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1、私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系英汉汉英翻译教程英汉汉英翻译教程该匪虫绽撂想害隘准洞潞劝复沟蛛适辜胖书搞坊郴厚悄榨辆悼厨停跪腻枯私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系 一、课程简介一、课程简介 二、第一章绪论二、第一章绪论 三、第二章翻译的过程三、第二章翻译的过程 四、第三章词汇的翻译四、第三章词汇的翻译 五、第四章词汇翻译的技巧(上)五、第四章词汇翻译的技巧(上) 六、第五章词汇翻译的技巧(下)六、第五章词汇翻译的技巧(下) 七、第六章句子翻译七、第六章句子翻译下泣乃牡程安妨悦锐忽矫祸岗衍帕诽犹悯价椅哦膏减纹打恨峦蝗厕熙沈髓私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系一、课程简介一、课程简介ATe



4、lish-ChineseandChinese-EnglishTranslation用用两两学学期期完完成成本本课课程程。以以英英汉汉翻翻译译教教程程为为主主,再再以以其其它它翻翻译译教教材材与与书书籍籍中中选选择择一一些些实实例例,辅辅导导学学生生在在实实践践中中学学习习,通通过过练练习习掌掌握握翻翻译译方法与技巧,通过实践提升翻译技能。方法与技巧,通过实践提升翻译技能。第一学期主要讲解第一章至第六章第一学期主要讲解第一章至第六章第二学期完成第七章至十三章。第二学期完成第七章至十三章。 躁鞋益也剿衰瘸冬痞扁贞彼苑线栽孕乏屡庆娥吃苛喂梳贺喷腆飘蚊岗执宏私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第一章:

5、绪论第一章:绪论GeneralinEnglish.The knowledge and skill of translation:.The knowledge and skill of translation: The The content content is is the the summary summary of of practice practice and and experience experience of of many many translators. translators. The The examples examples are are their their

6、 highlights highlights in in their their works. works. Therefore, Therefore, we we are are benefited benefited from from their their experience experience and and works in the course.works in the course.Requirements:Requirements:1 1、Enlarge VocabularyEnlarge Vocabulary2 2、 Apply sentences accurately

7、 Apply sentences accuratelyKey points: The purposes and tasks in the Key points: The purposes and tasks in the Course of Translation Course of Translation疟以丸砰员扰苦宿签坷隘辖每啥窃郁悔凶廓盅茶乙翰围收膀续闻空睬唇仿私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第一章绪论第一章绪论GeneralinEnglish.Improve both languages in translation:.Improve both languages in tran

8、slation: i.e.i.e. Understanding the original language. Understanding the original language. Using the ability of the target language. Using the ability of the target language. Key points: The purposes and tasks in the Key points: The purposes and tasks in the Course of Translation Course of Translat

9、ion讳酬耀合刁汗己本浦扭牛猜讶葛痹胯窍拐滁氛家网市唱溺言萎压涉仗郧仑私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第一章绪论第一章绪论GeneralinEnglish.Enhance .Enhance the the general general knowledge knowledge and and get get to to know know history, history, geography geography and and other other sciences. sciences. The The writer writer usually usually writes writ

10、es what what he he is is familiar familiar with, with, however however , , the the translator translator has has to to put put something something strange strange to to him. him. As As a a result, result, he he must must learn learn it it while while translating, translating, he he can can accumulat

11、e accumulate the the experience experience and and expand expand the the knowledge knowledge and and improve his translation skill at the same time.improve his translation skill at the same time. Key points: The purposes and tasks in the Key points: The purposes and tasks in the Course of Translatio

12、n Course of Translation眯隧蓖肛君烃划死将技笋吧庶粤辨术伯掳押播殴疯里中辟奠嘲盂酶掸企袍私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第二章第二章翻译的过程翻译的过程 Process in Translation Process in Translation. . Comprehensive Comprehensive Reading Reading and and Analyzing Analyzing the the Original Original Language. Language. Communication between the writer and reader

13、s. Communication between the writer and readers. 汐同星圆庆皆储碾由届绽池披弱喳砂点盎填溜框崎贤君毛稚乾此杯丘校卉私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第二章第二章翻译的过程翻译的过程 Process in Translation Process in Translation.Levels in translation:.Levels in translation: textual leveltextual level referential levelreferential level cohesion levelcohesion level l

14、evel of naturalnesslevel of naturalness. Correction:. Correction:栋榔椎拨淄困辖效勤离状脾侵关关澳趋融阐赘宾俩胎叔窖钩任声扰猩姿星私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Denotative meaning:Denotative meaning:Usually Usually the the dictionary dictionary shows shows the the denotative denotativ

15、e meaning meaning of of the the words words and and usage usage of of how how to to make make up up sentences sentences with with the the word word in in definition. definition. There There is is no no exact exact equivalent equivalent word word or or usage usage in in Chinese Chinese and and Englis

16、h respectively.English respectively. key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English.筋辕擞摩焙问烁邦扒忌锐婿癸首叠幂淘临皂行厂戊克辗箍伯片巴阿择银榨私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVoca

17、bulary Translation Take“heavy” for example: Take“heavy” for example:a heavy meal a heavy meal 不容易消化的饭菜不容易消化的饭菜a heavy readinga heavy reading单调乏味的读物单调乏味的读物a heavy notea heavy note大量的选票大量的选票a heavy investora heavy investor巨额投资者巨额投资者a heavy thinkera heavy thinker思想深沉的人思想深沉的人a heavy schedulea heavy sche

18、dule排得很排得很紧紧凑的日程表凑的日程表 key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:茫民顺败犬唯贤挥匝轰筋为秽搬嫡赫常柔旗杯内莆驮董澈盼釜草慌啤肪忙私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Transl

19、ation Other examples: Other examples:an open firean open fire明火明火an open questionan open question尚未解决的问题尚未解决的问题an open drainan open drain排水阴沟排水阴沟a man of an open minda man of an open mind虚怀若谷的人虚怀若谷的人an open portan open port不不冻冻港港 key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabula

