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1、 中考中考专项 名名词 请阅读下列句子,找到名词,并判断名词的作用。请阅读下列句子,找到名词,并判断名词的作用。1. Ten has passed.2. You have to deal with by yourself.3. is my . 4. We chose our .5.Id like a bowl of noodles.主语主语宾语宾语主语主语表语表语宾语宾语宾语补足语宾语补足语定语定语了解名词了解名词daystheproblemLindacousinJackmonitortomato1 1、不可数名词不可数名词2 2、可数名词复数可数名词复数 3 3、名名词的所有格词的所有格4

2、4、名词的功能(作主语或定语)、名词的功能(作主语或定语)考点揭秘考点揭秘Test1用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空( 10分分)1Weshouldlearnfrom_(hero)2_(leaf)turngreeninspring.3Thereareseveral_(library)inthecity.4Herearesome_(photo)foryou.5Wouldyoulikesome_(milk)?6There_(be)goodnewsintodaysnewspaper.7Iwant_(一杯茶).8Thetwo_(boy)jacketsareverynew.9Heisafrien

3、dofmy_(sister)10Allthe_(woman)teachersarehappyonMarch8th.1-45-78-91.heroes2.Leaves3.libraries4.photos5.milk6.is7. a cup of tea8.boys9.sisters10.womenKeys: 1. Please pick up the _. Dont keep it on the floor. A. bottles B. paper C. water2.The news _very interesting! Tell me more! A. is B. are C. was考点

4、一考点一 不可数名词不可数名词BA3. -Its too hot now. Would you like_? - Yes, please. Its very kind of you. A. a tea B. a bread C. a cup of tea 不可数名不可数名词如何如何计量呢?量呢?1.用用much,a little,some.表示多少表示多少2.“数数词+of+不可数名不可数名词”4. Bob couldnt buy the dictionary because he had _ money with him.A. a few B. few C. little只能只能修修饰不可数

5、名不可数名词量量 :little, a little, much, a bit of,an ocean of(oceans of) cc考点二考点二 可数名词的复数可数名词的复数写出下列名词的复数形式(规则)写出下列名词的复数形式(规则)class watch wish boxleaf knife wife giraffe chef roofcity dictionary bike cup desk boyhero tomato potatophoto zoo piano radio Chinese American Frenchman以辅音字母加以辅音字母加“y”结尾的名词,把结尾的名词,把

6、“y”变为变为“i”再加再加es一人两菜一人两菜中、日不变英、法变;其他国人加中、日不变英、法变;其他国人加”s”小偷小偷之之妻生活妻生活难,难,自己自己采采叶叶做早餐;做早餐;忽见饿忽见饿狼狼走上前,走上前,架架上取上取刀刀劈两劈两半半。man woman foot tooth mouseman woman foot tooth mouse child childsheep fish sheep fish banana trees baby beds men teachers women doctorsclothes glasses pants ,shorts(复数形式)news maths

7、 physics(单数)单复同形单复同形请你想出请你想出只能只能用来修饰名词复数的词用来修饰名词复数的词:many . few, a few, several, many, a number of, 既能既能修修饰复数也能修复数也能修饰不可数的不可数的词?no,some,any, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of,不不规则变化化考点三考点三 名词所有格名词所有格含义:名词之间的所属关系含义:名词之间的所属关系 。 1.This is bike (Tom).2. It is a map_China.3.Those are the desks (teache

8、r)4. June 1st is Day. (children) 5.This is room. (Lucy and Lily)6. They are mothers. (Lucy and Lily)7.They are at the .(doctor)8. Its about_ (fifteen minute) walk.9. He is a friend of . (my father)10. He is a friend of . (I)11.This is a photo of_ (I). 1.Toms 2.of 3.teachers 4.childrens5.Lucy and Lil

9、ys 6.Lucys and Lilys7.doctors 8.fifteen minutes9.my fathers 10.mine 11.me/mine1.有生命的加有生命的加_,无生命的用,无生命的用_.2.时间 常用常用_.3. 以以s 结尾的名尾的名词加加 _,不以,不以s结尾的名尾的名词复数复数后加后加 _。 4.双重双重所有格由所有格由 “of + 名名词所有格所有格/ 名名词性物主性物主代代词”构成构成5.表示表示共同共同拥有有时,只在最后,只在最后 一个加一个加s; 各自各自拥有,要在每个有,要在每个 后加后加s。6.名名词所有格可以来表示住宅、学校、店所有格可以来表示住宅、

10、学校、店铺。go to Unlce WangssofssTest 2 单项选择 ( 10分分) 1.Agroupof_aretalkingwithtwo_.A.Frenchmen;AmericansB.American;Frenchmen2.Thereareabouttwenty_intheroom.Theyarehavingapartythere.A.peopleB.sheepC.worker3.Look!Herecomethree_.A.womanteachersB.womenteachers4.Marysskirtisthesameasher_.A.sistersB.brothersC.

