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1、中考重点句型中考重点句型我一到巴黎就会给你打电话我一到巴黎就会给你打电话I _you _ Paris.她说她一完成学业就会志愿去做一名乡村她说她一完成学业就会志愿去做一名乡村教师教师She said she _ be a village teacher _ her education.will callas soon as I arrive inwould volunteer to as soon as she finished 1. as soon as他不像以前那样勤奋了他不像以前那样勤奋了.Hes _ as he _.我觉得他读英语不及他哥哥好。我觉得他读英语不及他哥哥好。I dont

2、think he reads English _ his elder brother.not as / so hardworkingused to as well as2. (not) as / so as 我们应该尽量帮助父母做家务。我们应该尽量帮助父母做家务。We _ to help parents with chores _.别担心别担心, 他会尽快来看你的他会尽快来看你的.Dont worry, he will come to see you _. are supposed as much as possible as soon as possible3. as as possible

3、Tom有困难的时候,总是找我帮忙有困难的时候,总是找我帮忙When Tom is _, he always _.一些中国学生向一些中国学生向Mr. White请教提高英语听请教提高英语听力的建议力的建议Some Chinese students _ Mr. White _ on how to improve English listening. in trouble asks me for help asked for advice4. ask sb. for sth.他过来问我怎么去最近的书店他过来问我怎么去最近的书店He came to _to get to the nearest boo

4、kstore.爷爷昨天告诉我怎样种树爷爷昨天告诉我怎样种树My grandpa _ trees yesterday. ask me how told me how to plant5. ask / tell sb (how) to do sth妈妈总是叫我别说谎妈妈总是叫我别说谎My mother always _.Mr. White说:说:“我告诉过你别爬树,危险!我告诉过你别爬树,危险!”“I _ the trees. Its dangerous.” Mr. White said. asks me not to tell lies6. ask / tell sb (not) to do s

5、th have told you not to climbJack过去害怕演讲过去害怕演讲, 但现在他很擅长但现在他很擅长.Jack used to _ a speech, but now he is very good at it.恐怕要下雨了你最好带把伞。恐怕要下雨了你最好带把伞。I _ its going to rain. _ an umbrella with you. be afraid of making am afraid that Youd better take7. be afraid of doing sth / that北京人民自从年以来一直忙于准北京人民自从年以来一直忙于

6、准备奥运会备奥运会People in Beijing _ the 2008 Olympics since 2001. 小男孩正忙着玩游戏,妈妈在说什么,他小男孩正忙着玩游戏,妈妈在说什么,他一点也没留意一点也没留意The little boy _ games, and he paid no attention to what his mother was saying.have been busy preparing for8. be busy doing sth was busy playing中国因其悠久的历史和灿烂的文化而闻名中国因其悠久的历史和灿烂的文化而闻名China _ its l

7、ong history and splendid culture.老师叫我们上学别迟到了老师叫我们上学别迟到了The teacher asked us not to _ school _. is famous for be late foranymore9. be famous / late / ready / sorry for你为即将到来的期末考试做好准备了吗?你为即将到来的期末考试做好准备了吗?_ the _ final exam?对不起给你添了不少麻烦对不起给你添了不少麻烦I _ you so much trouble.我同情那些不能上学的孩子,我想尽力帮我同情那些不能上学的孩子,我想

8、尽力帮助他们助他们I _ the children who cant go to school, and I want to _ help them.Are you ready for am sorry for giving am sorry for try my best to coming我们很高兴将有一个天的假期我们很高兴将有一个天的假期We _ we will have a _ holiday.她很高兴她的英语取得了很大进步她很高兴她的英语取得了很大进步She _ that she English. are glad that 30-day has made much progress

9、 in is glad10. be glad that(1) 瞧瞧! Lucy 和妹妹正在马路两旁植树和妹妹正在马路两旁植树.Look! Lucy her sister trees on side of the street.(2)他非常聪明他非常聪明,会讲英语和日语会讲英语和日语.(3)He is speak English (4) Japanese. bothandareplantingeithersmart enough tobothand11.bothand:12.buy(bougt) sb. sth= buy sth. for sb.(1)昨天妈妈给我买了一件圣诞节礼物昨天妈妈给我买