20、ry. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:哟卒屹砖颅稿汉炬聂求标浸蛀辣工殖囱妊魄何簧皑恿俊邦眉挖暴隐恤冯疑私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Other examples:Other examples:Run into debtRun into debt负债负债Run to seedRun to seed变得不修边

21、幅变得不修边幅Run the streetsRun the streets流浪街头流浪街头Run for presidencyRun for presidency竞选总统竞选总统 key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:发孺署帆泉秦胃蹿破肚胚滦醚收扰幌亲泽娃桨赡僳鄙稼映茧墒友弄函粉亩私立华联学院

22、英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Examples in Chinese:Examples in Chinese:打扮打扮dress updress up 打抱不平打抱不平 defend sb. against an injusticedefend sb. against an injustice打官腔打官腔 speak in a bureaucratic tonespeak in a bureaucratic tone打官司打官司 go to courtgo to courtkey

23、 points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:些安椒吟病习嘴氓筏饲残噎伺杰坎症沂轩拉恨寂哇输赔鹊织摘督隔名苑朋私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Examples in Chinese:

24、Examples in Chinese:开花开花 blossomblossom花领带花领带 bright-colored tiesbright-colored ties绣花鞋绣花鞋 embroidered shoesembroidered shoes花絮花絮 interesting sidelightsinteresting sidelights老花眼老花眼 presbyopiapresbyopia花色花色 design and colordesign and colorkey points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in

25、Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:辫荚痹骚危翅细慢臆氨轨茶恍桃山通茵泅例失囚亏巴劈列椿该煞擞阂歇镣私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Examples in Chinese:Examples in Chinese:开灯开灯 turn on the lightturn on the light

26、开飞机开飞机 pilot an airplanepilot an airplane开机器开机器 operate a machineoperate a machine开办新企业开办新企业 establish a new enterpriseestablish a new enterprise开锁开锁 open a lockopen a lock开车开车 drive a cardrive a car开茶馆开茶馆 run a teahouserun a teahouse开开销销 pay expensespay expenses key points: Difference in Vocabulary

27、key points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:弧养收企柱抢喇挽足抄诽椅咐蛤坍何瞒散少俭斩己辖姓纤脓凹喉道涂解殿私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Connotative Meaning:Connotative Meaning:Difference in

28、 Chinese and English:Difference in Chinese and English:Lotus flowerLotus flower出污泥而不染出污泥而不染ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum菊花高贵淡雅菊花高贵淡雅 (Death in English)(Death in English) Yellow Yellow 与皇帝相关,黄袍与皇帝相关,黄袍 key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of

29、Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:霜倚腻杜恋更底条霓澈遣帽深揖尹哦诚轻辆拨话入辰收娠锈润剐肉裔茵耐私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Affective meaning:Affective meaning:Dragon:Dragon: is in unique position in Chinese nationality is in unique position i

30、n Chinese nationality connected with emperors. connected with emperors.But there is no such meaning in English.But there is no such meaning in English.It sometimes means It sometimes means “evilevil”.The word propaganda is neutral or even commendatory ,The word propaganda is neutral or even commenda

31、tory ,but is connected with Nazi.but is connected with Nazi.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:它愚埃鲁娶稚漆沉毒摔讹却酣插旅匪十超馈瀑沮迟造狰妊耪锻捡踞亏皱投私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vo

32、cabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation reflective meaning:reflective meaning:Avoid such words as lock, intercourse, ejection inAvoid such words as lock, intercourse, ejection inconversation with foreigners.conversation with foreigners.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in

33、 Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:醒先躯债围试汀惶淡代演徊逊五溶绍因吓币捷桥歇翔绰岿巷入勘关锹赋奴私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation collective meaning:collective meaning:Pretty: Pretty: 修饰女性,清秀之美修饰女性,清秀之美Handso

34、me:Handsome:修饰男性,阳刚之美修饰男性,阳刚之美key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocabulary. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:. Comparison in Vocabulary of Chinese and English:沥梭个临贤舅巡咖辞洁鸯皑纶瞪正僚裔疏掣低牟碑砾溅秆轨荫很柏蕾巍熟私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary

35、 Translatione.g:e.g: 椅子、桌子、儿子、书柜椅子、桌子、儿子、书柜贵姓、姓张,姓李、欧阳贵姓、姓张,姓李、欧阳关联词:因为、所以关联词:因为、所以 不但、而且不但、而且美不胜收:美不胜收:magnificentmagnificent万里无云:万里无云:cloudlesscloudless高耸入云:高耸入云:toweringowering腰缠万贯腰缠万贯:very richvery rich引人入胜引人入胜: : interestinginteresting天生丽质:天生丽质:beautifulbeautiful地大物博地大物博:a vast country with ric

36、h natural resourcesa vast country with rich natural resources为善最乐为善最乐:virtue is its own rewardvirtue is its own rewardkey points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIIIISymmetry in Chinese and completions in English:Symmetry in Chinese and completions in English: There are t

37、wo syllabic words or phrases in Chinese: There are two syllabic words or phrases in Chinese:饼券能最候掇误视哗谷屋毗坤拖岩绦姆词奖抛琶凝粟噎镇监细材纶臀酉辨私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation While While it it is is emphasized emphasized the the completeness completeness English English r

38、egardless of one, two three or more syllables.regardless of one, two three or more syllables. Be Be sure sure to to select select two two or or four four syllabic syllabic words words while while putting putting English English into into Chinese, Chinese, and and pay pay attention attention to to co

39、mpleteness from Chinese into Epleteness from Chinese into English.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIIIISymmetry in Chinese and completions in English:Symmetry in Chinese and completions in English: There are two syllabic words or phrases in Chinese: There are t

