牛津英语7B Unit 5 复习全套知识点

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1、7BUnit 5 Abilities受伤受伤_(过去式过去式)_安全的安全的 adj._ n._危险的危险的 adj. _ n._粗心的粗心的 adj._ adv._ (反义词)(反义词)_ _ 一一. Wordshurthurtsafesafetydangerousdangercarelesscarelessly careful carefully可怕的可怕的 adj._ adv._ 感激的(感激的(1)_ (2)_ (反义词)(反义词) _ 有礼貌的有礼貌的 _ (反义词反义词)_ _失去失去 v._ (过去式过去式) _ adj._terribleterriblythankfulgrat

2、efulungratefulpoliteimpolite rudelose lostlostmatch n._ _ v._单独,独自单独,独自_ 孤独孤独_燃烧燃烧_ (过去式过去式) _年老的,年长的年老的,年长的 _ _ 老人们老人们_ save 挽救挽救 节约节约比赛比赛 火柴火柴匹配匹配alonelonelyburnburned/burntold elderlythe old/elderlysave the people in danger挽救那些处于危险中的人挽救那些处于危险中的人节约用水节约用水save water省钱省钱 save money快的快的 adj.(1)_(2)_ad

3、v._ _ (反义词)(反义词)_ _勇敢的勇敢的_ (反义词反义词)_考虑考虑 v. _(过去式过去式)_ adj._ 友好的友好的_ _(反义词反义词)quickfastquickly fastslow slowlybraveafraid/ frightenedthinkthoughtthoughtful kind/friendly unkind/unfriendly二. Phrases1.当心当心 、 小心小心2.植树植树 3.在公交车上给某人让座在公交车上给某人让座 4.为希望工程收集东西为希望工程收集东西 5.参观老年公寓参观老年公寓 6.清理公园清理公园 7.帮助某人逃离火场帮助某

4、人逃离火场 8.独自一人在家独自一人在家 9.伤了某人的腿伤了某人的腿 10.某人发生了某事某人发生了某事 be careful / look out / take care plant trees give a seat to someone on the bus collect things for Project Hope visit a home for the elderly clean up the park help.out of a fire be at home alone hurt ones leg sth happen to sb 11.泼水在泼水在上上 12.用毯子灭火

5、用毯子灭火 13.住院住院 14.给某人带来了鲜花和礼物给某人带来了鲜花和礼物 15.先考虑别人先考虑别人 16.在在方面成绩好方面成绩好 17.需要更多的练习需要更多的练习 18.记得去做某事记得去做某事 19.从因特网上得到信息从因特网上得到信息 20.盼望做某事盼望做某事 pour water over put out the fire with a blanket be in hospital bring sb flowers and presents think of others first have good grades in need more practice rememb

6、er to do sth get information from the Internet look forward to doing sth 三.Language Points1. Suddenly,he heard someone shouting “Fire!Fire!” 突然,他听见有人在呼喊突然,他听见有人在呼喊“着火了!着火了!着火了!着火了!”例:例:Can you hear the children singing in the classroom?I saw him running into a hospital when I passed by yesterday .Di

7、d you watch an old man walk into that shop?感官动词感官动词hear /see/watch等,后面跟动词等,后面跟动词ing强调动作正在发生,后面跟动词原形,强调动强调动作正在发生,后面跟动词原形,强调动作的结果,动作已经发生过了。作的结果,动作已经发生过了。2. Dont leave the stove on. 不要让炉火一直开着。不要让炉火一直开着。leave 意思是意思是“使处于(某种状态,某地等)使处于(某种状态,某地等)”可以与可以与keep互用。互用。on在这里是副词,表示在这里是副词,表示“处于工作状态或使用中处于工作状态或使用中”。Al

8、l the lights in the hall were on.leave sb. aloneleave forleave sth at home3. Im waiting for my turn.(1)wait for sb./sth. 等待某人(物)等待某人(物)(2)wait to do sth. 等着做某事等着做某事(3)wait for sb.to do sth.等待某人做某事等待某人做某事(4)cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事4. Last week ,a 5-year-old boy lost his way and cried in the

9、 street.5-year-old 相当于一个形容词。相当于一个形容词。lose ones way 迷路迷路lose 的名词为的名词为loss,形容词为,形容词为 loston ones way to 在去某某的路上在去某某的路上5. It is important to be careful with fire.It is +adj.+to do sth .其中其中it为形式主语为形式主语 ,不定式,不定式to do sth是句子是句子真正的主语,位于句末。真正的主语,位于句末。It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth.形容词往往是物性的,说明事物本身形容词往往是物性的,

10、说明事物本身的特点,如可能性,必然性,难易度等的特点,如可能性,必然性,难易度等It is +adj. +of sb.+to do sth.形容词往往是人性的,即说明人的品形容词往往是人性的,即说明人的品质的好坏,自身的特点。常见的形容词有:质的好坏,自身的特点。常见的形容词有:kind,nice ,good,clever,foolish,wrong,rude,polite,careful巩固练习:一.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.We must be (care )with fire because it can be very (danger)2.Did you do anything (s

11、afe) to keep yourself .3.Do you know what happened to (they)?4.Many (visit)visited her and (bring) her some flowers that day.5. When he was reading, he heard her neighbour (call) for help.6.Be careful with (match)carefuldangeroussafethemvisitorsbroughtcallingmatches根据中文写单词根据中文写单词1.What _(可怕的可怕的) new

12、s it is !2.He is not a good boy. He is always _ (粗鲁的粗鲁的) to the elderly.terriblerude单项选择单项选择1.Dont leave the baby at home _. Its _. A. lonely; dangerous B. alone; dangerous C. lonely; danger D. alone; danger2.The elderly were grateful_ us _ our help. A. to; for B. to ; with C. on; for D. on; with BA

