人教新课标 选修六 Unit1 Using language(原创)

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1、a room or a series of rooms where works of art are exhibited photographphotographsculpturesculpture calligraphycalligraphy artwareartwareWhat kinds of art can you see in art gallery? sketchwater color paintingtraditional Chinese painting oil paintingcartoonManhattanThe Best of Manhattans Art Galleri

2、esUsing LanguagenLook at the title, sub-titles and the map, predict what we are going to read?Prediction预测Skimming 略读略读1.Whats the main idea of this passage?2.Where might you see such a passage?3.Who do you think the text was written for?Some best art galleries of ManhattanPossibly in a guide bookTo

3、urists and art gallery visitorsFirst ReadingReading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读Reading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读1.Whats the main idea of this passage?2.Where might you see such a passage?3.Who do you think the text was written for?Reading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读Reading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读1.Whats the main idea of

4、this passage?2.Where might you see such a passage?3.Who do you think the text was written for?Reading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读1.Whats the main idea of this passage?2.Where might you see such a passage?3.Who do you think the text was written for?Reading skill -Scanning 扫读扫读NumberMuseumMetropolitan Museum

5、 of ArtWhitney Museum of American ArtThe Frick CollectionMuseum of Modern ArtGuggenheim Museum23451Skimming 略读略读Scanning 扫读扫读Second ReadingReading skill -1.You must walk all the way instead of taking a lift if you visit ?2.If you want to see Van Goghs paintings, you may go to ?3.You can expect to se

6、e videos in?4.If you want to know how people lived 5,000 years ago, you should visit ?2Guggenheim Museum3Museum of Modern Art4. Whitney Museum of American Art5. Metropolitan Museum of ArtComplete the chart with the information from the reading passage.NameAddressType of ArtWhich centuries?What count

7、ries?20th-21st centuries America945 Madison Avenue, near 75thStreetWhitney Museum of AmericanArtNameAddressType of ArtWhich centuries?What countries?Museumof Modern Art19th-21st centuriesWestern art53rd Street, between 5th and 6th AvenuesNameAddressType of ArtWhich centuries?What countries?from anci

8、entto modern timesall over the worldMetro-politan Museum of Art5th Avenue and 82nd StreetNameAddressType of ArtWhich centuries?What countries?Guggen-heimMuseumWestern countries20th-21st centuries5th Avenue and 88th StreetNameAddressType of ArtWhich centuries?What countries?The Frick Museumpre-20th c

9、enturyWestern countries5th Avenue and E. 70thStreetcontemporarycontemporary American painting and American painting and sculpture sculpture (exhibitionexhibition of of livingliving artists artists)displays change all the timedisplays change all the timevideos and filmsvideos and films惠特尼艺术博物馆惠特尼艺术博物

10、馆 art works from late 19th century to the art works from late 19th century to the 21st century21st century Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse expensive, crowded expensive, crowded现代艺术博物馆现代艺术博物馆coverscovers 5000 years of 5000 years of civilization from civilization fr

11、om different parts of the different parts of the worldworld大都会艺术博物馆大都会艺术博物馆introduceintroduce you you toto ancient ways of ancient ways of livinglivinga fragile, white a fragile, white seashell seashell a circular patha circular pathappeal toappeal to Impressionists Impressionists and Post-Impressio

12、nistsand Post-Impressionists古根海姆博物馆古根海姆博物馆pre-twentieth centurypre-twentieth centuryWestern paintingsWestern paintingsbeautiful house and beautiful house and gardengarden弗里克收藏馆弗里克收藏馆DiscussionEnjoy the following pictures and discuss the following questions:Which of the five galleries would you like

13、to visit? Why?1. 1.宁愿做宁愿做2.2.对对偏爱偏爱3.3.值得一去值得一去4.4.吸引吸引5.5.在于在于6.6.不仅仅是不仅仅是7.7.向向引进引进8.8.生活方式生活方式9.9.贮存于贮存于10. 10. 一个一个的收藏的收藏11.11.每两年每两年12.12.健在的艺术家健在的艺术家be worth a visitbe worth a visithave a preference forhave a preference forappeal toappeal tolie inlie inthe way of livingthe way of living be housed inbe housed inmore than (just)more than (just)introduceintroducetotoa collection ofa collection ofevery two yearsevery two yearsliving artistsliving artistswould rather dowould rather do(than do)(than do)



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