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1、 口腔科学Stomatology您了解吗?口腔科和牙科一样吗?口腔科有什么好干的?口腔专业的介绍口腔外科口腔内科口腔修复口腔正畸口腔预防与保健口腔材料学Maxillofacial Region:Oral Cavity:Oral CavityComponentComponent: Teeth , Jaw bones , Lip , Cheek , Teeth , Jaw bones , Lip , Cheek , Palate , Tongue , Floor of the mouth Palate , Tongue , Floor of the mouth and Salivary gland

2、sand Salivary glands. .Oral CavityFunctions : 摄食,咀嚼,感受味觉,吞咽,表摄食,咀嚼,感受味觉,吞咽,表情及辅助语言和呼吸功能。情及辅助语言和呼吸功能。 口腔颌面部的解剖特点及其临口腔颌面部的解剖特点及其临床意义。床意义。Oral CavityDivision: 固有口腔固有口腔 Proper Cavity of Mouth 口腔前庭口腔前庭Vestibule of Mouth口腔前庭口腔前庭Vestibule of MouthAnatomic marker: 口腔前庭沟口腔前庭沟Vestibular trough of mouth , 唇系带唇

3、系带Labial frenum , 颊系带颊系带Buccal frenum , 腮腺导管开口腮腺导管开口The opening of parotid duct , 磨牙后三磨牙后三角角Retromolar triangle , 翼下颌皱襞翼下颌皱襞Pterygomandibular plica , 颊脂垫尖颊脂垫尖Tip of buccal fat padLipLip Layers: Skin , Superfacial fascia , Muscle, Submucosa MucosaCheekBoundary: Superior: lower border of zygomatic bon

4、e and arch. Inferior: lower border of mandible. Anterior: nasalabial fold. Posterior: anterior edge of massete muscle.Layers: Skin , Subcutaneous tissue, Muscles , Buccal fascia (BuccalBuccal fat pad fat pad), Submucosa and Mucosa ( (Aberrant Aberrant sebaceous sebaceous gland,Fordycesgland,Fordyces

5、 spot spot).PalateHard PalateSoft PalateIncisive papilla(Incisive foramen),palate precess,greater palative foramenTongue It is divided into the body (the anterior 2/3 part) and the root (the posterior 1/3 part) and bounded by the lambdoid groove. The tip of the lambdoid groove is foramen caecum. The

6、 lymph on the root is called lingual tonsil. The tongue is composed of poly-orientation striated muscle. It move nimbly.There are 4 kinds of papillae on thetongue:Filiform P,Fungiform P,Circumrallate P,Foliate P P舌粘膜舌粘膜舌背粘膜舌背粘膜TongueNerves:General feeling:Lingual nerve the anterior 2/3 part Glossoph

7、aryngeal and vagus nerve the posterior 1/3 part Taste sense:Facial nerveMotion:Hypoglossal nerveFloor of the MouthMarker: Lingual frenum (有关舌有关舌系带过短与发音不准的问题系带过短与发音不准的问题), Caruncula sublingualis (opening of submandibular gland), Papillae salivaria sublingualis (opening of sublingual gland)被覆粘膜被覆粘膜舌腹口

8、底粘膜舌腹口底粘膜软腭粘膜软腭粘膜The importance of teeth牙+佳=雅(美)牙体解剖牙体解剖 牙齿及牙周解剖牙齿及牙周解剖牙体组织,牙牙 釉釉 质质 (enamel) (enamel) 羟羟 基基 磷磷 灰灰 石石 晶晶 体体 ,CaCa1010(PO(PO4 4) )6 6(OH)(OH)2, 2, 呈放射状排列半透明的钙化组织。呈放射状排列半透明的钙化组织。牙本质牙本质(dentin ) (dentin ) 有神经末梢,受到刺激有酸痛感,有神经末梢,受到刺激有酸痛感, 牙牙骨骨质质( (cementumcementum) ) 与与牙牙釉釉质质有有釉釉牙牙骨骨质质界界,是

