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1、Unit 2 English as a World Language1相关知识Learning objectivesIn this unit, you will:1. learn about the importance of English as a world language;2. familiarize yourself with the words, expressions, and sentence patterns related to the importance of English as a world language;3. use these words, expres

2、sions, and sentence patterns in writing and speech;4. research the importance of English as a world language on the Internet;5. give an oral presentation to the class about the importance of English as a world language;6. learn to write correct complex sentences.2相关知识 Part I Part I Approaching the T

3、opicApproaching the Topic Part II Part II Understanding the TextUnderstanding the Text Part III Part III Integrated Integrated TasksTasks Part IV Part IV Writing StrategyWriting Strategy 3相关知识Part I Part I Approaching the TopicApproaching the Topic Task 1 Brainstorming Task 3 Watching and Retelling4

4、相关知识You will need a partner for this activity.1. Brainstorm a list of 10 words commonly used when discussing the importance of English as a world language.2. In what way do you think English is important?3. Have you ever thought of learning another language? What is it and why? Task 1 BrainstormingU

5、nit 2 Part I Task 15相关知识Task 3 Watching and Retelling1. Watch the video clip from “On the Worlds English Mania”. Use the glossary below as a reference.mania 狂热;狂躁;热衷狂热;狂躁;热衷scream 尖声喊叫;大叫尖声喊叫;大叫大嚷着要求大嚷着要求worldwide 在世界各地在世界各地giant 巨大的巨大的literally 实际地实际地determine 决定决定grueling 累垮人的;折磨人累垮人的;折磨人的的intensi

6、ty 强度强度unimaginable 不可思议的不可思议的witness 目击目击tsunami 海啸海啸harness 开发;治理;控开发;治理;控制制Unit 2 Part I Task 36相关知识2. Read the following questions based on the video clip. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Unit 2 Part I Task 31) How many people are trying to learn English all ove

7、r the world? A. 2.1 billion. B. 12 million. C. 2.5 million. D. 2 billion.2) _ is the language of science. A. English B. Mathematics C. Native language D. Another language3) According to the video, in the future, English can serve as . A. the worlds second language B. the language of emotions C. the

8、language of problem solving D. the native language7相关知识3. Watch the video again and then explain the main idea to your partner. 【Script】Unit 2 Part I Task 38相关知识ScriptUnit 2 Part I Task 39相关知识Part II Understanding the TextPart II Understanding the Text Main Reading Related Reading10相关知识Part II Under

9、standing the TextPart II Understanding the Text Main Reading Text-Related Information Language Points Tasks 11相关知识Text-Related InformationUnit 2 Part II Main ReadingEnglish language12相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading13相关知识Countries where English is spokenCountries where English is the official languag

10、e14相关知识 Seven reasons why English is important: jobs, travel, education, same country, Internet, children, business communication. The popularity of English.Structure of TextPara. APara. B-H15相关知识1. collectively(L4) adv. jointly, conjointly, together withUnit 2 Part II Main ReadinglComplex, critical

11、 choices will have to be made by human beings individually and collectively.e.g.Language Points collective adj. & n.lIt was a collective decision.lHe will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.e.g.16相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading2.undoubtedly(L4) adv. with certaintylTh

12、ese breakthroughs will undoubtedly lead to further advancements in the near future.e.g. undoubted adj. with certaintylThe even was an undoubted success.e.g. without doubtlWithout doubt this was the most important relationship I developed at college.e.g.17相关知识3.popularity(L5) n. the quality of being

13、widely admired or acceptedlHis charm soon won him affection and popularitylthe universal popularity of American moviese.g. popular adj. being widely admired or acceptede.g.l巧克力总是深受年轻人的喜爱。18相关知识4. universal(L10) adj.lClimate change is a universal problem.e.g. of worldwide scope or applicabilitylIts a

14、 universal truth.e.g. applicable to or common to all members of a group or setlHis speech met with universal applause.e.g. including, relating to, or affecting all members of the class or group under consideration19相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading5. engage(L15)lThey engaged in a discussion.lI have ne

