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1、Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation?Talk about our summer holiday.Free talk: A: How was your summer holiday? A: Where did you go on your summer holiday?A: What did you do on summer holiday?B: It was great / OK /not bad / B: I went to Guangzhou/Shenzhen.B: I visited my uncle/stayed at home/Myfriendsvacation

2、TinaBobSallyXiangHuaTomWhere did he go on vacation?He went to New York City.NewYorkCity.Statue of LibertyWhere did he go on vacation?He went to summer camp.summercampWhere did she go on vacation?She went to the mountains.mountainmauntn Where did she go on vacation?She stayed at home.homeWhere did he

3、 go on vacation?He visited his uncle.Hi, Bob!Hi, Uncle Jack!Where did she go on vacation?She went to the beach.Where did they go on vacation?Theyvisitedthemuseums.1.stayedathome2.wenttoNewYorkCity3.visitedmyuncle4.wenttosummercamp5.wenttothemountains6.wenttothebeach7.visitedmuseumsMatch the activiti

4、es with the pictures. (1a)fbgdcae1.Tina2.XiangHua3.Sally4.Bob5.Tom14325Listen and number the people in the picture. (1b)瞬间记忆瞬间记忆拜访我拜访我叔叔叔叔2呆在家呆在家里里2去纽约去纽约2做作业做作业2去夏令去夏令营营3去爬山去爬山3参观博参观博物馆物馆3去海滩去海滩3(如果你能如果你能用用过去式过去式说出短语,说出短语,就能得到就能得到相应分数相应分数,快快加油快快加油呦!呦!)Classexercises1.-Wheredidyougoonvacation?-I_myg

5、randma.A.visitB.visitedC.visits2.Bettystayedathomeand_forthetestlastweekend.A.studyB.studyedC.studied3.-_yourmothergofishing?-No,shedidnt.Shewentshopping.A.DoesB.IsC.Did4.-How_yourvacation?-Itwasprettygood.A.wasB.wereC.didPeriod 2Grace Kevin JulieWheredidNancy,Kevin,Juliegoonvacation?Listen.Wheredid

6、thepeoplegoonvacation?Completethechart.2aPeoplePlacesGraceKevinJulieNewYorkCityThebeachStayedathome2b Listen again. Check () Yes, I did or No, I didnt for each question. Did youYes, I did.No, I didnt.Grace go with anyone?go to Central Park?buy anything special?Kevinplay volleyball?swim?meet anyone i

7、nteresting?Juliedo anything interesting?study for tests?go out with anyone?1.DidGracegowithanyone?Yes,shedid.2.DidKevinplayvolleyball?No,hedidnt.3.DidJuliedoanythinginteresting?No,shedidnt.请找出请找出2b中所有的中所有的不定代词不定代词anyone某人某人anything某事物某事物复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法 1.构成:由构成:由some,any,no,ever

8、y分别加上分别加上-body,-thing,-one 构成的不定代词叫做复合不定代词;构成的不定代词叫做复合不定代词;加上加上-where构成构成副词。副词。 2.用法:用法:(1)复合不定代词在句中可以复合不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语作主语,宾语或表语等等。Nobodywilllistentohim.没有人会听他的。没有人会听他的。Hewantssomethingtoeat.他想要些吃的东西。他想要些吃的东西。(2)不定代词作主语时,不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数谓语动词要用单数。Everybodylikesplayingthepiano.每个人都喜欢弹钢琴。每个人都喜欢弹钢琴。

9、every-每个some-某个any-任何no-没有-thing事物everyonesomethinganythingnothing-body人everybodysomebodyanybodynobody-one人everyonesomeoneanyoneno onewhere地方everywhere somewhere anywherenowhere1.不定代词做主语,谓语动词用不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数单数2.形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,形容词放在不定代词或不定副词后面形容词放在不定代词或不定副词后面。(3)some-不定代词,通常用于不定代词,通常

10、用于肯定句肯定句中;中;any-不定代不定代词则多用于词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。中。但但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中时的疑问句中。Couldyougivemesomethingtoeat?你可以给我一些吃的东西吗?你可以给我一些吃的东西吗?(4)形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。Thereissomethingwrongwithyoureyes.你的眼睛有点问题。你的眼睛有点问题。NotesDid you buy any

