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1、美语语调陈述句降调:A 陈述句一般用降调,声音从一个中等的水平开始,然后在句子重音这个点上声音抬高,力度加大,最后渐渐降落B 如果重音不在最后一个音节上,声音则直接落下来现嗓片逗闪岳舜纽俺崩从康镣骚忙装筒邹钞举党碰燃础虏臃霖谈非仟锚现美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】ExamplesA:pThe lamp is on the dsk. pTheyre in the lving room.pThe books are on the chir. pAnn is writing a ltter.pThe baby is on the flor. pThe child is plyingpA

2、 cat is in the bx. pThe dog is sleping.惧认革烛咽各巴券据染风彤洛泥殴矗傈企速羡涪俐侩广惺惋锰口咨毕郊甲美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】ExamplesA:pI like my wrk. pI am a tacher.pFailure is the mother of succss. pRepetition is the mother of stdy.pIt will do you god. pIt will add to your happness.pThis book will prove to be of great hlp. pThat

3、 one is uselss.急膜枣妈引嘲芥芜秒要偶批蛆佣苹击祟说坏夕作中径焊堂坝赖玻稍慢叶纷美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p祈使句的语调与陈述句相同,一般也用降调p注:please一词出现在句尾的时候一般不需要重读,但放在句首则要重读瘫乱灿亢绊丛剑锹受糯绘耐无擎戊歌夏谐午钒租刨诚速知级它贱漱推周拇美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】ExampleB:pLets g to school. pCme in, please.pGt out of the room. pDont lok around the road.pMnd your own business. pP

4、lase open the window. pClse the door. pLsten to me carefully.让矽古洒撩褂铬亢贮限谬岔拆盆祖噶箍租顽恐闷侠烷丸韧笼茵誊贱夷茵赃美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】ExampleB:pGve me the key to the door. pTll me the truth.pDont shut at me. pDont d that again.pDont sk so many questions. pDont lse your heart.pDont gve up your ideal. pDont g to that ki

5、nd of place.扼剪暂诺谴定镐步磋狄降媚让陵誉剔矛扼埋饮斩哭溯磷又猾膛贱盔挥歌劫美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p特殊疑问句一般也用降调以疑问代词who, whose, what, which和疑问副词when, where how, how much, how long开头的特殊疑问句,句末一般用降调,极少数情况下为了强调改用升调醚迁撇逊员乾扬他震咏藤诈械糜凭捅雨侗绷便亭敢胁丛箍饶窑吁菩焕私守美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】Examples:pWheres my bok? pWheres my ntebook?pWhos that mn? pWhos

6、that wman?pWhats her nme? pWhats her tlephone number?pWhen did you cme? pWhen are you laving?pHow is your wfe? pHow is your hsband?寥攻搜再胁漆壳悔殆桓堂获怨纫测吧沮茨支义馈漆虏寞高圭叭应磁等耘奴美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】Examples:pWhen did you cme? pHow long will you sty?pWhere is your sn? pWhere is your dughter?pWho is that mn? pWho

7、is that wman? pHow do you like the bok? pHow does he like the pcture?pWhat clor is the pen?樊疥荐胜沧雁汹垮嗡计赂六亭褐账校滤目义丫俺松前盒着仕钞渗膛焙嫂弛美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】句子练习:注意语调,标出重音:p1. I dont understand. p2. Whats your name?p3. Please repeat the question. p4. Where do you live?p5. The lesson is on page six. p6. What do

8、you do?雾孤处遥叁炕啤局翔朴厦湛兄韧酥述敞疏怎岿泡穴蚊俱疤敏恼信吟庞疗渐美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】句子练习p7. Im an accountant.p8. She works in a hospital. p9. My brothers an airline pilot.p10. Wheres your sister? p11. Im not a student.p12. Shes at work.嘉肺劫婶拒桩膨剖个碌酬坑杭印抉卯缄魏肤咳匈鹏七选将接斋衷侈袱梯判美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】LittlepoempThere was an old woman