10、了一件圣诞节礼物.Yesterday mom a Christmas gift.(2)你知道他们要买什么送给老师你知道他们要买什么送给老师?Do you know ?bought mewhat they are going to buy for the teacher 12.give (gave-given) sb sth. =give sth. to sb.(1)你是否愿意给我们一些度假建议?Could you please ?(2)请把这本书给我吧. this book, please.give us some suggestions for vacationsGive me12.show

11、 sb. sth=show sth. to sb.(1)他明天一到学校他明天一到学校,就要给我们看他的就要给我们看他的照片照片.He as soon as he gets to school tomorrow.(2)您能出示一下票吗您能出示一下票吗?Would you mind ?will show us his photosshowing me your ticket12.send (sent-sent) sb. sth=send sth. to sb.(1)你能否把你的计划用电子邮件发给我你能否把你的计划用电子邮件发给我呢呢?Could you ?(2)几天前几天前,Tom寄给了我一张明信

12、片寄给了我一张明信片.The other day, Tom .send me your plan by e-mailsent a postcard to me12.pass sb. sth.= pass sth. to sb.(1)请把盐递给妈妈请把盐递给妈妈.Please .(2)她很高兴她通过了考试她很高兴她通过了考试.She is glad that she .pass some salt to momhas passed the exam12. bring (brought, brought) sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb. (1)明天你来学校时最好给我们带上那张

13、海报明天你来学校时最好给我们带上那张海报.Youd better when you come to school tomorrow.(2)他总是把快乐带给所有人他总是把快乐带给所有人.He is always .bring that poster to usbringing happiness to everyone12.lend(lent-lent) sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. (1)我的车坏了我的车坏了, 可以把你的自行车借我可以把你的自行车借我吗吗?My car is broken down. Will you ?(2) 老师让你把英语书借给她用一下老师让你把英语

14、书借给她用一下.The teacher asked you .lend me your biketo lend your Engish book to her12.tell sb. sth= tell sth. to sb.(1)在我四岁的时候在我四岁的时候,祖父总是给我讲故事祖父总是给我讲故事.Grandpa used to when I was four years old.(2)他昨晚给我们讲了许多关于他在巴黎的他昨晚给我们讲了许多关于他在巴黎的经历经历.He last night.tell me storiestold us a lot about his experience in

15、Paris13.eitheror:(1)这个周末我有些空这个周末我有些空.周六或周日你可以周六或周日你可以到我家来到我家来.I am a little bit free this weekend. You could come to my house .(2)只有一张音乐会的票只有一张音乐会的票.要么你去要么我要么你去要么我去去.There is only one ticket to the concert. Either you or I to it.on either Saturday or Sundayam going14.enjoy doing(1)昨天你们玩得高兴吗昨天你们玩得高兴吗

16、?Did you yesterday?(2)Lucy喜欢提出和尝试新计划喜欢提出和尝试新计划.Lucy enjoys .enjoy yourselvescoming up with new plans and trying them out14.hate to do/doing:(1)我们讨厌去做我们不愿做的事情我们讨厌去做我们不愿做的事情.We hate . (2)他讨厌每天很早起床他讨厌每天很早起床.He hates every morning.to do what we wouldn t like to do getting up very early14. finish doing:(

17、1)在完成学业以后我要尽快开始工作在完成学业以后我要尽快开始工作.After , I will start work .(2)上周五我用了半个小时打扫完花园上周五我用了半个小时打扫完花园.It the garden last Friday.finishing my educationas soon as possibletook me half an hour to finish cleaning up14. mind doing:(1)他们愿意在当地的超市发放广告单吗他们愿意在当地的超市发放广告单吗?Would they mind at a local supermarket?(2)我们不介

18、意你是否会同意我们我们不介意你是否会同意我们.We dont mind .handing out adsif you will agree with us14.keep(kept-kept) sth./ adj./ doing. /sb. doing:(1)这本书我能借多久这本书我能借多久?How long can I ?(2)这件毛衣很保暖这件毛衣很保暖.This sweater .(3)他的一席话使他们保持了冷静他的一席话使他们保持了冷静.What he said .keep this bookkeeps warmkept them calm(3)虽然虽然John很累很累,但是一直在工作但

19、是一直在工作.Although John was very tired, he .(4)一定不要让他一直玩游戏了一定不要让他一直玩游戏了.Be sure not .kept working all the timeto keep him playing games14.go on with sth/ go on doing:(1)我们已经继续工作了三小时了我们已经继续工作了三小时了.Weve for three hours.(2)他用光了钱他用光了钱,但是还想继续收购旧自行但是还想继续收购旧自行车车.He has , but he would like to .run out of money

