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1、人教版九年级语文现代文阅读理解训练题(人教版九年级语文现代文阅读理解训练题(Reading comprehensionReading comprehensiontraining of modern Chinese language in grade nine of PEPtraining of modern Chinese language in grade nine of PEPEditionEdition)Reading comprehension training of modern Chinese language ingrade nine of PEP Edition(I) reve

2、rence for nature (excerpt) (11 points)Human wisdom is dwarfed by the wisdom of nature. Disgustingflies, mosquitoes, and beautiful flowers and green grass;either (1) or (2) of the stars, dust, all is the nature of art,(3) show nature deep, great wisdom. Nature has created such arich and varied life w

3、ith dead material, but man can not makeeven the simplest creature. As far as we know, man is the highestembodiment of natural wisdom, and is one of her most outstandingworks. The human body has more than 1000000000000 cells, so manycells can not only coordinate with each other, and each cellhas a sp

4、ecial division of labor outof the ordinary, each cellhas its specific work, absolutely wont be confused, so thatthe whole body is in a highly ordered state. In the past hundredyears, the human cell has changed many times, but this orderhas not changed. The most incredible is probably the number ofou

5、r brain, it makespeople laugh and feel, but also can think,understand and imagine. Nature is know aesthetic principles,to create everything and body when we use all the laws of theUnited States, such as symmetry, coordination and so on, so thatthe human body, such as flower show the indescribable be

6、auty.With all the wisdom of mankind, itis impossible to build sucha person, so that the one trillion cells work together, humanintelligence is not competent.10. to the following words in a word phonetic notation, andexplain the whole words. (2 points)Pale compared to ()11. fill in the blanks. The wo

7、rds that should be filled in thethree blanks are (fill in the serial number) (3 points)A. not B. exquisite C. too profound to be understood(1) (2) (3)12. summarize the central meaning of the paragraph. (2 points)13. from the point of view of creating the human body, what arethe three aspects of natu

8、res superb wisdom? (3 points)What is the main wording of the 14. paragraph? (1 points)(two) say a few childish words about the sea (15 points)BingThe mountain is lovely, but really can not afford and Heby, than,I have my reasons!People often say as boundless as the sea and sky. Only whenthe sea, tha

9、t as far as possible at the wide sky. In themountains, walking to the middle of the rock wall, sometimesthere is only a gleam of skylight. Even at the top of themountain, but because the horizon is a mountain, the line ofthe sky and the earth is undulating, as the horizontal lineneat.The sea is blue

10、. The mountains are yellow and green. Themountain is better than the sea. Blue with a solemn apprehensionthat it would mean some plain yellow green. Although we oftenyellow as the supreme, the emperors robes is yellow, but theemperor called the emperor, the emperor also day than honour,and the day i

11、s blue.The sea is moving, the mountain is static. The sea is livelyand the mountain is rigid. When the length of the day are thehot weather, gazing over the Castle Peak, a Heiyuyu motionless,like cows in general. And the sea, you see, there is no momentof stillness! From the horizon of the microwave

12、 straight rollto the shore, touch the rock, more readily splash jump up, openbright million flower honeysuckle!Four, surrounded by the sea, and surrounded by mountains, thetwo are compared, how to taste, look at ancient poetry can know.Such as the sea watch the rising moon, poetry said: Nanshanplug

13、of heaven and earth, sunand moon Inoue Iku. Chew, thesetwo describe chaos hill, describe well, and about how bloated,rugged, cold? Reading does not make life pleasant. And the moonshines on the sea,The same time is also about how charming Moonrise is bright,distant!The original is the sea, no red, w

14、hite, purple, yellow flowers,no blue tits, red breasted and beautiful bird. However, theyare wild flowers to winter, fade, to be anti litter desolate.The sea to sky sunglow,reflecting the water more than the redpurple and yellow color. This is the four trailers, continuous.When it comes tobirds, blu

15、e tits, redbreasted is lovely. Thesea gull, white breasted Kingfisher, light floating in thewaves, lingboweibu, Luo stockings dust. See the blue tits,red collar, so I only associated memory to call name from themountain birds. And the seagull, made me to praise theassociated memory eternal beauty, p

16、raise to the end of thesentence, if Wan long, slender!In the sea and make people have the ability to see, this sentenceis really natural! You lean on the bar, looking down, you arereminded that the cant help dumping million blue glass, whatwhat what dragon pearl, coral, shark, what yarn. In themount