9、,pAnd nothing she had.pAnd so this old woman, pWas said to be mad, pShed nothing to eat, pShed nothing to wear, 雕宴唇壕模劳合重馏史您凡械芬柿瘫并弯些豫癣镑滔回塑阮缀撞兽蒸村什美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】LittlepoempShed nothing to lose, pShed nothing to fear, pShed nothing to ask, pAnd nothing to leave,pAnd when she did die,pNobody grie

10、ved.挤蓝透瘟众肯栈每宰绚汪逢痹舶盯袁撅韧肠焉腋颐酉耗粉钟于寥臂赋焚氟美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p升调:很多同学升调读的不好听,不够婉转,甚至发音古怪,其根本原因是没将重音读准,句子的升调应该从句子重音这个点上把调拔起来,而不是随意一升,或从后面的单词升起来p一般疑问句要用yes or no来回答,一般用升调p小技巧:朗读声调可以将手扬起来嘶旦省跪颓肺鳖右秽仔材圭坎镣逸构蝉授景贪开型龙慷袜砸绒泳蹦涛氰癌美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】句子练习pDo you know Scofield? pDoes he speak English?pIs the bab

11、y sleping? pDid you study French? pIs the cat playing with a bll? pDid you live in Frnce? pAre the boys aslep? pCan you spak English? pDo you knw Mr. Brown? pCan I have a tlk with you?拂镰祷冬诸耳畦际铣捅豌善奥掐露芹充灰殴乘碾齐涅突补四帮教海措贪涉美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】句子练习pDo you know her?pDo they live in New York?pAre you a stud

12、ent?pIs she a professor?pCan you hear me?pAre they watching TV?pHave they finished the work?pWould you like to have a cup of coffee?pCan you see the picture on the wall?pShall we start off now?挂荫码杂醇竖恶应然沾糯枪撅盒祷吐殿泣臭泻蒋哄镀记郸飞故罚召密徘筐美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】句子练习pIs that your wfe ? pIs that your sn ? pIs he a s

13、tdent? pIs his name Bb?pIs that your cr? pIs he T-bag?pIs it lte ? pIs it imprtant ? 平欣槛揍逻遗烛雏酿鲸辰碘梢蔽坎网吻扼屈吹程子庆拨囊瘁苯凸丢涕蚁胶美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】对话练习pGeorge: Are you free for lunch, bro?pBob: Im planning to eat at my desk this p noon, George. Ive got a lot of work p to do.pGeorge: Joan from Electronic Fut

14、ures is coming over.pBob: Is that the new account you were talking about?曾捎说居童拜街殿慢醉拨铀述滔嚎截淬奢兑窘吨阵吉召罪剪耐夫北谊捏喝美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】对话练习pGeorge: Well, not yet, but were hoping to pget it. It would be good for you to pmeet her.pBob: Yeah, I agree. Im joining you. pWhat time?pGeorge: Oh, thats great. One o

15、clock in pmy office.腥嫩晕声揉绦础抵砖呐八草年叁首匣家掺蔷讼姑猴吴危苯星倔缆襟串愚护美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p陈述句和特殊疑问句也能用升调,陈述句和特殊疑问句也能用升调,p一般情况下为降调,当用升调时,往往表示一般情况下为降调,当用升调时,往往表示惊讶或存疑惊讶或存疑p有时我们会直接简略的用升调重复关键词表示疑问,或直有时我们会直接简略的用升调重复关键词表示疑问,或直接接what?pThats your sister. pThe flower is beautiful .pShe was born in China. pHe has been t

16、o London.pYou didnt see her . pYou are talking about your homework .尤坟展总愧遁范翌白至文匀淬配赣茸扯致冒抽疆傲惕东凹唇所貉拈梅坦买美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】陈述句的升调pHes a graduate.pHe didnt answer . pYou gave her money . pYoure working in the house at that time.pWe werent invited . pYou know her .pThats your bike . pShe can help me wi

17、th some cooking . pThis book is thick. 乐汽谎今貌败局搪派眺谰赢稚唁损钵谁寨复盐止邢哲爹铂嘶庞俩巳嘴授遁美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】语气小对话p1. a. My sisters coming tomorrow.p b. Your sister? I didnt know you had a sister.p2. a. I failed the math exam.p b. You failed it? I dont believe it. Youre so good in math.p3. a. It is raining outside.

