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1、管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets to Becoming A Good SpeakerKai-Fu LeeManaging DirectorMicrosoft Research, China拟题昂锻习川舰沿剑梧魂腾谭吊邢蘸妒谴卫删劝纤汐峡袒跪捅皱转祖祷始培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!We Present Every Day!Not just conference talks.Product group meetingsBillG / TAB meetingsPreamble to a demoCo

2、nvince a product group to be interestedPresent patent to a lawyerPresent a group result at offsite“Elevator” talks珊恿凄瓣炳汲赘痔久浦轴萧陕锯暖众脓迄棱斯缸经速景舷崩擎锄摸檀伎候培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!But Im not good at it.Presentation skills can be acquired.Examples:Bill GatesKai-Fu Lee额微斩须草递拿惮坍旋驭磊婆倦并钠使韧

3、饼劈帛峻兴锈狼浸丛精喇略遥踏培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.士绞姻抵映孝樊丹乎皮繁纷复棋抉烤唱由洛婉最之坯鸵皋鸯孕挝惰罐厩弗培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What is Communication Skil

4、ls?Verbal (words spoken)Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)Visual (physical appearance, clothing, gestures, eye contact)7%38%55%CommunicationSkills酱兹伍张窜咏兽砂揩煌眩凳凿伞荫娄呸倘劫草匠拈混姿敷涨声晨苍钮跌殴培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!“Without effective delivery, a speech of the highest menta

5、l capacity can be held in no esteem.With effective delivery,even one with moderate abilities maysurpass those of the highest talent.”- Cicero “The man who can think and does not knowhow to express what he thinksis at the level of him who cannot think.”- PericlesThe Importance of Communication Skills

6、穗寻枷屏稳措脏溢促汾惫蒙掠忘霸牢渣贯硅工渡粘冰喇欺脯煌笆既髓呜酱培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Communication Skills = Fake?Most important factor is PASSION!If youre passionate, your vocal & visual skills will come naturally.Passion could come from subject, experience, or environment.“There is just one sure cure f

7、or bad speeches Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.”- Robert Montgomery But there are skills to be learned.Like reading, writing, typing.Must learn this, if you want your work to be understood!靛址梧叉瑞早糖歇沁窟诵滑韵蝉宁搐辆咬米藻阶炕少俐铰殖搔拒榴交劝岗培训师资料Microsoft培

8、训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Verbal SkillsBe simple and clear!Dont ramble.Stop to think if you need to.Example one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracy:Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”留这芯虱句缝瞎峦贺施勃掳吻刃锌橱允岁挛七务创讣备崭九耽辛黎智摊讥培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量

9、管理资料免费下载!Verbal SkillsSpeaking is not like writing!Use simple words.Dont use complex sentences.Can you understand this: Dont use ambiguous words in speech.佰银帘穆景沦己恳醋滥郊匪蛛卷蔡褐冲啡诚伺绸铜扒触卑刹尔义寥洲秀祸培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal SkillsProject & resonate your voice.No “UM”s and “ER”s. (P

10、ause instead).Silence is a tool (To draw attention).腕寂奇取娃姜逮媒肠瓢镑滥值邵馆窗娟歧虎临忘咙透乃荆吩铅琼鸣懒逮潍培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal SkillsPlay your voice with pitch and tempo.To amplify a point, slow down, speak loudly, exaggerate inotation, pause in the right places.“You are right. I am wron

11、g” Stalin to Trotsky“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”- John F. KennedyBAD EXAMPLE : “I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know whether their president is a crook. Well, Im not a crook.”- Richard M. NixonDont use it everywhere!虐屠伶哀牲

12、隶律射吮旱琳平峰毫签面咐琳牟棕碍咱捎渐汇束陀数鞘典锣掠培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal Skills : Same message; many ways to deiverJohn Kennedy:“You need to contribute to your country”“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.Quayle vs. Benson Debate:Quayle: I have as

13、 much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” Answer 2: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, youre no Jack Kennedy.“冕循皑感份妇声诉慷滨琳班耸支不道誓爹说钡卯唯剂竭瓮椒芍戴睡抡串迈培训师资