40、wo syllabic words or phrases in Chinese:逐崩坦柬桂积召砸漏佬腿椿广蹿甭貌瀑堆萨伐刃暴卧房蛛怒舶弦烷场躲象私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation Sentence practice:Sentence practice:1 1、21002100万台湾同胞都是中国人,都是骨肉同胞,手足情深。万台湾同胞都是中国人,都是骨肉同胞,手足情深。 The The 21 21 million million compatriots compatriots

41、in in Taiwan Taiwan are are all all Chinese Chinese and and our our own own flesh and blood.flesh and blood.2 2、古古往往今今来来,人人类类的的一一切切智智慧慧结结晶晶,数数百百年年来来,人人们们津津津津乐乐道道的的那那些些故故事事,我们都可以轻而易举地从书本中得到。我们都可以轻而易举地从书本中得到。 All All the the wisdom wisdom of of the the ages ages ,all ,all the the stories stories they

42、they have have delighted delighted mankind mankind for for centuries centuries ,are ,are easily easily and and cheaply cheaply available available to to all all of of us within the lovers of books.us within the lovers of books.3 3、Are you not sorry for what you have done?Are you not sorry for what y

43、ou have done?难道你对所作所为不后悔?难道你对所作所为不后悔?4 4、He He once once again again imparted imparted to to us us his his great great knowledge, knowledge, experience experience and and wisdom.wisdom. 我们再次领略他那广博知识,丰富经验,无穷智慧。我们再次领略他那广博知识,丰富经验,无穷智慧。 key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in Vocab

44、ularyIIIISymmetry in Chinese and completions in English:Symmetry in Chinese and completions in English: There are two syllabic words or phrases in Chinese: There are two syllabic words or phrases in Chinese:精量疗栽勇佣浚拟碾史新雌休像巡喻摊娃瘩诱印广辉点蛊妹痹场驻年圈蹄私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocab

45、ulary Translatione.g.e.g. Use Use confide confide ,confidently, ,confidently, confident, confident, and and confidence to translate confidence to translate 你相信他诚实吗?你相信他诚实吗?A.A.Can you confide in his honesty?Can you confide in his honesty?B.B.Do you have confidence in his honesty?Do you have confiden

46、ce in his honesty?C.C.Are you confident of his honesty?Are you confident of his honesty?D.D.Are you sure of his honesty confidently?Are you sure of his honesty confidently? key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIII.FormsandTranslationinVocabulary:掇笛蔚釜戚优丛混囤泣袱秃锋揍隶摔疥绚寐

47、夸实喘具忽践己咋奴镇迹肝恃私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translatione.g.e.g. Similar examples are as follows: Similar examples are as follows:他以笔为生。他以笔为生。A.A.He depends on his pen for living.He depends on his pen for living.B.B.He puts much dependence on his pen for living.He

48、puts much dependence on his pen for living.C.C.He is dependent on his pen for living.He is dependent on his pen for living.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIII.FormsandTranslationinVocabulary:蔓亩或沁营眷辞春猫壬逃颖冲狮惊诊灰咕摈滥许馒泛又苑挥粱傍晨抵感茧私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Voc

49、abulary TranslationVocabulary Translatione.g.e.g. Similar examples are as follows: Similar examples are as follows:此景之美非笔墨所能形容。此景之美非笔墨所能形容。A.A.Words can not describe the beauty of the scene.Words can not describe the beauty of the scene.B.B.The scenery is beautiful beyond description.The scenery is

50、beautiful beyond description.C.C.There There is is some some excellent excellent descriptive descriptive writing writing for for scenery in his novel.scenery in his novel.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIII.FormsandTranslationinVocabulary:堆淖鹅钢识若铲阻雪东星俊啪镐橡毒绵梧尉垃颁

51、业诗耶嚼瞳酱足敌瘪切项私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translatione.g.e.g. Similar examples are as follows: Similar examples are as follows:A.A.Mr. White was confused with questions.Mr. White was confused with questions.B.B.Mr. White was in the confusion of question.Mr. White

52、was in the confusion of question.C.C.Everything was in confusion.Everything was in confusion.D.D.It is important to remain calm in the confusion.It is important to remain calm in the confusion.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIII.FormsandTranslationinVocabulary

53、:步科毒毙耍畅疟饺篓克肠旨摔鸥涸叛榨睹烫郑环辆大耕盾老蠢獭姜汰坞巩私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation TakeTake“creditcredit”for example from English in Chinese:for example from English in Chinese:1 1He got all the credit for the discovery.He got all the credit for the discovery.他由于这项发现而获得各

54、种荣誉。他由于这项发现而获得各种荣誉。2.He is a man of the highest credit.2.He is a man of the highest credit.他德高望重。他德高望重。3. I hope you will be a credit to your school.3. I hope you will be a credit to your school.我希望你将来为学校增光。我希望你将来为学校增光。4.Its 4.Its dishonest dishonest to to take take credit credit for for work work t

55、hat that was was done done by others.by others.拿别人的工作以谋个人的荣誉是不诚实的。拿别人的工作以谋个人的荣誉是不诚实的。5.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.5.They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.他们的生意信誉已荡然无存。他们的生意信誉已荡然无存。key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIV.Understandwordscor

56、rectly:米断包塔戳厄奢讽炎耻单抠疆臂物何缀岩蹄粘涨筷恶踞贼汲藤浊氛厄炸购私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation TakeTake“creditcredit”for example from English in Chinese:for example from English in Chinese:6.Do you give credit to his story of what happened.6.Do you give credit to his story of

57、what happened.你相信他对于事实经过的叙述吗?你相信他对于事实经过的叙述吗?7.The rumor is gaining credit.7.The rumor is gaining credit.谣言已渐为人所相信。谣言已渐为人所相信。8.It is unwise to place too much credit in hearsay.8.It is unwise to place too much credit in hearsay.过分相信过分相信道听途说是不明智的。道听途说是不明智的。9.How much do you have to your credit?9.How mu

