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1、上册英英 语语基础模块Unit 3 ShoppingUnit 3 ShoppingObjectivesObjectives1 能够辨别/ 和/, /和/ /t/和/d/, /s/和/z/在句子中的发音的不同, 并能正确掌握其发音。2 掌握本单元出现的词汇、短语和句型,学会购物的日常用语,能够和售货员进行讨价还价,能够和其他同伴进行有关购物的角色表演。3 掌握数词的用法。PronunciationListening and SpeakingReadingWritingGrammarHighlightsGroup 1 / and /Section A Pronunciation(1) Every

2、cock crows at the dawn of the day.(2) The sunflowers have a long stalk.ScriptI. Listen to the recording and tick the word youve just heard in each sentence.Group 2 / and /(1)I need a cart for my luggage.(2) The news gave us a shock.Script Group 3 /t/ and /d/(1) My feet hurt.(2) The information arriv

3、es in code.Script Group 4 /s/ and /z/(1)The trousers are loose.(2) She forgot to do up the zip.ScriptIIII. Listen to the tongue twister and repeat. Listen to the tongue twister and repeat.If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six

4、shipshape ship shops stock?Section B Listening and Speaking Warm-up Dialogue Study ActivitiesDiscuss with your partner to decide in which shop you can buy each item and complete the chart.bakery 面包店chemists 药店 butchers 生肉店bookstore 书店 supermarket 超市 shopping mall大型购物中心Warm-upKeya loaf of breada kilo

5、 of porka skirta bookan MP4some medicinea pair of shoesfruit and vegetablesKeya loaf of breadbakery/supermarketa kilo of porkbutchers /supermarketa skirtshopping malla bookbookstorean MP4shopping mallsome medicinechemistsa pair of shoesshopping mallfruit and vegetablessupermarketDialogue(S=shop assi

6、stant, C= customer)S: Hello, what can I do for you?C: I just want to look around. Eh, excuse me, Id like that red shirt, please.S: Yes, with pleasure. Here you are.C: Would you mind if I try it on?S: Of course not.C: How much is this shirt?S: Its only 85 yuan.C: Its a little expensive. Can you come

7、down a little?S: What about 80 yuan?C: OK. Here is the money.New Words Phrases Notescan /kn/ aux. v. 能,会just /dst/ adv. 仅仅;只不过want /wnt/ v. 要,想要,希望around /rand/ adv. 周围,四周excuse /kskjuz/ v. 原谅,宽恕shirt /t/ n. 衬衫pleasure /ple(r)/ n. 高兴,快乐mind /mand/ v. 介意expensive /kspensv/ adj. 昂贵的,价格高的money /mn/ n.

8、钱New Wordslook around 环顾四周with pleasure (客气地接受或同意) 当然行了,很愿意here you are 给你of course not 当然不come down (价格) 降低;落下PhrasesNotesTo be continued1. Hello, what can I do for you? 您好,您要买什么?这是口语中一句极为常用的句子 (也可以说Can I help you? 或 May I help you? 等) ,广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场合,是对顾客的招呼语。其本义为:要我帮忙吗? 我可以帮你吗? 我能替你做点什么吗?

9、 但具体含义要视场合而定。 例如:What can I do for you, madam? 夫人,要买点什么?Im looking for a dress for my daughter. 我想想为我女儿买件连衣裙。Can I help yon, sir? 先生,要吃点什么吗?Just a cup of tea and two eggs, please. 只要一杯茶和两只鸡蛋。To be continued2. I just want to look around. 我就是想看看。(1) just意为 “仅仅,只是” , 其置于系动词之后,实义动词之前。例如:He is just a chi

10、ld. 他只是一个孩子。(2) want to do sth. 想要做某事 例如:Two girls want to have the job. 有两个女孩想得到这份工作。3. Eh, excuse me, Id like that red shirt, please. 噢,劳驾,我想要那件红衬衫。excuse me.是常常用到的一句客套用语,其常用于以下场合:(1) 请求对方给予帮助或向对方询问问题时。例如:Excuse me. May I ask you a question?对不起,我可以问你一个问题吗?(2) 用于向陌生人问路或者问事。例如:Excuse me. Which is th

