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1、初中英语专题训练-短文首字母填空Passage 1Heres a story about Mings life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1in china.His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about sixyears he has not once been on l2but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In f

2、act,he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f3he just swimsacross to their boats or asks them to v4him.Mings father is a fisherman, but he never u5a line or a net网. Great black birds calledcormorants do the fishing for him. Rings 圈have been put around the birds n6so that t

3、heycannot eat the fish they catch. They have been t7to bring the fish to people. And thenpeople reward奖励them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f8Ming loveswatching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s9with his mother. The shops, ofcourse, are boats very like his o10.Passage

4、2Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may betrained训练to do a number of simple jobs i1of people. They say that at a circus杂技场,for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q2skillful熟练的things. Perhaps you have seen them on the t

5、elevision or in a film. If you watch closely,you may find that the trainer驯兽员always g3the animal some sugar o4a piece offruit as a reward 报酬 . The scientists say that many d5animals may be trained to do a lot ofsimple things if they know they will get a reward f6doing that.Of course, as we know, dog

6、s can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old andmodern t7have u8geese to give warning警报by m9a lot of noise when anenemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f10.第 1 页 共 21 页Passage 3In recent years, playing kite-board seems to become mor

7、e and more popular in Alaska in America.It is a new and old game. The game has w1the interest of many young people. The game isinteresting but a little d2One needs to play it very c3A kite-board is in fact a skateboard滑雪板drawn拉by a few big flying kites. The old gamewas p4by some young people in Holl

8、and and Spain as e5as the last century. Since theboard was hard to control 控制 ,f6people dared 敢 to play it. With the development of thedesign设计of kite and skateboard, many people can l7how to play it. A kite board may goas f8as about 50 kilometres an hour. If you havent had any practice, youd better

9、 not play it.It is not s9It is said that the game can exercise not only your b10but also the sensitivity of your brain大脑的敏捷.Passage 4British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National BraveryAward国家勇敢奖.Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u1

10、along Pine Street, he s2heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop inCornwall, southern England. “That must be a fire, I t3 Leech said. “Then I quickly d4to do something. So I p5the door in and then I s6for the people inside. Then Istarted pouring milk e7 He us

11、ed 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. When firefighters r8the shop, the fire was under control得到控制.Leech helped save the l9of eight people in the flats above the shops.“It was hard work o10all those bottles. But it was even harder trying to tell my boss whereall the milk had gone, Leech said joking

12、ly.第 2 页 共 21 页Passage 5开始时间:完成时间:While t1in Russia, Ed Jackson ran short of缺少money. So he wrote to his brother, askingfor 500. “Send the m2by telegram 电报 to the bank 银行 here, he wrote. After a weekEd began v3the bank. He s4his passport护照to the bank clerk职员. “Nothing hascome for you, Mr. Jackson, he

13、 was told. This went o5for three weeks, and Mr. Jackson gotveryw6He then phoned his brother, asking w7the money was. The brother said it hadbeen sent three weeks b8That evening Ed Jackson was arrested被捕for failing to p9his hotel bill 账单 . He tried to tell the police what his problem was, but no one

14、would believe him.At last he was s10to the police station for fifteen days.Passage 6开始时间:完成时间:April Fools Day is on April 1st. People can play j1on others on this special d2If yousucceed, you usually laugh and say “April Fool! The person who has been fooled by you l3too, and he will never be angry w

15、ith you.Mothers Day is on the second Sunday ofMay. Its a day to t4mothers. On that day mothersusually receive flowers and cards from their children. Fathers and children do the housework sothat mothers can have a r5Easter Day falls on the first Sunday after the full moon which is on or after March 2

16、1st. Its alsocalled Easter Sunday. It is said that on that day Jesus Christ comes back to l 6Many people goto church and children often get p7such as toy rabbits.Thanksgiving Dayis on the fourth Thursday in November. Its a day when people give thanks forthe good things in life. Usually families all

17、get t8and have a big dinner.Christmas Day comes on D925th. Its the most important festival in a year. The beautifulthings can be s10everywhere. People exchange gifts, send Christmas cards and visit friends.第 3 页 共 21 页Passage 7开始时间:完成时间:Mr King taught English in a middle school. He was very b1all th

18、e time and couldnt dosome r2So he left the school and opened a book shop in the c3of the town. Itwasnt big enough but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When theshop was c4he could read at home. He knew a lot and the learned 有学问的 personwere glad to make f5with him.It wa

