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1、1.熟词生义、熟义情景比较记1.advance:In order to advance growth,he asked for an advance on his salary.为促促进成长,他要求预付预付薪水。2.against:Im against the measure,but the picture really looks nice against the white wall.虽然我反对反对这种做法,但这幅画在白墙的衬托衬托下的确很美。3.age:Age aged him rapidly. 年年龄使他快速衰老衰老。4.agree with:I quite agree with hi

2、m on the sports though his words do not agree with his actions.我非常同意同意他在运动方面的见解,尽管他言行不一致一致。5. absorb:Absorbed in the magazine,you can absorb the latest information. 专注专注于这本杂志,你就可以获得获得最新的信息。6. acknowledge:Acknowledged as one of the greatest pianists,he waved his hands to acknowledge the crowd.被认为是被认为

3、是最杰出的钢琴家之一,他挥手向人群表示感谢感谢。7. arm:I seized the thief by the arm and took away his arms.我抓住了小偷的胳膊胳膊,拿走了他的武器武器。 8.attend:John was ill so he couldnt attend the party. He was attended by his personal physician at home.John病了,不能参加参加集会。在家里由他的私人医生照料照料。9.back:Many of my friends sitting at the back of the room

4、backed my plan.我许多坐在房子后部后部的朋友支持支持我的计划。10.badly:The boys bike went bad,so he badly needed a new one.这个孩子的自行车坏了坏了,所以他迫切迫切需要一辆新的。11.blue:My face was blue with cold and I felt rather blue today. 我的脸冻得发青青,我今天很忧郁忧郁。 12. bury:He buried his face in his hands and was buried in thought. 他双手掩掩面,专心专心思考。13.capit

5、al:Beijing,capital of our country,usually has a capital letter at the beginning.我国首都首都北京的首字母是要大写的大写的。14.catch:Can you catch my words? The woman was caught stealing in the supermarket.你能明白明白我说的吗?这名女士被发现发现在超市里偷窃。 15.desert:Faced with the difficulty,he deserted his child in the desert. 面对困难,他把孩子遗弃遗弃在戈壁

6、滩戈壁滩。16 .desperate:On hearing that,I felt desperate because I was always desperate to get the job.一听到这,我就感到绝望绝望,因为我一直渴望渴望得到这份工作。17. down:Walking down the hill,I felt down because of the failure.下下山的时候,由于失败,我感到失望失望。18. drive:Drive with caution! Dont drive me crazy.谨慎驾驶驾驶,不要把握逼疯。19.eye:A surgeon needs

7、 a good eye and a steady hand. Besides,keep an eye on patients behavior.外科医生眼眼要准,手要稳。并且要密切关注关注病人的反应。20.fail:Having failed many times in the exam,he failed us greatly.在考试中经历多次失败失败后,他非常令我们失望失望。21. fine:On the fine weather,he was fined for parking his car there.在这晴朗的晴朗的日子里,他却因为在那儿停车被罚款罚款。22 .given:Give

8、n his contributions,he was given the title of hero.考虑到考虑到他的贡献,他被授予授予英雄的称号。23.heavy:A man with a heavy heart may easily get angry on heavy traffic.心情沉重的沉重的人在交通拥挤交通拥挤时容易发怒。24.hit:The news that he hit the enemy black and blue in one minute was a big hit this month.本月他在一分钟内把对手打打得青一块紫一块的新闻轰动一时轰动一时。25.hol

9、d:In the theatre holding 5,000 people,he held me closely.在这所容纳容纳5 000人的剧院里,他紧紧地抱抱着我。26. interest:If you have an interest in the business,you can get some interests in my mine. 如果你对这项生意感兴趣兴趣的话,你可以在我矿上得到一些股份股份。27.last:Last but not least,he is the last person to tell lies.最后最后但同样重要的是,他最不可能最不可能撒谎。28 .lo

10、se:Never lose heart. Your watch loses 10 minutes.不要失去失去信心。你的表慢表慢10分钟。29 .lot:There being a lot of cars,it is difficult for us to find a parking lot sometimes.因为有太多的太多的车辆,对我们来说找到停车场所场所会很困难。30.leave:She left the office because she had asked for three days leave to attend her sick son.她离开离开办公室,因为她请了三天的

11、假假去照看生病的儿子。31 .live:Live young men always watch live football matches on TV.精力充沛的精力充沛的年轻人经常在电视上观看实况直播的实况直播的足球比赛。32.mean:What he said meant it was mean to speak ill of others. 他所说的意味着意味着说别人坏话是卑鄙的卑鄙的(行为行为)。33.monitor:The head teacher ordered Li Hua,monitor of Class Three,to monitor the study during hi

12、s absence.三班的班主任要求班长班长李华在他外出期间监督监督班内的学习。34.must:You must master a foreign language because it is a must in international trade.你必须必须掌握一门外语,因为它在国际贸易中是必不可少必不可少的。35.novel:Lu Yaos novel,the Ordinary World,gave us a novel solution to the problem.路遥的小说小说平凡的世界给了我们解决该问题一个新颖的新颖的方案36.occur:It never occurred t

13、o him that he should run into a car until that really occurred to him.他从未想到想到他竟然会撞到小汽车上,直到这件事真的发生发生在他身上。37.read:Please read the passage again,otherwise you cant read the writers thoughts.请将该段落再读读一遍,否则你不能领会领会作者的思想。38.run:He ran home after school to help his father run the fruit shop.放学后,他跑跑回家去帮他的爸爸打理

14、打理水果店。39.shoulder:I cant imagine how the weak shoulders can shoulder the heavy pressure of life.我无法想象那么弱小的肩膀肩膀如何能承担承担如此重的生活压力。40.sound:The government sounded a alarm that: “Without a sound mind,one cant have a sound health”.政府发出发出警报:没有健康的健康的精神,就没有健全的健全的体魄。41.strike:It struck me that striking a balan

15、ce between my family and my work was too difficult. 我突然明白突然明白家庭和工作两者很难兼顾兼顾。42.succeed:Because he has succeeded in finishing the task,he will succeed his father as the manager of the company.因为他成功成功地完成了任务,所以他将接替接替他的父亲担任公司43. treat:Feeling treated badly,she treated herself to a box of doughnuts in a c

16、hildlike act.感觉受到不公正的对待对待,她孩子气地买了一盒甜圈来款待款待自己。44. voice:At the meeting,Matthew voiced his doubts about the plan in a low voice.在会议上,Matthew小声声地表达表达了对该计划的顾虑。45. 1.walk:While walking the leader to the factory,we met many people from all walks of life.在陪同陪同领导去工厂的路上,我们遇到了许多来自各行业行业的人们。46.will:He will divi

17、de his possessions into four parts in his will.在他的遗嘱遗嘱中,他将将把他的财产分成四份。47. fix:The date of the next meeting has been fixed,and by then the extraordinary man will fix our attention.下次会议的日期已经确定确定了,到时一位特殊的人物将吸引吸引我们的注意。48.raise:We had to raise money for our project of raising the animals in danger,which m

18、ay raise some peoples objection.为了饲养那些处于危险中的动物,我们必须筹集钱,这有可能引起一些人们的反对。49.tear:She was so angry that she tore the letter into pieces,tears in eyes.她泪泪眼汪汪,如此生气,把信撕撕得粉碎。50.wear:The girl who wears long hair wears a red skirt,wearing a happy smile always. Its said the material wont wear.那位留着留着长发的女孩穿着穿着一条红裙子,总是面带带笑容。据说这布料不耐磨耐磨。



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