11、e way to the East Park,please? 打扰一下,请问去东方公园的路是哪一条?(3) 用于打断别人的谈话,想找他们其中的一个人或想要插话时。例如:Excuse me for interrupting you, I want him for a help.对不起,打扰了,我想找他帮个忙。4. Would you mind if I try it on? 你介意我试穿吗?(1) would 用在口语中表示语气婉转、客气。would与mind在口语中连用,表示很客气、委婉地向别人提出请求、建议等,其常用答语为:No, not at all/Certainly not。 mind

12、后接动名词形式。 例如:Would you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗?Certainly not. 当然不介意。(2) try on 意为“试穿”, 代词放在try on 中间,名词既可置于try on 中间,也可置于try on 之后。 例如: Please try on the new coat on. 请试穿这件新上衣。5. How much is this shirt? 这件衬衫多少钱?英语中询问价格,要用how much, 相当于how much money, 而不能用how many。用how much询问价钱时,句中主语可以是单数名词或代

13、词,也可以是复数名词或代词,谓语动词的单复数要随主语的单复数变化。例如:How much are the tickets? 这些票多少钱?To be continued6. Can you come down a little? 还能再便宜点吗?come down 在此意为“降价”。例如:Sorry, we cant ome down any more. 对不起,我们不能再减价了。Activities Work Alone132 Pair Work Group WorkListen to the dialogue, and decide whether the following statem

14、ents are true (T) or false (F).( ) 1. The customer would like a green shirt.( ) 2. The shirt is a little expensive.( ) 3. It costs the customer 80 yuan to buy the shirt.Work AloneKey1. F2. T3. TGroup WorkWork in groups to make a new dialogue with the help of the following useful sentences.Can I help

15、 you?Im just looking.I want to buy.I would like some.May I try it on?Is this suit all right?Thats too expensive.It costs me too much.Do you offer a discount?OK. Ill take it.Post-Reading 3Pre-Reading1While-Reading2Section C ReadingPre-ReadingWork in groups to discuss the following questions.1.What ki

16、nd of shop do you usually go to? Why?2. Discuss with your partner and make a list of things you can buy in the supermarket.While-Reading What is a supermarket? In the dictionary, a supermarket is a large self-service department store. Some supermarkets have two floors. When you enter such a supermar

17、ket, an elevator can take you to the second floor. Here you can buy things such as CDs, pens, clothes, TVs and fridges. You can buy food, drinks, fresh fruit, vegetables and meat on the first floor. Nowadays many people dont have much time to walk from one shop to another, so people choose to go to

18、the supermarket in order to save time. Whats more, if you dont want to buy anything, you can just come and look around in the supermarket. Its a good place to have a walk.SupermarketNew Words Phrases NotesTo be continuedNew Wordssupermarket /supmkt/ n. 超市dictionary /dknr/ n. 词典self-service /selfs:vs

19、/ adj. 自选的department /dptmnt/ n. 部门store /st(r)/ n. (大型) 百货商店elevator /elvet(r)/ n. 电梯second /seknd/ adj. 第二的buy /ba/ v. 买,购买such /st/ adj. 这样的clothes /klz/ n. 衣服fridge /frd/ n. 冰箱drink /drk/ n. 饮料fresh /fre/ adj. 新鲜的,新产的fruit /frut/ n. 水果vegetable /vedtbl/ n. 蔬菜meat /mit/ n. 肉nowadays /nadez/ adv.

20、现今,现在walk /wk/ v. & n. 行走,步行another /n(r)/ pron. 又一,再一choose /tuz/ v. 选择,挑选save /sev/ v. 节省,节约;挽救anything /en/ pron. 任何东西,任何事物Phrasestake.to. 把带到such as 比如,诸如have time to do sth. 有时间做某事from.to. 从到in order to 为了have a walk 散步Notes1.When you enter such a supermarket, an elevator can take you to the se

21、cond floor. 当你进入这样的一个超市,电梯会把你带到二层。(1) such修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a (an) 之前,若名词前有one,no,any,some,all, many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后。例如:He is such a man. 他就是这么一个人。One such table is enough. 这样的桌子,有一张就够了。(2) take .to. 意为“把带到.”。例如:This bus can take you to Hyde Park. 这辆公共汽车能带你到海德公园。(3) second 是two 的序数词形式,表示 “第二的”。例如:Febr