19、s Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr King was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyersleft e_6a girl. She was dressed up and waited for s7there. Standing by the shelves,she looked over the books one after a8It made them in a fearful mess凌乱不堪. MrKing came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, mada

20、m. What can I do for you? “Your books areall dull乏味的, said the girl, “I want a d9one. “Thats easy, Mr King smiled.He t10out a cookbook烹调书and said, “Here you are, madam.Passage 8开始时间:完成时间:Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister 首相 . He said the Minister w1die the nextday. The next day, the Mi

21、nister really f2off the horse and died. When the king h3ofthis, he got angry and sent his men to c4Effendi at once.W5Effendi came, the king shouted a6“Effendi, since you knew when my ministerwould die, you mustalso know the date of your own death. Say it out, or youll die today.Effendi l7at the king

22、 and answered, “But how can I know? Ill die two days e8thanyou.The king was a9that he would die if he killed Effendi. He thought he must keep Effendialive活着as long as he could. So he l10him go.第 4 页 共 21 页Passage 9开始时间:完成时间:Roy Trenton drove a taxi before. A short while ago, however, he b 1a bus-dri

23、ver and he feelsno sorry about it. He was finding his new work far more i2When he was driving alongCatford Street recently, he saw two thieves r3out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.One of them was carrying a bag f4of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight tothe thieves. The one

24、w5the money got so afraid that he dropped the bag. As the thieveswere trying to get a6in their car, Roy drove his bus into the b7of it. While the carwas moving away, Roy stopped his bus and t8the police. The thieves car was badlydamaged 损坏 and e9to recognize 识别 . Shortly afterwards, the police stopp

25、ed the carand both men were c10Passage 10开始时间:完成时间:Now, lets begin our sports report. Here s a really good game, the b1one I have seen this year.Its the last five minutes of the g2Henry plays football f3France. He has the ball now.He p4the ball to David. David k5it over the heads of the Englishmen t

26、owards the goal.But hes too far a6France and England still have one goal each and there are only two m7left of the game. Just then an English p8gets the ball. He gives it to Bill, “King of the match. Bill puts the ball into the goal. In thee_9the English team w10第 5 页 共 21 页Passage 11开始时间:完成时间:Today

27、 people can u1the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But whenyou use the phone, you dont see the person you are t2with. That may c3in the future.Today some people are using a kind of telephone c4“Picture phone or “Vision phone.W5it,two people who are talking can see each other.P

28、icture phones can be useful when you have s6to show the person youre calling. They mayhave other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a l7and ask to borrow abook. Then youll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to goshopping t8your picture phon

29、e. If you see something in the newspaper that you think youwant to buy, youll go to your phone and call the shop.People at the shop will s9you thething youre interested in right over the phone. Youll be able to shop all over town and n 10leave your room.Passage 12开始时间:完成时间:Henry was worried. This wa

30、s his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know h 1to findhis seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, “Could you help me? I cant find my seat. Theair hostess s2him the seat and told him to sit d3and fasten the seat belt. She toldHenry not to m4about when the plane was going up. And s

31、he also said that Henrys earsmight feel a little s5, but he didnt need to worry about it b6many people felt like that.When the plane was f7very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could e8read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would b9food and drinks. Henry coulde10the flight

32、 and arrived home soon.第 6 页 共 21 页Passage 13开始时间:完成时间:Some of Roberts old friends were t1about young people in their town. They all a2that old people were cleverer than young people. Then one of them said, “But young people are s3than old people.All of them agreed that this is true e4Robert. He tho

33、ught he was as strong as b5“That is not possible, said his friends.“Well, said Robert, “In one c6of my garden theres a big stone. When I was young, Icouldnt m7it. I wasnt strong e8Now Im old and when I try to move it, I s9cant. Thats w10Im as strong as before.Passage 14开始时间:完成时间:In the home a dad is

34、 very important. He is the person who provides us w1money andclothes.He can make your bedroom more beautiful, mend your radio, make c2for yourbirds, r3your bicycle and help you with your maths homework. A dad can be very u4for taking you in the car to and from parties, music lessons, and dancing les

35、sons. He is the one whocomplains about the time you s5talking on the t6as he has to p7the bills.Dad is someone who will support you in an argument, if he b8you to be right. He issomeone who reads your school r9and treats奖励you if it is good. A dad likes to comeinto a nice happy home in the evening, a