58、ch do you have to your credit?你的银行户头还有多少存款你的银行户头还有多少存款?10.They sold grain on credit during time of famine.10.They sold grain on credit during time of famine. 饥饿季节他们则赊销粮食。饥饿季节他们则赊销粮食。key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIV.Understandwordscorrectly:翅伊修超婶随授镣狭舔纽闻黄蒋浓柜番宋

59、祝腋喜祁怨沃滇迟韭停晕踩鉴普私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation “便宜便宜”from Chinese into English:”from Chinese into English:1.We do not sell cheap quality goods.1.We do not sell cheap quality goods. 我们不销售低质价廉物品。我们不销售低质价廉物品。2.2.我们已按很低的价格向你方报盘。我们已按很低的价格向你方报盘。 We have made y

60、ou an offer at a very competitive price. We have made you an offer at a very competitive price.3.3.请报体温表最低价。请报体温表最低价。 Please Please make make us us your your lowest lowest quotation quotation for for clinical clinical thermometer.thermometer.4.4.我们报价已是最低价,折扣不能再给了。我们报价已是最低价,折扣不能再给了。 As As we we have

61、have quoted quoted you you our our rock-bottom rock-bottom price,we price,we cannot cannot give you any more discount.give you any more discount.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIV.Understandwordscorrectly:绅圃赠苗锰擦铭盲砷瘪宗妙窟切咨镇娶阀硕什噶傣慌披阿显凿渠炬豆军危私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第三章第三

62、章词汇的翻译词汇的翻译Vocabulary TranslationVocabulary Translation “便宜便宜”from Chinese into English.”from Chinese into English.5 5他们买了一套很便宜的房子。他们买了一套很便宜的房子。 They bought a house at bargain price. They bought a house at bargain price.6.6.对我们的业务建议如有兴趣请寄样品并告最惠条款。对我们的业务建议如有兴趣请寄样品并告最惠条款。 If If you you are are interes

63、ted interested in in our our business business proposal,please proposal,please send us the samples with your best terms and conditions.send us the samples with your best terms and conditions.7.7.你们会看见我们这批货物的价格是很便宜的。你们会看见我们这批货物的价格是很便宜的。 You will find our price for the goods very competitive. You will

64、 find our price for the goods very competitive.key points: Difference in Vocabularykey points: Difference in VocabularyIV.Understandwordscorrectly:拇臀稳狡达绍抛琵帝柠逝拄敛帖财蟹签卡圣纷逝璃铲麻副寸蚂粳吼必棠戒私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I) Direct transplantDirect transplant E-mail

65、, WTO, NMD, NBA, MBA, E-mail, WTO, NMD, NBA, MBA, GDP, CorelDraw, KTV, IQ, EQ GDP, CorelDraw, KTV, IQ, EQ Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesI.Transplant:扒采诽僵流缓拄邢贴误酣伍凸徐百蛹层策樱擎绚荚莫睹痹诣人馒杉跳梢筹私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I) Sou

66、nd Interpretation:Sound Interpretation:1. Name of people 1. Name of people Marx, Lincoln, Churchill, Clinton, Haughton, Lu Xun, Ba JinMarx, Lincoln, Churchill, Clinton, Haughton, Lu Xun, Ba Jin 2. Name of city 2. Name of city New New York, York, London, London, Atlanta, Atlanta, Montreal, Montreal,

67、Beijing, Beijing, Luoyang, Luoyang, HangzhouHangzhou 3. Trade Mark and New terms in science and technology3. Trade Mark and New terms in science and technology Radar, Radar, Dink, Dink, logic, logic, coffee, coffee, geometry, geometry, Jinhua, Jinhua, Meiling, Meiling, Mahjong, Kowtow, KungfuMahjong

68、, Kowtow, Kungfu 4. Others4. Others Iron Iron lady, lady, snow snow white white , , Cinderella Cinderella ,the ,the Gulf Gulf of of Mexico Mexico , , Mount Mount Tai Tai , , Nike Nike , , Goldlion Goldlion , , Colgate Colgate , , Canon Canon , , Lucky Lucky , , stone , shark , ballet , waltz , bowli

69、ng .stone , shark , ballet , waltz , bowling .Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesI.Transplant:薄腹询柔劲狈味很刺嗡同寿含辟睫淳治男遇朋毡抠赖菲抱斜诬橱节走储俱私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I)Article:Article:e.g.e.g.1. 1. The The train train moved moved aw

70、ay away so so slowly slowly that that butterflies butterflies flew flew in in and and out the window.out the window. 火车开得缓慢,蝴蝶从窗口飞进又飞出。火车开得缓慢,蝴蝶从窗口飞进又飞出。2. 2. 现在一定是天亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。现在一定是天亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。 It must be morning now, because the birds are singing.It must be morning now, because the birds are singin

71、g.3. 3. 他是黎明时候从医院里逃出来的,因为他又碰上那个逼他下车的人了。他是黎明时候从医院里逃出来的,因为他又碰上那个逼他下车的人了。 He He had had escaped escaped from from the the hospital hospital at at dawn, dawn, because because the the man man whod whod frightened frightened him him into into getting getting off off the the bus bus had had shown shown up

72、up again.again.Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:凿缓嚏统怎脑抬筏哲乒养瓶孔坊燥硒嗅蹄睁嘶杰厚翟饭聋挝联狱尔赢铺哗私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I)Pronoun:Pronoun:1. 1. I I shall shall take take it it as as axiomatic axiomatic that

73、 that mankind mankind has has by by that that time, chosen the latter alternative.time, chosen the latter alternative. 不消说,那时人类将会选择后者。不消说,那时人类将会选择后者。2. 2. 她懒洋洋地站起来,估量丈夫不会再回来了。她懒洋洋地站起来,估量丈夫不会再回来了。 Lazily Lazily she she rose. rose. Her Her husband husband probably probably would would not not come com

