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1、.高考单词识记思考运用1.核心词汇_ n.利润,收益 vi.&vt.获益;对有用_ n.总结;概括,概要exact adj.精确的,准确的_ adv.精确地,准确地;确实如此_ n.意图,目的;企图intend vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要_ adj.打算的,计划的adopt vt.收养,领养;采用,采纳_ n.收养,领养;采用_ adj.收养的,领养的profession n.职业,行业_ adj.职业的 n.专业人员_ n.关系;亲戚relate vt.&vi.联系,把联系起来;叙述,讲述_ adj.相关的_ n.多数,大多数major adj.主要的;多数的 vi.主修_ n.少数民族

2、;少数,少数人_ n.仔细考虑;必须考虑的因素;体谅,顾及consider v.考虑;认为_ adj.考虑周到的,体贴的_ prep.&conj.考 虑 到 , 鉴 于 , 就 而 言_ adj.相当多(大、重要等)的答案 profit summary exactly intention;intended adoption;adoptedprofessional relation;relatedmajority;minorityconsideration;considerate;considering;considerable2.常考词汇transform vt._nutrition n._c

3、oncept n._real-life adj._physician n._harvest vt.&vi._rainforest n._chain n._food chain n._答案使改变外观或性质(尤指向好的方向);使改变形态营养 概念;观念真实的,现实生活中的医师,内科医生收割(庄稼)雨林一系列;一连串(人或事)食物链用所给单词的适当形式填空1.For many years,the _(major) of Irish people earned their living as farmers.2.He was found stealing items from the shop whe

4、re he worked._(consequence),he was taken off his position.3.The old man lived with his three _(adopt) children and they enjoyed a happy life.4.Everything _(consider),this plan is quite practical.5._(actual),he is from Australia.6._(brief) speaking,I cant agree with you more.7.He is said to be _(rela

5、te) with the Smiths by marriage.8.I never_ things to turn out the way they did and I had left with the _of finding a better job for her.(intend)9.We need to ask our parents for _ before we start the journey.If they dont _us to take a journey,we must wait for another time.(permit)10.Those ideas were

6、the _of our project,which was _ intended to help those who couldnt go to school.But after careful consideration,we changed our _ plan into another one covering a wider variety of children in trouble.(origin)答案1.majority2.Consequently3.adopted4.considered5.Actually 6.Briefly7.related8.intended;intent

7、ion9.permission;permit10.origin;originally;original形近词归纳adopt 采纳;收养adapt 适应;改编pest 害虫nest 窝,巢hunger饥荒hunter 猎人follow跟随fellow 家伙,同事concert音乐会concept 概念goal 目标;球门goat 山羊call电话cell 细胞;电池intention意图,目的invention发明【联想积累】“词中词”法帮你记firmconfirm 证实,证明formtransform 使改观sumsummary 总结,概要rateaccurate 精确的cultureagri

8、culture 农业sourceresource 资源comeincome 收入fitprofit 利润聚焦-able结尾形容词reliable 可以信赖的enjoyable 令人喜爱的comfortable 舒适的suitable 适合的available 可以利用的valuable 有价值的reasonable 合乎情理的believable 可信的开心词场核心单词串记With the permission of his family members and relations,the surgeon,as a professional,adopted the breakthrough i

9、n medical field and conducted an operation on him.The result confirmed the doctors original conjecture.He had suffered cancer and some kind of tissue had been damaged,which brought anxiety to his family.Actually,this kind of disease can not be cured at present.Their intention was not realized.No dou

10、bt this was a catastrophe to this family.重点短语识记思考运用1.动词(副词)介词concentrate _集中精力于,全神贯注于comment _对进行评论push ahead _ 努力推进succeed _ doing 成功地做答案ononwithin2.介词短语on the one hand.on the _hand一方面另一方面in agreement _赞成,同意;与一致_ favour of赞同,支持_ summary 概括地说_ sale 供出售_ the intention of以为意图;为了目的_ ones way to(doing)s

11、th 某事即将发生答案otherwithin inforwithon3.其他follow in ones _效仿某人take._ consideration认真考虑be strongly _ 强烈反对be limited _ 局限于答案footstepsintoagainst to用左栏所给短语的适当形式填空1.The Ministry of Education in China is_ its curriculum reform(课程改革),which will have good consequences.2.I cant _ my studies with all that noise