36、nd sit in his chair with a n10第 7 页 共 21 页Passage 15开始时间:完成时间:Can vegetables be p1in winter? Yes, but a greenhouse 温室 must be b2first. Thegreenhouse should be m3of glass. A large greenhouse may be ten metres l 4threemetres w5and two meters high. The sunshine can r6the vegetables t7theglass. The wind

37、 and cold air can be s8from getting in. The air inside the greenhouse isalways w9More and more greenhouses are b10built all over the world. All kinds ofvegetables can be brought onto our dinner tables in winter.Passage 16开始时间:完成时间:Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but h

38、ow well do we know and u 1each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine(设想) you will hold a m2at four oclock,what time should you e3your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, theywill a4on time. If they are American, theyll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they areBritish, theyll b

39、e fifteen minutes late.The British seemed to think since the English l5was widely used in the world, what they didwas certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f 6they were completely(完全地) wrong.For e7, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with adrink dur

40、ing the meal; the Japanese p8not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for themto relax and get to know e9other, and they dont drink at lunch. The Germans like to talkabout business b10dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to bewell fed and watered before they discuss a

41、nything.第 8 页 共 21 页Passage 17开始时间:完成时间:Do you k1robots? There are a l2of robots in the world now. Some of the robotscan walk, sing and dance. Some can talk w3people. Most of them can do heavy work. In afew m4years, a robot will be able to d5a car, a train, a ship or a p6. In a hospital,a restaurant

42、 or a shop, we m7see a robot at work. By then, we need n8do thecooking or go shopping ourselves. We just give orders( 命令) to a robot and it will do a9thehousework. A robot will be our good f10.Passage 18开始时间:完成时间:Last May I stayed in Santo Lusa for a week. That was my f1trip there. One morning I s2o

43、ut to visit a famous museum, but I didnt know w3way to go, so I stopped a stranger andasked, “Excuse me, does this street lead(通向)to the Grand Museum? “Yes, he answered.“Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing. You cant m 4it. So I w5two blocks(街区) and turned to my left, but the mu

44、seum w6there. Then I asked a secondstranger. He said, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing. But a7Icouldnt find the museum. I asked a third stranger and he said the same thing.This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then s8walked up and said. “Excuse me.Wheres the nearest b9?

45、I answered q10, “Go along this street and turn left at thesecond crossing!Passage 19Do you have a pet? Are you i1in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animalsmay want to study to be animal doctors. Theyre often c2“vets. Many of them work inanimal h3. Others may work on farms or at a z4.

46、 Some study animal diseases(疾病)and try to find w5to keep the animals from getting i6. They do studies in m7foranimals.Vets listen to an animals h8. They check(检查) its ears, eyes, mouth, and blood. They o9animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots(注射) and tell the pets o10what food is

47、 best.第 9 页 共 21 页Passage 20“I dont want move! Fred said to his father. “I like living here in New York City. And I l 1to play in the streets. My Friends are h2. I want to stay!“We have to m3. Fred. Mr. Sparks said, “I have a n4job in the Island. Why d5you wait until you see them? Maybe you will lik

48、e living t6.“Never! was Freds a7.A few weeks l8, the Sparks family left the city by plane. They f9over land forhours. In San Francisco they took a10big plane. This time they flew over water.At l11they saw land. “This is Hawaii, Mr. Sparks said. “And it is the island we are to liveo12. But we will vi

49、sit the other islands, too. A13of them are beautiful.“I dont care(关心) w14they are like, said Fred. “I wish I could go b15toNew York City right now!Passage 21More and more people are l1the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail q2and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictur

50、es and sounds to someone, a3inthe world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world i 4seconds(秒). E-mail is easy to use and it s5time and money. It serves(效劳) for twenty-fourhours. So it doesnt matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, o

51、r you areseeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail b6.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers b7computers? Students will teachthemselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of l8. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at onli

52、ne libraries and w9lessons by world-class teachers. If they dont understand something, they will ask other studentso10or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more popular indeed.Passage 22Dear Mum and Dad,Im very happy to visit Beijing again. Great changes have taken place here. Ye

53、sterday, I went tovisit Qiming Middle School-I had lived there f1nearly two years. Maybe you dont第 10 页 共 21 页believe(相信) I couldnt find the w2there! A taxi driver took me there in the end, he said,“Beijing changes too m3. Sometimes even a Beijinger cannot find a way.Now, English can be h4everywhere