74、e home, she supposed.home, she supposed.Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:抵停就搐旨粘算佛亏寅澈勉绣泣庇恬桨淘邪愈忆暖粪皇韦屋壤绑常杠袁叭私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I)Preposition:Preposition:e.g.e.g.1. 1. She She was was one o

75、ne of of my my colleagues colleagues at at the the university university at at which which I I taught.taught. 她是我任教的那所大学的同事。她是我任教的那所大学的同事。2. 2. 这个鲁莽无礼、没完没了,真让我生气。这个鲁莽无礼、没完没了,真让我生气。 I I got got positively positively angry angry with with the the impertinence impertinence of of it it and and the the e

76、verlastingness.everlastingness.3. 3. 他已经把这事忘得一干二净。他已经把这事忘得一干二净。 He has forgotten all about it.He has forgotten all about it.Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:千已宗钡滨趁土怒莲羹惜骸娥玛崭卞态篇需连坝茹管垫茅缝寓裳旭警陡宏私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofT

77、ranslationinVocabulary(I)Auxiliary word and other: Auxiliary word and other: 1. Now how many men do you figure to have sent here?1. Now how many men do you figure to have sent here? 不过你打算请多少人来呢?不过你打算请多少人来呢?2. 2. 毕竟,还有什么能比快乐更令人羡慕呢?毕竟,还有什么能比快乐更令人羡慕呢? After all, what is more enviable than happiness?Aft

78、er all, what is more enviable than happiness?3. Even if you go there, there wont be any result.3. Even if you go there, there wont be any result. 去也不会有什么结果,或去也白去。去也不会有什么结果,或去也白去。Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:颐授紊坚施追略我体火捕嗅氓畸兰砧侯洋忠枝闲殿迸埠愁了杖梯泣典道幻

79、私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I)Demand in word definition, modification: Demand in word definition, modification: e.g.e.g.1. I want to be a man, and a man I am.1. I want to be a man, and a man I am. 我立志做一个真正的人,我现在终于成了一个真正的人。我立志做一个真正的人,我现在终于成了一个真正的人。2.2.

80、只有雨在刷刷、刷刷地下着。只有雨在刷刷、刷刷地下着。 Only the rain continued to pour. (Only the rain continued to pour. (减词法减词法) )3. When he was accused of the theft, he turned red.3. When he was accused of the theft, he turned red. 当有人指控他犯有盗窃罪时,他脸色涨得通红。当有人指控他犯有盗窃罪时,他脸色涨得通红。4.Quiet 4.Quiet and and shy, shy, he he was was nev

81、er never more more comfortable comfortable than than when when at at his his work bench. work bench. 他生性沉静而腼腆,只有坐在工作凳上时他才最为自在。他生性沉静而腼腆,只有坐在工作凳上时他才最为自在。Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:刀踪腆撇畏舱楚湿注易严酗床浸扛运归穗咳频汗算警普迹汰骡妮蜡囊普涎私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第四章:词汇翻译的

82、技巧(上)第四章:词汇翻译的技巧(上)SkillofTranslationinVocabulary(I)Demand in word definition, modification:Demand in word definition, modification:e.g.e.g.5. 5. 那我们谈谈文艺问题吧。那我们谈谈文艺问题吧。 Shall we talk about literature and arts?Shall we talk about literature and arts?6. 6. 他的家里很穷,但是他从小就认真读书,刻苦学习。他的家里很穷,但是他从小就认真读书,刻苦学习

83、。 His His family family was was poor, poor, but but he he worked worked hard hard at at his his studying studying even even in early childhood.in early childhood.7. 7. 她她忽忽然然觉觉得得心心头头一一紧紧,不不知知怎怎么么的的就就哭哭了了起起来来,那那是是快快乐乐的的泪泪水水,满满足的泪水。足的泪水。 She She suddenly suddenly felt felt her her heart heart tighten,

84、 tighten, and and began began to to cry, cry, there there were tears of joy and of satisfaction.were tears of joy and of satisfaction.Key points: skills and approachesKey points: skills and approachesII.Additionanddeduction:稼骄简讨赁甲歇铭设寺年仔梗扛预抒卤挎逊顾蒋隧盔芽首与由籽呻不盟是私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)Skil

85、loftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest. 1.His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest. 他因受贿而被捕。他因受贿而被捕。2.2.伊朗扣押美国人质的行动加剧了国耻的痛苦。伊朗扣押美国人质的行动加剧了国耻的痛苦。The The seizure seizure of of American American hostages hostages in in Iran Iran sharpened sharpened the the pa

86、in pain of national humiliation.of national humiliation.3.They 3.They will will need need plenty plenty of of persuading persuading for for many many of of them them have have been badly hurt.been badly hurt. 还需要做大量的劝说工作,因为许多投资者已受到很大的创伤。还需要做大量的劝说工作,因为许多投资者已受到很大的创伤。4.It tastes too much of garlic. 4.I

87、t tastes too much of garlic. 这东西,大蒜的味道太重这东西,大蒜的味道太重。5.At 5.At the the turn turn of of a a switch switch .we .we can can see see what what are are taking taking place place a a mile away.mile away.一打开开关,我们就可以看见一英里处发生的事情。一打开开关,我们就可以看见一英里处发生的事情。Key point: conversationKey point: conversationI.NounandVer

88、b:鬃窜替磁姆泵嘲毒伐瓶刁肖佛搐符烛煤验谐腮卵狠累镣社成恿韩惜榴扫冈私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.She seemed too ignorant of the ways of the world .1.She seemed too ignorant of the ways of the world . 她好像太不懂世道常情了。她好像太不懂世道常情了。2.2.他陷入沉思,坐在一边一言不发。他陷入沉思,坐在一边一言不发。He sat pensive and sile

89、nt.He sat pensive and silent.3.With the passing of days , I became more and more homesick3.With the passing of days , I became more and more homesick and more and more respectful of my old home. and more and more respectful of my old home. 我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊重我的故乡。我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊重我的故乡。4.The old man la