15、ver engaged in the drug trade.e.g. vi. to involve oneself or become occupied; participatelThey were engaged last month.e.g. vt. to pledge or promise, especially to marry.20相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main ReadinglWhile the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.lThey were grinning and watc

16、hing while one man laughed and poured beer over the head of another.e.g. whereas6.while(L16) conj. at the same time that; althoughlThe first two services are free, while the third costs $35.e.g.21相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading7.available(L19) adj.lThe doctor is not available now.e.g. obtainable or

17、accessible and ready for use or servicelMy bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired.e.g. not busy; not otherwise committed22相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main ReadinglRecent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.e.g.under no circumstances 决不决不under the circumst

18、ances /in the circumstance 在在条条件下件下8.circumstance(L26) n. a condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it 23相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Readingla rescue team; a rescue missione.g.9. rescue(L26)lEmergency teams use them to rescue people from fires and floods.e.g. vt. to set free, as

19、from danger or imprisonment n. recovery or preservation from loss or danger, often used to modify another noun24相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading10. bridge(L46)lThey will bridge it over with planks.e.g. vt. to connect or reduce the distance betweenlThe decision is an attempt to bridge the distance bet

20、ween the rich and poor.e.g. vt. to make a bridge acrosslThe bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.e.g. n. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.25相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading11. appropriate(L53)lThe governmen

21、t has appropriated some funds for education.e.g. adj. suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fittinglPlain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.e.g. vt. to give or assign a resource to a particular person or causelThe minister was found to have appropriated gover

22、nment money.e.g. vt. to take possession of by force, as after an invasion26相关知识12. bound to(L54) you are sure that sth. will happenlWell have more than one child, and one of thems bound to be a boy.e.g.e.g. sth. closely related with each otherlEconomic growth is still bound to the issues of poverty,

23、 social justice and conservation.27相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading13. command(L69)lThis great man is able to command everyones respect.e.g. vt. to direct with authority; give orders tolThe general commanded his men to attack the city.e.g. vt. to deserve and receive as due; exactlYou have no right to

24、 command.e.g. vi. to give orders28相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main ReadinglWe work hard at English so as to have a good command of it.e.g. n. ability to control or use; masterylThe company commander roared his command.e.g. n. an order given with authority29相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading14. emerge(L70) vi.lM

25、any facts emerged as a result of the investigation.e.g. to rise from or as if from immersionlSea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.e.g. to become evident30相关知识Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details in the TextTask1. Answer the following questions with the information from th

26、e passage.1) What does the author mainly convey in the first paragraph?2) Why does one have to be highly fluent in English when doing business with foreigners?There are quite a few facts and reasons that state the importance of English._Unit 2 Part II Main ReadingIn order to make the best out of the

27、 available opportunities, one has to be highly fluent in English._31相关知识3) How has education increased the importance of English greatly?4) What difficulties will parents meet when they live in English-speaking countries?Wherever one travels for study, English serves as the main medium of teaching.

28、Hence, education has increased the importance of English greatly._ _Unit 2 Part II Main ReadingIf parents arent able to understand English, they are bound to face difficulties in raising their children, who mostly attend an English school._ _32相关知识5) Why should people have the ability to write clear

29、ly when they do business globally?Unit 2 Part II Main ReadingBecause many forms of business communication, from emails to presentations and marketing to important business contracts, are written in English._33相关知识Unit 2 Part II Main Reading2. Write a brief summary of the text based on your answers t

30、o the above questions. There are quite a few facts and reasons that state the importance of English in many areas all over the world. In order to make the best out of the available job opportunities, one has to be highly fluent in English. Wherever one travels for study, English serves as the main m

31、edium of teaching. Hence, education has increased the importance of English greatly. If parents arent able to understand English, they are bound to face difficulties in raising their children, who mostly attend an English school. Because many forms of business communication, from emails to presentat

32、ions and marketing to important business contracts, are written in English, the ability to clearly write in English is also important.34相关知识Part II Understanding the TextPart II Understanding the Text Related Reading Language Points Tasks 35相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading1.acknowledge(L1) vt.lYou

33、 have to acknowledge the truth of her argument.e.g. to express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance withlI passed her in the street but she didnt even acknowledge me when I smiled.e.g. to declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth oflWe must acknowledge the

