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2、urtyard9.powder10.power香水香水积累;聚集积累;聚集立方体立方体线;细绳线;细绳被动的;消极的被动的;消极的有效地;确凿的有效地;确凿的专利权;专利证书专利权;专利证书院子;天井院子;天井火药;粉末火药;粉末体力;权利体力;权利1. _ isnt Thomas Edisons invention.Light bulbRecord player“Rocket”A quiz2.Paper, printing, gunpowder and _ are 4 great inventions in ancient China.abacusbksbalancecompass3. _m

3、ade the first train using a steam engine in 1825. A. Alexander Bell B. Henry Ford C. George Stephenson4. _ invented the first airplane. A. Wright Brothers B. Henry Ford C. Benjamin Franklin5. _ is called “ Father of Dynamitedaindainmaitmait (炸药)(炸药)”. A. Alfred Nobel B. Albert Einstein C. Alexander

4、BellHow can you divide 13 orangesbetween 9 children fairly?Make orange juice.creativeAmong the inventions above, which invention do you think is the most important one? Why? How did they change peoples daily lives?Warming up II (2m)Whatisaninvention?AnInventionissomethingthatiscreatedbyahumanbeing.I

5、nventingisascientificactivity.Warmingup-III(2m)Whatisadiscovery?Adiscoverymerelymakesknownsomethingthatalreadyexistedinnature.= =What is an invention? What is a discovery? Whats the difference between them?Which of this pictures showinventions? Does any of them showdiscoverers?Stephensons “Rocket”An

6、 amphibious carThe structure of DNAan interesting modern inventiona great inventiona discoveryAn amphibious carThis is the first car that can travel safely on water and on land. When moving on water, the wheels of the car turn sideways and move into the body. The underneath of the car is strong enou

7、gh to sail as a boat. It is a prototype and is not yet being produced for sale. This is an interesting modern invention.Stephensons “Rocket”George Stephenson was one of the first men to design engines for the railways which were new at that time. It was a great inventionThe structure of DNAThis was

8、a discovery of Francis Crick and James Watson and published in 1953. these two scientists were the first to show that our genes consist of two spirals of DNA (called the double-helix). This work led directly to the human genome project in 2003, which discovered the Structure of DNA.(2) An invention

9、is _ _ _.(1)A discovery is_(2) _(3) _.already existing in nature but not yet knownfinding out somethingcreated by human beings not existing before something that wasDo you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? Here give you some similar stages

10、used in research, please work out them in the suitable order.Pre-reading 1. Applying for a patent2.2. Finding a problem 3. Doing research 4. Testing the solution 5. Thinking of a creative solution 6. Deciding on the invention Look at the pictures, what inventions can you think of? What if some snake

11、s are in your yard?ReadingThe problem of the snakesThe problem of the snakesSkimthewholepassageandgetthemainidea:The text narrates _ and presents _ and applying for _.the problem of the snakes the procedures of catching them a patentReading-I(3m)Reading-I(3m)Divide the text into four parts and work

12、out the main idea for each paragraph.Part I Part IIPart IIIPart IV(Para.1)The discovery of the problem of the snakes.(Paras2-3)The research on the approaches to solve the problem.(Para. 4-6)The attempts to catch the snakes.(Para.7-8) The requirement of getting a patent.Reading II (5m)Reading II (5m)

13、Scanning: Find out which paragraph or paragraphs deal with each inventing process in the passage and find the examples:paragraphStages Examples in this storyFind a problemThe snake must be _but not_Do researchLook for _ of removal; the _ of snakesThink of a creative solutionIdentify _ possible appro

14、aches: choose_.removedharmedmethodshabitsthreeone123Reading III (7m)Reading III (7m)Test the solution several timesTry_ times to make it work_Apply for a patent4,5,67threeefficientlyFill in the form and filed patent application with the Paten OfficeSecond reading1、How did the writer catch the snakes

15、? ( ) A. using something the snakes were interested to attract them into a trap. B. taking their habitat to another place. C. placing the snakes at a low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them. D. All the above. C3、Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? ( )A. Because snakes ar

16、e warm-blooded animals.B. Because snakes like high temperature.C. Because snakes are reptiles and their body temperature depends on the heat around them. C2.The writer was successful to catch the snakes in _ attempt. A. the First B. the second C. the third D. everyC4.Which statement is the TRUE acco

17、rding to the text?A. The snakes were so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldnt bite the write at all.B. Your product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent.C. The writer decided to send her invention to the patent office the moment she succeeded in catching th

18、e snakes.D. If an application for your product proves to be valid, you can get a patent immediately.5.Accordingtothetext,whichsubjectdoyouthinkcanbegivenapatent?A.Anewstardiscoveredbyascientist.B.AnewnovelwrittenbyYaoMing.C.Anewwaytomakedirtywaterclean.D.Anewkindofgrassfoundinamountainwhichcanbeused

19、asamedicine.Task 4 Questions in the comprehending:1. What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them.2. Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent.1)to put the frozen bowl over the 2) snakes habitat in the morning.2) to

20、 put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening. 3) to put the frozen bowl over the snakes habit in the evening and carry a net to collect the snakes without harming them the next morning.1.What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them?Y

21、ou are able to prove that you were the first person to make the invention.You are recognized as a real inventor.You can make money if you sell your invention to others.2. Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent.Pair work: Can you be an inventor?You need to make a h

22、ouse but you only have fishing nets and many plastic bottles. How can you solve it? (Be sure the walls are solid enough.)1. Remove the bottom from each of the bottles 2. Stick the bottles together with the glue to form a solid wall3. Cover them with the fishing net to hold them secure 4. Pour water

23、down the bottles to encourage plants to grow up inside them . 5. Make a roof of empty bottles . This means it will not be too heavy .6. Put the roof on after the plants have grown so that the walls are very secure and steady .Theplantswillmakeavegetablewallwhichwillkeepthesunshineoutandprotectthepeo

24、pleinsidefromanyonewhowantstolookin. 1. Read the text again and again.2. Finish the exercises in Learning about Language on Page 23.Unit 3Unit 3Warming up:In groups, discuss the inventions you know and then make a list.Warming up-I (4m)Do you know what these inventions are and when did they happen?T

25、elephone 1876television 1923 colour television 1940Penicillin 1928electronic digital computer 1942photocopier 1937air conditioner 1902Atomic bomb 1945Credit cards 1950Step 2: Skimming1.Whatwasthemotherupsetabout?2.Didtheauthorsucceedatlast?an invention好学深思的牛顿在树下深思万有引力的原理,一颗苹果从他头上落下来,使他突然顿悟了,然而,这回在苹果

26、落下之前,出了一点“意外” a discoveryuniversal gravitationthe electric bulbDiscoveriesInventionsElectricity1. Systems of delivering electrical light and heating to homes and offices2. Household machines for washing, ironing, keeping food cold, etc3. Computers, telephones, television, etcDiscoveriesInventionsThe

27、 movement of air1. Airplane jet engines2. Air balloons, etcMachines to help people with serious disease The circulation of the blood X-rays1.Body scanners to see whether you are ill2. Machines to treat illnesses (like cancer)Patent office (专利局专利局) plays the role of deciding what is an invention and what is not. And only inventions can get patens and so be recognized and protected.patents



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