54、 in Beijing. Many people are attending(参加) Englishclasses in the evening schools, some of them can speak very good English. Im s5the 2021Olympic can be held in Beijing successfully(成功地).Passage 23A storm dropped(降) heavy rains on central and southern parts of China.The radio says that a1the Xiangjia

55、ng River in Hunan, floods caused by terrible r2in the past weeks killed 25 people and 13 others were missing.The Chinese Government warned some parts in Yunnan and the city of Chongqing of possibleheavy rains over the f3few days.In Changsha water levels rose(水位上升) to 38 metres early Monday morning,

56、about 3 metres a4the danger line.In Guangdong, at l521 people have been killed, while three were s6hurt and sevenwent missing w7heavy floods hit northern parts by Saturday.The cities of Shaoguan, Meizhou and Heyuan w8hardest hit and many people were lefthomeless(无家可归).About 620 million yuan has been

57、 lost in the floods. Guangdong has sent something u9toMeizhou, Heyuan and Shaoguan to help the people who had lost homes build their h10again.Passage 24Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Guangdong, China. A 1a baby, she loved to draw. She drewlines everywhere. She e2drew on the walls! Her father was an a

58、rtist. Yani wanted to belike h3. So she tried to stand like her father w4he painted. This made him laugh. Oneday, she d5lines on his painting. She was only two and a half years o6, but her father gotangry. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you! T7her father thought about his ownchildhood. He

59、 also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents c8understand him. They justgot angry. He decided to help his daughter b9an artist.第 11 页 共 21 页Wang Yani was famous at a young age, b10she still has a normal(常人的) life. So the Wangfamily lives like everyone else.Passage 25Dear Editor,I used to be a doc

60、tor in the childrens department of a local h1 . Sometimes I treated children w2have been poisoned(中毒) by medicine for older family members. The children can easilyo3the bottle that we now use in China.Some days ago I talked about medicine w4an American. He showed m5a plastic pillbottle that is “Chil

61、dproof(防儿童的). The design was s6simple that Im sure our Chinesefactories could produce these b7easily. The top of the bottle locks, but can be o8by pressing down on it while turning. This is d9for most young children to do, b10adults can open them without any difficulty.Im sure that the expense of ma

62、king such tops would be very low. As a doctor, Id love to see thisdone. And most parents would be grateful.Passage 26Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step after another finally brings a person to the t1.Along the way, he can stop and look a2. And the h3he climbs, the morewonderful his view(

63、视野) is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He willhave a new way of t4everything.Now learning a f5language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language cangive you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface( 外表) of things. It can openthe way int

64、o peoples minds and hearts, into a culture(文化) very d6from the one of yourown. This will make you richer,e7in things that money cant buy. Even though younever set foot on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair w8through books.Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to l9at the scenery ar

65、ound him,everyone who is interested in reading will find p10in books as he fights on to learn moreand more of that new language.第 12 页 共 21 页Passage 27It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still s1on the ice near abig hotel. They were having a good time.Suddenly the ice b2.

66、One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help!Help! They didnt know w3to do. The two Canadian friends heard t4and skatedover to get the boy out of the water.The ice was t5. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to r 6the little boy. They knew they m

67、ust be q7. If they didnt push him up onto the ice, he wouldsoon die.Many people ran over to h8. Some of them had ropes and poles(绳和竹竿). A young manjumped into the water to wave to the o9people.The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didnt feel well.She was sent

68、 to the h10at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.Passage 28Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American familieshave one or two p1and one or two children each.Children in the US will leave their parents home when they grow up. They usuall

69、y live f2from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or t3them. And they often go to v4their parents on holiday.Parents usually l5their children choose their own jobs. Americans think i6important for young people to decide on their lives by t7Children ar

70、e a8to do some work around their house. And in many families, childrenare p9for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for theirown u10Passage 29Most people want to work, but it has become m1difficult in todays world to findwork for e2The economies(经济)of the world n3to grow by 4%

71、eachyear just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not p4and so第 13 页 共 21 页more people are w5work. Some people have no jobs now because new machinescan d6the work of many people in a shorter time. Also, machines dont ask for moremoney and l7holidays. In all of the countries of t

72、he world machines are taking workfrom people, not only in factories but also on f8One machine can often do the workof forty people. About 75000 people are m9to the cities a day to look for jobs, but o1070% of them can find jobs.Passage 30Someone says, “Time is money, but I think time is even more i1