90、y all night on his sleepless bed.4.The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. 老人躺在床上,彻夜未眠。老人躺在床上,彻夜未眠。Key point: conversation.Key point: conversation.II.AdjectiveandVerb:话宇脚摸淋臆炔芍儡咳乙篆颁足丸寄间痉哇蹈邯锥密馁馏窿穗髓剁雄梨灌私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.1.次日早晨次日早晨,

91、 ,谈话结束你就会去查查词典。谈话结束你就会去查查词典。 So So the the next next morning, morning, the the conversation conversation over, over, one one looked looked it up.it up.2.2.三天后三天后, ,病人又起床活动了病人又起床活动了。 Three days later , the patient was up and about again. Three days later , the patient was up and about again.Key point

92、: conversation.Key point: conversation.IIIAdverbandVerb:较襟衅央卯堕溺誓改简季搜壁昌醒岩铱札架悉鞭挠肾谷成溃滥劲许训金作私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.Life would not go on without plants.1.Life would not go on without plants. 没有植物,生命就无法延续。没有植物,生命就无法延续。2.2.她英语说得很棒,带着美国腔,却并不十分夸张。她英语

93、说得很棒,带着美国腔,却并不十分夸张。She spoke English well with an American accent, not though She spoke English well with an American accent, not though a very exaggerated one. a very exaggerated one.3.I was at the shop early.3.I was at the shop early.我早早来到店里。我早早来到店里。4.China 4.China has has been been through throug

94、h a a wrenching wrenching series series of of changes changes and and experiments.experiments.中国经历了一系艰苦的变革和试验。中国经历了一系艰苦的变革和试验。5.The shaft turns about its axis. 5.The shaft turns about its axis. 轴围绕自己的轴线转动。轴围绕自己的轴线转动。Key point: conversation.Key point: conversation.IVPrepositionandVerb:架猿燕持腔修挟迎据用错赐瞩段现

95、坛室埂祝乔攫镰其高浙厌舟蚁氖棍呢悉私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.He looked at me in amazement.1.He looked at me in amazement. 他惊讶地望着我。他惊讶地望着我。2.2.我决定把这个班分成了组轮流给他们上课。我决定把这个班分成了组轮流给他们上课。I I decided decided to to split split the the class class into into three three gr

96、oups groups and and teach them in turn.teach them in turn. Key point: conversationKey point: conversationVprepositionandadverb:芹缀泽盗参肮奎苑绦浓廷攻舒糜线澡财砒枉桅葡赏融从拧哈便贾盔杀抠婆私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.There is no immediate hurry. 1.There is no immediate hurry.

97、 这件事不着急。这件事不着急。2.2.他的言行证明他是诚实的。他的言行证明他是诚实的。 His words and deeds testify to his honesty. His words and deeds testify to his honesty.3.For the life of her smile ,the warmth of her voice only cold3.For the life of her smile ,the warmth of her voice only cold paper and dead words. paper and dead words.

98、没有了她活泼的笑容,没有了她温暖的声音,只有冷的纸和死的字。没有了她活泼的笑容,没有了她温暖的声音,只有冷的纸和死的字。Key point: conversation.Key point: conversation.VI.Nounandadjective:聘服笼年挝亩块沥声瓣流搪除旗蛔墅辗勇阔从盟怪法汾秘潘顷辙硼运零帽私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English. 1.He talke

99、d to the foreigner in hesitant English. 他结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交流。他结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交流。2.Traditionally, there have been very good relation between the two2.Traditionally, there have been very good relation between the two countries. countries. 两国之间有着传统的友好关系。两国之间有着传统的友好关系。3.3.我记起这件事情我记起这件事情,不无感激地笑笑。不无感激地笑笑。 I rem

100、embered this not without some grateful laughter.I remembered this not without some grateful laughter. 4.4.这种水泵的主要特点是操作方便。这种水泵的主要特点是操作方便。 This pump is chiefly characterized by its simple operation.This pump is chiefly characterized by its simple operation.Key point: conversationKey point: conversatio

101、nVII.AdverbandAdjective:杏划莹纫淹箕水盯轩笺贝堪挤炎高措枝娃悉推症痊铭峙唆上块蒂冬衍亥及私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.1.我们快到家了,马上就到了。我们快到家了,马上就到了。We are almost home ,well be there in on time .We are almost home ,well be there in on time .2.He has not much faith ,”No” the old man

102、said “But we have ,Havent2.He has not much faith ,”No” the old man said “But we have ,Havent we ?” we ?”他没有多大信心,他没有多大信心,“是的是的”,老人说。,老人说。“可我们有,是不是?可我们有,是不是?3.I stayed at home last night. 3.I stayed at home last night. 昨夜我没出去。昨夜我没出去。4.4.展出的新产品不下于展出的新产品不下于200200种。种。There are as many as 200 new products

103、 on show.There are as many as 200 new products on show.Key point: conversation.Key point: conversation.VIII.Inversion:疚避老搁各停枪事菏涌摆啦援眠珐跌趟微岳妆黍煌豹磅孪卷二剁诧坦罢乾私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第五章词汇的技巧(下)第五章词汇的技巧(下)SkilloftranslationVocabulary(II)e.g.e.g.1.It is an important catalyst to the cause of our liberation.1.It is a

104、n important catalyst to the cause of our liberation.这是促时我国解放事业的重要因素。这是促时我国解放事业的重要因素。2.In China they “made mistakes”,suffered by them ,acknowledged and studied2.In China they “made mistakes”,suffered by them ,acknowledged and studied them,thus planned victory. them,thus planned victory.在中国,他们在中国,他们“犯

105、过错误犯过错误”吃过错误的苦头,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利吃过错误的苦头,承认错误,研究错误,从而制定了胜利计划。计划。 3. 3.修身在正其意。修身在正其意。 The key to self- cultivation is to take ones mind just. The key to self- cultivation is to take ones mind just. 4.The study had a Spartan look. 4.The study had a Spartan look. 这间书房有一种简朴的景象。这间书房有一种简朴的景象。 5.This man i

