2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习课件《Unit 1 Living with technology》7-1(江苏专用)

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《2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习课件《Unit 1 Living with technology》7-1(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高考英语牛津译林版选修7总复习课件《Unit 1 Living with technology》7-1(江苏专用)(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1Living with technology.单词默写1broadcast n播送,广播2evolution n演变,发展;进化3principle n原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则4merely adv.仅仅,只有5distribute vt. 使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销6shape vt. 使成形;塑造,制造7elegant adj. 优雅的,高雅的,优美的8necessarily adv. 必然,必须,必定9valid adj. 有根据的,有理的,决断的10acknowledge vt. 承认,认可11review n. a study of something12cus

2、tomer n. a person who buys goods and uses services13portable adj. quite small,and easy to move or carry14assume vt. to believe that something is true without any real proof15storage n. the space where things or information can be kept.词汇拓展1 apply vt.&vi.应 用 , 运 用 ; 申 请application n申请applicant n申请人ap

3、plied adj.应用的2 demand vi., vt.&n.需 要 , 需 求 , 要 求demanding adj.要求高的;费力的;要求极严的3 construct vt.建 立 , 建 筑 , 创 造construction n 建 立 , 建 筑 ; 创 造constructive adj.建设的,建设性的4variety n多样,种种various adj.各种各样的vary v相异,不同;变化5convenience n方便,便利convenient adj.方便的语境助记词不离句,句不离段Assuming you are an applicant.To some degre

4、e,the job is not acknowledged and demands various ways of improvement. So you should have a good shape. .短语落实1keep in touch with 与保持联系2wind up 给上发条3keep pace with 与齐头并进,与并驾齐驱4a variety of 各种各样5contribute to 有助于,促成6stand for 代表,象征7benefit from 受益于,从中获益8have access to 接近的权利(机会)9work out 计算;解决;结果(为)10h

5、ave faith in 相信,信任;信仰.句子翻译1John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928,but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.(Page 2)约翰洛吉贝尔德于1928年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。2Technology is now changing faster than most people can keep pace with.(Page 2)科技的飞速变化使

6、大多数人跟不上步伐。3Meanwhile,real relationships are often sacrificed,and whatever personal peace one has is destroyed whenever the phone rings.(Page 15)同时,我们失去了现实中的关系,并且电话每次响起,个人的安宁就全被打破了。4每人都感到惊奇的是,他向当地慈善机构捐了5,000美元。(Page 8)To everyones surprise,he contributed 5,000 to a local charity.5 The telephone is ve

7、ry convenient for communication,and most people in the world today cannot live without it.(Page 14)手机方便于交流,而且世界上大多数离开手机简直无法生存。.教材设题句型转换(每空不超过3个单词)1Many different people contributed to the development of TV.(教材P2) Many different people contributed to developing TV/TV development/TV developing.2In 199

8、3,the VCD was born,and in 1995,the DVD was invented.(教材P3) In 1993,the VCD was born,with later in 1995,the DVD invented.3With the development of digital technology,sound and video can now be stored on a PC.(教材P3) As digital technology develops,sound and video can now be stored on a PC.4I was at the

9、dentists last Sunday to have my teeth checked.(教材P9) Last Sunday,I asked the dentist to check my teeth.5 While these messages always seems important at the time,most people cannot really remember them the next day.(教材P15) In spite of the importance of these messages,most people cannot really remembe

10、r them the next day. 【课本原句】 I cant imagine living without TV!(P5)我不能想像没有电视的生活!I could imagine having an adventure with them.我可以想像和他们一起冒险。Who can imagine him/his swimming across such a wide river?谁能想像他能游过这么宽的一条河? imagine vt.& vi. 想像,猜想想像,猜想imagine sb (to be). 想像某人为imagination n. 想像,想像力imaginary adj.

