云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 11-12课件.ppt

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《云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 11-12课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省2019中考英语复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 Grade 9 Units 11-12课件.ppt(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部分第一部分 Grade 9Units1112中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲eg.The result of the match made us excited.比赛的结果令我们激动不已。The encouragement of our friends can make us feel more confident.朋友们的鼓舞可以使我们感觉更加自信。Little Tom was made to finish his homework on time.小汤姆被要求按时完成作业。 活学巧练1The boy was made _ twelve hours a day.(wo

2、rk)2Our English teacher often makes us _ the texts.(retell)3The news _. (使他兴奋)4He did a lot to make his mother _ which moved his mother.Ahappy BhappilyChappinessDhappiest5How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me _ very proud.AfeltBto feelCfeelingDfeelto work retell made /ma

3、kes him excited A D eg. I would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening.今晚我宁愿待在家里读些书。I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视也不愿去电影院。 活学巧练6Some backpackers _ live in tents than in hotels.(宁愿)7I would rather _ in the countryside.(work)8My uncle is against wasting anything.No wonder he would rather _ the old bike than _ a new one.Arepair; to buyBto repair; buyCrepair; buy Dto repair; to buywould rather work C



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