106、s the black sheep of the family. 5.This man is the black sheep of the family. 这个人是家庭中的害群之马。这个人是家庭中的害群之马。 6. 6.我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来。我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来。 We are so busy that no one can be spared for any other work.We are so busy that no one can be spared for any other work.Key point: conversationKey point:

107、 conversation.DivisionandExplanation:戊江霓六骡十靳淀地封屠武件炸慑帆化硕象快踩教健拉缩登倔渴壁蜒搪兼私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g.1.I dont believe that he should have done such thing. 1.I dont believe that he should have done such thing. 他会干这种事,我不相信。他会干这种事,我不相信。2.Thank you for your help yesterday. 2.T

108、hank you for your help yesterday. 昨天的事,多亏你帮忙。昨天的事,多亏你帮忙。3.3.他曾喜欢户外运动,醉心于用自己的体力与大自然较量。他曾喜欢户外运动,醉心于用自己的体力与大自然较量。 He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the force of nature. against the force of

109、 nature.4.Mr. White is working for a PHD degree at Zhongshan University. 4.Mr. White is working for a PHD degree at Zhongshan University. 怀特先生在中大攻读博士学位。怀特先生在中大攻读博士学位。 key points: Comparison in Structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in Structure of Chinese and English I.Subjectisobvi

110、ousinEnglishSub+PreTopicisstressedinChineseTopic+Descriptions脑冶棍备概山准考庆垮情颓胃钒斌斥蹿针斗雨音更龚洛褂睁肿垫兴俐舔房私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g.5.5.只有犹太人受过一些医学教育,他们是在阿拉伯学会的。只有犹太人受过一些医学教育,他们是在阿拉伯学会的。 The The only only men men with with any any medical medical education education were were the

111、 the Jews,they Jews,they studies studies in in Arabia.Arabia.6.Standing armies did not then exist.6.Standing armies did not then exist. 那时,还没有常备军。那时,还没有常备军。7.7.凡是能想到办法我都试了。凡是能想到办法我都试了。 I tried everything I could think of .I tried everything I could think of .8.8.他办事专心,在我认识的人当中很少有人能比得上。他办事专心,在我认识的人当中

112、很少有人能比得上。 Few people I know of were as devoted as him.Few people I know of were as devoted as him. key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English I.SubjectisobviousinEnglishSub+PreTopicisstressedinChineseTopic+Descriptions践访咀道在毅崎

113、多贤招詹陀鲁走絮昌唆始萤巨抠桌淌罚绘犯蔗楷皋园鞘模私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g.1.They were defeated by themselves ,rather than by their enemies. 1.They were defeated by themselves ,rather than by their enemies. 与其败于敌人,不如说败于自己。与其败于敌人,不如说败于自己。2.Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death .

114、2.Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death . 有些老年人因怕死而感到心情沉重。有些老年人因怕死而感到心情沉重。3.3.这个项目将于下月完成。这个项目将于下月完成。 The project will be completed next month. The project will be completed next month. 4.Smoking is known to be harmful to our health .4.Smoking is known to be harmful to our health .大家知道,吸

115、烟有害健康。大家知道,吸烟有害健康。key points: Comparison in Structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in Structure of Chinese and English II.PassiveVoice:启班大香椿蠢纺眩胞括天猖脑扯凡产雏许姥云瘴缔匹震洋钝吧肩癣墩险坯私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g.1.Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in co

116、ld caves, by dim lamps. 党的班干部吃简陋的饮食住寒冷的房洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。党的班干部吃简陋的饮食住寒冷的房洞,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作。2. He admires the Presidents state decision to fight for the job. 他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示致佩。他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示致佩。3. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。火箭已经用来探索宇宙。key point

117、s: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English .DynamicandStatic:ThedescriptionisdynamicinChinesewithshortsentence,whileitisstaticinEnglishwithlongsentence.拱苟脾刃玻档势浪确澜鄙者搔啄铰扰盏燎锈喉晦掐华呈卿照抖与棺切背垛私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatio

118、ne.g.e.g.4. A glance through the window offers a view of the West Lake. 从房间窗口可以用一眼看到西湖。从房间窗口可以用一眼看到西湖。5. Naturally, the Nazi soldiers were more concerned with saving their own lives than with taking ours. 当然,纳粹士兵们对救他们自己的命,比救我们的命要关心多了。当然,纳粹士兵们对救他们自己的命,比救我们的命要关心多了。key points: Comparison in structure o

119、f Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English .DynamicandStatic:ThedescriptionisdynamicinChinesewithshortsentence,whileitisstaticinEnglishwithlongsentence.梨核症慎重澳淫居籽雄坤逛架范磋熄皿圃眼伦尝钦感占弗盼吭号恼悼亚谐私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g.1. The trouble with

120、 the digital revolution is that computers may have speeded up many of the processes of modern life, but they still remain relatively difficult to use. 数字革命给我们带来一些烦恼,计算机一方面可能是加快了现代生活中许多数字革命给我们带来一些烦恼,计算机一方面可能是加快了现代生活中许多方面的进程,但另一方面,相对来说,仍然很难使用。方面的进程,但另一方面,相对来说,仍然很难使用。2. The president said at a press co

121、nference dominated by questions and yesterdays election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the house. 在这次记者招待会上,问题集中在昨天的选举结果,总统就此发言,他说他在这次记者招待会上,问题集中在昨天的选举结果,总统就此

122、发言,他说他不能解释为什么共和党遭到了这样惨重的失败。这种情况最终会使共和党不能解释为什么共和党遭到了这样惨重的失败。这种情况最终会使共和党失去在众议院中长期享有的优势。失去在众议院中长期享有的优势。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English .Longsentencesintoshortsentences:轩狱绢搪捕徘拎捻挑抱菇所炔焙卯袜菲喂塞耘桨腊膀疹簿声挎中胡静鲜银私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语

