英语同步课件:人教版必修5Unit5《First Aid》Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading-Language Points

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1、Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points速效提能演练速效提能演练Unit 1重点难点探究重点难点探究 Section 重点难点探究重点难点探究词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研1 First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救就是在找到医生之前急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受突然生病或受伤的人提供的一种的人提供的一种临时的救助。的救助。品味经典品

2、味经典After the earthquake, our government sent aid to Chile in time.地震之后,我国政府及时向智利地震之后,我国政府及时向智利发送了救援物资。发送了救援物资。She made no effort to aid Sophia.她根本不去帮助索菲娅。她根本不去帮助索菲娅。自我探究自我探究aid nU & vt. 帮助;援助帮助;援助;资助;救助。;资助;救助。C辅辅助用品。助用品。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)do/give /offer/perform/carry out first aid 进行进行急救急救come to ones aid

3、来援助某人来援助某人with the aid of sb. with sb.s aid 在某人帮助下在某人帮助下a hearing aid 助听器助听器(2)aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事aid sb. with sth. 以某物给某人帮助以某物给某人帮助aid sb. in (doing) sth. 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人The old woman walks with the aid of a stick.那老妇人拄着拐杖走路。那老妇人拄着拐杖走路。The new dictionary is a great aid to me.这本新词典对我很

4、有帮助。这本新词典对我很有帮助。The classmates aided him in his English study.同班同学帮助他学习英语。同班同学帮助他学习英语。牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)他太忙了,不能来帮我。他太忙了,不能来帮我。He was too busy to _.答案:答案:come to my aid(2)我的教授帮助我继续做研究。我的教授帮助我继续做研究。My professor _my study.答案:答案:aided me to continue2 Often the illness or injury is not serious, but ther

5、e are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives.通常情况下这些患者的伤病都不太严重,但有些通常情况下这些患者的伤病都不太严重,但有些时候,给予紧急援助能挽救人的生命。时候,给予紧急援助能挽救人的生命。品味经典品味经典Several train passengers received serious injuries in the crash.在这次碰撞中火车上有几位在这次碰撞中火车上有几位乘客受了重伤。乘客受了重伤。What you said was an injury to her fame.你所说的有损她的名声。

6、你所说的有损她的名声。自我探究自我探究injury nC,U损伤损伤;伤害;伤害(感情感情)。 归纳拓展归纳拓展Two people have been seriously injured in a road accident.两个人在一次道路交通事故中受了重两个人在一次道路交通事故中受了重伤。This could seriously injure the companys reputation.这会会严重重损害公司的名誉。害公司的名誉。易混辨析易混辨析injure,hurt,woundinjure一般指由于意外或事故受一般指由于意外或事故受伤,指一,指一时难愈之愈之伤。hurt常指精神上、肉

7、体上或感情上的常指精神上、肉体上或感情上的伤害,害,有疼痛或痛苦感。另外,有疼痛或痛苦感。另外,hurt也可用也可用作不及物作不及物动词,意,意为“疼痛,引起痛疼痛,引起痛苦苦”。wound通常指外界暴力造成的通常指外界暴力造成的创伤,如,如枪伤、刀刀伤、剑伤,尤指在,尤指在战斗中、斗中、战争中争中受受伤。He was slightly injured in the accident.他在意外事故中受了轻伤。他在意外事故中受了轻伤。A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。What you said hurt her greatly

8、.你所说的话深深地伤害了她。你所说的话深深地伤害了她。The soldier was badly wounded in the right leg.那士兵右腿严重受伤。那士兵右腿严重受伤。【助记助记】After being wounded in the fighting,he was caught in an accident and his car was damaged but he himself was not injured.在在战斗中斗中负伤后,他又后,他又发生了事故,汽生了事故,汽车被被损坏,但他自己并没有受坏,但他自己并没有受伤。牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)You have no i

9、dea how she finished the relay race _her foot wounded so much.AforBwhenCwith Dwhile解析:解析:选选C。此处是。此处是with复合宾语结构。其余复合宾语结构。其余三项为连词,后接句子,三项为连词,后接句子,wounded前应加前应加was。(2)Mother, Ive cut my finger and Im bleeding.Press a clear piece of cloth on the _ first. Ill call the doctor.Ahurt BinjuryCwound Dharm解析:解