20、gone on with our workgo on collecting old bikes15.get(got-got) better and better:(1)冬天来了冬天来了, 天气越来越冷了天气越来越冷了.(2)Winter has come. The weather .(3)(2)如果你吃多吃水果蔬菜如果你吃多吃水果蔬菜,身体会更健身体会更健康康.(4)You if you eat more fruits and vegetables. is getting colder and colderwill get stronger16.get on with= get along w

21、ith(1)最近你的学习情况怎样了最近你的学习情况怎样了?How are you your study?(2)我们应该和同学友好相处我们应该和同学友好相处.We should our classmates.getting along withget on well with17.get ready for=prepare for; get sth. ready(1)当我到这时当我到这时,他们正在为今晚的聚会做他们正在为今晚的聚会做准备准备.When I got here, they tonights party.(2) 大家把课本准备好了吗大家把课本准备好了吗?Has everyone ?we

22、re getting ready forgot the textbooks ready 19. had better (not) to do 你最好不要乘火车去海南,坐飞机去那儿是最好的方式。_ to Hainan by train. Its best to fly there.Youd better not go 20. help sb do/help sb with谢谢你帮我发放宣传广告。Thank you for _.helping me hand out advertisements 21. I dont think that我认为黄河渔夫不是一部有趣的电影。I _ that Yell

23、ow River Fisherman _ movie.dont thinkis an interesting 22. I would like to/Would you like to?我疲惫极了。我想去某个让人感到轻松的地方度暑假。I am stressed out. Id _ for my summer vacation.like to go somewhere relaxing 23. It takes sb sometime to do sth.修理旧自行车划了他几个小时的时间。It _ several hours _ the old bikes.to fix uptook him 2

24、4. Its bad /good for吃太多的快餐对健康有害。_ fast food _ for health.Eating too muchis bad 25. Its important for sb to do sth.拥有一个平衡的膳食对我们非常重要。Its _ to have a balanced diet.very important for us 26. Its time for/to do sth.距2008年北京奥运会开幕还有不到一年的时间了。是我们成立学生志愿者工程的时候了。The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held withi

25、n a year. _to _ a student volunteer project.Its time for usset up 27. Its two meters (years ) long (old). 这个建筑长这个建筑长50米,高米,高20米。米。This building is _ and _. 我的表妹今年我的表妹今年10岁了。岁了。50 meters long20 meters highMy cousin is _ this year.10 years old28.keep sb doing抱歉让你久等了。抱歉让你久等了。Im sorry for _ so long.keep

26、ing you waiting 29.keep/make sth +adj.我们应尽力保持教室干净整洁。我们应尽力保持教室干净整洁。We should try our best to_.每个人都应做能做的一切使我们的城每个人都应做能做的一切使我们的城市更漂亮。市更漂亮。Everyone should do what he can_.keep our classroom clean and tidyto make our city more beautiful30. like doing / like to do我喜欢打网球。我喜欢打网球。I like_.playing tennisI like

27、_.to play tennis this afternoon.我想今天下午去打网球。我想今天下午去打网球。31.make/let sb (not) do sth老师让我们每周写一篇作文。老师让我们每周写一篇作文。Our teacher makes us _.Can you make him_?not come late next timewrite a composition every week.你能让他下次别再迟到吗?你能让他下次别再迟到吗?32.neithernor学生们和他们的班主任都不喜欢这部电学生们和他们的班主任都不喜欢这部电影。影。这个小男孩既不懂汉语也不懂英语。这个小男孩既不

28、懂汉语也不懂英语。Neither the students _this movie.This boy can understand neither _.nor their head teacher likesChinese nor English.33.notat all他根本不懂英语。他根本不懂英语。她那时完全不知道真相。她那时完全不知道真相。He_.She _at all at that moment.doesnt understand English at alldidnt know the truth34.not onlybut also不仅我而且我的同学们正对英语越来越不仅我而且我的

29、同学们正对英语越来越感兴趣了。感兴趣了。_am becoming more and more interested in English.Not only my classmates but also I35) not.until直到写完作业我才睡觉直到写完作业我才睡觉.I _go to sleep _ I finished _ my homework.didnt untildoing36) onethe other/someothers我家有两台电视机我家有两台电视机,一个是大的一个是大的,另一个是另一个是小的小的._two TV sets in my home. One is big, _

