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1、Strategies of Guessing Words and Expressions inEnglishEnglish英语阅读策略训练英语阅读策略训练英英 语语 阅阅 读读 中中 的的 猜猜 词词 策策 略略afatcatwhenpigsfly肥猫肥猫当猪在飞当猪在飞Lucy married a man who owns a big company and has millions of dollars. He is really a fat cat.Whats the meaning of the underlined phrase?大款,大亨大款,大亨Peter is very laz

2、y and he never does his homework. He can go to a university when pigs fly.According to the passage, “when pigs fly” means _.不可能不可能Heavy rainHeavynewsHeavyfoodHeavyappearanceHeavysleeperHeavysmoker令人悲痛的消息令人悲痛的消息暴雨暴雨油腻的食物油腻的食物粗陋的长相粗陋的长相睡觉沉的人睡觉沉的人烟鬼烟鬼If you meet new words when reading, what will you do

3、 ?1.Pay no attention and continue reading.2.Look them up in the dictionary.3.Guess the meaning. n要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的短文以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相短文以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:关信息。考生应能:n、理解主旨要义;、理解主旨要义;n、理解文中具体信息;、理解文中具体信息;n、根据上下文推断生词的词义;、根据上下文推断生词的词义;n n、作出判断和推理;、作出判断和推理;n、理解文章的基本结构;、

4、理解文章的基本结构;n、理解作者的意图、观点和态度、理解作者的意图、观点和态度。高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求人类学人类学起解释说明作用起解释说明作用Tip 1: 定义描述法:根据定义或解释猜测词义。定义描述法:根据定义或解释猜测词义。Signal words : 1) means, refers to, be called, be known as ,can be defined as, in other words, that is , that is to say, 2)标点符号标点符号: 破折号、冒号破折号、冒号 3)定语从句定语从句 Guess the me

5、aningAnthropology is the scientific study of man. 1). It will be very hard but very brittle that is , it will break easily. (adj. 易碎的易碎的, 脆的脆的) 2). This was a very domesticated bird that needed help or it would not survuve.A.Having been abandonedB.Having been used to home lifeC.Having been used to l

6、ife in the wildD.Having been weak and hungry (adj. 家养的,驯服的家养的,驯服的)3). He is a resolute man. Once he sets up a goal, he will not give it up easily.4). She is bilingual. In other words, she speaks English and French equally well. Tip 2: 构词法:构词法:根据词根、前缀、后缀、复合、派生等猜测词义。根据词根、前缀、后缀、复合、派生等猜测词义。 (1)Overworkm

7、aycausediseases.over(过分的、过量的)(过分的、过量的)workoverwork“工工作过度作过度”。(2)Therewasadissatisfiedlookinthemanagerseyes.dis“不不”+satisfied“满意的满意的=dissatisfied“不不满意的满意的”。 super- inter- mini- micro- -some anti- co- post- pre- -ship 在在在在之间之间之间之间超超超超易于易于易于易于的的的的极小的极小的极小的极小的反对反对反对反对后后后后身份,资格身份,资格身份,资格身份,资格微小微小微小微小一同,一

8、起一同,一起一同,一起一同,一起之前之前之前之前 Mr. White loves to talk , his wife is alsoas loquacious as him. 爱说话的,多嘴的爱说话的,多嘴的Guess the meaning Tip 3 : 并列关系并列关系(同义关系):同义关系):利用语境及前后的提示来利用语境及前后的提示来猜测词义猜测词义 Key words : and, also, as as, the same as1).MarkTwainwasnottheauthorsrealname;itwasapseudonym.2).Thenewtaxlawsupersed

9、es,orreplaces,thelawthatwasineffectlastyear.3).Ifyouagree,write“Yes”;ifyoudissent,write“No”.4).Doctorsbelievethatsmokingcigarettesisdetrimentaltoyourhealth.Theyalsoregarddrinkingasharmful.笔名笔名 假名假名代替代替不同意不同意有害的有害的darkTip 4: 因果关系法:根据前后句因果关系猜测词义。因果关系法:根据前后句因果关系猜测词义。Signal words: because,since ,so, suc

