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1、 English for Electronic Commerce电子商务英语电子商务英语 授课教师授课教师:王芳王芳 QQ:398647291 Tel:13607676809Teaching ContentsUnit 1 What Is Electronic CommerceUnit 2 How E-Commerce WorksUnit 3 Infrastructure for ECUnit 4 From Traditional to Internet-Based EDIUnit 5 How to Create an E-Commerce Web SiteUnit 6 E-MarketingU

2、nit 7 E-Business ModelsUnit 8 The Story of AUnit 9 Enterprise E-Business SuccessUnit 10 E-Business on Demand: A Developers RoadmapUnit 11 E-Business GlobalizationUnit 12 Online PaymentsTeaching ContentsUnit 13 RFID Technology and Its ApplicationsUnit 14 Supply Chain ManagementUnit 15 Enterprise Reso

3、urce PlanningUnit 16 Stop Losing Customers on the WebUnit 17 Public-Key CryptographyUnit 18 Introduction to Secure Socket LayerUnit 19 Secure Electronic TransactionUnit 20 Legal Issues of E-CommerceUnit 21 Toward a Wireless WorldUnit 22 Wireless Technology and M-Business Unit 23 NTT DoCoMo: I-Mode P

4、ortalUnit 24 The Future of Wireless BankingTeaching Objectives in Chinese 通过本课程的学习,能够培养学生利用互联网进行国际商务通过本课程的学习,能够培养学生利用互联网进行国际商务信息处理和业务操作的能力,提高学生通过网络进行交流与沟通信息处理和业务操作的能力,提高学生通过网络进行交流与沟通的基本表达技巧,了解当代电子商务理念及电子商务的巨大潜力,的基本表达技巧,了解当代电子商务理念及电子商务的巨大潜力,为学生毕业后适应高速发展的电子信息时代和电子商务环境奠定为学生毕业后适应高速发展的电子信息时代和电子商务环境奠定基础。基

5、础。(一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1. 1. 掌握必备的电子商务信息沟通的表达技巧和相关的表达方式。掌握必备的电子商务信息沟通的表达技巧和相关的表达方式。 2. 2. 了解电子商务的运行平台、基本理念、主要类型以及电子商务了解电子商务的运行平台、基本理念、主要类型以及电子商务所提供的商机和利益。所提供的商机和利益。 3. 3. 熟悉电子商务的发展趋向并了解未来电子商务可供利用的机遇熟悉电子商务的发展趋向并了解未来电子商务可供利用的机遇和挑战。和挑战。 (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 1. 1. 掌握足够的与电子商务相关的词汇和表达方式。掌握足够的与电子商务相关的词汇和表达方式。 2. 2. 熟悉

6、电子商务基本交易类型的操作原理、方法和步骤。熟悉电子商务基本交易类型的操作原理、方法和步骤。 3. 3. 了解其它与电子商务相关的话题并能通过网上交流拓展学业与了解其它与电子商务相关的话题并能通过网上交流拓展学业与职业空间。职业空间。Time Allotment24 units/20 hours/10 weeksThe last four units and unit 6&14 (marketing) will not be covered in our class.2 hours/final examBecause of very limited working hours, you hav

7、e to do the preview very carefully, including the text and the exercises.Assessment本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考程终结考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占核占30%30%(平时成绩),课程终结考试占(平时成绩),课程终结考试占70%70%(笔试)。(笔试)。形成性考核:包括平时作业、各项教学活动的形成性考核:包括平时作业、各项教学活动的参与情况,以及学生在学习过程中的自我监控。参与情况,以及学生在学习过程中的自我监控。课

8、程终结考试:闭卷、笔试。(考试题型学期课程终结考试:闭卷、笔试。(考试题型学期末提前告知)末提前告知)命题原则:根据教材所涵盖的电子商务相关知命题原则:根据教材所涵盖的电子商务相关知识以及与教材难度相当的电子商务案例进行命识以及与教材难度相当的电子商务案例进行命题,涉及教材内容不少于题,涉及教材内容不少于50%50%。 Welcome to the world of E-Commerce!Could u give some examples of E-Commerce in our daily life?Electronic Commerce in Life1.Order flowers on

