2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》(外研版全国通用)

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《2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》(外研版全国通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 6《Films and TV Programmes》(外研版全国通用)(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件外研版全国通用Module 6 Films and TV Programmes必修必修2have no / some / much / little interest in 对没有/有些/很大/几乎没有兴趣show / lose interest in 表现出/失去对的兴趣be interested in 对感兴趣词汇点击词汇点击1. interest vt. 使感兴趣; n. U兴趣,趣味;利息; C利益,福利,权益 词汇点击词汇点击1. interest vt. 使感兴趣; n. U兴趣,趣味;利息; C利益,福利,权益 This boo

2、k interests me.这本书引起了我的兴趣。It may interest you to know that Bill will be leaving next week.比尔下周就要走了,你也许很想知道吧。 词汇点击词汇点击1. interest vt. 使感兴趣; n. U兴趣,趣味;利息; C利益,福利,权益 完成句子He _ much of his research.他对大部分研究工作失去了兴趣。One should not look after his own _ alone.一个人不应当只顾自己的利益。 lost interest ininterests词汇点击词汇点击2.

3、 argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 argue(with sb.) on / over / about sth. (与某人)辩论/争论某事argue against 反对;显示出与相反的结论,证明是站不住脚的argue for 赞成;为而力争argue sb. into / out of (doing) sth. 说服某人做/不做某事词汇点击词汇点击Why are they always arguing?为什么他们老是争吵?Columbus argued that the earth is round.哥伦布论证地球是圆的。 2. argue vi. 争论;

4、vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debate这四个词均有“争”的意思,但“争”法不同。argue着重就自己的看法或观点,提出论证,同他人“争论”或“辩论”。 We heard them arguing in the other room.我们听见他们在另一个房间里争论。 2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debate另外,argue同with搭配,其后接人;与about连用,其后接事物。 We

5、argued with them about this problem for a long time.就这个问题我们同他们辩论了很长时间。 2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debatequarrel是指对某事不喜欢或强烈不满而发生的“争吵”或“吵架”。 quarrel with sb. about/over sth. 因某事和某人争吵He often quarrels about their housework with his wife.他常为家务事同妻子争吵。 2. ar

6、gue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debatediscuss 指认真交换自己的意见或看法的“讨论”。 Well discuss the use of the articles tomorrow.明天我们将讨论冠词的用法。 2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击词语辨析argue, quarrel, discuss, debatedebate 着重“双方各抒己见”,内含“交锋”的意思。 We have been debating abou

7、t the issue.我们一直在就这个问题进行辩论。 2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击完成句子Jack _ the shirt.杰克劝说我买那件衬衫。 argued me into buying2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击完成句子He argued _ smoking, and insisted that it was _ argument that smoking was harmful to health. A. for; beyond B. against; ov

8、er C. for; over D. against; beyond 【解析】 D argue against 反对; argue for 赞成。句子的后半句:“他坚持说吸烟有害健康已经超出了讨论的范围。” beyond超出的范围。 2. argue vi. 争论;vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明;说服,劝说 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizeaward 用作可数名词时,指“奖品,奖金,奖赏”

9、,侧重按法律与规定而给予的荣誉。用作及物动词时,常有下列搭配:award sb. sth. (for sth.) (因)颁发给某人某物be awarded sth. (for) (因) 被授予 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizeJack received an award for his flower display.杰克的花展得了奖。 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖

10、品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizereward 可用作名词或动词,它的意思特指“报答,报偿,酬谢,奖赏”,重点在于对好行为或者功绩的报答、酬谢。常有下列搭配:receive/be given sth. as a reward 因某事而获得奖赏reward sb. for 因而酬谢/奖赏某人in reward for 为了回报,作为报酬 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were di

11、stributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizeHe will expect some reward after working so hard.他工作很努力,期望会得到报偿。 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizeprize 也意为“奖品,奖金”,但它主要用于表示“获得几等奖”或“获奖金额”,特指在竞争、竞赛中获

12、得的奖,常说win a prize for 因而获奖。 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 The prizes were distributed among five winners.奖品分发给5位优胜者。 词语辨析award, reward, prizeMy sister won the first prize for her singing.我妹妹唱歌获得了一等奖。 词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 完成句子He _ the Nobel Prize for literature.他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。The p

13、olice are offering a big _ for information about the robbery.警方重金悬赏那起抢劫案的破案线索。was awardedreward词汇点击词汇点击3. prize n. 奖赏,奖金,奖品;值得竞争的东西 完成句子A gold medal was _ to the winner and the _ is 10,000 yuan.A. awarded; award B. awarded; rewardC. rewarded; prize D. prized; award A知识拓展词汇点击词汇点击4. entertaining adj.