11、thing special?复合不定代词或复合不定副词与形容词连时,复合不定代词或复合不定副词与形容词连时, 形容词形容词必须放在必须放在复合不定代词之后复合不定代词之后,语法上称作,语法上称作“后置后置”。例如:例如: something important 重要的事重要的事someone interesting有趣的人有趣的人somewhere beautiful漂亮的地方漂亮的地方 Theres nothing interesting in the news today. 今天的新闻里没有什么有趣的新闻。今天的新闻里没有什么有趣的新闻。1. I cant hear anything =

12、I can hear _.2. There is _ on the floor. Please pick it up.3. Did _ go to play basketball with you ?4. I phoned you last night, but _ answered it.5. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your ears.6. Theres _ in the box. Its empty.7. Maybe _ put my pencil _. I cant find it _.巩固练习:用不定代词或不定副词填空巩固练习:用不定代词或不定

13、副词填空nothingsomethinganyonenobodynothingnothingsomeonesomewhereanywhere二句型转换1.Jack went to France on vacation .(对划线部分提问) _ _ Jack_ on vacation?2.I bought nothing.(改为同义句)。I _.3.Betty studied for tests last Friday.(改为一般疑问句)。_Betty_for tests last Friday?4.They played basketball yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ t

14、hey _ yesterday?5. Jane bought something special.(改为否定句) Jane_ _ _ _.Homework1.Preview P2-3.2.练习3.单词:anyone-dairyPeriod 31.Doyouhave_todothisevening?A.importantsomethingB.anythingimportantC.somethingimportant2._iswatchingTV.Letsturnitoff.A.SomebodyB.AnybodyC.Nobody3.Wouldyoulike_?Icangetitforyou.A.s

15、omethingelseB.anythingelseC.everythingelse4.Lastweekendwehadgreatfun_onthebeach.A.playedB.toplayC.playingD.playHuangguoshu WaterfallHuangguoshuWaterfallisaninterestingandwonderfulplaceinGuizhou.YoucanseequiteafewwaterfallsinChina,butHuangguoshuWaterfallisveryspecial.Itsspecialbecauseitsgreatandbeaut

16、iful.ItsthebiggestwaterfallinChina.Peopletakealotofphotosofthiswaterfallandherearesome.How do you like it?1.Where did Helen go on vacation? She went to Guizhou with her family.2.What did Helen think of Huangguoshu Waterfall? It was wonderful.3.Where did Rick go on vacation? He stayed at home.Listen

17、and answer the questions.2d Role-play the conversation.Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see.Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?Helen: Yes, I did. It was wo

18、nderful! We took quite a few photos there .What about you? Did you do anything special last month?Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.Translate the sentences.我正在和我的好朋友们踢足球。I am playing football with my good friends.我上个星期天和我的同学去购物。I went shopping with my classma

19、tes last Sunday.1.Wetookquiteafewphotosthere.afew意为意为“一些,若干(一些,若干(=some)”,后跟可数名词复数形式。后跟可数名词复数形式。quiteafew意为意为“相当多;不少相当多;不少(=many)”后跟可数名词复数形式。后跟可数名词复数形式。e.g.Afewgirlsareplayingvolleyball.几个女孩正在打排球。几个女孩正在打排球。Therearequiteafewbirdsintheforest.在那片森林里有很多鸟。在那片森林里有很多鸟。fewfjuadj.很少的;很少的;n.少量少量few表示表示否定意义否定意

20、义,作形容词时,意为,作形容词时,意为“几乎没有几乎没有”,修饰,修饰可数名词复数可数名词复数。词语词语意义意义用法用法few很少,几乎没有很少,几乎没有修饰可数名词复数,修饰可数名词复数,表示表示否定否定意义。意义。a few有一点,有一些有一点,有一些修饰可数名词复数,修饰可数名词复数,表示表示肯定肯定意义。意义。little很少,几乎没有很少,几乎没有修饰不可数名词复修饰不可数名词复数,表示数,表示否定否定意义。意义。a little有一点,有一些有一点,有一些修饰不可数名词复修饰不可数名词复数,表示数,表示肯定肯定意义。意义。1.Therewas_rainlastyear,sothep


22、可数名词均可。或不可数名词均可。e.g.Moststudentsgotoschoolonfoot.大多数学生步行去上学。大多数学生步行去上学。3.most+名词名词泛指多数,无范围泛指多数,无范围;most+of+the(this/that/those/these等等)名词名词,指指某一范围某一范围内的多数。内的多数。e.g.Mostofthestudentsgotoschoolbybike.这些学生们中这些学生们中的多数骑自行车去上学。的多数骑自行车去上学。GrammarFocusWhere did you go on vacation?I went to New York City.Did