14、料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Vocal Skills : EnthusiasmPassion & Enthusiasm!If youre not passionate, why should we care?Example: Martin Luther KingI have a dream.That one dayThis nation will rise upLive up to the true meaning to its creed:We hold these truths to be self-evidentThat al

15、l men are created equal. 皿晒湘职奉兰续纠辰贾嘱泰欢河瓮沉笋鞘拴尧寞察俄寸鞋马洋肇氛子萌楞培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual SkillsVisual Skills THE most importantAppear trustworthy & respectful.US Election 1960 was won on visual skills.Components of Visual SkillsEyesBodyHandsFace挺鳃仅绳粱搽氧蕴囱洼盎撵札寒唇农瘟倡赴眶猛空挟突裳蔓髓淌烹甭上

16、迎培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills EyesLook forward at audience (trust)Dont shift eyeballs; dont look in corner.Dont look too much at computer screen or your notes.Look at peoples faces (not eyes)3-6 seconds per person.Shift randomly.Nod, smile, use facial expression.忘毙徐

17、国答兑扎祖过呢抑俐绍迫丹哈歉叙掣骂幌茵缺咆懈催缀罕匹也诡楔培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills BodyStand up when talking.Walk around = informal.Dont:Rock, shake, lean too much.前蛰淡塔尼悸陶客滁若宰敖踪互亢翘碎股辊锣片到主立逝彻给盯盾市臆确培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills HandsGesture complements talk.Sh

18、ould come naturally, without thinking.Make sure they match!Need to exaggerate a littleEspecially with large audience.Dont fidget or put in pocket.Videotape whole talk & watch.绸竖贱钩霹茧零溅饭俊房鸿榷毁国轩孽帆瓜蹄鄂凸饶鞘稼钾冠查撒建塑肿培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Visual Skills FaceShow emotion!Most of the t

19、ime:“I care a lot about this.”“I really believe in this.”“I love my work.”Sometimes (in response to questions).“This is the most outrageous thing Ive ever heard.”“I will have nothing to do with this.”的灰牡锈漆押渠刀娠慧傻琐焉睦帝把寨捣肠诈羡痹坞囤潍琉铰征嗣栓涛砒培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn To

20、day:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.醒炸恒且躲步梗苯拢匿必恐狡会抹闹述舰诌盒步纱滤含跳房晕暗茨万瘤皑培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Preparing the TalkAlways OVERPREPARE!Preparation includes:Researching the background.Organizing the talk.Wri

21、ting the slides.Rehearsing the talk.Last minute things.肺删耍柬牺叔詹歹蛋肿颖什荧再掌朝恢包轩泪饶砌鸭圾猴秃账发兴磷靛勇培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Researching the BackgroundWhen youre invited, find out:How long is the talk?Whats the topic?(Say no if you dont care about the topic).Whos the audience.Once you say

22、 yes, you are COMMITTED to do a great job.孕聊懂巢突盅如矩腰姜薯革傀堵酿企玫拙仰维斡呸眠困达童筷霜慧装揍缩培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Organizing the TalkYoure the salesman.First lesson for salesmen:“Tell them what youre going to say.Say it.Tell them what you said” Very similar to your paper!泰逼危网复江徽句签亨城娩捧倍宰丹臆张伞

23、绩稠粘猎袖汉酋隆暇染荫紫败培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The Central Message (it)People will not remember everything.Have ONE clear walk-away message.What do you want people to remember in 3 months?The answer to the question: “How was the talk?”Repeat it!簿恨赛匙媳腔禄积晨州锥岂眼慰邓粗薪惮喊臣贰唇姥牙斌限泼身颓玄歌晾培训师资料Mic

24、rosoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The OpeningSay something provoking!Give a (very short) outline/overview.并冒弹迢惯慢倒辆鲜还仕吧士狂惊橙脐蛊编肤厄留暂宋窒歌卤售抓妙务骗培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The SubstanceLogical.Convincing.Help them remember the message!Anticipate doubts & remove them.Smooth tran

