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1、William Makepeace Thackeray(18111863)2021/3/291born in Calcutta on July 18, 1811parents, of Anglo-Indian descent; father, appointed to a position in the Indian Civil Servicein 1817, after his fathers death, sent home to England to be educated (a succession of preparatory schools; then public school

2、at the Charterhouse)in 1829, entered Trinity College, Cambridge; formed friendship with Tennyson, Edward Fitzgerald & William Brookfield; left without a degreeThackeray Life (p.187-192)2021/3/292with comfortable income from his fathers estate, could afford to take an active part in the society & tra

3、velon his return to London, began to study law & abandoned it a year later; later, decided to study painting, unsuccessfulin 1833, lost a considerable sum of money by buying & editing a short-lived paperextravagance & unwise investment dissipated the rest of his inheritance; by 1834, compelled to ea

4、rn his livingThackeray Life (p.187-192)2021/3/293in 1836, married an Irish girl, Isabella Shawe, 3 daughters (2 survived)after birth of the 3rd daughter, Mrs. Thackeray became mentally ill; until in 1842, had to be confinedin the wreck of marriage, reared his daughters, not free to remarry; the rest

5、 of his domestic life, frequently sad & lonelyafter the ill health for more than 10 years, died of a cerebral effusion in 1863, at Kensington, LondonThackeray Life (p.187-192)2021/3/294His Literary Works 1) The Book of Snobs 势利人脸谱势利者集势利人脸谱势利者集It gives a satirical description of the different strata

6、of the ruling classes of England.2021/3/295His Literary Works 2) Vanity Fair 名利场名利场3) The History of Pendennis 彭登尼斯彭登尼斯4) The Newcomes 纽克姆一家纽克姆一家2021/3/2965) The History of Henny Esmond亨利亨利埃斯蒙德埃斯蒙德6) The Virginians 弗吉尼亚人弗吉尼亚人2021/3/297Vanity Fair: General IntroductionvVanity Fair is Thackerays maste

7、rpiece. It was published in 1847-48 in monthly installments. 2021/3/298vThe sub-title of the book, “A Novel Without a Hero”, suggests the fact that writer s intention was not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole. The title was taken from Bunyans “Pilgrims Pro

8、gress”.2021/3/299Vanity Fair: General IntroductionvIn this novel Thackeray describes the life of the ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century.vIt is a world where money grubbing is the main motive for all members of the ruling classes. 2021/3/2910Major Characters Rebecca Sh

9、arp: :小说中的主角,家境贫寒,但一心想挤入小说中的主角,家境贫寒,但一心想挤入上流社会。上流社会。Becky是是Rebecca的简称。因此,人们称她为的简称。因此,人们称她为蓓姬蓓姬. .夏普。夏普。 Amelia Sedley (阿米利亚阿米利亚. .赛得莱赛得莱) ): :小说中的另一个主角,小说中的另一个主角,原先家境富有。她心地善良。原先家境富有。她心地善良。 George Osborne ( (乔治乔治. .奥斯朋奥斯朋) ):阿米利亚的丈夫:阿米利亚的丈夫 Rawdon Crawley ( (罗登罗登. .克罗莱克罗莱) ): :富有的克罗莱家族的成富有的克罗莱家族的成员。员

10、。 William Dobbin ( (威廉威廉. .朵平朵平) ): :阿米利亚和奥斯朋的好友阿米利亚和奥斯朋的好友。 Joseph Sedley(约瑟夫约瑟夫. . 赛得莱赛得莱): :阿米利亚的兄弟。阿米利亚的兄弟。 Pitt (匹特匹特) ):罗登:罗登. .克罗莱的哥哥。克罗莱的哥哥。 罗登罗登. .克罗莱的姑妈克罗莱的姑妈:富婆。:富婆。2021/3/2911Plot 小说的原名为小说的原名为Vanity Fair,译为,译为“名利场名利场”。“名利场名利场”是指英国当时有钱人的社交场所,是指英国当时有钱人的社交场所,可称为可称为“名人俱乐部名人俱乐部”。要了解这篇小说的故。要了解