73、than money. Why?Because when money is s2we can get it b3However, when time is g4itll never return. Thats w5we mustnt waste(浪费) time. Its sure that the t6is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time todosomething u7But some people dont know the importan

74、ce of time. They spendtheir limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that wasting time meanswasting part of their own l8In a word, we should save time, we shouldnt l9todays work for tomorrow. Remembe rwe have no time to l10.Passage31Can animals be made to work for us? Some scient

75、ists think that one day animals may be t1todo a number of simple jobs. They s2that in a film or on TV we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs,bears,or other animals doing a lot of things. If you w3carefully,you may find that those animals are given something to eat in return for d4them.Thescientists say t

76、hat many d5animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they willget something to eat.Of course, as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and elephants can be used to dosome heavy j6And we can also teach animals to work in f7. Apes,for examplehave b8used in America to help make cars an

77、d scientists b9that these monkeysmay one day get in crops and e10drive trains.第 14 页 共 21 页Passage32If you dont use your arms or your legs for some time,they will become weak;when you startusing them again,they will gradually逐渐地 become stronger again.Everybody knows this.Yet many people do not seem

78、to know that it is the s1with memory. When someone saysthat he has a good memory, he really means that he d2give it enough chance to becomestronger.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k3that it is his own fault. But if he tellsus that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his

79、p4are to blame, and f5of usknow that it is just his own fault.Have you e6found some people cant read or write but they usually have b7memories? This is b8they cannot read or write and they h9to remember things;they cannot write them down in a little notebook.They must remember dates, names, songs an

80、dstories;so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want a good memory,l10from these people : practise remembering.Passage33When I was walking down the street one day, I s1a small bag on the ground. I picked it upand opened it to see w2I could find out the owners name. There was n3i

81、nsideit except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. I put thephoto back and took the bag to the police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my nameand my a4. He thought the owner might want to thank me.That evening I went to have dinner with my a

82、unt and uncle. They had also asked a young woman tohave dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I couldnt r5where I had seen her.D_6_ our talk, the young woman happened to say that she had l7her bag thatafternoon. All at once I remembered w8I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo,thou

83、gh she looked now much o9than the girl in the picture. She was very s10, ofcourse,when I told her about the bag.After dinner we went to the police station and got backher bag. The policeman said to me,“Its a wonderfulthing.You found not only the bag, but alsothe owner of the bag. 第 15 页 共 21 页Passag

84、e34Only mother love is true love. It gives e1everything all his life.When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your wakinghours shealways holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to lookafter you day and n2and forgets about herself.

85、 When you are growing up day by day, shefeels very happy.When you are old e3to go to school, mother still looks after you all the t4. On coldwinter days, she always tells you to p5on more clothes. She always stands in the windwaiting for you back from school every day. When you hurry to leave home f

86、or school with little b6, she always feels worried about you at home. She u7knows about your study andspend much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest s8on her face. Mother can do everything for you day after day.Mother is always ready to give everything

87、 she has to her children, not to receive. What true lovethat is in the w9! We will r10Mother Love for ever!Passage35Seumas Mcsporran is a very b1man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is apostman,a policeman, a fireman,a taxi driver,a school-bus driver,a boatman,anambulance man,an acco

88、untant,a petrol attendant,a barman,and an undertaker. Also, heand his wife,Margaret,have a shop and a small hotel. Seumas l2and works on theisland of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in s3150tourists come by b4every day. Every weekday Seumas gets up at six and makes b

89、 5forthe hotel guests. At eight he drives the islands children to s6.At nine he collects the postfrom the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the islandsonly pub. Then he helps Margaret in the s7. He says:“Margaret likes being busy, too. We n8have holid

90、ays and we dont like w9television. In the evening Margaret makessupper and I do the accounts. At ten we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. P10our life isnt very exciting, but we like it.Passage36第 16 页 共 21 页Tim spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a good s1, no assistant will

91、 come nearto you and say, “Can I h2you? You neednt buy a3you dont want. You maytry to find out where the book you want is. But if you w4, the assistant will lead you thereand then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested i5selling any books at all.There is a story which t6us about a good

92、shop. A medical student found a very useful book ina shop, but it is too expensive for him to b7. He couldnt get it from the library, e8.So every afternoon he went there to r9a little at a time. One day, however, he couldnt findthe book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant s

