《Unit 5 Travelling abroad》课件八(29张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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1、Harvard UniversityThe University of Sydney耶鲁大学耶鲁大学 Yale University 总统的摇总统的摇篮篮 Princeton University 普林斯顿大普林斯顿大学学美国政治家的摇篮美国政治家的摇篮 33位诺贝尔奖得主位诺贝尔奖得主 麻省理工学院麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 科技宠儿的摇篮科技宠儿的摇篮剑桥大学剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 牛津大学牛津大学 University of Oxford M7-Unit 5 Travelling abroad

2、 General Introduction Suggested Teaching Procedures Assessment Teaching Resources General Introduction1.Introduction to the topic 2. Introduction to the structure & content1. Introduction to the topicu本单元的中心话题是本单元的中心话题是“出国旅游出国旅游”,具体涉及在,具体涉及在 国外学习、旅游等。国外学习、旅游等。u了解在国外学习可能遇到的困难,并学会怎样去了解在国外学习可能遇到的困难,并学会

3、怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生解决问题和避免这样问题的发生;u树立学好英语的信心;树立学好英语的信心;u 树立国际意识,培养学生跨文化交际能力。树立国际意识,培养学生跨文化交际能力。2. Introduction to the structure and contentUnit 5Warming-upSpeakingListeningPre-readingReading Post-readingUsing Language- Useful expressions & structuresWritingProjectWorkbook Suggested Teaching Procedures

4、1st period Speaking2nd period Reading3rd period Listening and Speaking4th period Grammar5th period Integrating skills6th period WritingReadingStep 1 Pre-readingKeep it up, Xie LeiSpeakSpeakReadRead Listen Listen writewriteReadingStep 2 Skimming: Key sentencesStep 3 Scanning 1) Fill in the diagram be

5、low.Benefitsof doing a preparation course_ Of living with a host family_ Of having a tutor_at the university_Difficultiesof a new way of life_ Reading2 2) Read for inferenceAccording to the passage we can learn Xie Lei is _. A. crazy B. modern C. determined D. honest3) Read for language competence R

6、ead and find your own useful expressions Use the expressions to describe the life in the foreign country Reading Step 4 Post reading Three questions- 1. Why do you think the reporter used some direct speech in the article? 2. Why did Xie Lei like a child when she first arrived in England? 3. Why has

7、 Xie Lei decided to join a few university clubs? Learning about Language Step 1 Discovering useful words & expressionsPractice 1 Find words & expressions from the reading passage according to the meaning of the sentences. Practice 2 Note the part of speech of the given words and complete the sentenc

8、es in their proper forms. e.g. hopeful-hopefully Exercise in the SBStep 2 Revising useful structures-Non-restrictive attributive clauses 1. Encourage Ss to find the rules themselves. 2. Situational practiceStep 1 Talking about the picture about PeruStep 2 Listen to the conversation between Lia and a

9、 travel agent and try to know more about Peru and then tick the things Lia says she liked going.Using Language-Listening, reading & speaking trying different kinds of food looking at wildlife swimming leaning about a countrys culture visiting places on her own going to historical sights cycling visi

10、ting museums going skiing staying in expensive hostelsTick the things she likes doing.Step 3 Listen again and complete the sentences with a few words. 1. I _ independent. 2. But you_ because its your first time. 3. But I also_. 4. You _ from Lima, the capital of Peru, to Cuzco. 5. We _ into a hotel

11、in Cuzco.like to be might find it difficultlove mountains could flycould book youSpeakingStep 1 Talk more about Peru after listening.Step 2 Read the passage (P.42) and answer the questions.Step 3 Read the brochure( P.43 ) and answer the questions.Step 4 Discuss the plan to visit Cuzco.Writing1. Pers

12、onal work: Make an outline first and then write a passage 2. Pair work: Check for each other 3. Group work: Read aloud each others own work and recommend one to read in class 4. Class work: Exchange the writing and give evaluationsProjectTask 1- Interview the people who have travelled overseas and a

13、sk for their advice about travelling successfully and safely Task 2- Visit a bookshop or library and glance through some travel guides which give advice to travellers. Task 3- Make a poster that gives young people advice on travelling overseas.AssessmentPerformance Assessment Example 1: Writing Example 2: Self-evaluation日日 期期 题题 目目内内 容容 篇篇 幅幅 时时 态态 拼拼 写写 词词 汇汇 行行 文文 得得 分分自自 评评互互 评评教教 师师评评 价价书面表达评价表书面表达评价表Teaching Resourses http:/ http:/ http:/www.irn.org/programs http:/



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