34、 kindness she showed towards us.e.g. to express obligation, thanks, or gratitude forLanguage Points 36相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related ReadinglMy garden extends as far as the river.e.g.2. extend(L5)lThe countrys trade extended from China to Europe.e.g. vi. to enlarge the area, scope, or range of vt. to st

35、retch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point37相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related ReadinglThey want to extend their business scope.e.g. vt. to cause (something) to be or last longerlHow to extend a visa if it expires?e.g. vt. to expand the influ

36、ence of vt. to offer or givelI extend my heartfelt thanks for your help.e.g.38相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading3. convenient(L10) adj.lIs it convenient for you to go out tonight?e.g. suited to your comfort or purpose or needs easy to reachlIt is useful to have a convenient supermarket.e.g.39相关知识Uni

37、t 2 Part II Related Reading4. be thought of as ( L13 )英语不能再被视为一个国家的语言。加拿大人讲英英语不能再被视为一个国家的语言。加拿大人讲英语;美国人也讲;印度人,中国人,澳大利亚人,语;美国人也讲;印度人,中国人,澳大利亚人,肯尼亚和俄罗斯人都在讲英语。肯尼亚和俄罗斯人都在讲英语。think of.as 把把看作是看作是,可以表达同样意思的短语有:可以表达同样意思的短语有:regard.as , look upon.as , look on.as, consider.as40相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Read

38、inglYou are wooing troubles if you associate with him.e.g. vt. to make a logical or causal connectionlI always associate her with roses.e.g. vi. to keep company with; hang out withassociate with5. associate(L16)associate.withlMr. Miller is a business associate of our company.e.g. n. a person who joi

39、ns with others in some activitylHe is an associate editor of the newspaper.e.g. adj. having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status41相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading6. divide(L20)lThis class is too large, so we have to divide it into 3 groups.e.g. vt. to separate into parts, sections,

40、groups, or brancheslCan you divide 49 by seven?e.g. vt. to perform a divisionlThis river divides at its mouth.e.g. vi. to become separated into parts42相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading7. draw attention to(L24) = call attention to make .pay attention to lIt is necessary to draw/call attention to thi

41、s fact.e.g.43相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading8. witness(L35) n. someone who sees an event and reports what happenedlThe witness was telling about the whole accident.e.g. vt. to be a witness tolShe witnessed the accident and had to testify in court.e.g.44相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading9.emphatic

42、ally(L14) adv. without question and beyond doubt他强调说,他强调说,“英语就像面包!有了它,你才能去任英语就像面包!有了它,你才能去任何地方何地方”,仿佛语言的价值就如我作笔记时对钢笔,仿佛语言的价值就如我作笔记时对钢笔的需要是同样明显的。的需要是同样明显的。lPresident emphatically states the special measures will not be repeated.e.g.45相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading10. open up(L42) to cause to open

43、 or to become openlThey decided to open up an office in the towne.g. to become availablelAn opportunity opened upe.g. to make availablelThis opens up new possibilitiese.g.46相关知识Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details of the Text.Task1. Answer the following questions with information fr

44、om the passage.Unit 2 Part II Related Reading1) What is the passage mainly about?2) Why English is a more and more classless language?Nowadays, English is having a wide-ranging influence in many aspects in the world._Because its American or because its the language of the digital world, English is a

45、n increasinglyclassless language._47相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading3) What does the author mean by saying “The numbers are shocking”?4) How do you understand “English is like bread”?5) Why do the students study English in the Living Languages Institute?The author means to tell us how amazing the

46、figures are in terms of the popularity of English._Wherever you go, whatever you do, you cant go without English, which is exactly like bread._They study English in order to grasp the opportunities it provides._48相关知识2. Choose the best answer to the following questions.Unit 2 Part II Related Reading

47、1) According to the passage, nowadays, English is widely used in the following areas EXCEPT_ . A. network B. economy C. school teaching D. culture2) Why can English no longer be regarded as a national language? A. Because it is one of the official languages in UN. B. Because people from all over the