93、igning to him. To his s10, the assistant pointed to the book in a corner, “I put it there so as not to be sold out. saidthe assistant.Then he let the student go on with his reading.Passage37( S=salesgirl;H=Han mei )S: Good morning. Can I help you?H: Yes. I b1this blouse last week, but theres somethi

94、ng wrong with it. When I w2it, the colours ran. I cant w3it now. I want you to c4this blouse or give me mym5back.S: Let me see. Did you wash it in h6water?H: Of course not.S: It s7as if it hasnt been washed following the i8. Did you leave it in water b9you washed it?H: No, I didnt do that, e10. I di

95、dnt put it in cold water until I washed it.Passage38When you go to England you may find the traffic there is different from ours. As a f 1. youmust be c2in the streets, because the traffic d3on the left. You must look to theright and then the left before you cross a street. In the morning and in the

96、 evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are veryb4.Traffic is most d5then. When you go by bus in England, you have to take care, too. Always r 6the traffic m7第 17 页 共 21 页on the left. You have to t8a look first or you will go to the w9way. In many English cities there are big

97、buses with two f10. You can sit on the second one.From there you can see the city very well.Passage39Which animal do we need m1? Dogs? Horses? No! The a2to the question is cows.Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our most important k 3of food.Suppose(假设)that all the milk cows make in one

98、 year were put i4bottles. And supposethese bottles were put side by side. The line of bottles would go all around the world 400 t5That is a lot of milk, less than half of it is used for d6and cooking. Most of it is u7tomake butter cheese, ice cream and many other things. It takes many cows to give u

99、s that m 8milk. But not as many as it used to. A cow used to give only about 1,500 quarts(夸脱)of milk a year.Now a fine cow may g9more than 3,000 quarts in a year.Why do cows give more milk today? Now farmers have better cows. The cows get better c 10and better food.Passage40Heres a part of an e-mail

100、 answer from Joe givingsome advice to his son in college. “When I wasyoung, I often met t1 about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not toworry about those things. I o2 did them once a year or once a lifetime. I3, I shouldtry to do well those things, and I do them every day. For e

101、xample, I need to eat every day, so Ishould learn how to c4. I need to talk to o5 every day, so I should learn how to workwith d6 people and know how to s7well. I walk every day, so my s8shouldbe all right and comfortable. Every night I sleep, so my bed should let me have a good rest. Takingcare of

102、the e9things m10 that you do a better job of the one in a lifetime things aswell.Passage41Let me tell you a story. A good friend of mine lives with six hundred animals on an island. Ever s1he left school, he has travelled all over the world l2for animals for his own zoo. He第 18 页 共 21 页writes books

103、about his travels, and about his wonderful a3. The money for his books helpshim to p4for all the animal food. My friend told me that when he was looking for water lastweek (There is not enough water on the island, though there is a lot all around it, he f5oil.He n6money for his travels and for his z

104、oo,and a little oil would buy e7water for along time,but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it,it will be the e8of his zooand his lifes work.So I think he will not tell anybody e9you and me about what hefound because oil and water cant be p10together. Oil may bring greater trouble to hisan

105、imals than not having enough water. Do you think so?Passage42The u1means the earth, the sun,the moon and the stars and the space b2them.Many of the stars are so f3away that we can not see them.The moon, our satellite,travels a4the earth. It has already been visited b5man from the earth. Man-madesate

106、llites have been sent up i6space by many countries. They go round the earth. They areused for helping us to learn more a7the earth, the weather and other things.They are alsoused for sending and r8messages. It makes people f9different countriesunderstand each other much better. So people say the wor

107、ld itself is becoming a much s10place. People call the small place “the global village.第 19 页 共 21 页答案P1 1. river2. land3. friends 4.visit5. uses6. necks7. taught8. finished 9. shopping10. ownP2 1. instead 2. quite 3. gives4. or5. different6. for7. times8. used9. making10. factoriesP3 1. won 2. diff

108、icult/dangerous3. carefully 4. played5. early6. few7. learn8. fast9.safe 10. bodyP4 1.usual 2.suddenly 3.thought 4. decided 5. pushed 6. shouted 7. everywhere8. reached 9. lives10. openingP5 1. traveling 2. money 3. visiting4. showed 5. on6. worried 7. where8. before9. pay10. sentP6 1. jokes 2. day3

109、. laughs4. thank5. rest6. life7. presents8. together9. December10. seenP7 1. busy 2.reading 3.center 4.closed 5.friends 6.except 7.someone/somebody 8.another9.delicious 10. tookP8 1. would 2. fell 3. heard4. catch5. when6. angrily7. looked8. earlier9.afraid10. letP9 1. became 2. interesting 3. run4.

