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1、优秀精品课件文档资料拈郑嘿十陵劳保直扇谴汞婿冷做瞒呼衰颖就迪试鲜活陪药醉杯陈芝扔柔市现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Lesson TwoGoing Home囊淆店斜华赔久茸泛衬涨以钟缚屹饮一澡痹签豁区桥渍沥搅燃偏朔柏仆监现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Pete Hamill was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. in 1935. He attended Mexico City College in 19561957, studying paintin

2、g and writing. He has been a columnist for the New York Post, the Daily News, and New York Newsday, and has won many journalistic awards. Lesson 2 Going HomeI. Author To be continued on the next page.棺穴吗呸塔超痒重袍宇阂咀天踌琵彭悯獭砌地免授杆昏喝冰俏楞父据五淬现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Introduction to the

3、Textv1 The plot follows three stagesvPart I: Para.14v Introduction of the setting: timespring; placea bus from New York to Florida; protagonistVingo; minor characterssix young peoplevPart II: Para.59v The plot develops: where Vingo was going and what for; how the young people got interested in what

4、was going to happen.vPart III: Para.1012v Conclusion: Vingo was forgiven and welcomed home.潞萨耕避眉街溢竟目奴兆耿摸暇畔谚蛆而崖凭咳录娥淹荧凳贰误壁链蜂除现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Questions:v1) What do you think Vingo had done that got him in prison?v2) What kind of person do you think his wife was? Why didn

5、t she write to him?v3) What does the yellow ribbon symbolize? What did it mean to Vingo?v4) What lesson do you think the young people can learn from this story?伦佐鞘涟味萄殆逸督寥九浦逗拥粤掂较炎阴由他墅还潍挽彬贿权吧慰拼喝现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Language study长粉醇虾窿颓藤忽藐芦还窟隅迫翟油谈夜帛咨伴良沾酒恶殃童叼梢吐堂刁现代大学英语精读lesson

6、0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson00002000011. “get”VP p.38vget onget offget along withvget to垂送廷蚜息骋歇袜堪夯酞驼矗扔儡洼芍哆聂虱跋揍操痹惜衷绸盯女句澜援现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson00002000012. to dream of/ about (doing) sth: vto imagine and think about sth. that you would like to happen.veg: On the way to school the boy drea

7、med about the football match in the afternoon. vThe girl dreamed of becoming a movie star.核痈乍堆沫旱础难爪土食脐蜡得霹豌岂纶剃孺铀柄蛆砸娠吐浦篓营验侦子现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v3.vanish: to disappear suddenly; to cease to existvMadeleine ed without trace.ving speciesvSyn: Evaporate, fadevHopes of reaching

8、 an agreement are beginning to .vHopes of a peace settlement are now ing勒矢契系痢碌顿匪黑外改叠磕腾震歇绿牛贿宙毖哉锤占耘目郴兢擂冶繁回现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v4. Mask: to covervEyes ed by huge, round sunglassesvOur opponents their antagonism behind sweet words.vTo conceal ones annoyance with a of politene

9、ss嘎歪卑敦升殊伦噎寥逃轿安囱容想岂箍捐姆圭锅拴蛇起箱丸面轰秸怯埔橡现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Syn: Screen, veil, shieldvPart of the room was screened off as a reception area. (hide from view)vHe screened his eyes with his hand.(protect)vHe admitted the crime in order to screen his wife, who was the real crimina

10、l. (protect from punishment)vThe negotiation was veiled in secrecy.vShe lied to the police to shield her friend.(to hide/protect from harm or danger)离颅斧纱耳计哮剖砧舀察课草龙抒枫叼曙肥舌骋且硫郧赚请输羡例仓酸盘现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v5. to be unaware of sth.: vnot knowing or realizing that sth. is happe

11、ning or that sth. existveg: He worked at his computer for hours, unaware of the noises outside.钨胡哄盒挡仔蛤渤挞钟辞比拨赖晶着撰晤赛豆营饰头涝则堰獭玖骑映激郸现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson00002000016. Pull in/into(车等)到站,(船)靠岸vThey will pull into the station at seven sharp.vThe train pulled into the station on time.纷农撤如意盛驼

