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1、题型集训题型集训(十六十六)书面表达学书面表达学校生活校生活题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活( (一一) )假假如如你你叫叫王王雷雷,你你们学学校校准准备在在暑暑期期组织一一个个“走走进英英国国家家庭庭”的的夏夏令令营活活动,请你你用用英英语写写一一份份参参加加该活活动的的申申请。申申请中要包含如下要点:中要包含如下要点:1 1你参加你参加这次活次活动的目的;的目的;2 2你的你的兴趣、特趣、特长;3 3你希望住在什么你希望住在什么样的英国家庭。的英国家庭。题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活注意:注意:1 1词数:数:808

2、0100100词;2 2请结合合实际增加增加细节,适当,适当发挥;3 3信的开信的开头和和结尾已尾已为你写好,不你写好,不计入入总词数。数。题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Sir/Madam, _YoursYours,Wang LeiWang Lei题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活I I want want to to join join in in the the summer summer camp. camp. I I think think its its a a good

3、 good way way to to improve improve my my English English and and can can help help me me know know more about the British culture.more about the British culture.I I often often surf surf on on the the Internet Internet for for something something new. new. I I love love sports sports and and pop po

4、p music. music. I I do do quite quite well well in in English English and and can can talk talk with with foreigners foreigners fluently. fluently. Im Im very very proud proud of it.of it.题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活I I hope hope to to stay stay in in a a large large British British family fam

5、ily with with three three or or four four children. children. Im Im sure sure well well have have a a great great time time together. Thank you!together. Thank you!YoursYours,Wang LeiWang Lei题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活( (二二) )假假如如你你是是张云云,班班主主任任安安排排座座位位时让你你与与一一个个成成绩差差的的学学生生同同桌桌,此此事事引引起起了了同同学学们

6、的的不不同同反反应,请根根据据下下表表中中的的提提示示给班主任写封信,并班主任写封信,并说明自己的想法。明自己的想法。赞同同反反对每个学生都有每个学生都有优点,成点,成绩好的学生好的学生和成和成绩差的学生可以互相学差的学生可以互相学习,建立,建立友友谊。成成绩好的学生可以帮助成好的学生可以帮助成绩差的学差的学生提高成生提高成绩并建立自信。并建立自信。部分成部分成绩差的学生上差的学生上课常常常常说话,影响成影响成绩好的学生。好的学生。成成绩差的学生向成差的学生向成绩好的学生好的学生问问题,使成,使成绩好的学生不能好的学生不能专心学心学习。题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表

7、达学校生活参考参考词汇:自信:自信 selfselfconfidenceconfidence注意:注意:1 1词数:数:8080100100词;2 2请结合合实际增加增加细节,适当,适当发挥;3 3信的开信的开头和和结尾已尾已为你写好,不你写好,不计入入总词数。数。题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活Dear Mr. ZhangDear Mr. Zhang,We We had had a a discussion discussion about about whether whether it it is is good good or or not not

8、for for a a top top student student to to share share a a desk desk with with a a slower slower student._student._Yours, Yours, Zhang Zhang YunYun题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活One possible versionOne possible version:Dear Mr. ZhangDear Mr. Zhang,We We had had a a discussion discussion about abou

9、t whether whether it it is is good good or or not not for for a a top top student student to to share share a a desk desk with with a a slower slower student.student.题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活Some Some are are for for the the idea. idea. In In their their opinion, opinion, everyone everyone

10、has has his his own own advantages. advantages. Top Top students students and and slower slower students students can can learn learn from from each each other, other, and and they they may may develop develop a a friendship. friendship. Top Top students students can can help help slower slower stud

11、ents students build build selfselfconfidenceconfidence by by helping helping them them improve improve their grades.their grades.题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活think think some some slower slower students students always always talk talk in in class, class, which which will will have have a a bad

12、 bad effect effect on on top top students students studies. studies. Besides, Besides, slower slower students students often often ask ask top top students students questions.Itquestions.It can can distract distract top top students students from from their their studies.studies.In In my my opinion,

13、 opinion, Id Id like like to to share share a a desk desk with with a a slower student. If so, we can make progress together.slower student. If so, we can make progress together.Yours, Yours, Zhang Zhang YunYun题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活( (三三) )最最近近,一一些些美美国国朋朋友友要要来来你你们学学校校参参观,校校方方打打算算举办一一个个英英

14、语聚聚会会来来欢迎迎他他们。请你你代代表表学学校校拟一一份份欢迎迎辞辞。内内容容包包括:括:1 1我我们学学校校有有700700名名女女生生和和600600名名男男生生;大大多多数数学学生生喜喜欢英英语且学且学习努力。努力。2 2在在业余余时间,我我们经常常读英英语书、英英语报纸和和杂志志。有有时我我们也也通通过无无线电广广播播和和电视学学习英英语,我我们也也能能在在英英语角角练习说英英语。题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活3 3这次次聚聚会会你你们将将欣欣赏一一些些短短剧、歌歌曲曲、舞舞蹈蹈等等;希希望望你你们喜喜欢我我们的的节目,目,过得愉快。得愉快。注意

15、:注意:1 1词数:数:8080100100词;2 2请结合合实际增加增加细节,适当,适当发挥;3 3欢迎辞的开迎辞的开头和和结尾已尾已为你写好,不你写好,不计入入总词数。数。Dear ladies and gentlemenDear ladies and gentlemen,题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活Welcome Welcome to to our our school school and and welcome welcome to to our our party. party. First First of of all, all, let

16、 let me me say say something something about about our our school._school._Thank you!Thank you!题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活One possible versionOne possible version:Dear ladies and gentlemenDear ladies and gentlemen,Welcome Welcome to to our our school school and and welcome welcome to to our o

17、ur party. party. First First of of all, all, let let me me say say something something about about our our school. school. There There are are 1 1,300 300 students students in in our our school. school. 600 600 of of us us are are boys boys and and the the others others are are girls. girls. Most Mo

18、st of of us us like like English English and and study study hard hard at at it. it. In In our our free free time time we we often often read read English English books, books, newspapers newspapers and and magazines. magazines. Sometimes Sometimes we we learn learn English English on on the the rad

19、io radio and and on on TV. TV. We We can can also also practice speaking English at the English corner.practice speaking English at the English corner.题型集训题型集训( (十六十六) )书面表达学校生活书面表达学校生活At At this this party party you you will will enjoy enjoy some some short short plays, plays, songs, dances and so on performed by us.songs, dances and so on performed by us.I I hope hope you you will will like like these these programs programs and and have have a a good good time.time.Thank you!Thank you!



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