9、是薄薄弱环节。弱环节。 牙牙髓髓 (pulp (pulp ) ) 疏疏松松的的结结缔缔组组织织,四四周周为为钙钙化化的的牙牙本本 质质形形成成的的腔腔壁壁所所包包围围,血血管管、淋淋巴巴管管、神神经经等等,牙牙髓髓神神经经为为无无髓髓鞘鞘纤纤维维,对对外外界界刺刺激激异异常常敏敏感感,稍稍受受刺刺激激即即可可引引 起起剧剧烈烈疼疼痛痛,而而且且无无定定位位能能力力,通通过过根根尖尖孔孔的的终终支支循循环环,无无侧侧支支循循环环。牙牙髓髓 接接近近牙牙本本质质区可以形成修复性牙本质。区可以形成修复性牙本质。Teeth and Periodontal Tissues1. Appearance of

10、 TeethIt is composed of crown , root and neck.Teeth and Periodontal Tissues1. Appearance of TeethThe markers of the crown: Surface (Labial surface, Lingual surface, Occlusal surface, Medial surface, Distal surface), Dental cusp, Cingulum, Ridge, Pit, Fossa and sulcus.Construction of TeethEnamel Dent

11、in Cementum Pulp:Quanlity,Name,Time and order of eruption of teethDeciduous teeth: 20 teeth. They are deciduous central incisor, deciduouslateral incisor, deciduouscuspid, deciduous first molar and deciduous Second molar. .Quanlity,Name,Time and order of eruption of teethPermanent teeth: 28-32 teeth

12、. They are central incisor, lateral incisor, cuspid, the first and second bicuspids, the first, second and third molar.The deciduous teeth begin eruption in 6-8 months and complete at 2 years old.The permanent teeth begin eruption at 6 and erupt the second molar at 12-14.Mixed dentition. .Sign of te

13、ethTwo kinds of expression:1. Use the sign 2. A B to represent 4 regions C D8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Dental arch and occlussion牙弓和咬合牙弓和咬合 The centric occlusion is the standard for judging occlusionMaxillofacial region表面形态标志与协调关系Maxillofacial region(A) Bone four

14、processesfour processes: : zygomaticzygomatic , frontal , alveolar , , frontal , alveolar , palatine palatine Maxilla a a cavity:maxillarycavity:maxillary sinus sinus Anterior: Anterior: infraorbitalinfraorbital body body foramen foramen four sides four sides PosteriorPosterior:maxillarymaxillary tu

15、bercle tubercle Superior Superior: InferiorInferior:Maxillofacial region(A) BoneMandible: ramus: temporal process, condylar process, mandibular foramen. body: mental foramen, mandibular canal.Maxillofacial region(B)muscles1. Masticatory muscles:(1) jaw closing muscles: masseter M, temporal M, medial

16、 pterygoid M.(2) jaw opening muscles: digastric M, mylohyoid M, geniohyoid M.(3)external pterygoid M.Maxillofacial region(B)musclesMimetic muscles:Maxillofacial region(C)Vessels1. Artery: they are branches of external carotid arteryMaxillofacial region(C)Vessels2. Vein: anterior facial V and posteri

17、or facial V.Maxillofacial region(C)Vessels2. Vein: pterygoid plexus.Maxillofacial region(D)LymphaticMaxillofacial region(E)NerveFeeling nerve:Trigemial N.Maxillofacial region(E)NerveMotor nerve:Facial N.Maxillofacial region(F)Salivary glandsParotid glandsSubmandibular glandsSublingual glandsSmall mu

18、cous glandsMaxillofacial region(G)Temporomandibular jointAnatomy(A) glenoid fossa and articular tubercle (B) condyle(C) articular disk(D) joint capsule(E) ligaments: temporomandibular L, sphenommandibular L, pterygomandibular L, stylomandibular LMovement of the mandibleA. Jaw opening and closing mov

19、ement: 1. Jaw opening movement: It is done by the contraction of digastric M , myohyoid M and geniohyoid M.Movement of the mandibleA. Jaw opening and closing movement: 2. Jaw closing movement: It is the function of masseter M , temporal M and medial pterygoid M.Movement of the mandibleB. Protrusive

20、and retrusive movement: 1. Protrusive movement: It is done by the external pterygoid M. 2. Retrusive movement: It is done by temporal M.Movement of the mandibleC. Lateral movement: 1. From median to lateral: It is done by the external pterygoid M of opposite side. 2. From lateral to median: by the temporal M of opposite side.



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