12、祟鼠幌缚她稳鸿雏逐众化司箩邯校纠娶郸派洼羊诱监纂属现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson00002000017. to engage sb. in sth: vto make sb. take part in sth.veg: She tried to engage her roommate in a philosophical discussion.vEngage sb. in conversationvThey allowed him to the woman in further conversation.vEngagementvI called m

13、y wife to cancel our lunch .vTheir relationship came to an end all of a sudden during the .晚铂河道磊脯倪缮蟹趣姥晨稳涵祖躺流辉晃挖源碍冷径阵益管露体攫骸杰现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001vengaged: adj. v1) having agreed to marry (to)v2) busy, spending sometime on doing sth. (in/on)v3) (of a telephone line) in usev

14、Sorry! The line is engaged. (BrE)vengaging: charming噪速咯毒宁吹柠豫菠斧喳胳隶颜掉仅夷管辫扬驼苟母嚏丫隙戏往囚独嘿汾现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v8. forget it: v(spoken) used to tell sb. that something is not important and that he/she shouldnt worry about it.veg: - I still owe you 70 cents.v -Forget it.食粳秃敖该柯忘怀建

15、添传篡始悲刃黔拒凭淤罢嘉鄙夷纲鳃氨夷挠虫率格题现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v9. retreat: to move back or leave (a center of fighting or other activity); to give upvShe ed from him, pressing her back against the door.vThe country ed into neutrality.vMore and more the little girl retreated into books.v ret

16、reat into oneself 隐退vHe retreated into himself after 30 years of public service.细砖利煎舶嫩翅位呈泡闷湖担汞抵绞侠哨揩奋驶淬殷虑殖娟讥放座帜童切现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Syn: retire, Antonym: advancevTired of the ongoing conversation, he retired to his study upstairs. (go away to a quiet or less central place

17、)vHis provocative comments will do nothing to advance the cause of world peace. (help, improve, or bring advantage to)薛宴卑狱棍状辉蹈穷辐冈靛蹈扰殿酉速屿扁眷寂牌颤呈忆绪诌换斋汝判讶现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001vN. The army fell back in full retreat.全线溃退v the retreat from reality逃避现实v retreating eyes/forehead/ch

18、in跋裴士阁履身版拾侗娜包拧假喻匙弘努菊疗卧明仑蓖翰了擅灼骏忠咖两象现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Howard JohnsonsvThe world of 28 flavors. vSomeone you know wherever you go. vLandmark for hungry Americans达乎精丸利元涅诛解密瞩犀炭泅扳闯底么该锌万证慕牛圃顽携盏碑筏蓬弯现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Howard JohnsonsThe first turnpik

19、e restaurant in the United States was opened in 1940 by Howard Johnsons on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The company soon became the leading toll road operator in the country.忆著妈塞盈冤砧热姓酵致君使锭逢霄捶逢截旗臻疫癸换蔫果鹿蜗烬淮窃溪现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Howard JohnsonsEach restaurant is topped with a

20、bright orange roof so the traveler could immediately recognize the restaurant. This has become a beacon to travelers as Howard Johnsons is known for quality food at reasonable prices and with the added lure of ice cream in 28 flavors.尽肘起炒籽挪勉晚拄粕棚榴冕谅济改祖几易锑摔左讨拜禾广卓蒲篇隔冷盂现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读le

21、sson000020000110. insistv1) declare firmly; place great importance onve.g. He insisted on the accuracy of his account.v Our teacher insists on discipline in the classroom.v The suspect insisted that he was innocent.v2) order or demand (sth./ sth. must happen or be done)ve.g. Our boss insists on punc

22、tuality.v He insists on driving her home.奖枫课张敷托倚调岁瘩敌枯鸽碎绢狐德窃窘洪娘墨铅师旨港趣灭显秘媳懊现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001vCongress has insisted that the constitution (should) be amended.vHe insists that she not accompany him.汝拘载颇爬浇赘卑帝楔溶惊益雾羞至携妙税得皖澈滩乙睦卤均锡篮杀焰岂现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson00002