11、这篇小说的故事情节,有两点要特别注意:一是不仅婚姻要事情节,有两点要特别注意:一是不仅婚姻要门当户对,而且有钱人不希望有穷亲戚,这是门当户对,而且有钱人不希望有穷亲戚,这是当时有钱人的习惯做法。二是不仅继承财产是当时有钱人的习惯做法。二是不仅继承财产是当时一些人的致富手段,而且有钱人往往用剥当时一些人的致富手段,而且有钱人往往用剥夺继承权作为一种严厉的惩罚手段。夺继承权作为一种严厉的惩罚手段。2021/3/2912PlotvBecky and Amelia leaving schoolvIn Amelias home, Becky tries to entrap JosephvBecky be

12、coming Sir Pitt Crawleys governess, secretly married to Rawdon CrawleyvRawdon Crawley imprisoned for debt, finds Becky entertaining Lord Steyne. Leaves for India and dies of fevervBecky lives with Joseph and gets all his property when he dies.vBecky lives like a grand lady.2021/3/2913 小说从讲述蓓姬小说从讲述蓓姬

13、. .夏普和阿米利亚夏普和阿米利亚. .赛得莱二人离赛得莱二人离开克律斯维克学校开始。蓓姬父母双亡,跟随开克律斯维克学校开始。蓓姬父母双亡,跟随阿米利亚到她的家中暂住。阿米利亚对于进入阿米利亚到她的家中暂住。阿米利亚对于进入“名利场名利场”没有兴趣,而蓓姬则是一心一意想没有兴趣,而蓓姬则是一心一意想进入这个圈子。她深知,她既无钱财,又无地进入这个圈子。她深知,她既无钱财,又无地位,要进入这个圈子只能靠自己的本领。位,要进入这个圈子只能靠自己的本领。 她到了阿米利亚家中后,首先是设法得到约瑟她到了阿米利亚家中后,首先是设法得到约瑟夫夫. .赛得莱(阿米利亚的兄弟)的好感,希望能赛得莱(阿米利亚的

14、兄弟)的好感,希望能够嫁给他。但乔治够嫁给他。但乔治. .奥斯朋(阿米利亚的未婚夫)奥斯朋(阿米利亚的未婚夫)看破了她的企图,并阻挠此事,因为他不希望看破了她的企图,并阻挠此事,因为他不希望有蓓姬这样的穷亲戚。有蓓姬这样的穷亲戚。2021/3/2914 蓓姬无可奈何,离开了阿米利亚的家,到有钱有蓓姬无可奈何,离开了阿米利亚的家,到有钱有势的克罗莱家去当了女管家。这次她的努力获势的克罗莱家去当了女管家。这次她的努力获得成功。她成为罗登得成功。她成为罗登. .克罗莱的妻子。但在这个克罗莱的妻子。但在这个家族中,掌握财权的人是罗登的姑妈。这个富家族中,掌握财权的人是罗登的姑妈。这个富婆反对罗登的婚姻

15、,剥夺了他的继承权。婆反对罗登的婚姻,剥夺了他的继承权。 阿米利亚的家境其实并不富有。因此,奥斯朋阿米利亚的家境其实并不富有。因此,奥斯朋的父亲打算阻止他的儿子与阿米利亚的婚姻。的父亲打算阻止他的儿子与阿米利亚的婚姻。但他的阻挠未能实现。他们两人的好友威廉但他的阻挠未能实现。他们两人的好友威廉. .朵朵平促成了这椿婚事。奥斯朋的父亲剥夺了他儿平促成了这椿婚事。奥斯朋的父亲剥夺了他儿子的继承权。两人生活艰难,后来乔治又死于子的继承权。两人生活艰难,后来乔治又死于滑铁卢战场。威廉滑铁卢战场。威廉. .朵平暗地里资助阿米得亚。朵平暗地里资助阿米得亚。由于贫困,阿米利亚把她的儿子乔杰交给了爷由于贫困,