10、hthat, sothat, for, ect. I feel that since you are my superior(上司),(上司), it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do .”Theword“presumptuous”isclosestinmeaningto“”.AfullofrespectBrudeandtooconfidentClackinginexperienceDtooshyandquietB专横的,冒昧的专横的,冒昧的1). The collision of the two cars caused a

11、lot of damage to both.a). side-by-side b). striking c). actingb_2). My dog is hostile to strangers and therefore will bark at you and may bite you until he gets to know you.a). friendlyb). kindc). unfriendly _c相撞相撞敌意的敌意的3).Theriverissoturbidthatitisimpossibletoseethebottomevenwhenitisshallow。浑浊的浑浊的4

12、) . That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.巨大的巨大的5).The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again.永久性的永久性的He had been getting better, However , during the night

13、his condition deteriorated.恶化恶化Achildsbirthdaypartydoesnthavetobeahassle;instead,itcanbeabasketoffun,accordingtoBethAnaclerio,anEvastonmotheroftwo,ages4and18months.Whatdoestheunderlinedwordhassle“probablymean?A.apartydesignedbyspecialistsB.aplanrequiringcarefulthoughtC.asituationcausingdifficultyort

14、roubleD.ademandmadebyguestsTip 5: 对比转折法:根据反义词或对比关系猜测词义。对比转折法:根据反义词或对比关系猜测词义。Signal words : but, however, although , though,while(然而然而), rather than, instead of 困难,麻烦困难,麻烦1)ThoughTomsfacehasbeenwashedquiteclean,hisneckstillremainsgrubby.2).Unlikehergregarioussister,Janeisashypersonwhodoesnotliketogot

15、opartiesormakenewfriends. 3).Sheisusuallypromptforallherclass,buttodayshearrivedinthemiddleofherfirstclass.Onthefarmtheymainlyraisepoultry,suchaschickens,ducksandgeese,fortheireggsandmeat.家禽家禽举例说明举例说明Tip 6:举例归纳法:举例归纳法:根据例子隶属的类别归出词义根据例子隶属的类别归出词义Key words : suchas,like,forexample,forinstance1). Tom mu

16、st be very affluent. He wears expensive clothes and jewelry, drives a Rolls-Royce convertible, and owns a $1,750,000 house in London. 富裕的富裕的2). You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, English Learning, or Readers Digest.期刊,杂志期刊,杂志Tip 7:生活常识经验:生活常识经验:根据自身的直接或间接的经根据自身的直接或间接的经验,运用自己已

17、有的常识验,运用自己已有的常识,以及英美国家的风俗习以及英美国家的风俗习惯、宗教信仰、社会生活等将生词推测出来。惯、宗教信仰、社会生活等将生词推测出来。Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots(嫩芽)嫩芽), or young leaves of trees.The word “pruning” means_A. Regular cutting of the plantsB. Frequent wateringC. Regular use of chemicalsD. Growing the p

18、lants high in the mountain2). Husband:Its really cold out tonight. Wife: Sure it is. My hands are almost numb. How about lighting the fireplace? a). dying b). frozen c). hurt1). Children are usually inquisitive about things around them.a). interested b). afraid c). curious 好奇的好奇的冻僵的,麻木的冻僵的,麻木的3). A

19、good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience take an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they dont understand something, they say so.The word “audience” in the paragraph means _.A.students B. people who watch a play C. people who act on the s

20、tage D. people who listen to something常识常识 teacher-students生活常识生活常识经验经验定义描述定义描述 构词法构词法上下文上下文因果因果关系关系对比转折(对比转折(反义词反义词)并列关系并列关系(同义词同义词)How to guess the meaning of words?举例归纳举例归纳常见的猜测词义题设问方式1.Theunderlinedword(phrase,term)“”means_.2.Accordingtothepassage,theword“”properlymeans_.3.Theword“”inparagraphre

