed.d Eat well.dacd内容参考READINGFORDONINGTask4Read the text and answer the questions.1 What happens when you dont get enough sleep?2 Why and how does laughter help you think?3 When you are stressed, what

83、 things do you do badly?4 What can drinking green tea regularly help with?Possible answers1 It affects your ability to perform, especially if the work requires problem-solving and critical thinking skills.2 It uses many parts of the brain. It can help you think more broadly.3 When you are stressed,

84、you will do badly in concentration, decision- making and remembering things.4 Drinking green tea regularly helps to improve your memory.内容参考READINGFORDONINGTask5Work with a partner. Use your own tips from Task 1 and tips from the text to create your weekly plan before the exam. Some examples have al

85、ready been given.内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTask1A Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)Read and do the questionnaire about college canteen.ASurveyAbouttheCollegeCanteen1 Do you eat in the college canteen? Yes No2 Do you agree with the following statement? The food in the college canteen is good. Agree Disagree3 How good

86、is the standard of food in the college canteen? Terrible Excellent 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 74 For you, whats the best thing about the college canteen? 5 For you, whats the most important thing about food? Cost Taste Nutrition (营养) Others6 Put the following in order of importance (most to least). Breakfast Lun

87、ch Dinner7 Food is the most important thing in life. Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTask2Read the table and match the questions in Task 1 to the different types in the table. Write the numbers on the blanks.A Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)4125673内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTa

88、sk3The following are some inappropriate questions from somequestionnaires. Discuss with your partner and revise them.1 Titanic is often rated one of the best movies ever. Have you seen this movie? Yes No2 In your opinion, how would you rate the quality of books and environment in your college librar

89、y? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor3 What is your biggest expense every week? Rent Travel Food4 Where do you get most of your information about the latest news? Parents Internet Friends BooksA Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)Answers内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTask4Brainstorm the things in life that make you feel str

90、essed.A Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)PossibleanswersShort of moneyHard workDeadlinesBad flatmatesNoisesTraffic内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTask5You are going to write a questionnaire on the topic of stress.Work in small groups and write 5 questions. Make sure you use 5 different question types in Task 2 for your que

91、stionnaire.A Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)Answers内容参考GUIDEDWRITINGTask6Ask some students to answer your questions in Task 5. Thenreport back on your findings.A Questionnaire (问卷调查问卷调查)内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask1Think back to the following dates and write down a memory from that time. Tell your partner about

92、the memory.Possible answersLast weekend, I went shopping with friends.Last month, I spent most of my time studying for exams.Last year, I went on holiday to India.In 2005, I had my first bike.内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABScript 内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask2Watch the video and tick the signposting phrases you hear in

93、 the information box on the left.内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask3Try to put the slides in the order you remember them. Watch the video again and check your answer.ACBFEDWords and Expressions 内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask4Watch the video and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Most people have

94、 good memories. 2 Someone in the audience got married yesterday. 3 Louise remembers everything she has done since she was 11. 4 Louise remembers everything by dates. 5 Louise remembers how she felt on different days. 6 Louise was happy to change schools. 7 Marilu likes having her amazing skill. 8 St

95、udying these people may mean scientists can help others. FFFTTTTT内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask5Discuss with a partner: would you want to have this skill mentioned in the video? Why (not)?I would like to have a perfect memory because it would make exams quite easy.I wouldnt like to have a perfect memory bec

96、ause I dont want toremember bad experiences.PossibleanswersI would like to have a perfect memory because it would make tests and other things so easy.I wouldnt like to have a perfect memory because sometimes its useful to be able to forget bad experiences.内容参考AUDIO/VIDEOLABTask6Work in groups and di

97、scuss the questions. What super power would you like to have? Why would you like to have it? What are you planning to use it for?I would like to be invisible so that I could spy on people.I would like to be able to fly. It would make my holidayscheaper!PossibleanswersI would like to be super strong.

98、 It would make so many things in life easier.I would like to run very fast, so I could stay in bed longer and still get to class on time!内容参考ScriptPresenter:Today, Id like to look at some interesting people with amazing memories with you. Many people find it difficult to remember what they had for b

99、reakfast that morning, or what they did last weekend. However, for these people, the exact opposite is the problem: They remember everything that ever happened to themthey forget nothing! Id like to do a test first. Lets choose a date on the calendar. So yesterdaywho can remember what they were doin

100、g yesterday?Audience1:I was probably at work.Audience2:I got married yesterday. Back to VideoAUDIO/VIDEOLAB内容参考ScriptPresenter:Easy to remember that one! Now who can remember what you were doing on that date 10 years ago. Lets look at the next slide. So, you all know this man: Nelson Mandela. Now wh

101、at were you doing when he was released from prison? Or how about this onethe final TV episode of Seinfeldwhat were you doing? Not surprisingly, most of us have no idea. But there are some people who do not forget anything! Some scientists in America are studying these amazing people. These people ha

102、ve super memories. These memories allow them to remember details about any day in their life. One of the people, Louise Owen, knows exactly what she was doing on any day in the last 26 yearsthats since she was 11 years old.AUDIO/VIDEOLAB Back to Video内容参考ScriptWhen Louise hears a date, she imagines

103、a calendar in her mind, and she can instantly see exactly what happened on that day. She also remembers how she was feeling on different days. Unfortunately, for every happy memory there is also a sad one. For example, when she had to move schools at age 13, she felt very emotional and every time sh

104、e remembers it, it feels like five minutes ago. Moving on from Louise, there is also the actress Marilu Henner. She has a similar memory. Although it may seem like an amazing skill, it is something Marilu finds hard to live with.In this sense, we are lucky just because we are ordinary. We can forget

105、 ortry not to remember the bad experiences in life, which is, unfortunately,impossible for those people with such a gift.Finally, scientists are interested in studying these people and are trying tofind out how and why their minds work differently. Doing so might allowthem to help people with memory

106、 loss or other diseases that affect the mind.AUDIO/VIDEOLAB Back to Video内容参考Task1Put the letters in the correct order to spell the words. Use the numbered letters to complete the final words and see what phrase you will get.WRAP-UPl i n k c o n n e c t i o nr e p e a td a i l yh i s t o r y e v e n

107、 tt a s t es i g h ts o u n da s s o c i a t eh a b i tr e m i n ds t u d y s m a r t e rn o t h a r d e r内容参考Task2Test your memory and write answers to the questions in passive voice. The first is done as an example.WRAP-UP1 Who was the last person you met before this lesson? I met Jim just before

108、I entered the classroom.2 Who invented the World Wide Web?_3 When were the Olympics last held in Beijing?_4 Which team won the last football World Cup?_5 When was your college founded?_6 When was your mother born?_The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee.The Olympics were held in Beijing in 2008.The last World Cup was won by Germany.Our college was founded in 1900.My mother was born in 1965.内容参考Task3Use the ideas to write a short questionnaire.WRAP-UPAnswers 内容参考Thank you!THE END内容参考



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