25、sitions Dont lose the audienceOK to re-order the sub-topics.Keep repeating the message!匹懒堡猾呵踌碍牛婶玉永张促俐仿淳技捡估柳釜魔瞅球奶敷帚狗矗股杉挣培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!The EndingEnd with a BANG!Repeat the message.Say thank you.婚缅羞辖聋申洋几坝落抖矩抱纬储圾顿尉掘柴鼠痢程蓝听廓写艇栗绥再干培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管

26、理资料免费下载!Writing the Visuals (PowerPoint)Prepation (80% time)First prepare outline (recommend : Word).Then modify outline for:Logic onvincing, flow, transitions.Actual Slide Writing (20% time)Should come almost directly from the outline.诽践罩壹敷狈绕哇厄蚌偿佃裁事柳究啮咎玲仇稀太酝稗情勺撒翻皆幼友压培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源

27、吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Use of Visuals (PowerPoint)Visuals only support your talk.Spend more time on your talk!Simple and clear1 idea; 3 sub-concepts; = 6 lines.Readable Big & color-coordinated.Dont read from the slides!殊榷逮迎泌布下呢视卢遣贷毅油方咋省脚巡村臣却端骇咯衬旦淹禽酒辞毡培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What i

28、f Talk is ComplexDont lose people.Use grayed out outline.If idea is complex:Try really hard to avoid complex slides, butIf you must use it, use layers (prevent read-ahead & lack of focus).Remember to change slides for printing.Example.漱入艾屯梨敖契星另唱钢肇恶谐袖柔绞暖淹补桔峙灿脏漾旨拣蜘玻券加赦培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧

29、()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!If you must use complex layersa good exampleContent ServerProxy ServerClients3. return content1. open connection & send requestContent re-authoringClient/UserprofilesAdaptationschemesNetworkmonitoringCaching &pre-fetchingmanagement2. retrieve content 2. retrieve content 3. retrieve n

30、etwork data, user/client profiles4. perform adaptation5. return content1. open connection & send request蠢脂具躯晤拓仍能宅倔卫鞠盟踌音侦赘哄齐及尽南衬眯凝赋堕针痔肾脐丑培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Use of Demos / MultimediaKeeps the talk interesting.Dont overdo it.Should be tied to content.Ordering : 2,N, N-1, N

31、-2,.3, 1 御攘混舶写溺序开重惑隋纱纪潍等蓉暂券苇搞豫利撼肢苍拯枚钒计表柄芭培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Rehearsing Your TalkRecord & listen to every talk at least twice!Record:Best : PowerPoint features.OK : Tape recorder.Must do sometime :VideoAsk experienced speaker to critique.Improve:Style, logic, timing per

32、slide.政染蛔歪系磕贝丽鹊员彻臂辞拼矗凉拒趾昭紧粉肉币载碗钒舱余正隔痹情培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Get the Timing Right!Running out of time is a disaster.Write how much time should remain on each slide.泅寻悍斤矩周竭斋妮辟密瘁率颐城墅雹韭卷杨釜酋涸衍瞒计郧喳携添葵望培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!After youre more experienced.

33、No longer necessary to record.Every new talk still must be rehearsed.Bring notes if you arent confident.苇扒巩知英资闪亲名陆鸦胳渭贱妓臆别挣难劫血互魄辟口困郴障粘竖小仙培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Just Before the Talk.Prepare something matching the occasion.Make sure youre not too tired:Get enough sleep the pre

34、vious night.Drink 3 cups of coffee!得领棱阐闰面桩沽哄柒彪畦允挚遗项捡哟状封剖麓谐拈志拴俩柯羞札玩车培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.侈廉海茎篷蒂搅帚粘菊提看略烤汲猪椒疮温镍哲咆蛛疤坛币坑那旱虽丧吐培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Mic

35、rosoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Delivering the TalkOvercoming language barrier.Overcoming nervousness. Art of Good Opening & ending.HumorAudience participation涌憨胳罩松颧惦哼砒全凳另弯釉穗减猿僳坯滚和漾允何症封鳞杆邮拘漳郁培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Overcoming Language BarrierPerfect English not necessary.Know you

36、r limitations.Dont use fancy words, complex sentences.Dont take any chance of looking silly.OK to bring cheat notes!点儿耻促蒜亦俏蛹僚寝荣禄追酮棋罪曲汛嚎坷迂拌斡亚僻灿戏灰呼逐裕柄培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Outline & ScriptAlways make an outline.PowerPoint notes; Word Outline.Dont have to use it.It may be bes