16、阿米利亚把她的儿子乔杰交给了爷爷奥斯朋。威廉爷奥斯朋。威廉. .朵平做工作让阿米利亚同她的朵平做工作让阿米利亚同她的爷爷和好,最后,威廉与阿米利亚结婚。爷爷和好,最后,威廉与阿米利亚结婚。2021/3/2915 另一方面,蓓姬结婚后,利用克罗莱家族的名望,另一方面,蓓姬结婚后,利用克罗莱家族的名望,结交了不少有钱有势的人。尽管她说她是从她结交了不少有钱有势的人。尽管她说她是从她的丈夫罗登那里致富的,其实不是如此。她是的丈夫罗登那里致富的,其实不是如此。她是恁着她自己的手段,从多方面搞到钱财的。她恁着她自己的手段,从多方面搞到钱财的。她的丈夫罗登最后看清了蓓姬的为人,离开了她,的丈夫罗登最后看清

17、了蓓姬的为人,离开了她,死在他乡。蓓姬又与阿米利亚的兄弟约瑟夫结死在他乡。蓓姬又与阿米利亚的兄弟约瑟夫结婚。婚后他也看清了蓓姬的为人。不久他也去婚。婚后他也看清了蓓姬的为人。不久他也去世了。蓓姬的相好,伯爵老斯台恩,最后也离世了。蓓姬的相好,伯爵老斯台恩,最后也离开了她。开了她。 克罗莱富婆让罗登的哥哥匹特继承了她的财产。克罗莱富婆让罗登的哥哥匹特继承了她的财产。匹特及其子小匹特死后,富婆的遗产转为蓓姬匹特及其子小匹特死后,富婆的遗产转为蓓姬之子小罗登所有。此时蓓姬也感悟到过去自己之子小罗登所有。此时蓓姬也感悟到过去自己的所作所为没有什么意义,而且并不光彩,开的所作所为没有什么意义,而且并不光

18、彩,开始从事慈善事业。始从事慈善事业。2021/3/2916 Character Analysis of Vanity FaircharactersAmelia Sedley Rebecca Sharp a bourgeois society cunning, immoral and quick-witted 随机应变的shrewd, unscrupulous, sophisticated世故的 simple, sentimental, weak, but good at heart 2021/3/2917Analysis of Vanity FairvIn the novel, Becky

19、Sharp is a classic example of this money-grubbing instinct(本能). vEveryone wishes to gain something in Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Becky.2021/3/2918The Characteristics of Vanity Fairv(1) Vanity Fair has a sub-title, A Novel Without a Hero, which intends to portray the bourgeois

20、and aristocratic society as a whole.2021/3/2919The Characteristics of Vanity Fairv(2) Vanity Fair is work of social criticism, and is noted for the authors realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism.v(3) In Vanity Fair, Thackeray gives block characters(人物群体

21、 ).2021/3/2920The Characteristics of Vanity Fairv(4) Thackeray uses symbolism in Vanity Fair.v(5) Thackeray employs an omniscient (无所不知的) narrator to tell the story.2021/3/2921Comments on Thackerays Novels v1) Thackeray is one of the greatest critical realists of the 19th century Europe. He paints l

22、ife as he has seen it. With his precise and thorough observation, rich knowledge of social life and of the human heart, the pictures in his novels are accurate and true to life.2021/3/2922v2) Thackeray is a satirist. v His satire is caustic(刻薄的,尖锐的刻薄的,尖锐的) and his humor subtle(精妙的精妙的).v3) Thackeray

23、is a moralist. v His aim is to produce a moral impression in all his novels.2021/3/2923vWhat are the differences between Dickens and Thackeray?2021/3/2924Their differences: The world described by Thackeray was a different one from that of Dickens. Thackeray mainly described the lives of aristocrats

24、and rich people, whereas Dickens chief contribution was his description of the common people, like Olive Twist.2021/3/2925 Dickens was a sentimentalist. He liked to seize every opportunity to arouse the emotions of his readers. He was noted for his pathetic scenes. Thackeray was a cynic who saw no g

25、ood in anything and doubted the goodness of human nature. Even in pathetic scenes, he was like a spectator.2021/3/2926 Whereas Dickens was a romanticist in many aspects, Thackeray was against all romantic conventions. He once said “I have no brains above my eyes; and I describe what I see.” His sati

26、re is never personal like Popes or brutal like Swifts and is tempered by humor. He presented his characters as they are real in life. 2021/3/2927 He recorded their shortcomings with their capacities. Some critics thought that his characterization is more subtle than Dickens. The formers creations are “round, entire, and quite alive and convincing.”2021/3/2928



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