17、ains, very few people think what his rocks, gold and silverand brass and iron. Because of the transparency of the sea,there is a natural tendency to lead people to think deeply.It is more and more not finished, all in all, overall, I thinkthe sea is much stronger than the mountains. To the extreme,i

18、f I sinned against the Lord, give me Dutch act, I would alsolike to fall into the sea.Interesting to debate! My comments on the mountains and the sea,the more children argue with me, the better. There are differenttransformations in the world. If all the people in the worldwere the same faces, I wou

19、ld never want to see people. If theworlds people are the samehobby, the color of clothes are ingeneral, the world became abig school, men andwomen, old andyoung all wear the same uniforms, so want to not only funny,and tasteless! Again, if everybody loves the sea, everybody ismoving to the sea, and

20、Im not going to be quiet!Please use the 15. line , this paper - the section of themark level. (2 points)The 4 5 6 7 816. the author explains the reasons for the love of the sea fromsix aspects, please fill in the blanks according to the contentof the article. (3 points)(1) open (2) (3)(4) (5) perspe

21、ctive ability of wild flowers and birds (6)17. briefly explain why the author likes the blue of the sea(2 points)18., paragraph 5, the author of Nanshan plug heaven and earth,sun and moon, Inoue Iku. The poem bloated, rugged, coldfeeling. How do you feel? Please explain the reason. (2 points)19. wor

22、ds and expressionsWhat are the features of the sea in paragraph 4? (2 points)The article I section at the end of sentence as we all lovethe sea, everyone moved to the sea, and I shall not be quiet!What kind of thought does the author express? (2 points)20, the title of this article is say a few chil

23、dish words tolove the sea. Please find an example from the text, and tellus where childish is (2 points)Answer: two, modern text reading (28 points)(1) (12 points)10. (CH is connected by contrast, show) deficiency one.11. (1) C (2) A (3) B12. first sentences (or self generalization: nature has deep,

24、superb wisdom)13. Human ten thousand multicellular can coordinate each other,clear division of labor, highly ordered; 2. Human brain makespeople laugh and feel, can think, understand and imagine; 3.Human body conforms to aesthetic principle.14. comparison (or contrast)(two) (16 points)15., the 5 6 7

25、 and 8.16. (2) color (3) dynamic (4) surrounding environment17. sea blue contains a solemn apprehension means (a and thecolor of the day on)18. open questions.Feeling the same or different can be said, as long as you canjustify yourself.19. (1) the sea is moving, lively(2) the world is rich and colo

26、rful. Everyone can have differenthobbies, and they dont have to insist on everything. (closeto the point.)20. sentences to find the right 1 points, the analysis can sayinnocent, straightforward, simple, childish, extreme andchildish means 2 points. .(three) read the following and answer questions ac

27、cording tothe requirementsPeople often oppose man and nature, claiming to conquer nature.But in the face of nature, man is always a naive child, justan ordinary part of the nature body, just like a grass is justan ordinary part of her. _ natural wisdom is the sea,_, human intelligence is just a smal

28、l drop in the ocean,the _ drops can also reflect the sea, the sea is not_, _, even people that want to use this Too Bigfor Her Skin instead of sea water.Looking at the human arrogance, nature will snicker - likemother face ignorant children laugh. Human works flew intospace, opened a micro world, so

29、 human complacency, that openedthe secret of nature. However, in the natural view, this vastspace of human upside down, but the distance between it, as atthe general development Kunpeng, just between basil. Even fromthe development of human intelligence point of view, there isno reason to human hubr

30、is: human knowledge relative to theirancestors had great progress, seems to have a laugh at theancients capital; however, not knowing that we are for futuregenerations in terms of the ancients, after ten thousand peoplealso will laugh at us today. Perhaps in their view, ourscientific ideas are still

31、 childish, our spacecraft in theireyes is only a very simple child toys. The history of humanknowledge seems to be the history of error correction, whichcorrects the mistakes of previous generations. So when we openthe history of science, we will find that the history of scienceis also a history of

32、making mistakes. So, what reasons andqualifications do we laugh at the ancients, and show offcleverness in the face of nature?Humans invented a variety of tools that excavated nature withhundreds of millions of years of accumulated treasure - coal,oil and natural gas and other minerals, their own th

33、eseachievements and exclaimed, however, who can assert that thenotorious rogue mine is not human dig trap?21. fill in the proper connectives on the horizontal line ofthe first paragraph.22. look at the general development Kunpeng fromChuang-tzu? peripateticism, Kun is a big fish Chuang-tzuthink, whe