22、uary is the second month of the year. 二月是一年中的第二个月。To be continued2. Here you can buy things such as CDs, pens, clothes, TVs and refrigerators. 在这儿你可以买诸如CD光盘、钢笔、衣服、电视机和电冰箱之类的东西。such as 是介词短语,意为 “诸如,像这类”,用来列举事物,对前面提到的名词进行列举说明。该短语要放在名词与被列举的事物之间。例如:He speaks several languages, such as English, French an

23、d Japanese. 他会说好几种外语,比如英语、法语和日语。 另外,for example 也可作“例如”讲,但这个短语在句中的位置比较灵活,可以放在句首、句中或句尾,可用作独立成分,通常用逗号与所修饰的部分隔开。例如:A lot of people here, for example, Mr John, would rather have coffee.这儿的许多人,例如约翰先生,宁愿喝咖啡。To be continued3. Nowadays many people dont have much time to walk from one shop to another, so peo

24、ple choose to go to the supermarket in order to save time. 如今,很多人没有大量的时间从一个商店逛到另一个商店,因此人们选择去超市购物为的节省时间。(1) have time to do sth. 意为“有时间做某事”。 例如:Tell me more when you have time to write to me. 有时间给我写信时,多告诉我一些情况。(2) fromto意为 “从到”, 其用法很多,搭配能力也很强。现就其搭配形式归纳如下:1) 连接两个不同的数词。例如:Can you count from one to a hu

25、ndred? 你能从1数到100吗?2) 接两个不同的数字,用于复数名词前。例如: The work should take us from two to three hours. 这工作要用去我们2至3小时。3) 连接两个相同的名词。例如: The paper was passed from hand to hand. 这份文件从一个人手里传到另一个手里。4) 连接两个不同的名词。例如: She moved from a house to a building. 她从平房搬到了楼房。5) 连接两个反义的名词。例如: Weve been working from morning to nigh

26、t. 我们从早工作到晚。To be continued(3) choose to do sth. 意为“选择做某事”。 例如:He chooses not to go home until later. 他选择晚点回家。(4) in order to do sth. 意为“为了做某事”。例如:In order to earn enough money, he worked late into the night. 为了赚到足够的钱,他工作到深夜。4. Whats more, if you dont want to buy anything, you can just come and look

27、 around in the supermarket. 更重要的是,如果你不打算买东西, 你可以在超市转转随便看看。(1) whats more 表示递进,“更重要的是,而且,另外”,独立使用,既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。例如:Whats more, he only speaks a few words of English. 而且,他只会说几个英语单词。(2) if 意为“如果”, 引导条件状语从句。例如:You can buy it, if you like the dress. 如果你喜欢那套衣服就买吧。Post-ReadingKeyI. 1. A supermarket is a

28、large self-service department store. 2. Yes, I/we can. 3. People dont have to buy things in the supermarket, and they can just walk around.II. 1. dictionary2. elevator3. fresh4. saves 5. anything6. nowadaysIII. 1.have a walk2. in order to3. from, to4. such as 5. take, toSection D Grammar Numeral (数词

29、)Some supermarkets have two floors.The nine girls are from Beijing.Im fourteen years old.When you enter such a supermarket, an elevator can take you to the second floor.“E” is the fifth letter of the English alphabet.This is my third cold this winter.Sentence Patterns ExercisesKeyI. 1. A2. D3. B4. C

30、5. A6. A7. C8. D9. B10.BII. 1. thirty2. nine-year-old3. fourth4. twenty-first5. secondIII. 1. first2. sixth3. ninth4. fifth5. twelfth6. fourteen 7. ninety8. ten9. seventy-eight10. twentySection E Writing ExercisesKeyI. 1.Excuse me, I would like that green skirt. 2. May I try this on? 3.How much is i

31、t? 4. Can you come down a little? 5. An elevator can take you to the second floor.II. 1. How much2. a little expensive3. have two 4. my first, to5. want to beWhere Is the Father Two brothers are looking at some beautiful paintings. “Look,” says the elder brother. “ How nice these paintings are!” “Yes,” says the younger, “but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?” The elder brother thinks for a moment and then explains (解释), “Obviously (显然) he is painting the pictures.”



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