宁夏银川市高考英语同步教学备课资源:Unit 1《School life》SectionⅠ(牛津版必修1)

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宁夏银川市高考英语同步教学备课资源:Unit 1《School life》SectionⅠ(牛津版必修1)_第1页
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《宁夏银川市高考英语同步教学备课资源:Unit 1《School life》SectionⅠ(牛津版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《宁夏银川市高考英语同步教学备课资源:Unit 1《School life》SectionⅠ(牛津版必修1)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Welcome to the unit & ReadingWarming UpUnit 1School life自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life自自学学导导引引新新知知初初探探 Step One:Words and Phrases.词汇知知识1._ (adj.) 有有乐趣的;令人愉快的趣的;令人愉快的2._ (n.& vt.) 经历,体,体验3._ (adj.) 一般的,普通的;平均的一般的,普通的;平均的4._ (n.& vi.) 难事;斗争;事;斗争;奋斗;努力斗;努力5.literature (n.) _enjoyableex

2、perienceaveragestruggle文学文学自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life6.challenging (adj.) _7.encouragement (n.) _8.exchange (n. & vt.) _具有挑具有挑战性的性的鼓励鼓励交交换;交流;交流自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life.重点短重点短语1._ respect 赢得尊重得尊重2._ .to. 献身于献身于,致力于,致力于3._ free 免免费4.be _of 喜喜欢,喜,喜爱5.look _(on) 回回忆,回,回顾6.wi

3、th _满意地,知足地意地,知足地earndevoteforfondbacksatisfaction自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifeStep Two:Fast ReadingScan the text and then choose the best answers according to the text. 1.What is the main idea of the passage?_AHer English improved a lot as she used English every day.答案:答案:C自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知

4、知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifeBSchool life in the UK is busy and bitter.C She had a wonderful experience in a British school.DShe made a lot of good friends in the school.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life2.Which of the following words can best describe the writers school life in the UK?_AInteresting

5、.BQuite easy.CFruitful. DBoring.答案:答案:C自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life3.She felt lucky because_Ashe could get up an hour later than usualBthe headmaster told them to earn respect by working hard and achieving high gradesCshe had been given a golden opportunity to study in Britain and met hel

6、pful and friendly teachers and studentsDshe improved her English答案:答案:C自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life4.The writers purpose of writing the passage is to_Atell us that she doesnt like school life in BritainBexcite more students to study abroadCimprove her EnglishDintroduce her exciting and ha

7、ppy life in Britain答案:答案:D自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life Step Three:Careful Reading(.)Read the text and answer the following questions.1.According to the headmaster,what should the students spend much time on?答案:答案:They should devote themselves to study.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School li

8、fe2.Why was it a struggle for Wei Hua to remember the names of her classmates?答答案案:Because there were different students in some classes.3.Why did Wei Hua find her homework difficult at first?答答 案案 : Because all the homework was in English.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life4.Who gave Wei Hua a

9、lot of support in her studies?答案:答案:The gave her much encouragement.5.How did Wei Hua manage to improve her English?答答案案:She used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life(.)Read the text again and fill in the blanks.Sch

10、ool life in the UKIntroductionof school lifeDetails(细节) of each aspectThe writers opinionSchool hoursBritish school begins around 9 am.and 1._ about 330 pm.She could get up an hour later than usual in China.AssemblyThe 2._ told students about the rules of the school and said that the best way to win

11、 3._ was to work hard and achieve high grades.This sounded like her school in China.endsheadmasterrespect自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifeIntroductionof school lifeDetails(细节) of each aspectThe writers opinionClassThe 4._ size of each class is about 28 students.She felt it difficult to remembe

12、r all the faces and names.Students have to move to 5._ classrooms for different classes.In some classes,students are not fixed.SubjectsStudents have to study Maths,English and Science,but can 6._ studying some subjects if they dont like them.She 7._ all her She 7._ all her subjectssubjects:EnglishEn

13、glish,HistoryHistory,English Literature,Computer Science,Maths,Science,PE,Art,8._ and French.FoodBritish people like eating 9._ at the end of their main meal.different from Chinese food,and she 10._ Chinese food a lot at lunch.averagedifferent stopenjoyedCooking dessert missed自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探U

14、nit 1School lifeStep Four:SummaryI was very happy with the school hours in Britain.On the first day,all students went to 1._ an assembly.During the assembly,the headmaster told us that the best way to earn 2._ from the school was to work hard and 3._ high grades.In our class there were 28 students.T

15、his is about theattendrespectachieve自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life4._ size for British schools.I found the homework was not heavy,but it was a bit 5._ for me at first because all the homework was in English.My English improved a lot as I used English every day and I also had an 6._ French c

16、lass on Tuesday evenings.British food is veryaveragechallengingextra自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifedifferent.They eat lots of 7._ after their main meal.I was very lucky to 8._ this different way of life.dessertexperience自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifeStep Five:DiscussionNowadays,more

17、 and more young students are going abroad to study.What effects (影影响响) will the new school life have on them?答案:答案:Advantages:1.Widen their view.2.Improve their English.3.Learn to be independent and cooperate with others.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life4.Learn about foreign customs and cultur

18、e.5.Let the foreigners learn about China and attract them to invest in China.6.Learn advanced technology.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School lifeDisadvantages:1.Cost a lot of money and cause a heavy burden to their parents.2.Feel homesick.3.Form bad habits.4.Stay in a foreign country and refuse to come back.自自 学学 导导 引引新新 知知 初初 探探Unit 1School life本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放



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