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1、Body languageBody languageShowing our feelingsPage 2How do we show our feelings usually?How do we show our feelings usually?facial expessionsgesturesPage 3Look at theLook at thesese facial expressions facial expressionshappysadfrightenedangrycuriousgreedyPage 4Body languageBody languageWhat is body

2、language?A powerful means of communicationEven more powerful than spoken languageWhat can body language show?All kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes.stop!Pray/ please!Hello/ Nice to meet U!Page 5smileshow happinessput people at easeThe most universal facial expressionThe most universal facial ex

3、pressionPage 6The most universal facial expressionThe most universal facial expressionsometimes falseHide angerHide angerfearfearworryworrylose face lose face Page 7Unhappy or angerUnhappy or angerfrowningturning ones backmake a fist and shakePage 8Other expressionsOther expressionsagreementdisagree

4、mentinteresteduninterested or boredPage 9Body languageCultural differencesGreetingsPage 10Vocabularies and phrases statementgreetrepresentassociationdormitoryflightcuriousColombiaapproachcheekmajormisunderstandingJordandashadultspokenunspoken陈述;说明迎接;问候代表;象征社团;联系宿舍飞行;航班好奇的哥伦比亚接近;靠近面颊主要的误解;误会约旦猛冲;突进成人

5、;成年人口语的非口语的Page 11SpainItalylikelycrossroadsfacialfunctioneasetrulyfalselose faceangerfistyawnsubjectivehugrankdefend againstin generalbe likely toat easeturn ones back to西班牙意大利可能的十字路口面部的作用;功能安逸;舒适真实地;真正的错误的;假的丢脸怒气;怒火拳头打呵欠主观的拥抱等级;军衔背对很可能.总的来说;通常保卫.以免受舒适;自由自在Page 12Skiming Divide the text into 3 part

6、s and match the main idea with each part. Part 1(Para 1)examples of some body languagesThere are differences in body language, and its important for us to know them.Body language is sometimes more important than spoken language. Part 2(Para 2-6) Part 3(Para 7-8)Page 13The writing outlineMain idea: P

7、oints: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Showing happinessShowing unhappiness or angerUniversal body language to show agreement or disagreementUniversal body language to show boredomUniversal body language to show respectBody language has many universal gestures.Page 1414SHOWING OUR FEELINGS表达我表达我们的情感的情感 Body language

8、is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language.身体语言是最强有力的交际手段之一,甚至经常比口头语言更有力量。 People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud.世界各地的人们表达各种各样的情感、愿望和态度,他们可能从来不会大声地说出来。 It is possible to read o

9、thers around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. “读懂”我们周围的人的意思是有可能的,即便是人们并不想让我们捕捉到他们没有说出来的信息。 Page 1515Of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are universal.当然,身体语言可能会被误读,但是很多手势和动作都具有普遍性。 The most universal facial expression is,

10、 of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. 第二段:第二段:最最普遍普遍通用的面部通用的面部表情当然是微笑表情当然是微笑其作用是表示其作用是表示快快乐和安人心境。和安人心境。 It does not always mean that we are truly happy, however. 然而微笑并不总是意味着我们是真的快乐。 Page 1616Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like an

11、ger, fear or worry. 世界上的微笑可能是假的,用来掩盖其他情绪,比如生气、害怕或烦恼 There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone loses face and smiles to hide it.还有不愉快的微笑,比如当某人“丢了面子”就会用微笑来掩饰。 However, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.但是,微笑的一般目的就是表达好的情绪。 Page 1717From the time we are babies, we show unhappi

12、ness or anger by frowning. 第三段:第三段:从孩提时候起,我们就通过皱眉来表示不高兴或者愤怒。 In most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger. 在世界上大多数地方,皱眉或者背对着某人都表示发怒。 Making a fist and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.把手握紧,朝着别人晃拳头几乎总是意味着愤怒并且

13、威胁别人。 Page 1818There are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement, almost worldwide. 世界上有很多方式用来表示同意,但是几乎全世界都用点头来表示同意。 Most people also understand that shaking the head from side to side means disagreement or refusal.大多数人也知道摇头表示不同意或拒绝做某事。 Pa

14、ge 1919How about showing that I am bored? 第四段:第四段:如何来表示我很厌烦呢? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested.在多数情况下,把眼光从人们身上移开或者打个哈欠,会使我看上去(对此人或此事)不敢兴趣。 However, if I turn toward and look at someone or something, people from almost every culture will think

15、 that I am interested. 但是如果我转身并看着某人或某物,几乎每一个文化背景的人都会认为我(对此人或此事)感兴趣。 Page 2020If I roll my eyes and turn my head away, I most likely do not believe what I am hearing or do not like it.如果我转动着眼球,把头扭到一边,很可能是我不相信或者是不喜欢所听到的话。Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general i

16、t is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. 第五段:根据每一种文化,对人们表示尊重都是带有主观性的。但是一般来说,拥抱你的老板或老师很可能是不妥当的。 In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank. 几乎在每一种文化里,站得离级别更高的人太近都不太好。Page 2121Standing at a little distance with open hands wil

17、l show that I am willing to listen.站得有一定的距离,把手微微张开,会表示我愿意倾听。 With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.最后一段:人们之间的文化差异如此之多,但好在身体语言有一些相似之处。 We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as

18、well as we do!尽管我们常常会彼此误解,但我们仍能做到彼此理解,这真是件令人惊奇的事!Page 22Answer the following questions: 1. How can we know others feelings, even if they do not speak to us?The body language. We can watch their eye contacts, facial expressions, body movements and gestures.Page 23 2. Why should we be careful with our

19、 body languages?We should be careful of our own body language, as we must be sure not to be impolite in other cultures, and we need to communicate without being misunderstood.Page 24Sample letter:Dear Lin Pei, I noticed this morning that you seemed very upset. It looked as if you had been crying. Wh

20、en I asked you what was wrong, you put your head down. Im sorry if I embarrassed you. I just want to help! friends namedescribe the body language that you noticedPage 25 Is there anything wrong? I heard that your mum has been ill and that you are very tired from doing all the housework. Is that true

21、? ask if something is wrong, perhaps make some guessesPage 26 I really would like to help you if I can. Can I come and help you with your housewok or with your homework? Please let me help you. We are good friends. offer to help; remind him/ her that you are a good friend Yours, Xiao Lingclosingyour name



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