9、line 2.Order dinner online 3.Order air tickets online 4.Online Shopping 5.Online TradingOrder flowers onlineOrder dinner onlineKey words:1、OTAKU 宅男宅女宅男宅女2、Just-in-time home service 宅急送宅急送Order air tickets onlineOnline ShoppingOnline TradingUnit 1 What Is Electronic Commerce?Definition of ECDefinitio

10、n of EBFramework of ECClassification of ECThe Future of ECWhat Is Electronic Commerce?1. Communications2. Commercial(Trading) 3. Business processEC is the process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and information via computer networks, including the Internet. EC can

11、 be defined from the following perspectives:4. Service 5. Learning6. Collaborative7. CommunityWhat is Electronic Business?A broader definition of EC, not just the buying and selling of goods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, conducting e-learning, and

12、conducting electronic transactions within an organization. E-C Applications Direct Marketing Search Jobs Online Banking E-Government E-Purchasing B2B Exchanges C-Commerce M-Commerce Auctions Travel Online Publishing Consumer Services PeopleBuyers, Sellers, Intermediaries, Service, IS People, and Man

13、agement Public PolicyTaxes, Legal, Pricacy Issues, Regulations, and Techical StandardsMarketing and AdvertisementMarket Research, Promotions, and Web ContentSupport Services Logistics, Payments, Content, and Security System DevelopmentBusiness ParternershipsAffiliate Programs, Joint Ventures, Exchan

14、ges, E-Marketplaces, and Consortia Support Services 1. Common Business Service Infrastructure 2. Messaging and Information Distribution Infrastructure 3. Multimedia Content and Network Publishing Infrastructure 4. Network Infrastructure 5. Interfacing Infrastructure Infrastructure ManagementA Framew

15、ork for ECClassification of ECBusiness-to-Business (B2B)Business-to-Consumer (B2C)Business-to-Business-Consumer (B2B2C)Consumer-to-Business (C2B)Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)Peer-to-Peer Applications Mobile Commerce Intra-Business EC Business-to-Employees (B2E) Collaborative Commerce Nonbusiness EC E-L

16、earning Exchange-to-Exchange (E2E) E-GovernmentHave you ever imagined that what it would be like in the future ? CommerceThe Elements of CommerceThe Dell ExampleThe Lure of E-CommerceBuilding an E-Commerce SiteImplementing an E-Commerce SiteUnit 2 How E-Commerce WorksCommerceCommerce is, quite simpl

17、y, the exchange of goods and services, usually for money.CommerceBuyersSellersProducersretailerswholesalers/distributorsThe Elements of Commercea product or servicea placea way to get people to come to ur place (marketing)a way to accept ordersa way to accept moneya way to deliver teh product or ser

18、vice (fulfillment)a way to accept returnsa way to honor warranty claimscustomer service and support departmentsThe Elements of ECA product.A place to sell the product - a Web Site.A way to get people to come to ur Web Site.A way to accept orders - online form.A way to accept money - merchant account

19、/traditional billing online or through the mail.A fulfillment facility to ship products to customers.A way to accept returns.A way to handle warranty claims if necessary.A way to provide customer service.A Good Example - Dellone of the most successsful e-commerce companiesa straightforward companyst

20、arted as a mail-order companysell much merchandise over the WebThe Lure of E-CommerceLower transaction costs.Larger purchase per transaction.Intergration into the business cycle.People can shop in different ways.Larger catalogs.Improved customer interations.Building an E-Commerce SiteSuppliersYour p

21、rice pointCustomer relationsThe back end: fulfillment, returns, customer serviceOther desirable capabilities: gift-sending, affiliate programs, special discounts, repeat buyer programs and seasonal or periodic sales.Implementing an E-Commerce SiteEnterprise computing immensely high traffic a large database that holds ur catalog of products a complicated sales cycle other business processesVirtual hosting servicesSimplified e-commerceThank you !



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