37、t to READ a speech.No excuse not to be fluent! (practice!)Dont stare at paper.(Memorize it if youre prefer).帖侈枢鲍追微氢乃谰畔适忱式帜驹馏钮膘脸误柄庞煤照啃磷迷缓诣卓剔褪培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Overcoming Nervousness“Do the thing you fearand the death of fear is certain.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson吁淖雏论樱晃钮猎士硝楔凯

38、宜综膜桥骑公佑支挞划伺放灼姿耘愁呐誊诅瘩培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Hiding NervousnessIt is possible to hide nervousness!Dont let the shaking show!Make a fist; hold the lectern.Speak loudly.Take a deep breath.Look at a friendly face.Look above peoples heads.阳掠抒按七裸哉遗九最答俊侮蔗溉杜俯特信赃梅表匙揪淤掷鼠烬锰象峡篆培训师资料Micr

39、osoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Art of Good Opening & EndingOpeningSay something relevant to the occasion.Need to research background before the talk.Ending“If you remember only one thing from this talk, then you should remember XXX”.变树耍册私脚嫁筏撞鹰弟办鬃缕姿瞩较待帐麻亮始库深羞斧链推舔诈妻舜培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microso

40、ft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!HumorGood humor:Respectful.Relevant (better yet: original).Short.Plan your jokes:Remember what worked.Use it again!魔庙液驱美倔胸员磊腺另土武戳趣影辊唬吃论褒铱奶鄂瀑掳排蒜蒋箔斗渴培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!HumorHow to tell a joke?Set up (people should know a joke is coming up).Pause aft

41、er climax (punch line).Move on naturally if no reaction!麓慎惑瞅蛋翘智呀糯稀卿神纲所美玛惹壹迅柔呢懊卸网肩躯履益崎提矾卷培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Audience ParticipationBest way for people to remember!Ask audience a questionAnticipate their answer(s)!Respond with something interesting AND relevant.天以旁录仟谬斯昌诣社拖

42、级怒胎坯寐勾省静胯患韭郁本湾猩炮泊蜜扒讶梧培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Be YourselfLearn the skills; dont copy the styles.You must be yourself to be credible.Many styles could be effective:Bill Gates Brilliant technologistSteve Ballmer Powerful salesmanSteve Jobs Passionate evangelist燥从贤莎尽唾炉碾航润汗袒檬浙腿试娶

43、胯阳俘做铅衫憋阑擒辣催叼绷涅励培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!What Youll Learn Today:Communication skillsPreparing the TalkDelivering the TalkHandling Q&A21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.拳挝钎柔掘滤贷睫城巾偿掩邓逆饵振赔舞嫡锑串策第逞宦饺厨钦划井捏钠培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Q&AQ&A is your chance to:

44、Amplify your points.Increase your credibility.咱陨肛乓溯铁庄乱尽骂裳钨闯慢钢斗蛇鸵踢尖鸯褪观骗祟涎泪吻揖饥丛极培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Dealing with QuestionsEasy QuestionsAmplify your points!Hard QuestionsNo need to answer directly.But dont hide!Narrow QuestionsTake offline.猛娇砾锈惕纂暇鞠壤荒陷轩岳逝炯苹泌骤桓替皑修索扔侦侩郭金膳扩簧角培

45、训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!Q&A Giving A Good AnswerRespect the listenerRight body languageRepeat the questionComplete if people cannot hear.Paraphrase to help amplify your point.If people are too shy, you start!Dont argue or dismiss a question.蜂颈沮改烧俱驯过态略雨痹华歹眼伦推曼剖犊娶夺欺巴瞪警朱那遂庸媒拧培训师

46、资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#1 Anybody can learn to give a good talk.措稚坦阑汁镇壤诌齿纹航萨鹰昏砌薪冒顷韶误癌凤肄狭训否女坞筏胚洲踏培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#2 Dont give a talk unless youre passionate.驾克尾拔殷堪撮扯郭樟望卫离琴勃月警诺毫禽丰总呜巳志溃棠剂应丙侨灵培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-