23、 you go out with anyone?No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. Did you buy anything special?Yes, I bought something for my father. No, I bought nothing.How was the food?Everything tasted really goodDid everyone have a good time?Oh, yes, Everything was excellentGrammarFocusWhere did you go on

24、 vacation?I went to New York City.Did you go out with anyone?No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. Did you buy anything special?Yes, I bought something for my father. No, I bought nothing.How was the food?Everything tasted really goodDid everyone have a good time?Oh, yes, Everything was exc

25、ellent1.Did everyone have a good time? 大家玩得开心吗大家玩得开心吗 have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 玩得开心玩得开心 (+ doing) eg: We had a good time visiting the Great Wall. = We _ _ _the the Great Wall. = We _ _ _the Great Wall. enjoyedourselvesvisitinghadfunvisiting Linda: Did you do_ fun on your vacation,

26、 Alice? Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya.Linda: How did you like it?Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so_ was really interesting. 3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation.anyone something anything everything nothinganythingeverythingWhatdoyouthinkofit?Li

27、nda: Did you go with_?Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister.Linda: Did you go shopping?Alice: Of course! I bought_ for my parents, but _for myself.Linda: Why didnt you buy_ for yourself?Alice: I didnt really see _I liked.anyonesomethingnothinganythinganythingDear Bill,How was your vacation? Did y

28、ou do _ interesting? Did_ in the family go with you? I went to a friends farm in the countryside with my family. _was great. anything everything nothing everyone no one3b Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message with the words in the box.anythingeveryoneEverythingWe fed some hens and saw some baby p

29、igs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was _ much to do in the evening but read. Still _ seemed to be bored. Bye for now!Marknothingno one6.The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。 nothing much to do意为“没什么事可做”。 a. I have_ _

30、_ _this afternoon. 今天下午我没什么特殊的事可做。 b. There is _ _ _ _,so I go to bed early.没什么事可做,因此我就早早睡觉了。but 除除.之外之外 。 nothingmuchtodonothingmuchtodoseemsimvi.似乎;好像似乎;好像seemtodosth.好像做某事好像做某事eg.Tomseemedtoplaybasketballjustnow.汤姆刚才好像打篮球了。汤姆刚才好像打篮球了。Itseemsthat从句。其中从句。其中it是形式主语,是形式主语,that从句是真从句是真正的主语。正的主语。eg.Its

31、eemsthatnooneknowshowtosolvethisproblem.似乎没有人知道怎么解答这个难题。似乎没有人知道怎么解答这个难题。=Nooneseemstoknowhowtosolvethisproblem.1.Where did Mark go on his vacation? He went to a friends farm.2.How was his vacation? It was great.3.What was the problem?There was nothing much to do in the evening but read.4.Did anyone

32、seem bored? No , it didnt. 3c Ask your group questions about their last vacation. Then tell the class your results.Did youEveryone SomeoneNo oneeating anything at a restaurant?read anything interesting?Visit anyone in your family?Buy anything?Keep a diary?In our group, everyone ate something at a re

33、staurantevery-每个some-某个any-任何no-没有-thing事物everythingsomething (sth.)anythingnothing-body人everybodysomebody (sb.)anybodynobody-one人everyonesomeoneanyoneno onewhere地方everywhere somewhere anywherenowhere1.不定代词做主语,谓语动词用不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数单数2.形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词时,形容词放在不定代词或不定副词后面形容词放在不定代词或不定副词后面。一



36、2.Theydidntbuy_(特特殊的东西殊的东西)thereyesterday.3.Tellus_(有趣有趣的事情的事情)aboutyourvacation,Jenny.anyonesomethinginterestinganythingspecial4.Theycaught_(相当多相当多的的)insectsintheforest.5._(大多数大多数)studentscangettoschoolearly.quiteafewMostofthePeriod 4 Yesterday I went out for dinner with my family .I had a hamburge

37、r .It was terrible. And I also ate an ice-cream. It was delicious.B: It was delicious.A: How was the hamburger?A: How were the strawberries?B: They were delicious.A: How was the apple?B: It was terrible. 300,000expensiveHow was the car last year? 50,000How is the car now?cheapRMB100,000,000expensive

38、Howwerethesejewels?珠宝珠宝one hundred million 百万How was the bus trip?It was relaxing.How was the museum?It was boring.How was the water three years ago?cleandirtyHow is the water now?She watched a football match.It was exciting.She went to the library. It was interesting.They went to summer camp. It wa