11、sisters5.YaoMingisa_basketballplayer.A.two-meters-tallB.two-meter-tallC.two-meterstall6.MrBlackgaveus_onhowtolearnEnglishwell.A.anadvice B.manyadvicesC.someadvice7.Wehavegotalotof_today.A.newspapertoreadB.homeworktodo8.Wouldyoulike_coffee?No,thanks.Ivedrunktwo_.A.any;bottlesoforangeB.little;bottleof

12、orangesC.some;bottlesoforange9.Helpyourselftosome_.Thankyou.Ireallylikethem.A.fishB.orangeC.cakes10.Canyouimaginewhatlifewillbelikein_time?A.100yearsB.100-yearsC.100yearsKeys:1-5 A A B C B6-10 C B C C c指点迷津指点迷津6. Maths _(are, is ) hard to learn for the boy.7. They are all _( woman, teachers ; women

13、teachers).8. The population of China _(are, is ) over 1,300,000,000.9. There are many _(peoples,people )in the street in summer.10. One of the students _(have, has) gone to Shanghai.isiswomen teacherspeople has1.Ten years _(is ,are) short time for me.2.A pair of shoes _(is, are) under the bed.3.The

14、number of the students in our school _ (is ,are) 2,000.4.The woman with two children _( is ,are ) coming here.5.Neither he nor I _( is, am ) an American.9.My family _ a large one, my family _ going to visit USA next year. a.is,is b.is,are c.are, is d. are, areIs is, is, is, am, B5. This table is mad

15、e of_. A. many glass B. some glasses C. glasses D. glass 8.They write most of their_ in English. A. business letter B. business letters C. businesses D. businesses letters1.The rich_not always happy. A.are B.is C.have D.has2.In Britain,_are all painted red. A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter bo

16、x D.letters box4.She was born in Wuhan,but Beijing has become her second_ A.home B.family C.house D.country8.Would you like_? A.some more meat B.any more meat C.many more meat D.more much meatdbaaaa 4.4.有些不可数名词或可数名词在一定情有些不可数名词或可数名词在一定情况下可况下可相互相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同转化,同一个词,但意思不同 (1) glass(1) glass(玻璃玻璃) a g

17、lass() a glass(玻璃杯玻璃杯) ) paper(paper(纸纸) a paper() a paper(报纸报纸) ) work(work(工作工作) a work() a work(著作著作) ) room(room(空间空间) a room() a room(房间房间) ) fish( fish(鱼肉鱼肉)- a fish ()- a fish (鱼)鱼) (2) fruit(2) fruit(水果水果) fruits () fruits (各种水果各种水果) ) fish(fish(鱼鱼) fishes() fishes(各种鱼各种鱼) ) food food(食物食物)f

18、oods()foods(各种食物各种食物) hair(hair(所有头发所有头发) hairs () hairs (几根头发几根头发) ) time(time(时间时间) times() times(时代时代) )美文阅读网小编为大家整理了一篇光明与阴影读后感范文,更多读后感美文阅读网小编为大家整理了一篇光明与阴影读后感范文,更多读后感尽在美文阅读网。光明与阴影读后感尽在美文阅读网。光明与阴影读后感400字列夫字列夫.托尔斯泰曾经说过托尔斯泰曾经说过这样的一句话:这样的一句话:“人生的一切变化,一切魅力,一切美都是由光明和阴影构成的。人生的一切变化,一切魅力,一切美都是由光明和阴影构成的。”从



21、回觉得很好。这些词语他们回觉得很好。所以我们的世界一定要有光明和阴影,这样的生活才是美好的,我们举起双手,所以我们的世界一定要有光明和阴影,这样的生活才是美好的,我们举起双手,共建美好家园。共建美好家园。Remember:Where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者,事竟成)(有志者,事竟成)Everybodydreams.Somepeoplethinktheytellusaboutthefuture.Other_(people)thinkdreamscantellusaboutourselves.Itslikeour_(brain)istalkingto

22、us.Whyare_(dream)oftenstrangeandhardtounderstand?Somepeoplethinkourbrainuses_(symbol)totalktous.Whenwefly,swim,orfalldowninourdreams,ithasaspecial_(mean).Lotsof_(doctor)helppeopleunderstandtheirdreams.Theyfinddreamstellusaboutour_(hope)andfears.peoplebraindreamssymbolsmeaningdoctorshopesTest 3 语篇运用T




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