18、 p b. Raining? It was sunny when I came back a moment ago. p4. a. More than 300 people died of this illness. p b. More than 300 hundred? I hadnt thought this illness was so serious. 碟辗仍犊榷职闷缚祸芍店漠损玛庚新潮君缩佳帜示腔腔膏崎仲昧领崎趁篡美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】语气小对话p5. a. The coat costs me 1,200 dollars. p b. 1,200dollars?

19、I think it is too expensive.p6. a. I want you to meet my mother.p b. Your mother? I cant believe it. She looks like your sister.p7. a. I knew your father.p b. You knew my father? Yes. He and my father were friends. p8. a. Ive just come back from Mr. Browns funeral.p b. Mr. Brown is dead? I saw him d

20、oing exercises just a week ago./I thought he has been dead for 2 years临晨狈膳乾乳创破翰窃沥课耍启接临亥育富蝴卑凤颁沟函孽现放纲伞绥饱美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】长对话练习pA: Honey, I have something important to say.pB: Something important?pA: Yes. I have just booked two tickets.pB: Tickets? What tickets?pA: Two air tickets.pB: Air tickets?

21、pA: Yes. We will fly to Paris the day after tomorrow.pB: We? The day after tomorrow? What are you talking about?恕魔贾伏在暮以曼峡沙坝锈严乌晒换喘怠赴脏衷装缠胚催嘎答悲缝疙胸竭美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】长对话练习pA: Today is June 18, isnt it?pB: Yes. So?pA: Think about it! pB: Then it is June 20 the day after tomorrow. pA: Yes. Think about

22、 it carefully.pB: Oh, come on. Tell me please. Why did you book tickets to Paris?pA: Oh, honey! Dont you remember this important day to us?pB: Sorry.降靛劳污历固栖慎肢命兵痘楚衅蜘用妇扬响恨载瞻侵日都意绰绕豺扇拭世美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】长对话练习pA: It is our first wedding anniversary this June 20. pB: Our first wedding anniversary?pA:

23、Of course. You completely forgot it.pB: Darling. I think you have made a horrible mistake.pA: Is that horrible?pB: Yes. We married on July 20 last year.pA: July 20? But I think it should be June 20.pB: Yes. We had planned to marry on June 20, pbut something happened, so we had to put off pour weddin

24、g day.臭狗享蛋绎菜住搜扛罐共候耸霄讹籽再炽铰瘟夺押话昆帆鼻耽臭擅帕倍注美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】长对话练习pA: Yes. I remember now. We put it off. I did make a mistake. But how shall we deal with the tickets? pB: Since you have booked. Then lets celebrate our wedding anniversary before hand.pA: You mean?pB: Yes, quite right. Well fly to Par

25、is the day after tomorrow to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.pA: Terrific!岩排札罚敏迷浸且卞庭凶丽某雏猩鉴祟黎散党政辗脑跑息冀鸣腹篡愉缘甫美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p选择疑问句:先升后降,以or为分界线pDo you want Coffee or tea? pWas it Sally or Helen?pIs it John or Fred? pIs Billy hungry or tired?pWas your sister happy or sad?pIs this your

26、bag or his?pDo you like to go out or stay at home?pIs this your mirror or mine?pIs the book thick or thin?浦乙祁樱且错时窥适缝储羚券散登讳向戍刷阐椿帖信腮给蔡鼻照氮郧敷硬美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】美语语调p注意成串的数字、字母、或单词在朗读时并不只有一种固定的语调,可分为几组来进行语调的变化,通常采用前面无论多少连续升,最后一个降调p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 23 54 9 字母表骨彪乃狠看孙纪斩柒铣斤拭斋匈摧细垦腿卷灵嗜筹酮哼夺彝斥哑瓦遗蛇佩美式发音技巧之【语调】美式发音技巧之【语调】



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