10、析:选选C。根据。根据“Ive cut my finger and Im bleeding.”可知是可知是“刀伤刀伤”,应用,应用wound。第二句。第二句意思是意思是“先在伤口上按一块干净的布,我给医生先在伤口上按一块干净的布,我给医生打电话打电话”。3 The functions of your skin are also very complex:it keeps you warm or cool;it prevents your body from losing too much water;.皮肤的功能也十分复杂:它能保暖或御寒,阻止皮肤的功能也十分复杂:它能保暖或御寒,阻止体内水分

11、过多流失体内水分过多流失 品味经典品味经典Please keep the room clean.请保持房间干净。请保持房间干净。She kept me waiting for half an hour.她让我等了半个小时。她让我等了半个小时。自我探究自我探究keep you warm or cool是是“keep宾语宾补宾语宾补”的结构。其中,的结构。其中,keep vt.使使(人或物人或物)保持在保持在(某一状某一状态态)。归纳拓展归纳拓展The doctor kept him in for several days.医生好几天都没有让他出去。医生好几天都没有让他出去。Some actors

12、 keep their marriages a secret.一些演员已结婚,但却秘而不宣。一些演员已结婚,但却秘而不宣。Please keep us informed of the demands of the market.请随时通知我们市场需求。请随时通知我们市场需求。Her illness kept her in bed for a week.她因病在床上躺了一个星期。她因病在床上躺了一个星期。牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)什么事使你离开这么久?什么事使你离开这么久?What _for so long?答案:答案:have kept you away(2)对不起,让你久等了。对

13、不起,让你久等了。Im sorry to have _.答案:答案:kept you waiting4 You can get burned by a variety of things:hot liquids,steam,fire,radiation (by being close to high heat or fire,etc),the sun,electricity or chemicals.你可能由于各种原因而烧伤:灼热的液体、水蒸你可能由于各种原因而烧伤:灼热的液体、水蒸气、火、辐射气、火、辐射(由于靠近高温或大火等由于靠近高温或大火等)、阳光、阳光、电或化学物品。电或化学物品。品

14、味经典品味经典There are a variety of flowers in the garden.花园里有各种各样的花。花园里有各种各样的花。Varieties of reasons were offered for the failure.这次失败原因很多。这次失败原因很多。We all need variety in our diet.我们需要饮食多我们需要饮食多样化。样化。Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons.由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了。由于种种原因,每个人赴会都迟到了。自我探究自我探究variety n

15、C,U变化;变化;多样多样(化化);多变;多变(性性)。 various adj.不同的不同的。variousa variety of (varieties of)n.(pl.) 各种各样的各种各样的,不同种类的。,不同种类的。归纳拓展归纳拓展Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting.为了增加趣味,教了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的使自己的课的形式的形式多多样化。化。牛刀小试牛刀小试用用vary,variety,various的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)There are wide _of flowers

16、 in the park.(2)As in China,the climate in Canada _from area to area.答案:答案:(1)varieties(2)varies5 little or no pain if nerves are damaged;若损坏了神经,则没有疼痛感或轻微疼痛感;若损坏了神经,则没有疼痛感或轻微疼痛感;品味经典品味经典This autumn a great number of crops in the area were damaged by the storm.今年秋天这个地区的许多作物都被暴风雨毁坏了。今年秋天这个地区的许多作物都被暴风雨

17、毁坏了。His behavior damaged the relations between the two families.他的行为损害了两家之间的关系。他的行为损害了两家之间的关系。自我探究自我探究damage v损坏损坏;损害;对;损害;对产生不好的影响。产生不好的影响。归纳拓展归纳拓展 The earthquake caused great damage to Haitia poor country.地震给贫穷的国家海地造成了极大的损害。地震给贫穷的国家海地造成了极大的损害。She has not got any damages.她没有得到任何赔偿金。她没有得到任何赔偿金。易混辨析易

18、混辨析damage,destroy,ruindamage“损坏坏”,指价,指价值、用途降低或外表、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部坏等,不一定全部损坏,或表示可坏,或表示可以修复的破坏。以修复的破坏。destroy“毁毁坏,坏,毁毁灭”,强强调以具有摧以具有摧毁毁或或杀伤性的力量把某物性的力量把某物彻底底毁毁掉。多指掉。多指不可以修复的破坏。不可以修复的破坏。ruin“毁毁掉掉”,主要指因天气、年,主要指因天气、年龄、忽、忽视等因素造成的等因素造成的损坏。含有在一定的坏。含有在一定的过程中逐程中逐渐毁毁掉的意思。掉的意思。The car was badly damaged, but it wa