11、想像出来的,虚构的imaginary adj. 富有想像力的,有创造力的【联想拓展联想拓展】这个男孩喜欢把自己想像成宇航员。The boy likes to imagine himself an astronaut.书中所有的人物都是虚构的。那位作家一定很有想像力。All characters in the book are imaginary.The writer must be very imaginative.Can you imagine _ alone on the lonely island for ten years?Ahim to liveBhim livedChim livi

12、ng Dhe live答案C看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考用imagine的适当形式填空(1)A dragon is an imaginary animal.(2)The beauty is beyond my imagination.(3)He is imaginative enough to think of new ideas.【课本原句】 It was not until 1906 that adaptations were made so that radio could relay conversation and music.(P5)直到1906年人们才做出变通,这样收音机就能转播

13、会话和音乐了。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境。 adaptation n. 适应,改编本,改写本适应,改编本,改写本adapt vt. 使适应;改编adapt (oneself) to 适应adapt.for. 为而改编be adapted from. 由改编而来 【联想拓展联想拓展】The author is going to adapt his play for television.作者将把他的作者将把他的剧本改本改编成成电视剧。The new students are very slow to a

14、dapt to the rules.新生新生对于那些于那些规定适定适应得很慢。得很慢。辨析辨析adapt/adopt(1)adapt使适应,改编使适应,改编(2)adopt采用,收养采用,收养我建议她要学会适用新的校园生活。I suggested she should learn to adapt herself to her new campus life.他们对这件事采取了强硬态度。They adopted a strong attitude towards this matter.As we all know,this play has been skillfully _ from th

15、e original novel.Aadopted Badapted Caccepted Dadjusted答案B 看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考用adapt/adopt的适当形式填空(1)This movie is an adaptation from a real story.(2)In fact,he is only my adopted son.(3)Wherever we go,we should adapt to the new environment quickly.【课本原句】 In 1982,the frist CDs were made available.(P3)在1982

16、年,第一批CD(激光唱片)问世。Every available ambulance was rushed to the scene of the accident.所有可利用的救护车都向出事现场急速驶去。The only time available is Friday.惟一方便的时间是星期五。available adj. 可得到的,可利用的可得到的,可利用的 be available to.对是可用的或可得到的【联想拓展联想拓展】Check with the counselor to see what opportunities are available to you.向向顾问咨咨询,看看

17、什么,看看什么样的机会适合你。的机会适合你。Computers are available to everyone nowadays.现如今,如今,电脑是随手可得的是随手可得的东西了。西了。辨析available/accessible(1)available闲着的,可获得的,强调“现成可利用”(2)accessible易接近的,易受影响的,可利用的,强调“能接近”Miss Wang is available at the moment.Lets have a word with her.OK.She is always accessible to us students.王老师现在闲着呢。我们

18、过去和她说句话。好的。她对学生总是那么平易近人。The swimming pool is _ only in summer.So you cant go there now.Apresent Bavailable Cprecious Dconvenient答案BFrank put the medicine into a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids.A accessible BavoidableCavailable Dadmirable答案A看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 Regular colour TV

19、 broadcasts were delayed in the UK until 1967.(P2)而在英国,定期的彩色电视节目一直推迟到1967年才得以播放。Never delay what should be done today until tomorrow.不要把今天应做的事推迟到明天。I apologize for the delay in returning your money.我为耽搁还你钱向你道歉。delay vt.&vi.(使使)推迟,延误,耽误;推迟,延误,耽误;n. 延误,阻塞延误,阻塞delay doing sth 延迟做某事without delay 立即,毫不迟疑

20、地 【联想拓展联想拓展】They delayed publishing the report until after the election.他他们把把报告延告延迟到到选举后才后才发表。表。The workers in danger must be rescued without delay.必必须立即立即营救那些救那些处于危于危险中的工人中的工人们。You must hand in your homework without delay(毫不耽搁地)I apologized to him, because I delayed handing in(耽搁了上交)my homework.You

21、 must get there within an hour.There should be no _ in sending this information to him.Apoint Bproblem Cquarrel Ddelay答案D看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 The direct object is usually a noun most clearly affected or acted upon by the action of a transitive verb.(P8)直接宾语通常是一个名词,很直接地受及物动词的动作的影响。Medical experts say