13、动词填空动词填空1.Jim _( fall ) off the bike and _ (hurt) himself just now.2.The fireman rushed into the house_ (save) the little baby. fellhurtto save四四. 句子翻译句子翻译1.去年他在森林里迷路了。去年他在森林里迷路了。2. 保罗以前做事总是很粗心,保罗以前做事总是很粗心, 但是现在他考虑一切很周到。但是现在他考虑一切很周到。He lost his way in the forest last year.Paul was careless before, b

14、ut now he is thoughtful.3.大部分老年人都是独自在家,他们感到很孤独。大部分老年人都是独自在家,他们感到很孤独。4.他迅速地跑回公寓去拿钥匙。他迅速地跑回公寓去拿钥匙。Most of _ _ are at home _ , they all feel _.He ran _ to the flat _ _ get the key.the elderlyalonelonelybackquickly to5.不要把热东西放到垃圾桶里不要把热东西放到垃圾桶里 Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin.6.别让火炉开着别让火炉开着 Do

15、nt leave the stove on.7.当他从自行车上摔下时当他从自行车上摔下时,他摔伤了胳膊他摔伤了胳膊. He hurt his arm when he fell off his bike.8.如果你尽力如果你尽力,你就能在英语上取得更好的成绩你就能在英语上取得更好的成绩. You can get better results in English if you try/do your best.9.Suzy记性好并且擅长写作。记性好并且擅长写作。 Suzy has a good memory and is good at writing.10.当他们进行水上运动时,她常告诉年幼的

16、学生要当他们进行水上运动时,她常告诉年幼的学生要当心。当心。 When they play water sports, she often tells younger students to be careful.11.我一点儿也不会跳舞。我一点儿也不会跳舞。 I cant dance at all.12.在那个时刻任何事情都可能发生在她身上。在那个时刻任何事情都可能发生在她身上。 Anything could happen to her at that moment.13.你做了什么来使你自己安全你做了什么来使你自己安全 。 _ _ you do _ _ _ _ ? What did to

17、keep yourself safe Zhang Hua, a 25-year-old boy saved his _ out of a fire. That day, he was at home_. Suddenly he heard someone _ “Fire”. He ran outside and saw a lot of _from the _door. Zhang Hua _water over his jacket and _ into the kitchen to _ her. He _ _ the fire _ a blanket and helped Mrs Sun

18、_. The fire _his neck, arms and face, so he had to stay in hospital _ about two months. Many visitors _flowers and presents to see him. He said, “We should help each other.” he also said, “Its important to be _ with fire.”neighbouraloneshoutingsmokenextpouredrushedsaveputoutwithoutburntforbroughtcar

19、efulGrammarGrammarability.He can sing.Singing is his ability.He can flyWhat ability do you have?ability= What can you do?abilitiesthe use of can/could1. We use canor could to say that we are or were able to do something 我会跳舞。我会跳舞。 他过去会唱这首歌。他过去会唱这首歌。2. We use canor could to say that something is poss

20、ible.如果我们不小心的话,火可能是很危险的。如果我们不小心的话,火可能是很危险的。在那个时候,任何事都可能发生在他身上。在那个时候,任何事都可能发生在他身上。I can dance.He could sing the song in the past.Fire can be very dangerous if we arent careful.Anything could happen to him at that moment. Talking about ability with can/ could Make some sentences use can/ could accordi

21、ng to the pictures. shooting (Amy) swimming (Linda)Example: Amy couldnt shoot last year. Amy can shoot this year Expressions with what and how (感叹句感叹句) strangeHowWhatstrangea strange plane!cleverHowWhat!clevera clever dogHowlonglong!What a long cowfatHow fat !What a fat cat !goodHowWhatgoodgood stud

22、ents!lovelyHow lovely!Whatlovely babies !感叹句:感叹句:How + adj./ adv. + 主语主语+ 谓语!谓语!a)他跑的多么快!他跑的多么快! b)他作业做得多么认真啊!他作业做得多么认真啊!c)那个女孩多么高啊!那个女孩多么高啊!d)今天天气多么热啊!今天天气多么热啊! How fast he runs! How carefully he does his homework! How tall the girl is! How hot it is today! What a/an+ 形形 + 可数名词单数可数名词单数+ 主语主语+ 谓语!谓语

23、!What +形形 + 可数名词复数可数名词复数+ 主语主语+ 谓语!谓语!What + 形形 + 不可数名词不可数名词+ 主语主语+ 谓语!谓语!a)他是个多么聪明的男孩啊!他是个多么聪明的男孩啊!b) 多么好的天气!多么好的天气!c) 这是本有趣的书啊!这是本有趣的书啊!d) 这些是多么漂亮的画!这些是多么漂亮的画! What a clever boy he is!What fine / good weather (it is)!What an interesting book this is!What beautiful flowers these are!常考到的不可数名词有:常考到的

24、不可数名词有:weather, information, news, food, workadvice等等如:如:它是多么令人激动的消息啊!它是多么令人激动的消息啊!What exciting news it is!多好的天气啊!多好的天气啊!What good weather !把下列各句变成感叹句把下列各句变成感叹句,可用两种方法可用两种方法a)He is listening to the teacher so carefully.b) This room is very empty.c) The food is very delicious.d) These problems are so difficult.How carefully he is listening to the teachers!How empty the room is!What an empty room this is!How delicious the food is!What delicious food it is!How difficult these problems are!What difficult problems these are!



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