19、snt destroyed. 车受损严重但还没毁掉。车受损严重但还没毁掉。The storm ruined the crops.暴风雨毁坏了农作暴风雨毁坏了农作物。物。He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined my painting.他打翻了一瓶墨汁,把我的画给毁了。他打翻了一瓶墨汁,把我的画给毁了。牛刀小试牛刀小试单项填空单项填空(1)His family helped him give up drinking,or his life must have been _by drink.Adamaged BruinedCdestroyed Dbrok

20、e解析:解析:选选B。生命被摧毁应是喝酒长期损害的结。生命被摧毁应是喝酒长期损害的结果,所以选择果,所以选择B。用用damage,destroy,ruin填空填空(2)His house was completely _,so the farmer decided to build a new one.(3)How did you _your bike? Why havent you had it repaired?(4)The house has fallen into _.答案:答案:(2)destroyed(3)damage(4)ruins6 For second degree burn

21、s,keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉。需把湿布放回对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉。需把湿布放回冷水盆中,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样要反冷水盆中,拧出水后再放在烧伤面上,这样要反反复复地做一个小时左右,直到不太痛时为止。反复复地做一个

22、小时左右,直到不太痛时为止。品味经典品味经典My teacher has told me over and over again not to get addicted to computer games.我老师已多次告诉我不要沉迷于电脑游戏。我老师已多次告诉我不要沉迷于电脑游戏。I have warned you over and over again not to do that.我已多次告诫过你不要做那件事。我已多次告诫过你不要做那件事。自我探究自我探究over and over again反复反复;多次。;多次。归纳拓展归纳拓展牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)Weve discu

23、ssed this problem _(很多次很多次)答案:答案:over and over again(2)The students couldnt understand the theory, so the teacher had to explain it to them _(一遍又一遍地一遍又一遍地)答案:答案:over and over again/time and time again7 Hold the bandage in place with tape.用胶布把绷用胶布把绷带固定。带固定。品味经典品味经典She has a habit of having everything

24、 in place.她习惯把每件东西都放在适当的位置。她习惯把每件东西都放在适当的位置。Her dress was quite in place at the party.晚会上她的打扮非常得体。晚会上她的打扮非常得体。自我探究自我探究in place 在适当的位置;适当在适当的位置;适当。归纳拓展归纳拓展out of place 不合适的,不恰当的;不在适当的位不合适的,不恰当的;不在适当的位置置in place of 代替代替in the first place 首先,第一首先,第一take the place of 代替,取代代替,取代take place 发生,举行发生,举行take

25、ones place 就座;代替就座;代替These clothes are out of place.Please put them away,Lucy.这些衣服摆乱了。露西,请把它们放好。这些衣服摆乱了。露西,请把它们放好。You can use a pencil in place of a pen.你可以用铅笔代替钢笔。你可以用铅笔代替钢笔。Electric trains have now taken the place of steam ones.电气化火车现已取代了蒸汽火车。电气化火车现已取代了蒸汽火车。Ill take her place to attend the meeting

26、.我将替她出席会议。我将替她出席会议。牛刀小试牛刀小试完成句子完成句子(1)约翰,你的发型在学校里不合适。约翰,你的发型在学校里不合适。John,your hairstyle is _at school.答案:答案:out of place(2)我希望你把你的东西各就各位,不然很难找。我希望你把你的东西各就各位,不然很难找。I wish you would put things back _. Otherwise,it will be difficult to find them.答案:答案:in place(3)你查清楚印度社会发生的变化了吗?你查清楚印度社会发生的变化了吗?Have you

27、 found out the changes _ in Indian society?答案:答案:that (which) took place/taking place8 Her husband took off her blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn.她的丈夫脱下她的衬衣,还把粘在伤口上的碎布她的丈夫脱下她的衬衣,还把粘在伤口上的碎布拉了下来。拉了下来。品味经典品味经典Pick off all the dead leaves off the flower.把这棵花上的枯叶全部摘掉。把这棵花上的枯叶全部摘掉