14、有趣的;使人愉快的 The magazine is both entertaining and informative.这本杂志寓娱乐性和知识性为一体。 entertain vt. 使欢乐,使娱乐;招待,款待entertain sb. to sth. 用招待/款待某人entertain sb. with sth. 用使某人快乐entertainment n. 娱乐,文娱节目;招待,款待to ones entertainment 使某人感到有趣的是知识拓展词汇点击词汇点击4. entertaining adj. 有趣的;使人愉快的 The magazine is both entertainin

15、g and informative.这本杂志寓娱乐性和知识性为一体。 Entertaining people is the most natural thing in the world for her.招待客人对她来说是世界上最自然不过的事情。 They fell in love with each other at first sight.他们一见钟情。 短语精释短语精释1. fall in love with 爱上;喜欢(表动作);非延续,不可与一段时间连用 知识拓展be in love with 爱上;喜欢(表状态);可与时间段连用 They have been in love wit

16、h each other for five years.他们已经相爱5年了。 1. fall in love with 爱上;喜欢(表动作);非延续,不可与一段时间连用 短语精释短语精释单项填空They _ married in 2008 after they _ each other for 4 years.A. got; had been in love withB. was; fell in love withC. got; had fallen in love withD. was; have fallen in love with 1. fall in love with 爱上;喜欢

17、(表动作);非延续,不可与一段时间连用 短语精释短语精释单项填空【解析】 A第一空可用were或got;第二空应用过去完成时态,且be in love with sb. 表状态与时间段连用。 2. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 To my surprise, the plan succeeded.使我吃惊的是,那个计划竟然成功了。 短语精释短语精释2. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 短语精释短语精释知识拓展to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是to ones joy / delight 令某人高兴的是to ones horror 令某人

18、恐惧的是to ones excitement 令某人兴奋的是to ones sadness 令某人悲伤的是in surprise 吃惊地2. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 短语精释短语精释完成句子She looked up _ when I shouted.我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来看。 in surprise2. to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 短语精释短语精释完成句子_, our team lost the game.A. To everyones surprise completelyB. To everyones complete surprise

19、 C. To everyones completely surprise D. To everyone complete surprise 【解析】 B句意:让每个人吃惊的是,我们的队伍竟然失败了。surprise是名词,形容词置于名词之前,修饰该名词。 知识拓展短语精释短语精释3.care about 担心,关心;在乎;喜欢;对感兴趣 The young people should care about the old.年轻人应该关心老人。 take care 当心take care of 照料;关怀;处理under the care of 由管理,在的照料下,在的保护下with care

20、小心,慎重care for 喜欢;想要;关心,关怀;照料 短语精释短语精释3.care about 担心,关心;在乎;喜欢;对感兴趣 完成句子I really _ the students in my class.我的确喜欢我班上的学生。I dont _ going fishing.我对钓鱼不感兴趣。 care aboutcare about 短语精释短语精释3.care about 担心,关心;在乎;喜欢;对感兴趣 完成句子Although he is rich, he doesnt _ his clothes.A. care for B. care aboutC. care of D. c

21、are with 【解析】 Bcare about在此意为“关心,看重”,符合题意,无care with这一说法。 Ask a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is, and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg.句型探究句型探究如果你在街上随意问一个年轻人,谁是美国最著名的导演,你可能得到的答案是史蒂文斯皮尔伯格。 本句是固定句型结构“祈使句and / or陈述句”,意为“做某事,那么就会/ 做某事,否则就会”。在此句型中,陈述句多用将来时态,祈使句

22、相当于一个条件状语从句,有时还可以简化成一个名词短语。例如: 句型探究句型探究Come early and youll see Andy Lau. If you come early, youll see Andy Lau.来早点,你会见到刘德华的。One more hour and Ill get the work finished.多给一个小时,我就会把工作干完的。 句型探究句型探究完成句子_.If you dont hurry up, you will be late again.快点,否则你又要迟到了。One step forward_ you will be able to see what danger you are facing.A. if B. andC. or D. so Hurry up, or youll be late again.【解析】 B这是一个固定句型,即“祈使句and陈述句”。 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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