39、s great. They went to the restaurant. The food was delicious. 1a Match the words with the pictures below.1. f delicious2. expensive 3. exciting 4. cheap 5. terrible6. boringaebcd1b. Write words on the left. Write words on the right.wordswords_ _ delicious terribleexcitingcheap boringexpensive用方框中所给词


41、ts_good.relaxing,interesting,boring,excellent,relaxing,interesting,boring,excellent,unfriendly,beautiful,terrible,prettyunfriendly,beautiful,terrible,prettyboringboringrelaxingrelaxinginterestinginterestingunfriendlyunfriendlybeautifulbeautifulterribleterribleexcellentexcellentprettypretty1.Where di

42、d Lisa go on vacation? _ 2. Did she do anything special there? What was it? _ _1c Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions.She went to Hong Kong.She went to a fun park. It was reallyexciting.3. Did she buy anything for her best friend? _ 4. Did Lisa like her vacation?_Yes, sh

43、e did.Yes, she did.1d Listen again and fill in the blanks. What did Lisa say about.? her vacation_ the people_ the fun park_ the food_ the stores_ greatfriendlyexcitingdeliciousexpensive1e Ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Begin your questions with:Where did ? What did? Did she ? How wa

44、s? How were?1.What do people usually do on vacation?2a Discuss the questions with your partner.visittheplacesofinterest参观名胜古迹参观名胜古迹tastelocalspecialfoods品尝当地特色小吃品尝当地特色小吃 ski /i:/surfrideabicycleparaglideridingabicyclesurfingparaglidingWhatactivitiesdoyoufindenjoyable?IfeellikeIamafish.IfeellikeIamab

45、ird.Period 5Jane tried paragliding on the beach in Malaysia.She felt like she was a bird.1.When did she arrive in Penang?2.Why did she decide to go to the beach?3.What did they have for lunch?4.There was something special in Georgetown, what is it?5.What did she really enjoy doing?1. so we decided t

46、o played tennis.1) decide to do sth. 决定干某事决定干某事e.g. They decided to go to Hainan on vacation.I decided to go to Shandong for summer holiday.2) decide not to do sth 决定不做某事决定不做某事e.g. 我决定再也不去那里度假了我决定再也不去那里度假了I decided not to go there for a holiday again.Language Points2. And because of the bad weather,

47、 we couldnt see anything below. because of 为为介介词词短短语语,后接名后接名词词、动动名名词词或名或名词词短短语语, 而我而我们们学学过过的的“because” 是是连词连词,其后接句子其后接句子。例如:。例如: I did it because they asked me to do it! 我做我做这这事是因事是因为为他他们们要我做啊!要我做啊! we stopped the match, because it was raining. we stopped the match, because of the rain. 由于下雨我由于下雨我们们

48、停止了比停止了比赛赛。用 because 和 because of填空(1)_he is ill,he is absent today. (2)He is not at school_his illness. (3)He cant come_the heavy rain. (4)We like physics_we can learn a lot of ideas Janes vacation July 15thJane got to Penang in Malaysia with _ this morning.The weather was _.Jane and her sister tri

49、ed_.For lunch, they had _-Malaysia yellow noodles.In the afternoon, they _ to Georgetown. In Weld Quay, they _.Jane wonder _ in the past. She really enjoyed _ around the town.her familysunny and hotparagliding something specialrode bicyclessaw the houses of the Chinese traderswhat life was like ther

50、ewalking Janes vacation July 16thThey wanted to _ of Penang Hill.They decided to take the train because _.When they got to the top, it _.They couldnt see anything _.Her father didnt bring enough money, so they only had _.The food tasted great because _.walk to the topit started rainingwas raining re

51、ally hardbecause of bad weatherone bowl of rice an some fishshe was hungryWhatadifferenceadaymakes!2c Read Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart.Things Jane did or saw Did she like it? (yes/ no)why or why not?tried paraglidingThey were delicious.walked around Georgetownwent to Penang Hill It

52、tasted great because she was hungry.YesIt was so exciting.had lunchIt had a long history.They were wet and cold because of the rain.YesYesYesNohad rice and fish2d Complete the conversation using information in the diary entries.Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane: I _to Penan

53、g in_.Anna: who _ you go with?Jane: I went with my _. Anna: what did you do? Jane: The weather was hot and _on Monday, so we went _ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _ bicycles to Georgetown. Anna: Sounds great!MalaysiawentdidfamilysunnyparaglidingrodeJane: Well, but the next day was not as go

