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1、Unit 6 The Diary of the Unknown SoldierUnit 6 The Diary of the Unknown SoldierThis story is dedicated to all of the unknown soldiers who died while trying toprotect the lives of the innocent.NOVEMBER 24, 19431 It has been almost six months since I last saw American soil, my family, ormy home. My hea

2、rt aches every moment because everywhere I look I see piles ofrubble where houses used to stand and lifeless bodies that once moved aroundwith the joy of life inside them. It is as if I have stared into deaths eyesand seen its hatred, its coldness. If it would have been some strangers corpsesthat I

3、had seen I might have taken it lighter. But these lifeless heaps are,or used to be, my friends and colleagues. They all came here with an air ofconfidence and eagerness, ready to win. What fools they were! Couldnt thosemen see that what they received was a one- way ticket to death, couldnt theyhave

4、opened their eyes! Of course, I was like them, but I have changed my viewssince the last D-Day, when our regiment was assigned to protect London.2 Today was rainy and cold, just like any other, when, out of the blue, Germanfighter planes bombarded our small, makeshift camp. All I could hear were the

5、sounds of bombs exploding, crippling those people in their way. I was suddenlyknocked into a trench and able to be undetected by the planes circling overhead.I was lucky.3 When I came to, the Axis planes had gone and the few survivors that were leftbegan scooping up bodies. I suffered minor head inj

6、uries, but the rest of myplatoon wasnt so fortunate. All I can say to describe the aftermath of theexplosions is that it was a sea of blood. Right about this time thoughts ofsuicide entered my head, but I decided that I must go on. I must go on livingthis nightmare, if not for myself or my country,

7、then for my family back home.I want my children to have a father. My family has been sending me mail, butI have received only a few letters so far. Oh, how I wish I could see my darlingdaughters! They are experiencing tough times too, with the food shortageproblems and all. I hope the garden that th

8、ey planted is growing. My thoughtsdrift to my wife now. She is so dear to me that I cant stop thinking abouther.4 My job now is plane spotting. It is a civilians task, but there are no morecivilians left to do it. I must end this entry now because I am too tired to1 / 54321go on writing. All I ask i

9、s that I be alivewhen this ends. Although Im notso sure Ill get my wish.NOVEMBER 29, 19431 I do not remember why I ever came here. Why does war have to be the way problemsare solved? War just creates more problems; something every sensible personknows. I guess that means people like Hitler arent sen

10、sible. Now my K-rationsare running low. My joints are frozen stiff and my ammunition has been used up.Word has it that the Axis powers are sending troops to our location within themonth. My situation is grim and the odds of winning, or even surviving, seemunlikely. More blood has been shed and my bo

11、dy simply cannot take it. When Ieat, sleep, and fight I have to stare at cold, lifeless soldiers that look likethey were never alive. If I return home I vow to keep these soldiers memoriesalive by telling their families they died bravely in an effort to save theircountry from turmoil. While that mig

12、ht not provide much to help them cope withtheir loss, it will make the children feel like their fathers made a difference.87652 A few days ago my ragtag group of soldiers journeyed to a small European townthat had been untouched by warfare. Still, the townspeople took all of the properwar-time preca

13、utions. One night, as I performed my routine watch, I passed ayoung girl of no more than twelve or thirteen, who was walking home. I couldnthelp thinking about my two daughters when I saw her. I fell apart inside andbroke into tears, wondering yet again if I would ever see my family. I wouldgive any

14、thing to see them, even if it was for five minutes! I am not a man madefor war, nor am I an adventurous person. I do not even remember my reason forjoining in this madness! I guess I thought it was something that had to be done.A saying I once heard strikes a painful note in my head, “Even one war i

15、s toomany.”The person who said it had a valid point.Never have I been so enragedat my fellow man before. Humans do err, but that is no excuse for ending innocentlives and destroying whole countries! No one has that right. How can we be soselfish and ignorant as to not care about each other! This tho

16、ught makes me sickerthan when I am staring at heaps of bodies strewn over the tattered soil.DECEMBER 24, 19431 I think we have a spy in our regiment because the nightmare has surfaced again.Our “secret” location is being invaded by Nazi troops as I write this down.2 / 5131210119I have hidden myself

17、in a small trench, my last hope for surviving. I wish, withall my soul, that I could be home now, in my own bed, waiting for Christmas morningto come. The children would be tucked in their beds, and my wife and I wouldbe soundly asleep in our room. I am struggling to calm myself down, but my faceis

18、covered in dirt and sweat, and my head is pounding like mad. I am so closeto death that I can actually feel its fiery breath engulfing me. To help keepme from panicking I am thinking of my daughte rs faces as they open theirpresents on Christmas Day. The facesare all aglow withdelight. I will always

19、remember their faces, wait I hear footsteps coming in my direction. My rifleis useless since there are no shells in it. If this is my last entry then please,whoever finds this, return it to my family. Oh my God! I can see from my hidingspot that a Nazi soldier is inspecting the trench. It is only a

20、matter of timebefore he finds me. I have one last question before I die. Why?1514Almostnineanda halfyearsafterthelastdiaryentrywas writtena Britishinfantryman found the small journal as he was clearing away wreckage at thedoomed battle site. The name of the author is today a mystery and it was notme

21、ntioned in the diary. Only the initial R was found in the bottom left-handcorner of the first page. The man, who is dubbed “The Unknown Soldier ,” wasnever found although we assume he is dead at this time.一个无名士兵的日记一个无名士兵的日记1943年11月24日我离开美国,家人已经有6个月了。我的心无时无刻不在疼痛着,因为我眼望所即的废墟里,曾经是一座座房屋,还有欢天喜地的生命。我好像在凝视


23、时间我想到了自杀,但最后还是决定活下来。我必须度过这场噩梦,不是为我的国家,也不是3 / 5为我自己,只是为了我能回家。我不能让我的孩子没有父亲。家里人给我寄过信,目前只收到几封。我多想看看我亲爱的女儿!他们也在忍受食物短缺等问题的煎熬。我希望他们花园里种的植物生长良好。我又想到了我的爱妻,我们多亲密,我没方法不想她。我现在的工作是侦查发现飞机,这本该是平民的工作,但能做的人所剩无几了。我得停下来了,没力气写下去了。我希望这一切完毕后我还活着,虽然不知道会不会成真,但除此之外别无他求了。1943年11月29日我不记得为何来这了。为什么要靠战争来解决问题呢?聪明的人都知道战争只会带来更多问题。我



26、们的秘密据地正在被纳粹部队侵略。我把自己藏在沟渠里,这是我最后生还的希望。我整个灵魂都希望,我现在能在家里,在我自己的床上,等待着第二天圣诞节的来临。孩子会蜷缩在自己床上,我和妻子也会在自己房间睡得很香。我挣扎着使自己镇静下来,但是我的脸上全是灰尘和汗渍,我的脑袋像涨疯了。我离死神如此之近,我能很真实地感到凶残的呼吸正在包围我。为了避免痛苦,我就想象着女儿第二天早上打开礼物时惊喜的脸,我会一直记得他们的面孔,等一下,我听到有脚步声朝我的方向来了。我步枪没子弹了。如果这是我最后的退路,那么请发现这篇日记的人把它转交给我的家人。哦,老天,从我的据点能看到一个纳粹兵在观察这沟渠。离他发现我只有一点时间了。死之前我想问最后一个问题,这一切4 / 5到底是为什么?5 / 5



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