高中英语 Unit 14Lesson 2 Interviews课件 北师大版必修5

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1、Lesson 2 InterviewsTurn up at the interview a couple of minutesearly.(P24, Ex 1)提早几分钟出现在面试会上。1turn up 出现,到达;开大,调高(音量);发现,找到典例I cant hear the radio very well.Could you turn it up abit?我听不太清楚收音机。你把声音开大点行吗?She turned up the missing papers under her notebook. 她在记事本下找到了丢失的文件。Several old friends turned up

2、 at the reunion.好几个老朋友出现在聚会上。运用 完成句子(1)We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7 : 30, but he_ (没有来)(2)Im sure your watch will _ (找到) some day.failed to turn up/didnt turn upturn upMake up information about yourself.(P24, Ex 1) 组织好有关自己的信息。2make up 编造;组成;补偿;化妆典例The boy made up a story.这个男孩编了一个故事。23 stud

3、ents make up a class. A class is made up of 23students.一个班由 23 名学生组成。You must make up what you owe before the end of the month.你必须在月底前偿还你所欠的。She made up her face to look prettier.为了看上去漂亮些,她在脸上化了妆。拓展 make up ones mind 下决心make up of 组成be made up of 由组成运用 完成句子(1)He _ ( 编 造 一 个故 事 ) to explain why hewas

4、 absent.(2)We must _ (弥补) for the lost time.(3)A car _ (由组成) many different parts.made up a storymake upis made up ofMake out you understand something when you dont!(P24, Ex 1)不懂的时候假装懂得一些!3make out 假装;听出,看出典例Lets make out that we are wrecked on a desert island.让我们假装在荒岛上遇难。We cant make out what he is

5、 saying.我们不懂他在说什么。运用 完成句子(1)Lets _ (假装) that we cant see her.(2)Can you _ (理解) the meaning of this poem?make outmake outGo into a lot of detail about your personal life.(P24, Ex1)具体说说你的个人生活。4go into detail(s) 讨论,细谈典例He only talked about it in general terms and didnt gointo details.他只是泛泛而谈, 没有细说。拓展 g

6、o into business 从事商业go into effect 开始生效运用 完成句子go into detailswent into effect(1)He refused to _ (详述) about his plans.(2)The bill _ (开始生效) last month.Speak up and express yourself clearly.(P24, Ex 1)大胆地说且表达清晰。5speak up 大声地说,自由而大胆地说出(speak out)典例I cant hear you clearly.Would you please speak up?我听不清楚你

7、说的话。你能大点声吗?拓展 speak up for 为大声疾呼运用 完成句子speak upspeak up for(1)The teacher encouraged her students to _ (大声发言) in class.(2)Can you _ ( 为 大 声 疾 呼 ) truth andjustice?Sit up straight and look people in the eye.(P24, Ex 1)坐直且眼睛看着对方。6sit up 坐直;熬夜典例 She sat up in bed, listening.她端坐在床上听着。The doctor sat up a

8、ll night with the patient.医生彻夜守着病人。运用 完成句子sit upsat up(1)We dont allow the children to _ (熬夜) late.(2)She _ (坐直) and looked at him.I turned up for the appointment five minutes late, so Iwalked straight in and sat down.(P24, Ex 2)我约会晚了五分钟到达,所以就直接进去坐下来。7appointmentnC 约见,约会;U任命,委派典例 I have an appointme

9、nt with them in the evening.晚上我与他们有个约会。The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.报上报道了任命一位新法官的消息。拓展 make an appointment 预约keep/break an appointment 守约/失约hold an appointment 担任某职运用 完成句子(1)Can I _ (预约) to see the manager?(2)She was so lucky to _ (担任某职) in thisdepartment after gradua

10、tion.make an appointmenthold an appointmentBill stared at the surrounding countryside for a whileand then started up the steep hill to the farm house.(P121, Ex13 听力材料)比尔看了一会儿周围的村子,然后爬上陡峭的小山来到农舍。n环境;周围的事8surrounding adj.附近的,周围的物(常用复数)典例We plan to make a trip to the surrounding country thisweekend.我们计

11、划这个周末去附近的郊区旅游。He didnt pay much attention to his surroundings.他没有过多地注意他周围的环境。拓展 social surroundings 社会环境the surrounding country 近郊be surrounded by 被包围运用 完成句子(1)The _ ( 附近的 ) country is a wildernessof sand.(2)The old man _ ( 被 包 围 ) a troop ofchildren.surroundingwas surrounded by本课时单词拓展词汇构词法小结 appoin

12、tment n 约见,约会appoint v任命, 委派;指定;约定 1.-ment 为名词后缀,表示“动作, 行为,性质,状态”。如:argument 争论。 2.-hood 为名词后缀,表示时期。 如:manhood 成年期; boyhood 少年时期。 3.-er 为名词后缀,常指人或用具。 如:teacher 教师; cooker 炊具。 4.-ing 为形容词后缀。如: understanding 通情达理的。 childhood n 童年,儿童时代child n小孩,儿童 typewriter n 打字机 typewrite v打字; 用打字机打 surrounding adj.附

13、近 的,周围的surround v包围运用 用所给单词的适当形式填空1I often played by the river in my _ (child).2The _ (surround) villages have been absorbed intothe growing city.3She inserted (插入) a new sheet of paper into the _(typewrite)4 The company decided to _ (appointment) a newmanager.childhoodsurroundingtypewriterappointTh

14、e instant she stopped asking questions, I got up andwent out of the room.(P24, Ex 2)她一停止问问题后,我马上就站起来走出房间。点拨短语 the instant 意为“一就”,相当于 as soonas,可引导时间状语从句,放于句首或句中。 有类似用法的短语还有 the minute, the moment 等。如:The instant I closed my eyes, the telephone rang.我一闭上眼睛,电话就响了。运用 完成句子The machine will start _ ( 一就) the button ispressed.the instant



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