28、。自我探究自我探究pick off 去除去除;剪掉;撕开,撕掉。;剪掉;撕开,撕掉。归纳拓展归纳拓展The bus picks up passengers outside the airport.公共汽公共汽车在机在机场外接乘客。外接乘客。She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job.她从大批的求她从大批的求职者中被者中被选中承担中承担这项工作。工作。(1)After a successful operation, Catherine is beginning to _and will soon come back to sc

29、hool.Apick upBwake upCgrow up Dshow up解析:解析:选选A。pick up“恢复健康恢复健康”;wake up“唤醒唤醒”;grow up“成长成长”;show up“暴露;露面暴露;露面”。牛刀小牛刀小试试(2)I _a flu when I was on a spring outing with my classmates.Acaught up Bpicked upCtook up Dbrought up解析:解析:选选B。考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。pick up在这里在这里和和catch同义,意思是染上。句意为:当我和同学同义,意思是染上。句

30、意为:当我和同学一块春游的时候,染上了感冒病毒。一块春游的时候,染上了感冒病毒。9 First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受伤的人急救就是在找到医生之前对突然生病或受伤的人提供的一种临时的救助。提供的一种临时的救助。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析自我探究自我探究“get 过去分词过去分词”有两种情况:一是有两种情况:一是get代替代替be,实际上是一种,

31、实际上是一种被动语态被动语态;二是一种;二是一种系表结构系表结构,并非真正的被动,表示动作的结果。并非真正的被动,表示动作的结果。Some glasses got broken(were broken) when we were moving.我们搬家时有些玻璃杯被打碎了。我们搬家时有些玻璃杯被打碎了。Did you get invited( Were you invited)to the party? 你被邀请参加聚会了吗?你被邀请参加聚会了吗?Theyve just got married.他们刚结婚。他们刚结婚。(系表结系表结构构)归纳拓展归纳拓展get lost 迷路迷路get hur

32、t受伤受伤get drunk喝醉喝醉 get killed 丧命丧命get paid付给酬金付给酬金 get married 结婚结婚get tired累了累了 get changed 换衣服换衣服get caught in the rain被雨淋被雨淋get stuck in the mud陷到泥里陷到泥里牛刀小试牛刀小试My car got _at the weekend.Asteal BstealingCstolen Dto steal解析:解析:选选C。get代替代替be,实际上是一种被动语态。,实际上是一种被动语态。FIRST AID FOR BURNSThe skin is an

33、essential part of your body and its largest organ.You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease,poisons and the suns harmful rays.The functions of your skin are also very complex:it keeps you warm or cool;it prevents your body from losing too much water;it is where you feel co

34、ld,heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.So as you can imagine,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.译译文助文助文助文助读读Causes of burnsYou can get burned by a variety of things:hot liquids,steam,fire,radiation(by being

35、 close to high heat or fire,etc),the sun,electricity or chemicals.Types of burnsThere are three types of burns.Burns are called first,second or third degree burns,depending on which layers of the skin are burned.First degree burnsThese affect only the top layer of the skin.These burns are not seriou

36、s and should feel better within a day or two.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan,stove or iron for a moment.Second degree burnsThese affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal.Examples include severe sunb

37、urn and burns caused by hot liquids.Third degree burnsThese affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin.Examples include burns caused by electric shocks,burning clothes,or severe petrol fires.These burns cause very severe injuries and the victim must go to hospital a

38、t once.Characteristics of burnsFirst degree burnsdry,red and mildly swollenmildly painfulturn white when pressedSecond degree burnsrough,red and swollenblisterswatery surfaceextremely painfulThird degree burnsblack and white and charredswollen;often tissue under them can be seenlittle or no pain if

39、nerves are damaged;may be pain around edge of injured areaFirst aid treatment1Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.2Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water.It is best to place burns under gently runn

40、ing water for about 10 minutes.(The cool water stops the burning process,prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reduces swelling.)Do not put cold water on third degree burns.3For first degree burns,place cool,clean,wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad.For second degree burns,keep cloth

41、s cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water,squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.4Dry the burned area gently.Do not rub,as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.5Cover the burned area w

