第五周 学习资料

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《第五周 学习资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第五周 学习资料(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 1 页 共 11 页英语英语第五周学习计划第五周学习计划第一部分第一部分 词汇背诵词汇背诵1. pollute plu:t vt. 污染We love the sea, yet we pollute it. 我们热爱大海,然而我们却污染了它。2. routine ru:ti:n n. 日常工作 adj. 日常的、例行的It is my routine work to sweep the floor every morni

2、ng.每天早上扫地是我的日常工作。3. protect prtekt vt. 保护Children are protected under the new law.儿童受新法律的保护。4. accidentksidnt n. 事故;意外He lost his legs in an accident.在一次事故中,他失去了双腿。5. patiencepei()ns n. 耐心Teaching children needs patience.教小孩子需要耐心。6. survivesvaiv vi&vt. 幸存;生存;比.活的长Many elders survived the earthquake

3、last year.很多老年人在地震中幸存。7. objectbdekt n. 物体,对象;bdekt vi.反对;拒绝There was an unidentified flying object(UFO)which was landed on airport yesterday. 昨天,有一个不明飞行物落在了机场。Seven people agreed while three people objected.7 人同意,3 人反对。8. positivepzitiv adj. 积极的,正面的,阳性的Be positive about your future and get on with

4、living a normal life.要积极面对未来,习惯过一种平常生活。9. precise prisais adj. 精确的;明确的;严格的The precise location of the wreck was discovered in 1988.失事的确切地点是在 1988 年发现的。10. donate duneit vt. 捐赠;捐献.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 2 页 共 11 页He decided to donate his

5、 organ to people in need after his death.他决定死后把器官捐给需要的人。11. classify klsifai vt. 分类;分等Anyone exceeding 90 scores will be classified as Distinction.所有 90 分以上的人都被分为优秀。12. stage steid n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站Shakespeare has it that all the world is a stage.莎士比亚说人生是个大舞台。In the initial stage, we learn basic spelli

6、ng and grammar.在最初阶段,我们学习基础的单词和语法。13. convince knvins vt. 说服;使确信,使信服He couldnt convince me that he had never lied to me.他不能使我相信他从未对我说谎。14. suffer sf vt&vi. 遭受;忍受;He suffered from headache terribly the last few days.他过去的几天被头痛折磨得痛苦不堪。15. defence difens n. 防御;防卫;答辩;防卫设备Twenty-eight percent of the feder

7、al budget is spent on defence.百分之二十八的联邦预算用于国防。16. impression impre()n n. 印象;压痕,印记What is your first impression about me?你对我的第一印象怎么样?17. flow flu vi. 流动,涌流 vt. 淹没,溢过 A stream flowed gently down into the valley.一条小溪缓缓地流进山谷。18. contain kntein vt. 包含;Fruits contain vitamins.水果里含有维生素。19. update pdeit vt.

8、 更新;修正;使现代化 n. 更新;现代化Please update it to the latest version.请把它更新到最新版本。20. organ :g()n . 器官,机构He decided to donate his organ to people in need after his death.他决定死后把器官捐给需要的人。21. cautious adj. k:s 谨慎的;十分小心的Be cautious about each word you said.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有

9、使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 3 页 共 11 页要小心你说出的每个字。22. holy huli adj. 神圣的To them, this is a holy place.对他们来说,这里是个神圣的地方。23. raise reiz vt. 提高;筹集;养育;升起 n. 高地;上升;加薪I was raised by my grandparents.我是爷爷奶奶养大的。Volunteers are raising money for the people who survived the earthquake.志愿者正在为地震的生还者筹集善款。24. exist

10、 igzist vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在To prove you existed, try to work as hard as you can.为了证明你存在过,请拼命工作。25. sweat swet vt. 使出汗;使干苦活;n. 汗; vi. 出汗;辛苦工作He sweated heavily as he ran the race.他跑赛时大汗淋漓。26. ancestor nsest n. 始祖,祖先He is anxious to know where his ancestors lived.他很急切地想知道他的祖先住哪里。27. flee fli: vi. 逃走;消失,

11、消散 vt. 逃跑,逃走;逃避He slammed the bedroom door behind him and fled.他砰地关上卧室的门就逃走了。28. twist twist vt. 捻;拧;扭伤; n. 扭曲;拧;扭伤 vi. 扭动;Where did you twist your foot? 你在哪儿扭伤了脚?29. shadowdu 阴影;影子The tree threw a long shadow in the moonlight. 在月光下,那棵树投下了长长的影子。30. elegant elig()nt adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;Jane looked beaut

12、iful and elegant as always.简看上去跟往常一样美丽优雅。31. concern kns:n vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心 n. 关系;关心;关心的事Mom expressed her concern about my health.妈妈表达了她对我的健康的关心。32. weigh wei vt. 权衡;考虑;称重量 vi. 重量为;The newborn baby weighs 8 jin.这个新生儿重 8 斤。.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将

13、追究法律责任.第 4 页 共 11 页33. principle prinsip()l. n. 原则;原理;准则Its not just a matter of principle.这不仅仅是个原则问题。34. absence bs()ns n. 没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意Anyones absence will cancel the meeting.任何人缺席都会取消会议。35. resist rizist vi&vt. 抵抗,抗拒;忍耐The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest.那个男人因为试图拒捕在他住宅外

14、被击中。36. capsule kpsju:l n. 胶囊Take two capsules a day, and you will be better.37.simplify simplifai vt. 简化;使单纯;使简易Our aim is to simplify the complex social security system.我们的目的是要简化复杂的社会保险体系。38. dignity digniti n. 尊严;尊贵;高贵She cant give up her status and dignity.39. decorate dekreit vt. 装饰;布置;授勋给 vi.