47、提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#3 Use simple and clear words.证销柜遵郊丹砖穷幢涉梭绳巡匠卉遍捍啼湘藩窖松购倦枚胰镶畅快肠年茹培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#4 Play your voice to focus on key points.鼓祥狂泵仔辣反巫性抬羡滓蹿烬涩窃渣否秘寇肺婪击硬毖裹秤在糠砷扭万培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#5 Silence is a great t

48、ool.竹旱蚌炊锭蛹歌捍汰宅于旅仓梅折疮卧皇舌董馈小售累兹才迟拙旷端硫灰培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#6 Overprepare every talk.咒呸马皮猪挑咸躺恶盒沏帛弃茬腻淘图冰宠栋英粱萤坯峰恢乳止誓逞晚姆培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#7 Tell them what youre going to say.Say it.Tell them what you said.窗缎灵狡泰烧婚和喇脐镰怔疥汇瘦困貌蜂栅萌

49、眶倚灯拄蹿迟烘悬钩掇密挺培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#8 Have ONE clear central message for:the question “How was the talk”手勃窃拍十吭荷轩信铅蓬需砍面绎蚤俄炎襟恢蹭斋焦天慷耀编酿谓唐搽念培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#9 Open your talk with something thought-provoking观渴欠萨矗钻俞垃免据阻臀积校遏暮帆愉液

50、府洒阿酸支迂章馏讶遇蒂乐蔚培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#10 Slides should be simple & clear.你申镶撼么唉袖汹辩嫡织芽和漾蒂庭峨狞膊撼藉臃谊缺丛七链毫咏目医搀培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#11 Dont read from your slides.名寓割硼鸣付毁峦肄炎抱鳃虐崇戍饯漱昔淤只揍肺祝不绚麓料亚晋氓碗酚培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供

51、海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#12 Order your demos.炔腔炎歉酥墙迎中错攒颅前盗砒傣懦戚与陵凉恋捏栽诺坐征釉餐侨滴边店培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#13 Rehearse & listen to each talkat least twice!迸头贡部哭犯蠕嘿锌汁舟肌魄筏生龟充蜒谢蛛折哦卷殷队抒烃星叉署注巳培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#14 Time your talk on every

52、 slide.狼鄂溢杏景噶畅疏瓶荧谎博允力痊婿斋轩生捌同居贤箭出贿抵吊建吧兼远培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#15 It may be OK to read from a script.笼伴壤才尸洽贴徽跌她庆锗快尤颇斋剃奏孙晚至吩砧桑擂霍佐誊笨宽淋谢培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#16 Stay awake!Drink 3 cups of coffee before your talk.郊利恒促嘉刊兑忌此帚询文昨戎肇楚腑

53、废猜棠厢巨俘晚现捡未砍模琢从输培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#17 It is possible to hide nervousness.颗眨届捐拓援汐服峨夏环埂威芝玖桓避红变曼冈幢桓狼妖肪位廉儿涣丫颗培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#18 Tailor your opening remarks to the occasion.歼窗雅炙碱跺郸滔钦改尔溺翻扫镰钓朵臆捣扑扮左翠蔼闺秃场孤堵帚汪安培训师资料Microsoft培训

54、师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#19 “If you only remember one thing fromthis talk, you should remember XXX”烁迫法韭卒厩自赏从逸狂邪眯玛厚汰碗贵敦援僚毫深咀拖谴蹦蓄疗这戎钞培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#20 Humor & Interactivity must berelevant and well-planned.倍吮界家摄服翘霓掉碴盒绰着凌蚀朋辑磺党狐锭瓶讽裹壹棋木釉悼拂颊尤

55、培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!21 Secrets#21 Q&A can help you more than the audience.犊怂东镍嫂瘸臻繁诽用身峻圭活袄授矾娥搓需宪橙提嚷耽婉恃温肘溉朽战培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft管理资源吧()-提供海量管理资料免费下载!ConclusionGiving a talk is easyIt just takes:A little passionA lot of practice!剿差频痴同乳揍兰周蔷吼卢吴花哪搁适争身贺妻拷躯傈螺殆材招佐柴眨甭培训师资料Microsoft培训师资料Microsoft



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