34、n it changes into a bird, called peng. The bird flewto the South China Sea, the water hammer, a whirlwind flewninety thousand miles, which can evolve into an idiom is:_.23. from the selection period to find a rhetoric of the sentence,and it completely copied down.24. in the face of nature, human wis

35、dom is not worth pride, whatis the reason?25., human beings dig out thetreasures of nature - coal, oil,natural gas and other minerals. Why does the author say thoseworries, mine is human dig trap?(four) read the following and answer questions according to therequirements:The height of father loveWuh

36、ongboI havent seen an open-air movie for years.I remember when I was a kid, my family was in the countryside,when movies, dishes, and other gadgets were never seen in thecountryside, let alone enjoy. So if there is a movie on whichvillage, around ten in the village of eight people are rushingto, in

37、the dew of heaven and earth, a black, Shashi spectacular.At that time, my father was still young and a movie fan. Everyencounter such a good thing, he rode a bike could no longer goon permanent old forever, with me in the dark to catch alively.At the cinema, the father stood by the side of the car a

38、nd stoodfar behind the crowd. I wasnt sitting on the bench at the time,My father always put me on his neck until the end of the film.I remember once, see the White Snake, I ride fell asleep inhis neck, but the urine a father, father patted my buttocks,smiled and said: hi! Hi! Water overflows golden

39、hill.Years passed by, and I grew older than my father. In many places,I didnt have to stand on my fathers shoulder anymore.The Spring Festival home, heard the neighberhood a wedding day,a movie in the evening, a few playmates asked me to go to myride. I said to my father, Dad, I went to the movies.!

40、The father said, go and go, what else are you talking about,not a child?!Youre not going?You go ahead, I have more than 60 people, gather together whatlively!Coming to the cinema, there are not many people, so find a placeto stand. After a while, to the side of a father and his son,the child straigh

41、t yell he could not see, such as his fathermany years ago. The father said, here none of your position,while holding the boy on his neck. The child giggled in the highplace.Somehow, my eyes were wet at once. For so many years, I havebeen looking for an accurate representation of fatherly love.Is tha

42、t the scene Im looking for?Think of many past events, no longer see the movie. Go homealone.Knock at the door。 The parents were already asleep, and thefather was wearing his coat to open the door. Why did you comeback so early?Looked at the dim light in my fathers grey hair and it hasobvious camel d

43、own back, my tears gushed out, what also didntanswer, just put yourself on it just to go out when the fatherto put on his coat and draped over his thin body. Yes, my father has been making the foundation for his son allhis life. He tried to hold his son to the most ideal height,holding it, and then

44、he was tired and bent.I know, in this life, no matter how high the coordinates of mylife, can not be higher than the height of the fathers love,although it is invisible, but I have a ruler in my heart.26., this is a beautiful prose, the things around it unfoldtightly.This article has used 27. will b

45、e divided into two parts,please summarize the main content of the first part.28. my father patted my buttocks, smiled and said: hi! Hi!Water overflows golden hill. In the sentence wateroverflows golden hill means; please use text brief overviewof water overflows golden hill storyline.In the 29. arti

46、cle, we describe the scene of the two movie, butthe purpose is different. The purpose of describing the firsttime to see a movie lies in that.30. read below a word, phrase or sentence is your sentenceunderstanding in the bottom line endorsement.Yes, father has made a cornerstone for his son all his

47、life.He tried to hold his son to the most ideal height, holding it,and then he was tired and bent, and he was old.annotationsAnswer:21. if a 23. but 22. while looking at the human arrogance, naturewill snicker - like mother face ignorant children laugh. 24.(1) even with high-tech, the space of space

48、 undertaking is stillvery narrow in the middle of the universe. (2) human cognitionis also a history of error correction,Ten thousand years later, today, our understanding is stillvery childish. (3) mine may become human dig trap. 25., humanexploitation of coal, oil, natural gas and other minerals l

49、eftmany mines, and destroyed landforms and stratigraphicstructures, which could lead to serious consequences andendanger human beings themselves.26. fatherly love 27. specific description of the two moviescene, showing strong feelings of father and son28. the babys urine was drenched with his father

50、s clothes.Jinshan Temple Fahai saw Xu Xian a demon color, do not put downXu xian. To call on the White Snake, white snake son, lednumerous underlings, water overflows golden hill temple.29 show my fathers love for meThe 30. example: cornerstone uses metaphor to reflect theselfless love of father for the growth of his son. The sentenceexpresses the gratitude of the son for the selfless devotionof his father in his growing up. (a word or sentence canoptionally annotate, that is to It stands to reason.)



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