15、装饰;布置She decorated her room with little flowers.她用小花装饰自己的房间。40. review rivju: n. 回顾;复习;评论;vt.&vi 回顾;检查;复审The committee is reviewing its decision.委员会正在反复研究它的决定。41. destination destinei()n n. 目的地;终点The Westlake has become one of Chinas most popular tourist destinations.西湖已经成为中国最受欢迎的游览地之一。42. affection

16、 fek()n n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染He feels a deep affection for his old friend.他对老朋友感情很深。43. severe sivi adj. 严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的This is a severe setback for the government.这是政府遭受的严重挫折。44. sceptical skeptik()l adj. 怀疑的;怀疑论的;Everyone says our team will win, but I am sceptical about it.人人都说我们队会赢,但是我表示怀疑。45. assess se

17、s vt. 评定;估价;They assessed the value of the house at $6000.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 5 页 共 11 页他们估价这所房子值 6000 美元。46. typical tipik()l adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的This is a typical 18th century church.这是典型的 18 世纪的教堂。47. defeat difi:t vt. 击败,战胜 n. 失败;战胜

18、The government suffered a severe defeat.政府遭受了严重的挫折。48. confuse knfju:z vt. 使混乱;使困惑You are confusing me by giving me too much information.你给我太多信息,我都搞糊涂了。49. artificial :tifi()l adj. 人造的;仿造的;不真挚的This drink contains no artificial flavouring or colouring.这种饮料不搀人造香精和着色剂。She welcomed me with an artificial

19、 smile.她以虚伪的微笑欢迎我。50. expression ikspre()n n. 表现,表达;表情,措辞,说法When I saw her expression I knew I was in trouble.当我看到她的表情时,我知道自己惹麻烦了。第二部分第二部分 语法学习语法学习被动语态被动语态语态是动词的一种形式,它表示主语和谓语的关系。语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。如果主语是动作的执行者,或者是说动作是由主语完成的,要用主动语态;如果主语是动作的承受者,或者是说动作不是由主语而是由其他人完成的,则用被动语态。一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。被动语态的基本构

20、成形式:be+动词的过去分词。The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome. (主动语态)孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children. (被动语态)外宾受到了孩子们热烈的欢迎。They didnt offer Ann the job. (主动语态) 他们没有提供给安这份工作。Ann wasnt offered the job. (被动语态) .资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文

21、亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 6 页 共 11 页安没得到这份工作。被动语态翻译成汉语一般用“被” 、 “由” 、 “让”表示。有时候用“被” 、 “由” 、 “让”翻译会不符合汉语的使用习惯,则把它翻译成主动语态。注注:本文中的直译,完全按被动语态的翻译,便于学生对被动语态的理解,但汉语有些时候更接受主动语态的翻译,所以在做翻译题时可根据实际情况适当地转成主动语态翻译。 )例如:We urgently need the information. (主动语态)我们急需这个资料。The information is urgently needed.

22、 (被动语态)这个资料被急需。 (不太符合汉语习惯,可以采用上文主动语态翻译,译成:我们急需这个资料。 )被动语态使用情境:被动语态使用情境: 1)不知道或没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者。 The old bridge was built many years ago. 这座古桥是许多年前建造的。 He was elected chairman.他被选为主席。 2)强调动作的承受者。 动作的执行者由 by 引导置于谓语动词之后,也可省略。 Your plan is considered to be the best. 你的计划被认为是最好的。 3)动作的执行者是无生命的事物。 The windo

23、w was blown by wind.窗户被风吹开了。 The whole village has been washed away by the flood.整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。 4)避免更换主语,如: Once a promise is made, it shouldnt be broken. 诺言一旦许下,就不能违背。 被动语态的基本时态变化:被动语态的基本时态变化:请结合上周语法知识(英语时态) ,掌握被动语态的基本时态变化。 我们已经知道被动语态由“be过去分词”构成,而 be 随时态的变化而变化。以 do 为例,各种时态的被动语.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以

24、任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 7 页 共 11 页态形式为:1) am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现在时Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.参观者不准触摸展品。2) was/were done 一般过去时I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.我只有 10 分钟的时间决定是否拒绝这个工作。3) shall/will be d

25、one 一般将来时Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.如果工厂倒闭会损失上百个工作岗位。4) am/is /are being done 现在进行时A new cinema is being built here这里正在建一个新的电影院。5) was/were being done 过去进行时A meeting was being held when I was there.我在那的时候,正在开会。6) shall/will be doing 将来进行时I will be talking with my professor a