48、 world speak it. C. Because British people want to share it with the world. D. Because people associate it with China and Australia.49相关知识Unit 2 Part II Related Reading3) Which statement is true according to David Crystal? A. In over 20 countries, it is used officially. B. More than 150 million peop

49、le receive English language TV shows. C. Over 80 million children study it at secondary level globally. D. More than 66.6% of the worlds scientists write in English.4) By saying “Ive met beggars in South America who know enough English to read Shakespeare”, Gonzalo Peralta means to . A. show that En

50、glish is too easy B. show that he has been to many places in the world C. show how important and widespread English is D. show how well educated the beggars are in South America5) According to the passage, young engineers study English at the Living Languages Institute in order to . A. finish their

51、courses B. get more job opportunities C. earn more money D. work in the global workplace50相关知识Part III Integrated TasksPart III Integrated Tasks Task 1Task 1 Task 2Task 251相关知识2. Fill in the blanks with words/phrases from the Main Reading given below. Change the form where necessary.1) Where there a

52、re two opposite approaches to things and people, two opposite views .2) Is the information on the computer?3) The fallen tree has the two porches.4) But that does not mean they know how to what they see.5) She has an impressive of computer skills.bridgediffer from to appropriateavailablepracticallyc

53、onnect interpretbe bound tocommandemergeUnit 2 Part IV Task 1 emerge_available_bridged_interpret_command_52相关知识6) He had finished his meal when I arrived.7) The candidate failed to with the voters.8) A nation consume enormous amounts of raw materials as it develops.9) Write in a style to your subjec

54、t.10) Housing policies school school.Unit 2 Part IV Task 1 practically_connect_is bound to_appropriate_differ from_to_53相关知识3. Fill in the blanks with words/phrases from the Related Reading in the vocabulary pool. Change the form where necessary.1) The university has (见证见证) many changes over the yea

55、rs.2) Our house is the most (突出的突出的) one in the street; its painted red.3) In other words, (民主民主) in Latin America faces two significant threats.4) The European powers (扩大扩大) their authority in Asia.Unit 2 Part IV Task 1 extended_witnessed_prominent_democracy_54相关知识5) Many people (联系联系) dark clouds

56、with depression and gloom.6) The first-generation Americans viewed the country as a land of (机会机会).7) Is there anything I could do now to help me (准备准备) for the position?8) (至于至于) tax dodging, the results were even more striking.9) Ive arranged a (方便的方便的) time and place for the meeting.10) The book

57、seemed to (打开打开) before me a new and unfamiliar world.Unit 2 Part IV Task 1 open up_associate_opportunity_prepare_In the case of_convenient_55相关知识4. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese given in the brackets.1) It is evident that this assumption (使问题大为简化使问题大为简化).2) If, they have

58、 to take a man-made interference, (对其结果也无所助益对其结果也无所助益).3) In ancient times, the world (被认为是扁平的被认为是扁平的).4) The activity was supposed to (提醒人们关注全球变暖危机提醒人们关注全球变暖危机).5) Hope for the best, but (做最坏的打算做最坏的打算). simplifies the problem to a great extent _it must be of no help to the result_Unit 2 Part IV Tas

59、k 1 was conceived of as flat_draw attention to global warming_prepare for the worst_56相关知识Simulated Reproduction:Apart from the main specialized subjects, there are several elective courses that the students have to take.Simulated Translation:除了时间外,还有其它的因素需要考虑。除了时间外,还有其它的因素需要考虑。2. Translate the Chin

60、ese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.Model 1: Apart from these unfamiliar and strange facts, there are several other reasons that .Unit 2 Part IV Task 2 Apart from time, there are several other factors that heed to be considered._57相关知识Unit 2 Part IV Task 2 Simulated Re

61、production:On-line Education is the only and best option, as it is not possible for the housewives to attend thetraditional classes.Simulated Translation:孩子们不可能参加工作,所以上学是唯一也是最佳选择。孩子们不可能参加工作,所以上学是唯一也是最佳选择。Model 2: English is the only and best option, as it is not possible to learn the local language