42、ith a dry,clean bandage that will not stick to the skin.Hold the bandage in place with tape.Never put butter,oil or ointment on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.6If burns are on arms or legs,keep them higher than the heart,if possible.If burns are on the face,the vic

43、tim should sit up.7If the injuries are second or third degree burns,it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.烧伤的急救烧伤的急救皮肤皮肤(skin)是身体必不可少的是身体必不可少的(essential)部分,也是部分,也是身体的最大器官身体的最大器官(organ)。皮肤有三层。皮肤有三层(layer),像是,像是三层屏障三层屏障(barrier),可以防病、防毒,可以防病、防毒(poison)、抵、抵御有害太阳光线御有害太阳光线(ray)的

44、侵害。皮肤的各种功能也很的侵害。皮肤的各种功能也很复杂复杂(complex):皮肤可以保暖或保持凉爽,保持:皮肤可以保暖或保持凉爽,保持体内的水分;正是皮肤使你感到冷、热、疼痛,它体内的水分;正是皮肤使你感到冷、热、疼痛,它还使你有触觉。因此,正如你所想象的,如果你的还使你有触觉。因此,正如你所想象的,如果你的皮肤烧伤了,问题就会非常严重。在治疗烧伤的过皮肤烧伤了,问题就会非常严重。在治疗烧伤的过程中,紧急处理是非常重要的第一步。程中,紧急处理是非常重要的第一步。烧伤的原因烧伤的原因你可能由于下列各种你可能由于下列各种(a variety of)原因导致烧伤:原因导致烧伤:灼热的液体灼热的液体


46、。或熨斗而导致的烫伤。二度烧伤这种烧伤既损伤了皮肤的表层,又损二度烧伤这种烧伤既损伤了皮肤的表层,又损伤了皮肤的第二层。这类烧伤属于严重的烧伤,伤了皮肤的第二层。这类烧伤属于严重的烧伤,需数星期才能痊愈需数星期才能痊愈(heal)。例如严重的晒伤和灼热。例如严重的晒伤和灼热的液体所造成的烧伤。的液体所造成的烧伤。三度烧伤所有三层皮肤以及皮下组织三度烧伤所有三层皮肤以及皮下组织(tissue)和和器官都受到损害。例如由电击器官都受到损害。例如由电击(electric shock)引起引起的烧伤,因衣服起火引起的烧伤,或因汽油起火的烧伤,因衣服起火引起的烧伤,或因汽油起火引起的严重烧伤。这些烧伤都



49、清凉干净的湿布放在烧伤对于一度烧伤,要把清凉干净的湿布放在烧伤面上,直到疼痛感较轻时为止。对于二度烧伤,面上,直到疼痛感较轻时为止。对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清凉,需把湿布放回一盆要保持湿布清凉,需把湿布放回一盆(basin)冷水冷水中,拧出中,拧出(squeeze out)水后,再放在烧伤面上,水后,再放在烧伤面上,这样反反复复地这样反反复复地(over and over again)做一个小时做一个小时左右,直到不太痛时为止。左右,直到不太痛时为止。4轻轻地把烧伤面弄干。但不要擦拭,因为这样轻轻地把烧伤面弄干。但不要擦拭,因为这样会擦破水泡,感染伤口。会擦破水泡,感染伤口。5用干而清洁又不粘

50、皮肤的绷带用干而清洁又不粘皮肤的绷带(bandage)盖住盖住烧伤面。用胶布把绷带在适当的位置烧伤面。用胶布把绷带在适当的位置(in place)固固定住。千万不要在烧伤处涂黄油、油或软膏定住。千万不要在烧伤处涂黄油、油或软膏(ointment),因为这会使里面的热散不出去,而且,因为这会使里面的热散不出去,而且还可能导致感染还可能导致感染(infection)。6如果烧伤部位在臂部或腿部,要把手臂或腿部如果烧伤部位在臂部或腿部,要把手臂或腿部尽可能抬高到高于心脏的位置。如果是面部烧伤,尽可能抬高到高于心脏的位置。如果是面部烧伤,伤者则应该坐起来。伤者则应该坐起来。7如果属于二度或三度烧伤,就要如果属于二度或三度烧伤,就要(vital至关重至关重要的要的)立即把患者送去看医生或住院。立即把患者送去看医生或住院。同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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