26、t 9:00 tomorrow morning.明早 9 点我将正在和我的教授讨论。7) has /have been done 现在完成时All the preparations for the task have been completed, and were ready to start.所以准备工作都已完成,我已经准备好出发了。8) had been done 过去完成时By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing.到去年年底,在北京一个新的体育场已经建完了。9) shall/

27、will have been done 将来完成时The project will have been completed before July.到 7 月前,这项工程将会已经完工。10) should/would be done 过去将来时The news would be sent to the soldiers mother as soon as it arrived.一有消息,就会通知到士兵的母亲。动词的主动形式表示被动之意动词的主动形式表示被动之意: 1)be worthdoing 值得做 The novel is worth reading again. .资料版权属文亮所有,任

28、何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 8 页 共 11 页这本书值得再读一次。The film is worth seeing. 这个电影值得看。2)need(want / require)+ doing 等于 need(want / require)+to be done 需要做 My watch needs repairing(to be repaired. 我的表需要修理。The house wants painting(to be pained.我的房子需要粉刷。3)某些连

29、系动词,如:look, feel, smell, sound, prove 等。 The flower smells sweet.这花闻起来很香。 Maria proves very patient and warm-hearted. 玛丽亚被证明很耐心、很热心。 The idea sounds good.这主意听起来不错。4)表示主语内在“品质”或“性能”的某些动词,虽然可以是及物动词,但这时用作不及物动词, 如:lock, shut, close, open, move, read, write, sell, wash, clean, draw, cut, translate, burn,

30、 run, ride, begin, end, operate 等。 The sentences translate hard. 这些句子很难译。 The door wont shut. 这个门关不上。 The cloth washes well. 这种布料好洗。The book sells quickly. 这书销售得快。This cheese doesnt cut easily. Its too soft. 这乳酪不容易切,太软了。This shirt will wear very long. 这衬衫可以穿很久。5)主语beadj.to do 的结构中,动词不定式常用主动结构表示被动含义,

31、这些形容词有 hard, difficult, easy, fit, necessary, dangerous, comfortable, heavy 等。 The problem is hard to solve. .资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 9 页 共 11 页这问题很难解决。The chair is comfortable to sit on.这椅子坐着舒服。 I find the water in the well(井)fit to dri

32、nk.我发现井里的水适合饮用。固定句型:固定句型:It is said/ reported/believed+that 从句从句. 表示据说表示据说/据报道据报道/据相信据相信.It is said that James is an expert on DNA.人们说詹姆斯是个 DNA 专家。 It is said that the boy has passed the national exam. 据说这个男孩已经通过了这次全国性的测试。第三部分第三部分 本周习题本周习题1. The mistakes in the exercises will_the teacher. A . cross

33、B . be crossing C . be crossed byD . cross by 2. My brother and I have _her birthday party. A . been invitedB . been invited forC . invited to D . been invited to 3. Mary realized she_ A . was making fun of B . was made fun C . was being made fun of D . was being made fun 4._to say a thing in that w

34、ay. A . It is considers wrong B . It is considered wrong C . It is considered its wrongD . It is consiedering wrong 5. The story_in China. A . was taken place B . was happenedC . took place D . has been taken place 6. The house_my parents. A . is belong toB . belong toC . belongs toD . is belonged t

35、o 7. The new hall is the tallest building in this town. _from here? A . Can it see B . Can it be seenC . Can it seenD . Can see 8. As soon as we got to the airport, we found that the plane_. A . had already taken off B . already took off C . was already taking off D . was already taken off 9. _ the

36、sports meet might be put off. .资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 10 页 共 11 页Yes, it all depends on the weather. A . Ive been toldB . Ive toldC . Im toldD . I told 10. The new suspension bridge _ by the end of last month. A . has been designedB . h

37、ad been designed C . was designed D . would be designed 11. Do you like the material? Yes, it _ very soft. A . is feeling B . felt C . feels D . is felt 12. It is difficult for a foreigner _ Chinese. A . write B . to writeC . to be writtenD . written 13. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house

38、because the lights happened to _. A . be put up B . give inC . be turned onD . go out 14. What do you think of the book? Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time. A . to read B . to be readC . readingD . being read 15. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _. A . catching B . to be caughtC . be

39、ing caughtD . to catch 16. This page needed _ again. A . being checkedB . checkedC . to checkD . to be check 17. A great number of colleges and universities _since 1949.A. has been establish B. have been established C. have established D. had been established18. If one _by pride, he will reject usef

40、ul advice and friendly assistance.A. overcomes B. is overcome C. has been overcome D. overcome19. The young teacher has _ competent.A. been proved to be B. proved to be C. been proved D. proved being20. The construction of the laboratory _by the end of next month.A. must be completed B. must have been completed C. will be completing D. will have been completing.资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任资料版权属文亮所有,任何学员只有使用权,不得以任何方式转借给他人,否则将追究法律责任.第 11 页 共 11 页



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