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1、广东省省级课程国际贸易Chapter9TStillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望一、一、Analysis of Tariff Effects (一)(一) Effects of a tariff: small countrynIn this market, the autarky equilibrium occurs a price of $50 and quantity of 50.nIf the international price is $20, the countr

2、y will be an importer of the item.nDomestic production will fall from 50 to 20.nDomestic consumption will rise from 50 to 80.nThese changes generate imports of 60 units.nIf a 50% ad valorem tariff is placed on imports, the domestic price rises from $20 (the international price) to the tariff price o

3、f $30.nDomestic production increases from 20 to 30.nDomestic consumption falls from 80 to 70.nImports fall to 40.nThe amount of tariff revenue is: $10 x 40 = $400nTo show the welfare changes from the tariff the concepts of consumer and producer surplus must be considered.nConsumer surplus is the dif

4、ference between what consumers are willing to pay for a specific amount of a commodity and what they actually pay for it.nGraphically, consumer surplus is the area under the demand curve and above the price paid on every unit purchased.1.关税的价格效应:国内关税的价格效应:国内p 2.关税的消费效应关税的消费效应: -(a+b+c+d)3.关税的生产效应:关税

5、的生产效应:+a 4.关税的税收效应:关税的税收效应:+c ( a和和c也称为再也称为再分配效应)分配效应)5.关税的净福利效应关税的净福利效应: -(b+d),此部分属于此部分属于无谓损失(无谓损失(deadweight loss)。)。 nThe imposition of a tariff leaves a net welfare loss to society of the two triangular shaded regions( b&d).nThese regions are known as the deadweight loss of a tariff. nb is prod

6、uction distortion,nd is comsumption distortion.(二)(二) Effects of a tariff: large countrynThe effects of a tariff on a large country differ from that in a small country because the imposition of a tariff results in a fall in import demand that lowers the international price.nThis is known is as the t

7、erms of trade effect. (二)(二) Effects of a tariff: large country1.关税的价格效应:国内关税的价格效应:国内p2.关税的消费效应关税的消费效应: -(a+b+c+d)3.关税的生产效应:关税的生产效应:+a 4.关税的税收效应:关税的税收效应:+(c+e)5.关税的贸易条件效应:改善(出口价格不变关税的贸易条件效应:改善(出口价格不变时)时)6.关税的净福利效应关税的净福利效应: e-(b+d)nThis result arises as the improvement in the terms of trade more than

8、 offsets the potential deadweight loss of the tariff.nWelfare lost: b+dnWelfare gained: e二、二、Optimum tariff n1、ConceptionnThe previous example demonstrates that it is possible for the imposition of a tariff in a large county to improve societal welfare.nAn optimal tariff is the tariff rate that maxi

9、mizes the benefit resulting from the imposition of a tariff.nThe gain comes from the improvement in the terms of trade.2. More concern about the optimal tariffnThe existence of an optimum tariff appears to be a strong argument for interfering with free trade.nIt is important to note that the positiv

10、e welfare gains exist only if no retaliation in other markets occurs following the imposition of a tariff. 三、三、The measure of tariffnOne method used to measure the degree of protectionism within an economy is the average tariff rate. Since tariffs generally reduce imports of foreign products, the hi

11、gher the tariff, the greater the protection afforded to the countrys import-competing industries.n(一一) Highness of tariffn1 Unweighted-average tariff ratenSuppose a country have 3 kinds of import goods A、B、C,their tarif rate are 10%,15%,20%.Then, their unweighted-average tariff rate is: (10%+15%+20%

12、)/3=15%nThe tariffs above are calculated as a simple average. To calculate this rate, one simply adds up all of the tariff rates and divides by the number of import categories. nOne problem with this method arises if a country has most of its trade in a few categories with zero tariffs, but has high

13、 tariffs in many import categories in which it would never find advantageous to import. In this case the average tariff may overstate the degree of protection in the economy. 2 Weighted-average tariff raten The standard way of calculating weighted-average tariff rate is to divide total tariff revenu

14、e by the total value of imports. nTaketheexample,supposethiscountryimportproductA500000,productB200000,productC100000,thentheweighted-average tariff rate is: n(50000010%+20000015%+10000020%)/(500000+200000+100000)=100000/800000=0.125,thatis12.5%.(二二) Nominal tariffs vs. effective protectionn1 1、Conc

15、ept nThe nominal tariff is the percentage increase in the price of the final commodity.nThe effective rate of protection is calculated on the increase in domestic value added offered by tariff protection.nThe effective rate of protection offers a better measure of the protection offered producers as

16、 it takes into account the cost to producers of tariffs on input markets. 2、How to get ERP?nERP=(V-V)/Vx100%。nERP:某某行行业业的的有有效效保保护护率率; V、V分分别别表表示示征征收收关关税税前前后后该该行行业业(或或商商品品)的的国国内内生生产附加值。产附加值。 3 3、Example & CalculationExample & CalculationnSuppose:nAcarsP=$10000nMiddlecost=$8000nAddedvaluebeforetariffV

17、j=$2000nT=50%nAftertariff,thecarsP=10000(1+50%)=$15000中间产中间产品的名品的名义税率义税率中间产品成本中间产品成本最终产品增加最终产品增加值变化值变化VjERP25%8000(1+25%)=1000015000-10000=5000(5000-2000)/ 2000=150%75%8000(1+75%)=1400015000-14000=1000(1000-2000)/ 2000= -50%50%(学生计算) 4. ConclusionnAs is seen, the effective level of protection may di

18、ffer greatly from the rate of the nominal tariff.n当最终产品的名义税率当最终产品的名义税率大于大于中间产品名义税率时,中间产品名义税率时,n最终产品的有效保护率最终产品的有效保护率大于大于其名义税率。其名义税率。n当最终产品的名义税率当最终产品的名义税率小于小于中间产品名义税率时,中间产品名义税率时,n最终产品的有效保护率最终产品的有效保护率小于小于其名义税率其名义税率(负保护负保护)。n当最终产品和中间产品的名义税率相等时,当最终产品和中间产品的名义税率相等时,n最终产品的有效保护率才和名义税率相等。最终产品的有效保护率才和名义税率相等。 Review: 关税的经济效应n一、关税的效应一、关税的效应n(一)小国模型(一)小国模型 (二(二)大国模型大国模型n二、最优关税率二、最优关税率n三、三、 关税的衡量关税的衡量n(一)关税的(一)关税的“高度高度”n(二)名义税率与有效保护率(二)名义税率与有效保护率( Concept、Calculation、Conclusion)



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