12、going on outside.3.The teaching of history should not_ dates and figures.4.Happy and calm is the man who _ all these possibilities _ and arrives at the appointment either early or on time.5.Obviously,this is a sample(样本)_,so dont expect to see it anytime.6.I talked to Susie about our plan,and shes a

13、ll _ joining us.7.What he says is always _ what he does.8.Can you _ the current situation?答案1.pushing ahead with2.concentrate on3.be limited to4.takes;into consideration 5.for sale 6.in favor of 7.in agreement ment on【联想积累】你会“总结”吗?in summaryin conclusionin brief in short in a wordto be shortto sum u

14、pfor短语T台秀for sale 出售for example 例如for fun 为了娱乐for sure 确信for free 免费place短语小结take place 发生;举行take the place of 代替,取代in place of 代替out of place 不在适当位置in place 在适当位置take ones place 取代.经典句式识记思考运用原句背诵感悟1.The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. 第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出的

15、哺乳动物是多利羊。2.The boy was more frightened than hurt. 与其说这个男孩受伤倒不如说是害怕。3.Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified(GM) food. 转基因食品就是最好的例子。4.Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.并不是所有对自然最好的事情对人类也是最好的。5.One aim of GM research is to produce food which will make us healthier.

16、转基因研究的一个目的是生产出能让我们更健康的食品。句型公式仿写1.the first(n./pron.)不定式 Mo Yan is _ the Nobel Prize for Literature. 莫言是第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国人。2.more.than.与其说倒不如说 He is _. 与其说他是一个教师,不如说是一名学者。3. “否定词比较级”表示最高级 I couldnt think of _. 我再也想不出比这更好的主意了。4.not everything.表示部分否定 _fond of football./_ fond of football. 并不是每一名同学都喜欢足球。5.

17、make复合宾语 We must _. 我们必须把校园变得更加美丽。答案1.the first Chinese to win2.more a scholar than a teacher3.a better idea4.Not every student is;Every student is not5.make our school more beautiful【联想积累】“否定词比较级”结构(1)否定词为not:这类句子意为“没有更”“不会更”“不比更”,根据不同的语境可以译为“再不过”、“非常”“得不得了”、“最”等。I was so nervous,but she couldnt ha

18、ve been nicer to me.我非常紧张,但是,她对我非常好。(2)否定词为nothing:这类句子的基本意为“没有什么更”,根据不同的语境有时可以直译,有时也译为“最”、“再不过了”等。She likes nothing better than a nice long walk along the beach.没有什么比她沿着海滩漫步更令她喜欢的了。单 词 点 睛1.intention n.意图,目的;企图(1)with the intention of.以以为目的为目的(2)intend to do/doing sth打算做某事打算做某事intend sb to do sth打算

19、让某人做某事打算让某人做某事had intended to do sth/intended to have done sth本本来来打打算算做做某某事事be intended to do sth/for sth专门为专门为;专门给;专门给单项填空/完成句子Ive no _ of changing my plans just to fit in with his.A.consequence B.intentionC.anxiety D.identityI_ (本来打算赶早班火车),but I didnt get up in time.I _ (打算用报告作为证据)to support my ca

20、se.This program was set up _(以为无家可归者提供帮助为目的).答案Bhave no intention of doing sth“不想做某事”。had intended to catch the early trainintended to use/using the report as evidencewith the intention of providing help to homeless people2.adopt vt.收养,领养;采用,采纳(1)adopt a policy/ones idea 采采纳纳某某项项政政策策/某某人人的意见的意见adopt

21、 a method/measures采用方法采用方法/采取措施采取措施(2)adopted adj.收养的收养的adoption n.收养;采取收养;采取【特别提醒】adopt与adapt是容易混淆的形似词;adapt 意为“适应,改编”。妙语助记The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan.After a few months,the orphan came to adapt to his new life.这对年轻夫妇没有自己的孩子,领养了一名孤儿。几个月过后这个孤儿渐渐适应了他的新生活。单项填空Hi

22、s suggestion has been _ by people in many parts of the world.A.adopting B.adoptedC.adapted D.adaptingIt occurred to me that he _ a girl whose parents died in the earthquake.A.adapted B.adoptedC.adored D.arranged答案B句意:他的建议被世界许多地方的人所采纳。主语和动词之间是被动关系,排除A、D项,adopt“采纳”,故正确答案为B。Badopt “收养”,符合句意。(1)in favou