22、 depression can affect anyone.医学专家表示,抑郁能影响到每个人。Her smile can affect you immediately.她的微笑马上就会感染你。affect vt.影响,感染,感动影响,感染,感动effect n. 影响,效果,作用have an effect on. 对有影响in effect 有效;在实行;实际上take effect 开始实行,开始生效effective adj. 有效的,实际的 【联想拓展联想拓展】Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.Alcoholic dr

23、ink can affect your body badly.含酒精的饲料对你身体有很坏的影响。The new rule took effect last month.新规则上个月开始实施了。If a law is in effect(有效),it is being used now.The morphine was starting to take effect(起作用) and the pain eased.Nobody knows for sure what effect the global warming has _ our environment in the long term.

24、Aof Bwith Cfor Don答案D看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考His efforts to raise money for his program were _ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain place Bin sight Cin effect Din vain答案DImmediate action should be _ to prevent people from being affected by the bird flu.Amade Bbrought Cta

25、ken Dpaid 答案C【课本原句】 Many people assume the Amish must have religioos reasons for their many rules,.(P14)很多人认为,阿曼门诺派教徒的许多规则有其宗教原因。 assume vt.假设,设想,以为假设,设想,以为assume that. 假设假设assume sb to be. 认为某人是认为某人是assuming that. 假设假设make an assumption 假定,认为假定,认为A lot of people make the assumption that poverty onl

26、y exists in the Third World.许多人多人认为贫困困仅仅存在于第三世界。存在于第三世界。But when it comes to medicine,I had assumed it was important(假设它是重要的)to always be honest with my patients.(2011湖北卷阅读理解A)Most students assume(认 为 )that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with students misusing te

27、chnology.(2011北京卷阅读理解C)看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考Assuming that(假设) the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money?_ you are a teacher and you will understand the teachers feelings.(2012湖南石齐学校复读部第3次月考)AAssume BAssumesCAssumed DTo assume答案A【课本原句】 The first record players had to be wound up by hand an

28、d only played records that were two minutes long.(P3)最早的留声机必须手摇上发条,而且只能播放两分钟长的唱片。I wind this clock every evening.我每晚给这只闹钟上发条。The nurse wound bandages around the injured arms.护士用绷带包扎伤员的手臂。The river winds through the village.那条河蜿蜒流经村庄。 wind vt.(wound,wound)上发条;缠,绕;弯曲前进上发条;缠,绕;弯曲前进wind up 上(钟表)发条;(把车窗等

29、)摇上去;(口语)结束wind down (钟表等)将要停止;(把车窗等)摇下;(人)放松,休息wind ones way 蜿蜒前进【联想拓展联想拓展】The speaker will soon wind up his speech.演演说者就要者就要结束他的演束他的演讲了。了。几点了?我忘记给手表上发条了。What time is it?I forgot to wind my watch.The river _ its way between the two mountains.Afollows Bwinds Cflows Dgets答案B看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 Moder

30、n washing machines use digital controls.(P6) 现代洗衣机都是数字控制。I wish those kids would stop monkeying around with the remote control!但愿那些孩子不要再乱弄那个遥控器了!We must take steps to control the growth of the world population.我们必须采取措施来控制世界人口的增长。control vt.&n.控制,管理控制,管理 under/out of control 处于控制之下/失去控制under/in the c

31、ontrol of. 在控制下have/take control of/over. 对控制lose control of. 对失去控制 【联想拓展联想拓展】Do you think that everything is under control?你是否认为一切都在控制之中?The fact that you have control over all the clients helps.事实上,你能够控制所有的客户是很有帮助的。You should not let yourself lose control of the property.不要使自己失去对财产的控制。Our factory

32、is in/under the control of the bank(被银行控制)Since the able person, John, is in _ charge of the matter,were sure that the matter is under _ control now.Athe;the Bthe;/ C/;the D/;/答案D看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 The use of technology for communication rather than talking face to face is one reason why this is t