21、fersto_.4.Bysaying,theauthormeans_.5.Whichofthefollowingisclosestinmeaningto“”?6.Wecanlearnfromtheunderlinedpartthat1. The offspring of a pair of birds leave the nest when they are big enough to fly Achildren Bancestors Cgenerations Dmates2. There is a stack of papers on Mr. Greens desk Apiece Bbala

22、nce Cmixture DpileTry to do the following exercises(useing the above skills)3. Before you buy something,check the quality firstFor example, if it is cheap, it might not be good Ahow good it is Bwhat the color is Cwhat the size is Dhow big it is4. Please give me your recipe for this cake, so I can ma

23、ke it too Aa dish Bdirections for cooking Ca meal Ddirections to your house5. Before a baby learns to walk, it has to crawl on the floor Awalk on two feet Bfly Csit in a chair Dmove on the hands and knees6. Mr. Brown is an amateur photographer He is an engineerBut in his free time he likes to take p

24、ictures A. as a hobby Bfor money Cas a job Das work7. This small Christmas tree is made of plasticIt is not a real treeIt is artificial A. beautiful B. not natural C. for a special holiday Din an art museum 8. whales and elephants are gigantic animalsNo other animals can compare with them in size A.

25、 small Bland Csea Dhuge9. The kiwi lays the largest eggs in the world. The strange thing about the kiwi is that it cannot fly A a kind of fish Ba kind of cat C. a kind of rock Da kind of bird10. Some Africans carve beautiful human and animal figures out of woodThey sell their carvings to stores and

26、museums Adraw Bbeat Cheat Dcut11. Chicken pox can be very serious for a child who is not in good healthThe child develops red spots,and feels hot and uncomfortableA healthy child gets well quickly Aa kind of animal Ba kind of food Ca kind of childhood disease Da lack of pure water不认识不认识单词单词. .找不出问题的

27、答案找不出问题的答案. .容易被文中句子干扰容易被文中句子干扰.经常在经常在2 2个答案中徘徊然后选了错误个答案中徘徊然后选了错误 的那一个的那一个. .心情不好时做不好心情不好时做不好. .TiPS:归根结底是单词的问题,平时多背诵,多归根结底是单词的问题,平时多背诵,多重复,才能记于心。另外要意识到阅读技重复,才能记于心。另外要意识到阅读技巧能的力量,有其,事倍功半。尝试着控巧能的力量,有其,事倍功半。尝试着控制自己的小情绪,享受阅读,它可以改变制自己的小情绪,享受阅读,它可以改变你的心境,加油!你的心境,加油!Assignment:运用今天所学到的解题方法,运用今天所学到的解题方法,完成

28、猜测词义练习。完成猜测词义练习。 Passage 1 A mans position among the black-tent people depends on his ancestors, relatives, and fellow tribesmen. If they are honored, he is also honored. If they are disgraced, he too is disgraced. Therefore one carefully guards the honor of his family, his lineage(宗系宗系), and his tr

29、ibe.The word “disgrace” means _ in this text.A. honor B. endanger C. proud D. shame DPassage 2 The ruler had been so cruel and dishonest that after the revolution he was banished. A few members of the Senate(参议院参议院) opposed this decision, but the majority voted that the ruler should leave the countr

30、y for ever. The underlined word “banished” mean_. A. killed by stoning B. sent away C. imprisoned D. punished by whipping BPassage 3 Although he often had the chance, Mr. Brown was never able to steal money from a customer. This would endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopa

31、rdize his future. The word “jeopardize” means _ in this text.A. protect B. endanger C. continue D. stopBn1.Thecomputeralsocountstheloadsandgivesasignalbyphonewhentheboxisfull.Andaspecialpieceofequipmentbreaksupthenonrecyclables.()n2.Helpinglaid-offworkersandunemployedpeoplefindjobsiscrucial(关系重大的关系重大的)andpressingtaskfacingtheChineseGovernment,PresidentXiJinpingstressedyesterday,heurgedbetterservicetocreateworkfortheunemployed.()n3.Areyouamanoramouse?Whenpeopleaskthisquestiontheywanttoknowifyouthinkyouareabravepersonoracoward.()不可回收资源不可回收资源下岗下岗胆小鬼胆小鬼



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