23、r of赞同,支持赞同,支持in sbs favour 对某人有利;有助于某人对某人有利;有助于某人(2)ask a favour of sb请某人帮忙请某人帮忙do sb a favour/do a favour for sb给某人以恩惠;帮某人一个忙给某人以恩惠;帮某人一个忙3.favour(favor) n.赞同,支持;恩惠,帮助;偏爱,偏袒单项填空May I ask a _ of you to fetch some juice?With pleasure.A.favour B.requestC.help D.commandIll raise both hands _ banning s

24、moking inside the schoolyard.A.in favour of B.in memory ofC.in honour of D.in search of答案Aask a favour of sb “请某人帮个忙”,为固定搭配。A句意:我将举双手赞成校园内禁止吸烟。in favour of “支持,拥护”;in memory of “为了纪念”;in honour of “为了纪念,为了庆祝”, in search of “搜寻,寻找”。根据句意可知A项正确。(1)in a/the majority占大多数占大多数a/the majority of大多数大多数by/with

25、 a majority of以大多数以大多数(2)minority n.少数少数in the minority占少数占少数4.majority n.多数,大多数【特别提醒】the majority作主语时,谓语动词用单复数形式均可;the/a majority of名词作主语时,谓语动词的数与该名词的数一致。单项填空/完成句子One-third of the country _ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _ black people. A.is;are B.is;isC.are;are D.are;isFor exa

26、mple,if you look at the audience at a classical concert,_.(2014安徽,任务型读写)例如,你看一看听古典音乐会的观众,大部分是五十岁以上的。答案A分数、百分比、the majority of, the minority of等结构的单复数取决于其后面所跟的名词的单复数。the country是单数,而the citizens是复数,故选A。the majority is/are over the age of fiftyin consequenceas a consequenceas a result因此;所以因此;所以in cons

27、equence ofas a consequence ofas a result of由于由于take/suffer/face the consequences of承担承担的后果的后果answer for the consequence对后果负责对后果负责5.consequence n.结果,后果单项填空/写作句式训练_ your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.A.With a view to B.In the face ofC.In protest against D.In consequence of_,I decide to exchange

28、it for something that I really need at present.(2012重庆,书面表达)因此,我决定用它来换取目前真正需要的东西。答案D句意:因为你工作差,所以我被迫解雇你。in consequence of “因为,由于”,符合句意。in the face of “面对”;with a view to “抱着做某事的希望”;in protest against “反对”。As a consequencein brief简言之简言之in short总之,综上所述总之,综上所述to be brief简言之简言之briefly speaking简言之简言之6.bri

29、ef adj.短时间的,短暂的;简洁的,简单的 n n. .简要;摘要单项填空Learning a foreign language calls for your memory,time,patience and emotions._ it is not a simple thing.A.As a result of B.In briefC.In generally D.In the conclusion_,her work has been good,but this essay is dreadful.A.To conclusion B.In the wordC.After all D.T

30、o be brief答案B后一句句意:简言之,那不是一件简单的事。in brief “简言之”,固定用法。Dto be brief “简言之,总之”,固定搭配,符合题意。短 语 点 拨 1.on the one hand.on the other(hand) .一方面另一方面 On the one hand I admire his gifts,but on the other (hand) I distrust his judgement. 一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。at hand用手;亲自用手;亲自give/lend sb a hand帮某人一把帮某人一把hand

31、 in hand手拉手;同时并存手拉手;同时并存in hand(钱、物、时间钱、物、时间)在手中;在手中;(局势局势)在控制中在控制中on hand在手边在手边(随时可用随时可用);出席,在场;出席,在场【特别提醒】on the one hand中的the可以省略;on(the) one hand和on the other hand成对出现时,第二个hand可以省略。单项填空/写作句式训练I would like a job which pays more,but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.A.in other words B.on t

32、he other handC.for one thing D.as a matter of factOn the one hand,its easy to carry._,its used not only for writing but also for other important aspects.(2014湖南,书面表达)一方面它便于携带,另一方面它不仅可以用来写字而且还可用于其他重要方面。答案Bon the other hand “另一方面”,符合句意。On the other hand2.take.into consideration认真考虑 In summary,I insist