62、of every other place that you travel to.Going to school is the only and best option, as it is not possible for the children to enter the workforce._58相关知识Unit 2 Part IV Task 2 Simulated Reproduction:He failed in the final exam due to the fact that he had not worked hard at all.Simulated Translation:

63、他成功了,原因是他提前做了充分的准备。他成功了,原因是他提前做了充分的准备。Model 3: Learning English can be the cornerstone of success in the business world due to the fact that He succeeded due to the fact that he had made thoroughpreparations in advance._59相关知识Simulated Reproduction:Nowadays, a CEO of a big company is as likely a wom

64、an as a man.Simulated Translation:现在,在美国说着熟练英语的人可能是当地人,也可能是外来现在,在美国说着熟练英语的人可能是当地人,也可能是外来者。者。Model 4: The English-speaking woman seated next to you at a conference is as likely from Bangladesh or the Sudan as from Washington D.C.Nowadays, one who can speak fluent English in America is as likely a for

65、eigner as a local._Unit 2 Part IV Task 2 60相关知识Part IVPart IV Writing Strategy Writing Strategy Writing Correct Sentences I PracticePractice61相关知识Writing StrategyWriting Correct Sentences IUnit 2 Part V62相关知识1. Correct the following sentences with subject-verb disagreement errors.PracticeUnit 2 Part

66、 V1) Comprehensive planning and following a budget is essential for financial success.2) Nobody expect to fail when they start a business.Comprehensive planning and following a budget are essential for financial success._Nobody expects to fail when they start a business._63相关知识Unit 2 Part V3) Neithe

67、r China nor Japan wish to enter into the agreement.4) There is many questions to be considered here.5) To support these plans are vital for our country.Neither China nor Japan wishes to enter into the agreement._There are many questions to be considered here._To support these plans is vital for our

68、country._64相关知识Unit 2 Part V1) Judy leads a charmed life she never seems to have a serious accident.2) The airport is about to shut down because of the snow, if the plane doesnt land soon it will have to go on to Boston.3) The show begins at 7:30 make sure youre there before 7:15.2. Correct the foll

69、owing run-on sentences.Judy leads a charmed life and she never seems to have a serious accident._The airport is about to shut down because of the snow and if the plane doesnt land soon, it will have to go on to Boston._The show begins at 7:30. Make sure youre there before 7:15._65相关知识Unit 2 Part V4)

70、 Marceline always knew his way around the woods this is something he could always depend on.5) The head of state and the religious leader were often the same person all power rested in one ruler.Marceline always knew his way around the woods; this is something he could always depend on._The head of

71、state and the religious leader were often the same person; all power rested in one ruler._66相关知识Unit 2 Part V3. Each of the following is a run-on sentence. From the group of three sentences that follow, select one that corrects the run-on.1) Our solar system has nine major planets only one is known

72、to have intelligent life. A. Our solar system has nine major planets, only one is known to have intelligent life. B. Our solar system has nine major planets only one, is known to have intelligent life. C. Our solar system has nine major planets; only one is known to have intelligent life.67相关知识Unit

73、2 Part V2) Most asteroids are small and far away therefore they are dim and hard to see. A. Most asteroids are small and far away, therefore they are dim and hard to see. B. Most asteroids are small and far away therefore, they are dim and hard to see. C. Most asteroids are small and far away; there

74、fore, they are dim and hard to see.68相关知识Unit 2 Part V3) Look through Angelos telescope you can see Saturns rings. A. If you look through Angelos telescope, you can see Saturns rings. B. Look through Angelos telescope, you can see Saturns rings. C. You can see Saturns rings, look through Angelos tel

75、escope.69相关知识Unit 2 Part V4) Please check the position of that star cluster I cant find it. A. Please check the position of that star cluster; I cant find it. B. Please check the position of that star cluster, I cant find it. C. Please check the position, of that star cluster, I cant find it.70相关知识U

76、nit 2 Part V5) Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter however on warm summer nights she often goes to the college observatory. A. Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter, however on warm summer nights she often goes to the college observatory. B. Marie is never interested in stargazing during the winter. However, on warm summer nights she often goes to the college observatory. C. Marie is never interested in stargazing, during the winter however, on warm summer nights she often goes to the college observatory.71相关知识



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