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1、Copyright Wondershare SoftwareLesson 127A famous actresscan you guess?can you guess?can you guess?can you guess?New wordsNew words famous 著名的be famous for 因为而出名 He is famous for his novels. 他因他的小说而出名。be famous as 作为而出名 Hangzhou is famous as a tourist place. 杭州是一个旅游胜地。actress 女演员She is a famous actre

2、ss.她是一个著名的女演员。actor 男演员He is my favourite actor.他是我最喜欢的男演员。男服务员 waiter 男主人 host女服务员 waitress 女主人 hostess 名词,代词数词形容词介词短语V-ing表示猜测和推断的情态动词mustmust和cantcant 表示对现在和将来的事做推断和猜测,与系动词be连用肯定的推断:must be 否定的推断:cant be eg: 1, it must be a dog. 2,he must be doing his homework now. 3,she must be at home. 4,the li

3、ttle must be ten years old. (将上述句型改为否定句) Now,I want to ask you some Now,I want to ask you some questionsquestions 1,Do you know some famous actresses? 2,Whos your favourite actress?3,Do you know about them? 4,Do you want to be an actor/ actress?Listen to the tape and answer the Listen to the tape an

4、d answer the questions:questions:What does Karen Marsh do? She is an actress.Is the man an actor? Yes, he is.Is Karen Marsh look young? No, she isnt.How old is Liz? She is not more than twenty-nine.Karen MarshKaren Marshwho is she ?Notes on the textNotes on the textI think I can. 我想我可以 I dont think

5、I can.我想我不能 I think I cant. 我认为你是对的。 I think you are right. 我认为你不对。 I dont think you are right.sentences on the booksentences on the book:That must be Conrad Reeves.It cant be.He must be her fourth or fifth.but she must be at least forty.TranslationTranslation:It must be cold outside. 外面肯定很冷。They mu

6、st be thirsty. 他们肯定很渴。He cant be Mr. Read. 他不可能是里德先生。She cant be late. 她不可能迟到。 look old 看起来很老 look 是系动词,后加形容词1.You look happy today.今天你看起来很开心。2. Doesnt Mary look sad!玛丽看起来很难过啊! 系动词:sound, smell, taste, feel, get, turn, seem be, become1. The music sounds wonderful.2. The flowers smell good.3. His fac

7、e turns red.4. The food tastes good.5. He seems quite happy.Not Not thatthat long ago! long ago! 没有那么久! that 做副词,表示强调。-The French test was very difficult,wasnt it? 法语考试很难,不是吗?-Well, not that difficult. 没有那么难。TranslationTranslation:他不可能是老师,他肯定是牙医。 He cant be a teacher. He must be a dentist.她不可能是中国人,她

8、肯定是日本人。 She cant be Chinese. She must be Japanese.它不可能便宜,肯定很贵。 It cant be cheap. It must be expensive.-门铃响了。肯定是Bob。 -Theres the doorbell. It must be Bob. -不可能是Bob,他去电影院了。 -It cant be Bob. Hes gone to the cinema. PhrasesPhrases:must be 肯定是cant be 不可能是I think so 我想是 (I dont think so 我不这样想)have another

9、 look 在看一眼look old 看起来很老at least 至少 (at most 最多)a long time ago 很久以前more than 超过 recognizeKATE:Canyou_thatwoman,Liz?LIZ:Ithink_,Kate.It_KarenMarsh,theactress.KATE:I_so.Whosthat_her?LIZ:That_ConradReeves.KATE:ConradReeves,theactor?Its_.Letme_.Ithinkyoureright!Isntheher_?LIZ:No.Hemustbeher_.KATE:Doesn

10、tKarenMarsh_!LIZ:Shedoes,doesntshe!Ireadshestwenty-nine,butshemustbe_forty.KATE:Imsuresheis.LIZ:Shewas_WhenIwasstillatschool.KATE:Thatwas_,wasntit?LIZ:_longago!Im_twenty-ninemyself. I canmust bethoughbesidemust becant behave another lookthird husbandfourth or fifthlook oldat leasta famous actressa long time agoNot thatnot more thanFill in the blanksHomework (Homework (第6 6周) )1、完成每日听读作业,背诵 L1272、背诵L127单词3、练习册L127 A, L128 A4、复习(课文、单词、语法点) 准备第8周的期中考试。 每周一句:One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老



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