33、 that you take the opinions of the people of the UK into consideration,and end this practice immediately.总之,我坚持认为你应该把全英国人们的想法考虑进去,并且尽快结束这种练习。under consideration在考虑中在考虑中in consideration of考虑到;鉴于考虑到;鉴于单项填空/完成句子You must take everything into _ when you want to do a difficult task.A.observation B.regardC

34、.counting D.considerationYour proposals _ (仍在考虑中)._ (一切考虑在内),the event was a great success.答案D句意:当你想完成一项困难任务的时候,你必须把一切考虑在内。take.into consideration “认真考虑”,符合句意。are still under considerationTaking everything into consideration3.get burned out耗尽体力,累垮 By the age of 25 she got burned out and retired from

35、 the sport. 她到25岁时就耗尽了体力,退出了体坛。(1)getv.ed使达到,使进入使达到,使进入(某种状态某种状态)get used to习习惯惯于于;get dressed 穿穿上上衣衣服服;get married 结结婚婚;get sunburnt 晒伤;晒伤;get hurt 受伤害受伤害(2)getv.ing开始开始get talking谈了起来;谈了起来;get moving开始移动开始移动(3)getto do开始开始(感觉到、认识到、成为感觉到、认识到、成为),达到,达到地步地步(程度程度)get to know认识;认识;get to realize 开始意识到;

36、开始意识到;get to like 开始喜欢开始喜欢用所给词的适当形式填空You will like her,once you get _(know) her.He got used to _(get) up so early.We need to get _(go) soon.They plan to get _(marry) in the summer.答案to knowgettinggoingmarried1.consequence:result2.actually:as a matter of fact,in fact,in reality3.follow in ones footst

37、eps:follow the example of4.be in favor of:be for,support5.point of view:opinion句 式 透 析1.Nowhere is this truer than with genetically modified(GM)food. 转基因食品就是最好的例子。 (1)句中nowhere.truer.是比较级的形式,表示最高级的含义。在英语中,“No other单数名词/Nothing/No one/None/Nobody等否定词.比较级than.”句型是比较级表示最高级,句意:再没有比更的了。 (2)最高级的几种表达方式:“否定

38、词比较级否定词比较级”表示最高级表示最高级 比较级比较级than any other名词名词 含有否定意义的词含有否定意义的词so/as原级原级as. neversuch原级名词原级名词 cant/couldnt比比较较级级,表表示示“再再不不过过,不不可可能能再再”。单项填空Shall I come and have a talk with you?_.We can well communicate with each other.A.It couldnt be better B.Of course you canC.If you like D.Its up to youHow fancy!

39、I cant think of _ to describe the scene.A.a best word B.the best wordC.a better word D.the better word答案 A 根据答语“We can well communicate with each other.”可知,答话人非常赞同两人谈一谈。“It couldnt be better”是否定式的比较级,表示最高级含义。C形容词比较级与 cant 等连用,表示“没有比更的”,即用比较级形式表示最高级的含义。这个句式中的可数名词单数前面要用不定冠词。因此选C。(1)序数词修饰的名词序数词修饰的名词(代词

40、代词)常用不定式作定语常用不定式作定语(2)由由the only,the last,the next等等修修饰饰的的名名词词(代代词词)常常用用不不定式作定语定式作定语(3)由形容词最高级修饰的名词由形容词最高级修饰的名词(代词代词)常用不定式作定语常用不定式作定语(4)当当被被修修饰饰的的名名词词是是ability,attempt,chance,desire,decision,plan,need,intention,reason,right,something,anything,time,wish等词时,常用不定式作定语等词时,常用不定式作定语2.The first mammal to be

41、 cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.第一只成功地用成年动物细胞克隆出的哺乳动物是多利羊。 下列结构中常用不定式作定语:单项填空/完成句子His first book _ next month is based on a true story.A.published B.to be publishedC.to publish D.being publishedTo tell the truth,he was the last person _(被经理接见).His ambition _(被武汉大学录取) was held back by his poor English.I dont think he is the best man _(做这项工作).答案B此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,由时间状语next month可知所填非谓语动词表示将来的动作,用动词不定式,其逻辑主语是所修饰的名词book,不定式与逻辑主语是被动关系,故用不定式的被动式,选B。to be met with by the manager to be admitted to Wuhan Universityto do the job



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