110、 full5. with6. away7. back8. telephoned9. easy10. caughtP10 1. best 2. game3. for4. passes5. kicks6. away7. minutes8. player9. end10.winsP11 1. use 2. talking 3. change 4. called 5. with6. something7. librarian8. through9. send10. needntP12 1. how 2. showed 3. down4. move,5. strange6. because 7. fly

111、ing 8. either 9. bring,10.enjoyP13 1. talking 2. agreed3. stronger4. except5. before6. corner 7. move8. enough9.still10. whyP14 1. with 2. cages3. repair4. unhappy 5. spend 6. telephone 7. pay8. believes 9. record 10.newspaperP15 1. planted2. built3. made4. long5. wide6. reach7. through8. stopped9.w

112、arm10. beingP16 1. understand 2. meeting 3. expect 4. arrive 5. language 6. found 7. example 8. prefer9. each10. beforeP17 1. know2. lot3. with4. more5. drive6. plane7. may8. not9. all10.friendP18 1. first 2. started 3. which 4. miss 5. walked 6. wasnt 7. again 8. somebody/someone 9.band/bus-stop/bo

113、okstore/bar 10. quicklyP19 1. interested 2. called 3. hospitals 4. zoo 5. ways6. ill7. medicine8. heart9. operate10. ownersP20 1. like 2. here 3. move 4. new 5. dont 6. there 7. answer 8. later 9. flew 10. another 11. last 12.on 13. All14. what 15. backP21 1. living 2. quickly 3. anywhere4. in5. sav

114、es6. back7. but8. learning9. watching10. onlineP22 1. for2. way3. much4. heard5. sureP23 1. along 2. rain 3. following 4. above 5. least 6. seriously/badly 7. when/after 8. were 9. useful10. homesP24 1. As 2. even 3. him 4. when5. drew6. old 7. Then 8. couldnt9. become10. butP25 1. Hospital2. who3.

115、open4. with5. me6. so7. bottles8. opened9. difficult10. butP26 1. top 2. around 3. higher 4. thinking 5. foreign6. different7. even8. walking9. look10. pleasureP27 1. skating2. broke3. what4. that5. thin6. reach7. quick8. help9. other10.hospitalP28 1. parents2. far3. telephone4. visit5. let6. it7. t

116、hemselves8. asked9. paid第 20 页 共 21 页10. useP29 1. more2. everybody 3. need4. possible5. without6. do7. longer8. farms9.moving 10. onlyP30 1. important2. spent3. back4. gone5. why6. time7. useful8. lives9. leave10. loseP31 1. taught2. say 3. watch4. doing 5. different6. jobs7. factories8. been9. bel

117、ieve10. even.P32 1. same2. doesnt3. know 4. parents5. few6. ever7. better 8. because9. have10.learn.P33 1. saw 2. whether 3. nothing 4. address 5. remember 6. During 7. lost8. where9. older 10.surprised.P34 1.everyone/everybody 2.night 3.enough 4.time 5. put 6. breakfast 7. usually 8. smile 9. world

118、10. rememberP35 1. busy 2. lives 3. summer 4. boat5. breakfast 6. school7. shop8. never9. watching10. PerhapsP36 1. store2. help3. anything4. want5. in,6. tells7. buy8. either9. read10.surprise.P37 1. bought 2. washed 3. wear 4. change 5. money 6. hot 7. seems 8. instruction(s) 9. before 10.either,P

119、38 1. foreigner 2 careful3 drives 4 busy5 dangerous 6 remember7 moves 8 take 9 wrong10 floorsP39 1. most 2 answer3 kinds4 into5 times6 drinking7 used8 much9 give10careP40 1. trouble(s) 2. only 3. Instead 4. cook 5. others 6. different 7. speak 8. shoes 9.everyday 10. meansP41 1. since 2. looking 3. animals 4.pay 5. found 6. needs7. enough 8. end 9.except 10.putP42 1. universe 2. between 3. far 4. around 5. by 6. into 7. about8. receiving9. from10.smaller第 21 页 共 21 页



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