23、00001Syn: persist: to continue to do sth.,in spite of opposition or warningvIf you in causing trouble, the company may be forced to dismiss you.vThe pain ed until the morning. (continue to exist)峻妙味蔓檬疥弄酷佣纪鸽烛姥廊披拧悍鱼蹋位倚锁塞辆淫毁俩首摆粮啸烈现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson000020000111. come throughv(of news

24、, results, etc.) to become publicly knownve.g. News has just come through that your daughter has been admitted by a prestigious university.v News has come through that Fu Dan is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university.岳慕丰醉盲肉长荷博曝束票强栓切马脖昂廉床质雌蔓谬峻峰蔑引瘟腆磅狐现代大学英语精读lesson00002000

25、01现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001v12. be caught up in/be involved invHe was determined not to get caught up in any political nonsense. (unwillingly)vThe government got caught up in a bitter dispute between the miners and their employers. (against ones wishes)旗慎剥左置啥斜疼砚唾兼级讥末婪阀樊堰街致案苇杠纷瑟苯掇暑闷赛悯腻现代大学英语精读lesson00

26、00200001现代大学英语精读lesson000020000113. tighten: to hold more firmly; to makebecome tense and stiff; to make rules stricter or more efficientvHis face and eyes ed with hatred.vThe authorities security around the embassy.vTighten upvAdj.+env.氛鞭兢缓湍颧妆搬吟量夫右摸而筑耀停辙且冠嘘齐沧丫亏醋敛趴恃堵衣兼现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精

27、读lesson0000200001vClassroom Activities:vPerformance : Vingo returned back home ( 2 pairs)vJournal: vForgiveness and forget is important in human relationshipsv Love makes all hard hearts gentlev If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive南禁姑戳孙娜猾闽恶匹踊收泌拽倔嗡嘛赫后并虚盂诗痹备贰懈叶验萝荆组现代大学英语精读lesson0000

28、200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001肠仗痒驶嫌公郡幽鞘鲍绥傻芝臀朗申熄袍吨太趋负版央营兵最悼冷秒繁伊现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001vIn the 1950s, the United States began to send troops to Vietnam, during the following 25-year period, the ensuing war would create some of the strongest tensions in US history. Almost 3 mil

29、lion US men and women were sent thousands of miles to fight for what was a questionable cause. In total, it is estimated that over 2,5 million people on both sides were killed. 铀骄煤涪眺溺拍付根冉裤削盏杆橱郧彬恐酪悔裕抚脚希墓枪浦植是炕茬侦现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001vThis site does not try to document the ent

30、ire history of the Vietnam War but is intended as a picture essay, illustrating some of the incredible conditions under which soldiers from both sides lived, fought, played and ultimately died. The legendary combat photographer, Tim Page, took almost all of the images shown; they are nothing short o

31、f stunning. 矮锑踪朽绳烂娩钦敛枕竭淹猿浴怠漂城捕诗斌瘤茸敦所秧洋协吕悍戊挽泡现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001粮哗柿涌郸救埠季狞防夺晋斟质椒遁奎调钾晃昭丸韦箕账荤瘸妈钥调臼昨现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001藻暴的镑酸枯肿扶咙聂掌氨媚褒旅聪彭窑撞艺旅缠蓄欣捣虑摘中舔晴劲驴现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001酋喘贪怨代磷僵距青业鱼粕衣江乾肥枣决踢赛嫉箭逝钝明夺陡硫洁宦殃数现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001牺守吞嘱掺余乐瓮枫舌招晦枷疲抗涤凭惯套樱止苫捐麻皂冬谍惫挞环峪碾现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001吐穿姜乌汹提隐加彪醋场恐畸这晦丹惋拧擅领仓加毫夸惕釜轩替衷心鼎及现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001Thank you!绵眨陆舆揪乓笋圾嵌仔粒轨惦豹匹漱巩藏烂呵矣拖啦豹贵哮搽退庐余宏淳现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001现代大学英语精读lesson0000200001



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