30、 is small.有的人喜欢可以随之哼唱的音乐有的人喜欢可以随之哼唱的音乐,有的人喜有的人喜欢可以随之起舞的音乐欢可以随之起舞的音乐,其他人歌词很棒的其他人歌词很棒的音乐音乐.Some people like music _ they can sing along with. _ love music that they can _, _ enjoy music that _ .There arethe otherthatSomedance toothershas great lyrics37) see/hear sb do(doing)sth多年来,我们看到许多拥有相当奇怪多年来,我们看到

31、许多拥有相当奇怪名字的音乐组合在乐坛上来来往往。名字的音乐组合在乐坛上来来往往。 Over the years, we_ musical groups with pretty strange names _. have seencome and go38) Sothat他试卷上出错太多了以至于老师很生他试卷上出错太多了以至于老师很生气气.He _ mistakes in his paper _ the teacher got very angry. 她是如此和蔼可亲她是如此和蔼可亲,所以大家都喜欢她所以大家都喜欢她.She is _ kind _ everybody _her.made so

32、manythatsothatlikes39) spendon/in doing sthTom经常花很多时间帮同学们学英语。经常花很多时间帮同学们学英语。Tom always _ a lot of time _his classmates with their English.spends(in) helping40)stop sb. from doing sth老师们在尽力阻止学生进网吧老师们在尽力阻止学生进网吧.Teachers are trying their best to_ to the internet cafes. stop students from going 41) Stop

33、 to do/stop doing他停下来去听天气预报他停下来去听天气预报.He stopped _the weather report. 老师一进教室老师一进教室,学生就不说话了学生就不说话了.The students _ with each other _ the teacher _ into the classroom.to listen tostopped talkingas soon ascame42) take/bring sth. with sb.如果你去哈尔滨度假的话如果你去哈尔滨度假的话,最好带最好带一些厚衣服一些厚衣服.If you go to Harbin for vac

34、ation, _ heavy clothes _ you.its best to take/youd better takewith43) The +比较级比较级,the +比较级比较级你了解巴黎越多,你就会越爱巴黎。你了解巴黎越多,你就会越爱巴黎。_you know about Paris, _you will love it.The morethe better44) There is sth wrong with sb我的自行车有点问题,能麻烦你帮我的自行车有点问题,能麻烦你帮我修理一下吗?我修理一下吗?_my bike. Could you please fix it up for m

35、e?There is something wrong with45) too to他有太多的照片以至于不能在展览他有太多的照片以至于不能在展览中展出。中展出。He has _photos _in the exhibition. too manyto display46) Used to我过去常常按我妈妈告诉的那样去我过去常常按我妈妈告诉的那样去做事情做事情, 甚至当我选择衣服的时候。甚至当我选择衣服的时候。I _things as my mom _me, even when I chose my clothes. used to dotold47) What about/ how about?

36、伴着这柔和的音乐跳舞怎么样?伴着这柔和的音乐跳舞怎么样?_the soft music? 随着这美妙的歌声哼唱怎么样?随着这美妙的歌声哼唱怎么样?_the beautiful song? What about dancing toHow about singing along with48)Whats wrong/ the matter with ?你们社区出了什么问题?你们社区出了什么问题?_your neighborhood?你的腿出什么问题了?你的腿出什么问题了?_your leg?Whats wrong withWhats the matter with49) Why not?为什么不

37、制定我们自己的家规使我们为什么不制定我们自己的家规使我们的家人有更合理的生活方式呢?的家人有更合理的生活方式呢?_our own home rules _ a more reasonable lifestyle? Why not maketo make sure our families have50) Will( would, could) you please?麻烦你能告诉我最好是乘坐飞机、麻烦你能告诉我最好是乘坐飞机、火车还是乘坐公交车旅游呢?火车还是乘坐公交车旅游呢?_me _travel by plane, train _bus?Will you please tellif its best toor50) Will( would, could) you please?麻烦你能给我看一下你最新的书吗?麻烦你能给我看一下你最新的书吗?_me your _book?麻烦你能帮我实现成为课后关爱中心麻烦你能帮我实现成为课后关爱中心的志愿者的梦想吗?的志愿者的梦想吗?_my dream _a volunteer in the after-school care center?Would you please showlatestCould you please help me achieveof being



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