123、系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslation 英语呈树式结构。虽然复杂。但主、谓、宾主干突出。找主干,将修辞英语呈树式结构。虽然复杂。但主、谓、宾主干突出。找主干,将修辞成分暂置一边,接着分析修辞成分的结构,弄清主次关系。成分暂置一边,接着分析修辞成分的结构,弄清主次关系。 A world Bank report released at the time of the conference, which ended on 10, November, insists that Vietnams overall growth will depend more on its

124、own policies than on the volume of external financing.(按逻辑顺序翻译)(按逻辑顺序翻译) 在在11月月10日结束的会议上,披露了世界银行的一份报告。报告强调坚持认日结束的会议上,披露了世界银行的一份报告。报告强调坚持认为越南经济的全面增长更主要取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数为越南经济的全面增长更主要取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。额。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure

125、of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:民袱苑告宗艇友甄苟副撵妓凉斑清若晃睡述皂呆宙磅如佰赵糕泪畦沁褂蹈私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslation再从整体上理解全句,即从整体出发,深入到细节,再到整体。再从整体上理解全句,即从整体出发,深入到细节,再到整体。找出主干。找出主干。理清关系。理清关系。确定单元,各个击破。(小句是最佳转换单位)确定单元,各个击破。(小句是最佳转换单位)组成部分组成部分:(1) a world bank report.insists that(2) released at

126、the time (3) which ended on the 10, November(4) Vietnams overall growth.其中其中(3)为非既定小句为非既定小句(1)又被又被(2)和和(3) 隔开隔开key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:别吻殃晨记槽阎猎筛庶夕寿猖弱挤亲弯摊闯远嫩鬼呻瑶鸡褒影曼栋斤反癌私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻

127、译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslation调整搭配,重新组合调整搭配,重新组合英语的叙述顺序是:会议披露了报告,再说明会议结束时间。英语的叙述顺序是:会议披露了报告,再说明会议结束时间。汉语的叙述顺序:会议举办或结束时间、披露的消息或报道。报道的具体内容汉语的叙述顺序:会议举办或结束时间、披露的消息或报道。报道的具体内容应该按顺序。应该按顺序。3-2-14。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and Engl

128、ish 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:淹荧壹浪饺炉疡趾囤枪肛讨哄做学簿犬庄藻耽烧伤叹稻抚酥辱叶暇噎继群私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslation e.g. e.g. After regular intervals which depend partly upon the amount of traffic carried and partly upon the local conditions, the so-called: “permanent way” requires replacement. 每隔一段时间后,所谓的每隔一段时间

129、后,所谓的“永久性道路永久性道路”即电路轨道就需要更换。即电路轨道就需要更换。这段时间的长短,部分取决于运输量,部分取决于当地的条件。这段时间的长短,部分取决于运输量,部分取决于当地的条件。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:经漆译救弥绒址淫沁烷肯田荤控隐贪帜匙翁寥撕偿荡挥瞒戚田芋龄垃狸畔私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译Sentence

130、TranslationExercise: But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and until toward the end, who was drunk with power and success, he overreached himself- an amazing capacit

131、y to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich . 然而,如果没有阿道夫然而,如果没有阿道夫希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。因为阿道夫国。因为阿道夫希特勒有着恶魔般的性格,花岗石般的意志,不可思希特勒有着恶魔般的性格,花岗石般的意志,不可思议的本能,无情的冷酷,杰出的智力,深远的想像力以及对人和局势惊议的本能,无情的冷酷,杰出的智力,深远的想像力以及对人和局势惊人的判断力。这种判断力最后由于权力和胜利冲昏了头脑

132、而自不量力,人的判断力。这种判断力最后由于权力和胜利冲昏了头脑而自不量力,终于弄巧成拙。终于弄巧成拙。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:宜套痘帆缚铂擂帅埋碟璃连么担部镑套丰免勘褪榔舞玛袄稍韶碴柏躇蛋蝉私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslation 按时间顺序:按时间顺序: In the last 25 of t

133、he many thousands of years which separate the discovery of gold alloy and silver alloy from the discovery of electrums, we have at last come to realize how much the properties of the former depend on the behavior of the latter. 从金银合金的发现到电子的发现,期间经历了几千年,直到最近从金银合金的发现到电子的发现,期间经历了几千年,直到最近的的25年,我们才终于认识到了前

134、者的性能在多大程度上取决于后者的年,我们才终于认识到了前者的性能在多大程度上取决于后者的作用。作用。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:集李垄崎名过圣炬兔颁送含那述壬闭垦迟拒肌误册晶贷沽烽读革雍讥竭顶私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系第六章句子翻译第六章句子翻译SentenceTranslatione.g.e.g. If she had long lost the

135、blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring which had so swiftly and oddly affected Williams twenty-six years ago, she was still a forty-three, a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue eyes had acquire

136、d a certain fullness. 如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的,花儿般的魅力花儿般的魅力,也失掉她脸也失掉她脸面和身段的那种玉洁冰清,苗条多姿的气质和那苹果花似的颜色面和身段的那种玉洁冰清,苗条多姿的气质和那苹果花似的颜色,26年年前这种花容月貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过威廉前这种花容月貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过威廉-那么在那么在43岁的今天,岁的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过两颊淡淡地有点斑驳,而灰蓝的她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过两颊淡淡地有点斑驳,而灰蓝的眼睛也已经有点饱满了。眼睛也已经有点饱满了。一个主句一个主句 “她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣”。一个状语从句,三个定语从句。一个状语从句,三个定语从句。key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English key points: Comparison in structure of Chinese and English 英语长句的处理英语长句的处理:赃犬骤揩炳朱雷嗡讳撕购坤脊台胶湿挞吴慢巴蜘童壳谰鸟诬罪修褐雁苯祥私立华联学院英语系私立华联学院英语系



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