54、od. My _ and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather really bad and rainy. We _ a long time for the train and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _.Anna: Oh, no!Jane: And thats not all! We also didnt bring _ money, so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.fatherwaswaitedwetumbrellaenough

55、2e Thursday, July 18thToday _(be) a beautiful day. My father and I _ (go) to Penang Hill again, but this time we _ (want) to the top. waswentwanted to walkWe_ (start) our walk at 9:30 a.m. we _(see) lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way. About one hour later, we _(stop) and _(drink) some t

56、ea. Then we _(walk) for another two hours before we _(get) to the top. I _(be) quite tired, but the city_ (look) wonderful from the top of the hill!startedsawstoppeddrankwalkedgotwaslooked一、完成句子。一、完成句子。1.你们假期去了哪里?你们假期去了哪里?_you_vacation?2.我们假期去夏令营了我们假期去夏令营了.We_onvacation.3.上星期天气怎么样?又闷又热。上星期天气怎么样?又闷又热



59、y?8.Ifoundanexpensiveringyesterdayevening.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问)_you_anexpensivering?9.Thepeoplewerentfriendly.(同义句同义句)Thepeople_.10.Scottcamebackhomeonfoot.(同义句同义句)Scott_backhome.Period 6 Imagine you are an American student on vacation in Beijing. Write a travel diary.the Great Wallthe Palace MuseumTia

60、nan Men Squarea Beijing Hutong3a Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. Wednesday,_20thToday the weather was _. I went to_. It was_ . We _. I liked this place because_. For dinner we had_. It was _ . In the evening, I felt real

61、ly_ .hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photosbeautiful August buy something special interesting learn something importanthot and sunnyBeijing duck delicioustiredTiananmen Squarebeautifultook some photosI learnt something importantAugustHow to write an English diary?写日记的格式:写日记的格式:

62、在左上角写上日期在左上角写上日期, 先星期先星期(week)再日期再日期(date),在右上角写上天气在右上角写上天气(weather)。 然后另起一行然后另起一行, 就可以写下你想要写的事情或感想了。就可以写下你想要写的事情或感想了。 注意写日记时注意写日记时, 要使用正确的时态要使用正确的时态, 如果你如果你记叙的是已经发生的事情记叙的是已经发生的事情, 一般都应用过去一般都应用过去时态。如果写的是感想等时态。如果写的是感想等, 就可以用一般现在时。就可以用一般现在时。 Thursday, August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum. It w

63、as cool. Then I went to visit the Great Wall. How great it is! I took many photos there. In the afternoon, I went to Tianan Men Square. The square is very large. Today was Chinese Army Day. So there were many people there and it was very crowded. We had great fun playing there! At last, we traveled

64、around Beijinghutong on tricycle. The Chinese people are very friendly. I felt very happy today, but I wasreally tired.Oh, I went to Beijing. Did you do anything special in Nanjing?4. Imagine you are all of foreigners on vacation in China. You meet each other at the airport on your way home. Talk ab

65、out what you did on your vacation.Hi, my names Paul.I went to Nanjing.Hi, Paul. Im Anna. Where did you go on vacation?1. A: Did go on vacation with you last month? B: Yes, my family went to the countryside with me.2. A: Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend?1 Complete the conversatio

66、ns with the correct words in the box.anything everything nothing anyone everyone no oneanyone B: No. from my family went, but my friend went with me.3. A: I didnt bring back anything from Malaysia. B: at all? Why not?4. A: Did you buy in the shopping center? B: No, I didnt. was very expensive.5. A:

67、How was the volleyball game yesterday? B: Great! had a fun time!No oneNothinganythingeverythingeveryoneLast August, our class _(do) something very special on our school trip. We _(go) to Mount Tai. We _ (start) our trip at 12:00 at night. Everyone in our class _(take) a bag with some food and water.

68、 2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.didwentstartedtookAfter three hours, someone looked at the map and _ (find) out we _ (be, not) anywhere near the top. My legs _ (be) so tired that I wanted to stop. My classmates _(tell) me to keep going, so I _(go) on. At 5:00 a.m., we got to the top! Everyone _ (jump) up and down in excitement. Twenty minutes later, the sun _ (start) to come up. It was so beautiful that we _ (forget) about the last five hours!foundwerentwastoldwentjumpedstartedforgot



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