33、rue.(P15)科技被用来交流而非面对面地交流,是一个原因。They were charging us by volume rather than weight.他们是按数量而不按重量向我们收费。It is he rather than you that is to blame for the accident.是他而不是你应该对事故负责。 rather than而不是而不是more than 超过;不仅仅,非常would do rather than do 宁愿而不做prefer to do rather than do 宁愿而不做would rather do/have done 宁愿做

34、/已经做某事or rather 更确切地说 【联想拓展联想拓展】You cannot set foot on the island other than by boat.除了坐船你无法到达那个小岛。I would rather have finished my homework.我宁愿已经完成作业了。Hes my friend,or rather he was my friend.他是我的朋友,不过更确切地说,他曾经是我的朋友。【注意】 would rather的宾语从句要用虚拟语气;将来的和现在的用过去式,过去的用过去完成时。I would rather you took a taxi to

35、 arrive on time.要想按时到达的话,我宁愿你乘计程车。I would rather he had visited us yesterday.我宁愿他昨天来看过我们。I think the boss,rather than the workers,_ to blame for the fire that caused so many deaths.Aare Bwere Cwas Dto be答案C看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 With mobile phones,we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.(P1)有

36、了手机,无论我们在哪里都可以联系其他人。I met her when I was a student,and I have kept in touch with her ever since.我是学生的时候遇见她,以后我们一直保持着联系。 keep in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系stay in touch with. 与保持联系be in touch with. 与保持联系get in touch with. 与取得联系out of touch with. 与没有联系lose touch with. 与失去联系 【联想拓展联想拓展】If we can help you fur

37、ther, please dont hesitate to get in touch with us.如果我们可以进一步帮助你,请随时与我们取得联系。To be frank with you,Ive been out of touch with most of my old friends.实话告诉你,我和大部分的老朋友们都失去联系了。The old men began to lose touch with reality.这位老人开始与现实脱节。We had been out of touch(失去联系) at one time,but with the help of Mary,we go

38、t in touch with(与取得联系) each other again.As is known, mobile phones make it possible for people to _ each other conveniently.Akeep in touch with Bget in touchC lose touch D be concerned答案A看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考【课本原句】 Many different people contributed to the development of TV.(P2)很多不同背景的人对电视的发展作出了贡献。Many reti

39、red people can still contribute to the society with their rich experience.许多退休的老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。Smoking can contribute to lung cancer,therefore youd better quit it.吸烟会导致肺癌,因此你最好戒烟。contribute to 对对有贡献,有助于,促成,引起有贡献,有助于,促成,引起contribute.to . 捐(款)给,提供(时间、精力等),投稿给,contribution n. 捐助;贡献(物)make a contribu

40、tion to. 对有贡献;向捐款 【联想拓展联想拓展】I often contribute articles to my school paper.我经常给我学校的校报投搞。All contributions,however small,will be appreciated.对于所有捐款,无论数目多么小,我们都很感激。Yuan Longping has made great contributions to the development of agriculture.袁隆平对农业的发展作出了巨大的贡献。This new discovery will contribute to(有助于)

41、all humanity.China has made a great _ to the reduction of poverty in the world.Aachievement Bprogress Ccontribution Ddonation答案CIt is proved that smoking can _ lung cancer.A result from Bcontribute toC lead in Ddistribute to答案B看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考It is up to sb to do sth由某人决定做某事,由某人负责做某事,做某事是某人的职责【课本原句本原句

42、】 But its up to you to choose good programmes!(P5) 但由你来但由你来选择好好节目!目!up to 多达多达;一直到;一直到;不迟于;不迟于be up to sth 正在干正在干;从事于;从事于;胜任;胜任 【考点归纳考点归纳】Other distinguishing features include large pectoral fins,which may be up to(达到)a third of the body length,and unique black and white spots on the underside of the tail flukes.(2011上海卷Reading Comprehension Section B,Passage B)Andrew has worked hard up to now(直到现在)John was dismissed because he wasnt _ his work.(2012湖南津市一中月考)Aup for Bup to Cfit in Dsuitable to答案B 看看高考怎么考看看高考怎么考同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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